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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

I'm sure it paid some people just fine...don't think it was supposed to pay for us peons.


I'VE CHARGED THE JUDGE IN ED'S CASE WITH A CRIME.  Now let's see what, if anything, "they"*** do about it.


Maybe an "Information" on the defendants' pink criminal complaint form can be given by: the Concord Police Dept.*** to: Judge McAuliffee for his appearance of arraignment (to plead guilty or not guilty) in Concord District Court on August __, 2007 @ 8:__ o'clock a.m. then trial to answer for a Class B Misdemeanor (fine-only conviction) to the charge of CHAPTER 638 FRAUD, and in particular RSA Ch. 638:14 "Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process" see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/638/638-14.htm in that: Stephen J. McAuliffee, "with a purpose to procure the compliance of another" to wit: Edward L. Brown* of Plainfield, N.H.,. did knowingly send for delivery by Marshal of a bench "warrant" request to arrest him* but which "printed form of a federal...government", although what looks to be valid on its face, is actually "empty" as a "sham" (from the words: "feign", "pretense" and "simulate"), in that such "simulat"ion has no FULL sanction = "Authoritative permission or approval", because although Art.I, Sec.8, Cl.17 U.S. Constitution "Consent" was given to the Feds on June 14 (Flag Day), 1883 by our New Hampshire General Court/Legislature by R.S.A. Ch. 123:1, the Feds** have only PART sanction because they** are in a non-filing status as having NOT filed the proper paperwork as signed with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word, that must be done as mandatory, proof being in the Sept. 10, 2001 certificate of non-compliance to me from Bill Gardner himself.


Maybe McAuliffe can enter an Appearance and Answer that he has checked the Federal Archives on Trapello Road in Waltham, MAss. and found no receipt of such, as the state of New Hampshire MIGHT have lost the 18__ or 19__ federal filing, and ADMIT that for the first Bench Warrant against Ed Brown last year he did NOT know of this RSA 123:1, but since the trial wherein Ed SAID this statute DURING trial, and I did provide a copy of this certificate to (the U.S. Attorney**** DURING trial whereby Federal Rule #36 and State Rule 3.8 he was to deliver same to either the judge +/or the defendant(s) but not(?) done) him +/or his Clerk James R. Starr in WRITING after the trial, on: ___________ there being "ignorance of the law is no excuse", to either the issuance or its continued issuance of feigned validity then I'd agree to a $1.00 fine plus minimum $20.00 penalty assessment, and promise from the judge that he will mark the Case #06-cr-71-01/02 a "mistrial", [possibly after filing a cross-claim against Assistant U.S. Attorney**** Wm. Morse for not alerting him of this exculpatory evidence as required by the rules, Morse licensed as #___________ in the ____________- state Bar Association to maybe have him up on charges for dis-barment. ]

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059. 

P.S. This would be nice if, in the SAME amount of time it took the Lebanon Police Dept. to arrest me (five days, from that Fri., June 15 to Wed., June 20th) that the Concord Police Dept. NOT arrest Judge McAuliffe, but merely serve him with an "Information" from my Report to the Concord P.D. at about 4:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon, June 28th on this, so that said service can be done by Tuesday, July 3rd = five (5) days too. Thank you. Plus to see if the http://www.unionleader.com does a similar top page story of this "investigation", on the 4th day: Mon., July 2nd state-wide edition of their newspaper too, and since there will be no arrest, to see if Channel 9 WMUR-TV in Manchester might show the C.O.P. serving McAuliffe with the "Information."


if the feds are reading these posts (which I think they are) why not comment misleading info and keep them guessing?... instead it seems there is some "juicy" info here..unless you folks have already figured this out.

Free the Browns!

just a thot,


Quote from: kola on June 29, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT
if the feds are reading these posts (which I think they are) why not comment misleading info and keep them guessing?... instead it seems there is some "juicy" info here..unless you folks have already figured this out.

Hm, that never occurred to me. And of course they're reading.


Quote from: kola on June 29, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT
if the feds are reading these posts (which I think they are) why not comment misleading info and keep them guessing?... instead it seems there is some "juicy" info here..unless you folks have already figured this out.

Free the Browns!

just a thot,

kola, Your "if" has been confirmed to me verbally by Gary DiMartino, the "Chief" Deputy Marshal (assigned to here as the expert negotiator from after he dealt with the Indian casino out in Washington State adding slot machines to their Reservation, being a violation of their contract) that although he might not read here, somebody does "inform" him about some of the things that I do write, because Gary calls me on the phone every now and then to say like: Joe - what's up?  I've heard you've been writing nasty things about me.  >:D then me either returning his call +/or visiting his office shortly thereafter, sometimes meeting at Reme's across the street in his Restaurant, because he knows that my main goal here is to make sure that this case gets down to brass tacks, with no blood spilt on either side of not "them" v.s. "us", because "they" really are our public servants, and like in baseball, you can't hit a homerun all the time, (or get a bullseye like in archery) them saying I'm like hitting too many foul balls, ...

...like some other City Councilor like getting a ricochet, but who gets blamed? and why?  Me! and for what? TRYing to get to win the game? If she/ former State Legislator Teri Dudley didn't want to get involved in the game, she should stay home and bake cookies for the local library fund or something. She claims to be a "friend" of Ed & Elaine Brown (in addition to being a past dental customer), but like the saying goes for two phrases, "the proof is in the pudding" as by her NON-check and balance against the Feds, thus trampling on the Brown's Art. 12 rights to protection and taxation are SUPPOSED to be reciprocal, she's seen the EVIDENCE of certificate BUT does nothing but sit on the board, then I say: "with 'friend's like that, who needs enemies?"  8)

And as for your "juicy" word of "Richly interesting" and "lively", let's hope that the juices start flowing over at the Concord P.D. them abuz with activity on not what, but WHEN to serve McAuliffee with the Information, as that service ought to result in some lively or spirit in return, not of the like "To carry off mysteriously or secretly", but to hopefully see to it that the judge has the "courage" in return to ADMIT that what our Secretary of State certified is correct, and say that he is sorry for this RSA Ch. 638:14 "Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process", declare a mistrial, and so to result in maybe the Concord, N.H. District Court judge putting the 20% penalty Assessment or $20.00 whichever is greater in abeyance like maybe when the judge offers to teach this lesson to the cadets over at the Police Academy (PS&T) on Fort Eddy Road, Concord as an example that we do live in the best country in the entire world with these checks and balances, and hopefully some STATEMENT from him BEFORE "Independence Day" when we can ALL celebrate, on both sides of this case.

Thank you "very" much!


Heh. I don't need them to verbally confirm anything (though it would be a really interesting conversation if they called me). I can watch them read the forum. :)


Quote from: error on June 29, 2007, 10:20 AM NHFT
Heh. I don't need them to verbally confirm anything (though it would be a really interesting conversation if they called me). I can watch them read the forum. :)

Thanks error.  Then if and when "they" do something stupid, you can I.P. them as having read whatever on that day and time from that location controlled by: ____________ as clocked in during that day/night before punching the time clock, so that there is no excuse for them having been put into that "culpable" mental state for the element of "knowingly" or with a "purpose" in whatever criminal charges might be forthcoming as co-con"spirit"ors with whoever. Thank you.


Yes, the last I heard there were over 100 people at the Browns...and an expected 500-700 on the 4th of July...all peaceful folks.

And a few of us common folks have been investigating some of the Feds. It seems one married white male is a frequent visitor of strip clubs. Hmm, I wonder if that is during work hours...and does the wife and kids know what Daddy is up to?

I wonder how the Feds are enjoying their hotel accomodations. The names they register under are quite creative. How was the pizza guys? My buddy made them and accidently sneezed on a few of them. He wiped off what he could. It is a good thing he didn't put those rat droppings on it like he did to the last order from the Feds. May I suggest Subway next time.

Bon appetit'



Rumor has it that Randy Weaver has purchased a small plane.

and I heard Ed and Elaine have underground tunnels. Very cool!



Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter to Dick Marple of Hooksett (State Rep. Retired from the N.H. State Police too) of yesterday morning, Thu., June 28th '07 @ 11:10 AM when he wrote about this "Subject: Tax Lien info and the difference between US Marshal & US Marshal Service" whereupon my 11:10 AM printout at 90% upped to 110% at KINKOs from my hotmail account, I did add in my handwriting above it that reads: "To: The Concord Police Dept., RE: Report of Crime of: 'Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process" (RSA Ch. 638:14) 'issued' by: Judge Stephen McAuliffe (withOUT RSA Ch. 123:1 authority), From: Joseph S. Haas, Date: Thu., 28 June '07 @ __:_ p.m." (delivered to there by me at about 4:00 p.m.)

The reply was to Dick at armlaw at hotmail dot com, and dsthilaire at mcao dot net (for Dan St. Hillaire, the Merrimack County Attorney), with cc: to kristensenz at yahoo dot com (for the http://www.unionleader.com ) and msk at cmonitor dot com (for Margo Sanger-Katz at the http://www.concordmonitor.com ) plus I did add Patrick_Riot2003 at Juno.com )


--Thank you for the attachment entitled 'The U S Marshals' by Patrick_Riot2003 at Juno.com where at page 13 of 26 can be found Title #___ U.S. Code 'Section 566. Powers and Duties. (a) It is the primary rule and mission of the United States Marshal Serice to provide for the security and to obey, execute, and enforce ALL ORDERS of the 'United States District Court'" (emphasis ADDed for every one even if unlawful +/or illegal!?) but see the copy of Stephen Robert Monier's actual oath of office of May 20th, 2002 on Form UUSM-1 (Rev. 12/00) that reads of to 'execute ALL LAWFUL PRECEPTS' (emphasis ADDed).

--As you can see they are NOT the SAME!  Section 566 I think is based upon the belief that EVERY precept issueing out of the courts WILL be lawful, but what happens when there is an unlawful +/or illegal court?  as in for when that federal officer does NOT file the required documentation under his signature with our Secretary of State, Bill Gardner as by the 'shall' word in N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17, U.S. Constitution. (re: for the legal and lawful respectfully) This statute BTW Effective on 'Flag Day', June 14, 1883.

--On Tuesday, June 26th, Bill Gardner was empowered by the failures of the governor, Senate President, and House Speaker to 'act' by their RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office and Article 84 promise to: faithfully and impartially discharge and perform ALL duties incumbent", (emphasis ADDed) which incumbent word is defined as required and obligatory, the word in Art. 41 being 'responsible' and so accountable as in Art. 8, Pt. 1st & Bill of Rights for an answer as to WHY he is not starting an 'appropriate court action or proceeding brought in the name of the state (to) enforce compliance with...(this) legislative mandate' by the 'shall' word that 'must' be done, as evidenced by these certificates of Sept. 10, 2001 + of Jan. 11, 2007 that I did give a copy of one to the governor, in hand at that Wed., _______ __, 2007 G&C @ 10:__ o'clock a.m. with his reply that he would get back to me, but has yet to do so in an Art. 14 'prompt' amount of time, and so which FAILure amounts to him being 'incapacit'ed or dis-qualified to 'act as governor' and so the Secretary of State now 'shall act as governor' and especially as it regards this RSA 123:1 filing, of him to either: offer his hand in welcoming the Feds into this state, but marking them as tardy and late, or set his pen to paper that he endorses my criminal complaint as follows:

--To: The Concord Police Dept.: Here is my official complaint, in writing that you please investigate and then charge Stephen J. McAuliffe, who did issue the bench warrant for the Arrest of Ed Brown since it is an RSA Ch. 638:14 'Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process': a Class B. Misdemeanor, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/638/638-14.htm as evidenced to the phrase 'embraces courthouses' in the U.S. Attorney Manual over at http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm in the 'Dravo also' paragraph.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).  Founding Member of: V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System].

pc: The Area Prosecutor, at the Concord District Court; Stephen R. Monier, U.S. Marshal; Stephen J. McAuliffe, Judge; James R. Starr, Clerk; Edward L. Brown, Plainfield; The Sullivan County Commissioners; The Sullivan County Attorney; The Sullivan County Sheriff; Thomas P. Colantuono, U.S. Attorney; Gov. John H. Lynch, and his counsel: Kelly Ayotte, A.G.; All Five Executive Councilors and their secretary, plus their legal counsel, Bud Fitch, Deputy A.G.; The N.H. State Police, Attn: Col. Frederick Booth; Senate President Sylvia Larsen, + House Speaker, Teri Norelli; & VOCALS, Inc. Treasurer Hank Amsden (also: Bill Gardner, Secretary of State).

P.S. Dan St. Hillaire, Merrimack County Attorney - Dan, I'll drop by with your copy of the attachments this afternoon; plus: Kristen Senz, and Margo Sanger-Katz, of the http://www.unionleader.com and http://www.concordmonitor.com respectfully, I'll leave a copy for each of you in the Room 116 Press Roopm at the State House.

cc: by mail to: William E. Bordley, Associate General Counsel/ FOIPA Officer, Office of General Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, United States Marshals Service, Washington, D.C. 20530-1000, RE: Freedom of Information Act Request No. 2007USMS10259 Attn: Tracy Rogers, 203: 307-9056 with thanks and a question of WHY the difference in Sec. 566 from the 'lawful' in the actual oath?

footnote: In reference to the liens, see the Morsell case, 91 US 357 (1875), 23 LAW ED. @ p. 437 in that a "lien AROSE from the power to issue a writ of elegit' (emphasis ADDed).  The word elegit, in Henry Campbell BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 5th edition (c)1979 @ p. 467 is: 'He has chosen' as in the Plaintiff has chosen to be called a 'tenant by elegit' to hold a moiety of half (fifty percent, 50%) of the freehold land, till out of the rents thereof the debt be levied or until the defendant's interest be expired.  And applicable to an election by the defendant too, per our entry into the union of states and contract in 1789 by the U.S. Constitution to these 'equal' rights by the 14th Amendment that 'was declared in force July 28, 1868', see also: Article 90, Pt. 2, N.H. Constitution. Thus the gov't can take the apples, or in other words of UP TO half the crop FROM the tree, BUT never the tree! when that tree or corporation is producing revenue, and when the gov't shuts down the operation, and steals the building it does so both unlawfully and illegally, then they/ the gov't ought to forfeit any claim of debt (as a tax, in its essential characteristics is NOT a debt! see the N.J. case in BLACK's 5th @ p. 1307) and instead PAY $damages! for their wrongs!! to the real victims." http://www.state.nh.us

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

Dave Ridley

What do you guys think of this idea:

Fasting in front of Ed Brown's property until he rescinds his warning of revenge killings.

advantages I see:

While there, one could double as a deterrant to Federal raids (every additional body complicates their calculations, especially if that body is there, in a sense, to protect them).
A person fasting would draw more visitors to the driveway
Those people would do other constructive things while in the area (I have some ideas)
It would trigger more media coverage of the situation and change the tone of the coverage away from machine guns and militias
It would remind the public that there is a strong peaceable element in this movement, and that the movement has a conscience
It could help draw government workers (and the public) over to our side
It closely follows the Gandhi pattern (his fasts were mostly against his allies, not his opponents)
It would help address the legitimate concerns of those who oppose Ed's warnings.  It would prove that we are doing something about it while they are just complaining.
It would provide a new type of mouthpiece for opposing Federal action


It could be perceived as turning "against" the Browns
Ed could rescind his warnings without meaning it
If Ed did not rescind his warnings within a few weeks...
- it could be used as an excuse to raid the home....
- The fasting person could die or suffer long term health consequences
- It could divide the movement, or be perceived as a division

As with all my ideas lately....I may or may not do this myself.  It depends on my schedule and on whether this idea turns out to be the best one.



Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 29, 2007, 11:33 AM NHFT
--On Tuesday, June 26th, Bill Gardner was empowered by the failures of the governor, Senate President, and House Speaker to 'act' by their RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office and ....

Sorry, I forgot to add in Article 49 here, but anyway it's in this 5-page packet (costing only 5-cents per page x 5 = 25-cents = one quarter, thanks to Capitol Copy).

Here's a re-type of: (1) My CLAIM to the governor; (2) my CLAIM to the Senate President & House Speaker; and (3) my CLAIM to the Secretary of State.


--We, the undersigned, both individually and as a group, make this demand upon the governor, John H. Lynch for New Hampshire to please enforce your Article 41 + 51 powers by the N.H. Constitution, Part the Second, to promptly enforce compliance with this legislative mandate by the 'shall' word to require the federal government at Pleasant Street, Concord, to either file or get out of this state, as currently invaders they are, and suggest a proceeding by stating in an Article 32 Petition, as House Rule 36 endorsed by a State Representative to the General Court for the House Speaker to process by House Rule 4 over to the appropriate committee that we think would be the House State-Federal Relations Committee.

Dated this 20th day of June, 2007" Signed by: Joseph S. Haas, Bernie Bastian, Ed Brown, Randy Weaver, Elaine Brown, Cirino Gonzalez, and more.

"NOTICE  - - Failure to act accordingly in an Art. 14 'prompt manner within twenty-four (24) hours of delivery to you or your office, during the business week will mean to us that you are: incapacitated: 'legally ineligible' or dis-qualified to hold your office and so similar claims will be presented down the Art. 49 chain-of-command respectfully to: 'the president of the senate', 'the speaker of the house, 'the secretary of state', and 'the state treasurer'.

Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, 603: 848-6059 * Thu., 21 June '07 @ 4:27 p.m."

(2) (a) "To: Sylvia B. Larsen, Senate President, 107 North Main Street, Room 302, Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 271-2111 sylvia.larsen at leg.state.nh.us  RE: CLAIM FOR YOUR ART. 49 ENFORCEMENT OF RSA 123:1

Dear Sylvia:  - Since the governor is in default of his Article 41 powers, would you please assert them as indicated on the photocopy of the attached CLAIM by us of June 20th, 2007.

Thank you, - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302 603: 848-6059 JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com  Friday, June 22nd, 2007 @ 4:27:30 o'clock p.m.

P.S. Your 'prompt' action by Art. 14 is demanded by the very nature of the word prompt= without delay, delay = postpone, post = after, ponme = meal, and since today is a Friday, then by 4:28 p.m. Monday, June 25th or else a similar letter against you and for the House Speaker to go further down this Article 49 chain-of-command.

pc: Gov. John H. Lynch."

(2) (b) The copy of (a) above was re-marked with: "then To: The House Speaker, Teri Norelli" by my x-ing out the Sylvia name and my replacing it with the "Speaker" title, amending it that: "Since the governor and President are in default of their Article 41 powers, would you please assert them...." and delivered to her office by me at 4:28 p.m. on Monday, June 25th '07.

(3) E-mail to Bill Gardner at: Elections at sos.state.nh.us at 2:10 PM Tue., June 26th '07 reading: "To: William M. Gardner, Secretary of State, State House, Room 204, Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 271-3242  Dear Bill:

--Enclosed please find a photocopy of: (1) my claim to the governor, and (2) my claims to both: (a) the Senate President, and; (b) the House Speaker; all of whom are 'incapacitated' and so would you please assert your Art. 49 powers to tell the Feds over at Pleasant Street here in Concord, New Hampshire to: either file the RSA 123:1 papers as from Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution, or back-off their harassment of our citizens Ed & Elaine Brown of Plainfield, in Sullivan County, plus through any 'appropriate...proceeding' as I've suggested and/or another, like maybe with the Executive Councilors and/or with their Deputy Attorner General ___________ as their legal counsel to 'counsel' the governor to do his job, as likewise to second ny his counsel: The Attorney General: Kelly Ayotte herself.

--Your 'attend'ance at tomorrow's G&C* @ 10:30 a.m.+ at the S.H. is requested by me, in accordance with Art. 68, Pt. 2, N.H. Const. to further require to and from them if need be the case.

--Notice will be sent to The Hanover Insurance Company in Worcestrer, MAss. by first filing a claim to The Ferdinand Ins. Co. in Manchester, N.H. should you decide to forfeit your Art. 70, Part Second, N.H. Constitution to R.S.A. Chapter 5:1,I penal bond of: $10,000 for what is supposed to be a 'punctual performance' of your trust.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).  By personal/office delivery @ exactly: 4:29 o'clock p.m. today.

pc: Catherine A. Provencher, State Treasurer, 25 Capitol Street, Room 121, State House Annex, Concord, N.H. 03301, Merrimack County, 603: 271-3922 ap at treasury.state.nh.us

RE: RSA Ch. 6:3 Bond in the amount of $200,000 for 'the faithful discharge of the duties of the office.'

* Governor & Council, before the Public Hearing participation by me on the BFA, Agenda item #1, to find out the rules of operations there, that any contempt by me against them the penalty for which is limited to ten (10) days by Articles 22+23, Pt. 2, N.H. Const., and that I have a 90+ day credit, for them to take executive notice of this both verbally and in writing, otherwise I will not be talking more 'certificate' stuff, but resort to this 'action.'"

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

P.S. David, re: your fasting idea, that sounds great, as in for every day of fast by us, we ought to expect it of our public servants too, and I give you the example of what used to be "Fast Day" here in New Hampshire every April 30th, up to 198__ when it was repealed.  The original purpose for which was to fast and pray for our then ailing governor, but who died anyway. [ And now we have Carol Channing singing, Oh Governor, So Glad to see you Back for where you belong"?   ::) in the tune of "Hello Dolly" , hey! I used to play the trumpet back then for that song, maybe to offer to play taps at _______'s funeral? yup, I was going to put in somebody name or title, but decided not to, while still out on bail  :icon_pirat: ] The point being that N.H. government action is supposed to be done in a "prompt" time frame, (see Art. 14 in the P.S. to my #(2)(a) above for Senate Pres. Sylvia Larsen). Even Linda Dalianis, one of the N.H. Supremes told us all at "The People's Law School" in Representative's Hall in Concord 199__ us graduates getting The People's Law School T-shirts as our reward, that theoretically after any charge of offense, we are supposed to get our first bite of the apple in a morning District Court by a judge trial, with appeal rights to a jury trial in Superior Court that afternoon, and any issues of law decided therefrom on a second appeal to the Supremes for an opinion by the "even"ing, because that's why it's called EVEN-ing, to even things out BEFORE sunset.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 11:51 AM NHFT
Fasting in front of Ed Brown's property until he rescinds his warning of revenge killings.

My immediate impression is that it's a good idea. This entire situation has a lot of people in a quandry. The Brown's are being treated horribly but I don't think Ed's making his case very well. Besides that, his threats of violence go far beyond what I find an acceptable reaction. We're all being painted with a broad brush by supporting them (and I still do- they haven't actually killed any family members of feds). This would help to clarify our positions on this issue.

No laws are being broken that I can think of so the Feds would look awfully bad aggressing against the protesters. It's good that you list the downsides but I think most of those are the most pessimistic scenarios.


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 11:51 AM NHFT
What do you guys think of this idea:

Fasting in front of Ed Brown's property until he rescinds his warning of revenge killings.

The disadvantages you've listed look more formidable than the advantages. 

A fasting event to put pressure on Ed & Elaine seems cruel to me.  They have enough troubles as it is.

Ed changes strategies every other day.  He could rescind his warning one day and double it the next. 

One more disadvantage:
Some people view fasting as a self-defeating, masochistic, victim-mentality mind game invented by buddhist monks one step shy of self-immolation. 


How about a "Nude-fest?"

everyone invited..and I mean everyone!
