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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Russell Kanning

Quote from: Revmar on June 27, 2007, 08:13 PM NHFT
I've not posted much lately, but I had to get my name on the list of Brown Supporters.  So, here you are Feds, add me to the list.  Now, I don't plan of shooting anyone anytime soon but that should not matter, right?  I still support the Browns and have now posted on this thread.
amen brother


I heard the same thing Richardr, they were most likely kicked out for trying to set up some sort of security for the Browns home. He has just recently said he took down all of the perimeter security(not sure if there even was any) and doesn't care if they come in. Fact is Ed Brown wont fight back, he is afraid to. He has been all talk for the past ten years and this situation is much the same. If you hooked him up to a polygraph I bet he would say he royally screwed up here and wish he could take it all back. Somewhere inside he honestly made himself believe that thousands from across the country would run to his home and help him out. He convinced himself that the God that he made himself out to be was real. There aren't going to be thousands coming to his aid in this plight of his to go to "war". I honestly feel sorry for Reno, etc because they were duped to believe that his cause was just. When in fact he was using all of them. He loves the attention hes been getting, he thrives on it. Just seeing him put that Paul Revere hat on during an interview made me want to puke. Our founders were hero's in the truest sense of the word, they didn't threaten innocent families with death. The Marshalls aren't trampling on his freedoms, like Ron Paul said he chose the wrong tactic and now he is paying for it. You want to abolish the income tax, vote people into office that want to repeal the 16th amendment, in the meantime vote others into office who want to lower your taxes. The people those morons put into office in 06 giving the Dems a majority aren't going to lower taxes, they are going to raise them. Democrats have always raised taxes, its in their nature. Sorry getting off topic to a degree, guess my point is that Ed Brown is now in a position that he truly regrets, he is praying it all goes away. If it is true that Reno, etc are off the property, and its just Ed and Elaine you can bet that if the Marshalls go in there they will be apprehended easily with no fighting back at all. Id only be concerned about his supporters that are actually at his home. He doesn't have anyone laying in the weeds throughout the state waiting to start killing families of agents, he likes to think he does, but he knows its BS. I'll stop rambling now.

Russell Kanning


Well, the officer in question has finally read the story a few minutes ago. We'll see what happens, I guess.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 28, 2007, 11:50 AM NHFT
Error can we use your article 4 the paper?

Uh, sure, but didn't we miss deadline for this month?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on June 28, 2007, 11:51 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on June 28, 2007, 11:50 AM NHFT
Error can we use your article 4 the paper?

Uh, sure, but didn't we miss deadline for this month?

yes ... but not 4 the important version of the paper ... online


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that :) I wish the print edition was more than once a month.

Russell Kanning



I wish I had a tree farm so I could put up signs that say DO NOT FEED THE TREES.


Quote from: richardr on June 28, 2007, 09:22 AM NHFT
Reno's father and brother were kicked out of the house over the weekend, and Randy Weaver went back to Arkansas after the concert on Saturday.  But does anyone know what the heck happened to Reno? 

It was nice getting regular updates from the Brown house from Reno.  Now it's Anthony updating the MySpace (God, how I hate MySpace) again, and his immature games and temper flares are more than I can stomach.
Thats funny Richardr that you would make such a comment about someone you have no clue what so ever of and those that do will agree "immature games and temper flares" are far from the truth.
Your are not even close.  People get misunderstood so sometimes one most look at actions.  If you do this you may see more then the perspective you wish to label.
I wish you all well.
Much peace always...


All I have to say is this.

There are doers and there are joiners. Ed and Elaine are the doers along with others who have taken a stand in whatever manifestation.

Whatever the outcome, it will breed other doers, however, there will always be more joiners then doers.

If you're a joiner, then don't be blasphemous toward to the doers, encourage thought, provide solutions, but allow the doer to choose the fate of his himself and his joiners.  If you falter in your support, then really you're nothing more than someone who is looking for a club to join, some recognition to gain...  Really no more than those who take an oath to us all, but refuse to honor it.

How can you stand up for a man you don't trust as your leader?  You may say, he isn't my leader I just support him, but if you have jumped on the wagon, in whatever aspect, then you are a joiner.

Throughout history anyone who has went against the grain where it directly affected the powers that be and their archaic ideas, has been persecuted, publicly humiliated, jailed and even killed.

I don't believe in violence but I will not be deterred with it either.  Anything happens to my family all hell will break loose!  That's no threat, that is a promise!

Specially since I have taken the initiative to contact the local authority's there and let them know we are peaceful supporters that don't condone violence and will be there for the 4th.

In fact I think I will go ahead and fax them a picture of my vehicle and plates, along with our driver's license, so that if something bad does happen, the American people will know that innocent people have been murdered. 

Now I know they will just say it's the Browns fault, but the reality of it is, we would be nothing more than collateral damage.


Quote from: Peace on June 28, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on June 28, 2007, 09:22 AM NHFT
Reno's father and brother were kicked out of the house over the weekend, and Randy Weaver went back to Arkansas after the concert on Saturday.  But does anyone know what the heck happened to Reno? 

It was nice getting regular updates from the Brown house from Reno.  Now it's Anthony updating the MySpace (God, how I hate MySpace) again, and his immature games and temper flares are more than I can stomach.
Thats funny Richardr that you would make such a comment about someone you have no clue what so ever of and those that do will agree "immature games and temper flares" are far from the truth.
Your are not even close.  People get misunderstood so sometimes one most look at actions.  If you do this you may see more then the perspective you wish to label.
I wish you all well.
Much peace always...

Jeez, Anthony, why don't you go use the Brown MySpace account to beat up that crazy woman some more?  After all, she's only going blind and dying from terminal cancer, so you and your girlfriend beating her up and making fund of her makes you look really peaceful...

And instead of complaining about false information and rumors, why don't you simply post the answers to the simple questions that people have been asking, such as "Where is Reno?" and "What's new?"


Hell, at this point, I'd like to know what's new.

The massive police patrols around here seem to have dropped off today.


Quote from: error on June 28, 2007, 03:30 PM NHFT
Hell, at this point, I'd like to know what's new.

The massive police patrols around here seem to have dropped off today.

I listened to today's radio show from the archives, and the subject discussed by host Tim Wingate and Elaine Brown were:

1) Minnesota accents
2) Dixie riddle cup level jokes about pres Bush
3) The eight factors of mind control
4) Some religious guy named Ray did a sermon
5) Lots of cursing of Sheriff Prozzo (sp?)

No sign of Ed and no substantive update.

The dog walker guy has a new interview / video:
