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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Quote from: richardr on June 28, 2007, 03:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: Peace on June 28, 2007, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on June 28, 2007, 09:22 AM NHFT
Reno's father and brother were kicked out of the house over the weekend, and Randy Weaver went back to Arkansas after the concert on Saturday.  But does anyone know what the heck happened to Reno? 

It was nice getting regular updates from the Brown house from Reno.  Now it's Anthony updating the MySpace (God, how I hate MySpace) again, and his immature games and temper flares are more than I can stomach.
Thats funny Richardr that you would make such a comment about someone you have no clue what so ever of and those that do will agree "immature games and temper flares" are far from the truth.
Your are not even close.  People get misunderstood so sometimes one most look at actions.  If you do this you may see more then the perspective you wish to label.
I wish you all well.
Much peace always...

Jeez, Anthony, why don't you go use the Brown MySpace account to beat up that crazy woman some more?  After all, she's only going blind and dying from terminal cancer, so you and your girlfriend beating her up and making fund of her makes you look really peaceful...

And instead of complaining about false information and rumors, why don't you simply post the answers to the simple questions that people have been asking, such as "Where is Reno?" and "What's new?"
Thats really silly!
My second reply to her in the first sentence I wrote Reno will reply when able and she just kept on and on.  I even posted that before she asked me in the Lies & Rumors post which I was asked to do.
I have a eye problem as well so I told her there is a display setting her could use which is what I had to do and worked well for me.  From that she blew up.  What people have told me, this is what she does.
She made 2 threats and I exposed it which I was asked to do.  I told her sorry if I came across wrong because I could see she took it way off center.
I do not beat up or make fund/fun of anybody.

There are some things going on that I am not at liberty to talk about which will be brought to light when it is time is the best I can say.  Everyone is ok and very busy.  I know the silence and blackout of info is driving some people nuts but there is a reason for it which is beyond me. Its about to get very silent which is a planned thing.  No matter, I hope people continue to move forward for the good with the cause.
Blessings to all...

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

This is why I am here.... Not the article (even though it is nicely written), but this true story:


I did a search on Elaine and Ed Brown stories because I heard about all this through AFTF, Aaron Russo's webpage.
It is very concerning to me.  I wondered at first if this couple was hired or used to counter the forward marching of peaceful people asking of questions as more and more people have not gotten answers from with their dealing with the irs, their congressmen, etc..
I wondered if it was a scheme to get anyone who may begin to scratch their heads and contemplate if there really is such a law, then maybe someone was setting up a group of people to be known as misbehaving with felon titles, to have harm come to them, to keep the rest of us in line in case we all start to question and not pay the paper dollars or sign those forms under penalty of perjury.  Because Aaron Russo's movie is just a piece of the story of many, many who sit in jail, or separated from loved ones.

I am on the "list" of this thread because I too have questions. The same ones. I am not in New Hampshire, nor do I work for any government agency or as a government contractor, nor the cia. I am me, asking questions in my mind (or our mind)  by reading what others have experienced and seeing many people having similar horrible experiences with a force of no law with guns to keep them all poor.
Have you not seen how much it cost to buy grapes? Nectarines? Peaches? Cherries??? Cheese, Milk, bread?  8 dollars a pound for organic cherries?
This inflation, is what is causing people to question who we should not have to question or answer to about sending extra paper dollars to a war machine and not eat?
Try visiting your children in a town not too far away and paying more for gas than taking a greyhound.
Try not visiting your  elderly parents in a different state because prices are too damn high.
No agent is going to tell me I can not eat or feed my family.
This is why the agents have a list. Because people want to eat and people need their families. People want to be shown the actual law or forget about getting paper things, those disney dollars, because those ration paper dollars are all that are feeding us food.

This could be a whole ploy to round up peaceful people and claim they are supporters of the Brown's.

                         Gather the questioners, for the majority are not awake yet to take notice

One thing is certain, if I am rounded up just for posting what is freedom of speech, the media will report it. It will not be swept under the rug. It is just too big of a story for peaceful people to go by way, sometimes.

I wish the beautiful Elaine and Ed Brown wellness, happiness and truth.
If this is considered anything more than that, we live in a dictatorship, folks.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 28, 2007, 08:08 AM NHFT
sent this to romak as a PM


I wanted to extend a personal apology to you regarding the way you've been treated on this board...particularly considering the fact that you are I believe a New Hampshire resident.  Perhaps there is some breach you've committed that I'm not aware of but from what I've seen you appear to me you have been treated unfairly.   I've made a few requests since mid june trying to get your karma normalized and will likely continue doing so.

I'm glad you are here to provide an alternate viewpoint and am reading most of your posts, though of course I often disagree.   I ask that you not judge the entire movement based on the way some folks have treated you.  And I hope you'll stick around.




Sorry, Dada, I don't get the warm fuzzies for government apologists.  If you want his karma normalized, normalize it yourself.


Quote from: Caleb on June 28, 2007, 06:21 PM NHFT
Sorry, Dada, I don't get the warm fuzzies for government apologists.  If you want his karma normalized, normalize it yourself.

I just want his IP address.


If you've got a problem with me Error I can give you my home address. Its much more direct than an IP address.



Quote from: Romak on June 28, 2007, 06:34 PM NHFT
If you've got a problem with me Error I can give you my home address. Its much more direct than an IP address.

Somewhere in West Virginia, right?



I'll be in W.Va if you need my to check on anyone next week, Dada. =P

Dave Ridley

<<Sorry, Dada, I don't get the warm fuzzies for government apologists.  If you want his karma normalized, normalize it yourself.>>

i dont have admin access.  if anyone wishes to give me such access, I will use it to normalize romak's karma (if I can figure out how)

then we can all applaud him or ding him and it will mean something.

Dave Ridley

so any thoughts on how we should assist error if he gets kidnapped by washington?


Quote from: Romak on June 28, 2007, 06:42 PM NHFT
No brother Im right here in NH.

Well as long as you aren't coming after me with guns then we have no problem. :)

Dave Ridley

thank you for normalizing romak's karma, whoever did it.


I dont know what would give you that impression. Sounds a bit paranoid to me. Heck man I dont even know who you are. Im just here to throw my two cents in. You want to talk outside of the box and show me the "error" of my ways Im always game. We dont go after anyone for any reason. The only time youd have to worry is if you invaded my home at any hour of the day, other than that Im really quite calm  :D Im still waiting for someone to tell me where Im wrong about the Marshalls, and about Mr Brown. So far as I can deduce it really doesnt matter to you all if the Govt is right or wrong, in your eyes they will always be wrong. I base everything on the constitution, and in this case even if I didnt know Ed Brown and what type of man he is Id still say he was wrong with the way he's gone about this whole thing. And Id still say that the Marshalls are right in the way they are handling this whole thing. Heck if Ron Paul wasnt running for President maybe Id write Mr. Moniers name in there.