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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Quote from: hook on July 01, 2007, 08:48 AM NHFT

Where is the Littleton District Court and where does the Concord District Court have criminal jurisdiction? It doesn't seem to exist under Title 28. Title 28 confers civil jurisdiction, no mention of criminal.

Article III seems to limit jurisdiction to parties/actions which cross state lines. Assuming one could find a federal court with criminal jurisdiction, state lines or interests would need to be established before jurisdiction could be invoked.

Chief Justice John Marshall wrote the following in "American Insurance Co. v. 356 Bales of Cotton"...It is self explanatory and defines the United States District courts with precision.

"These Courts, then, are not constitutional Courts, in which the judicial power conferred by the Constitution on the general government, can be deposited. They are incapable of receiving it. They are legislative Courts, created in virtue of the general right of sovereignty which exists in the government, or in virtue of that clause which enables Congress to make all needful rules and regulations, respecting the territory belonging to the United States. The jurisdiction with which they are invested, is not a part of that judicial power which is defined in the 3d article of the Constitution, but is conferred by Congress, in the execution of those general powers which that body possesses over the territories of the United States. Although admiralty jurisdiction can be exercised in the states in those Courts, only, which are established in pursuance of the 3d article of the Constitution; the same limitation does not extend to the territories. In legislating for them, Congress exercises the combined powers of the general, and of a state government."

The Governor, Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, County Attorney Dan St Hillaire, Sheriff Scott Hilliard, all should be presenting Mr. McAuliffe affidavits demanding his response to the jurisdictional challenges that justice requires. Failure to do so would appear to be knowing, willing and intentional obstruction of justice.

Attention Margo and Kristen....

Respectfully, Dick Marple

Kat Kanning



SATURDAY JULY 14, 2007, 12:00 NOON TO 10:00 PM EST








i hope some of the socalled "freedom fighters" show up.

so far it has been quite discouraging as hardly anyone has come to support Ed and Elaine.

where are all these state militia groups?

i thought they had more passion and courage.

bummer, man.



Quote from: kola on July 03, 2007, 11:21 AM NHFT
where are all these state militia groups?

Over the years, Ed has pissed off a lot of people.


he must have pissed off just about everyone.

it seems the militia parties could put the hardshop aside and help out.

this is not just about Ed and Elaine..there is a bigger picture.

I find it hard to believe (and disheartening) that all these groups would abandon the Browns and let them die there or worse yet have them dragged off to jail.

IMO this looks like it will end in the same way as the Montana Freeman incident.

I hope I am wrong.

I just wish all these militias groups would step up to the plate..
The feds must feel good about that too..as they have nothing to fear.

A thousand gun slingers standing on the constitution proniciples would speak volumes.

Where are they?



"Federal Criminal Jurisdiction - Origins"

--While doing an http://www.google.com engine search for the word jurisdiction and others over at http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=9345.45 being my Reply #50 there on page 4 of this "Joe Haas Arrested" chapter at exactly 10:57 AM this morning, I did find this http://law.jrank.org/pages/1205/Federal-Criminal-Jurisdiction-Origins.html

--Notice "the grant to Congress of power to pass legislation 'necessary and proper' to the implementation of any enumerated federal power" in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitition.

--At the time of this Clause 18, Clause #1 read of "To lay and collect Taxes" and although the word Taxes was not added to the last line for "Duties, Imposts and Excises" to be uniform of "the same everywhere", by the 16th Amendment the Congress was given this taxing power "on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration" but WHERE is the enforcement clause?

--Just look at the surrounding Amendments #13, 14, 15, + 18.  All of them have the enforcement clause so WHY not #16? And notice that they're all in section #2 except for Amend. #14 in Sec. #5.

--Is the answer because those subject matters of: slavery, citizenship, representation, disqualification, public debt, voting, and liquor are not in Art. I, Section 8? Or in other words, Clause #1 amended with the 16th Amendment, and so not needing any enforcement clause as already in the Constitution for this "foregoing Power"? AND "all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or Office thereof" created THEN at THAT time, AND for any future departments, like that of the Air Force? because I see only the land and naval forces of the Army and Navy in Clauses 12 + 13, both mentioned together in Cl. 14, but notice the 2-year term for the Army: "but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years."

--What's with that!? Can it be for two years, then they dis-band for a day, hour, minute or second, then start up again? WHEN was the last time this occurred, if ever? Isn't it about time to shut down for such time, or amend the constitution? And speaking of this time limit, see Art. 36 of our own N.H. Const., Part First & Bill of Rights.  http://www.state.nh.us Don't we have an on-going Retirement Board giving out pensions for MORE than "one year at a time"? Doesn't there have to be an annual vote of the Legislature to keep this going?  And so WHEN was the last time they voted? Did they list all retirees, and give a public hearing for to find out if some of them are undeserving of such? Like Peter W. Smith the retired judge that charged me with "Champerty"* in the Fall of 1992 when this was taken OFF the books in the Spring of 1992 by the Adkin case! #90-247 of April 24, 1992.

--So when somebody protests taxes, don't they have the right to require the government to prove that what the taxes will be (future tense) paying for, will be going into a lawful and constitutionally authorized program? And if a challenge to mis-management of funds is applied, isn't it the duty of the government to prove themselves of with clean hands? As in that "unclean hands" doctrine, that in order to seek justice, you must do justice before you enter the court!  So government: prove to me that the Army in in compliance with Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 12 BEFORE you get another red cent from me, as they used to say. Same to you State gov't extortion con-artists: SHOW ME the annual Art. 36 votes for these pensions!

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas, Bounty Hunter* IN SEARCH OF...Missing Heirs to give them their inheritance of $money, land, +/or mineral rights.


The Montana Freemen didn't hold out quite this long.


Bernie and I and some other folks will be at the Plainfield selectmen meeting tonight.
I suspect the main purpose will be in response to the selectmen's letter to the Federal Marshall Monier asking him to bring in Ed & Elaine before their wimpy local police have to hog tie anyone.

Tuesday, July 3 2007
6:30 PM
Plainfield Town Hall
Plainfield NH


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 03, 2007, 01:56 PM NHFT
Bernie and I and some other folks will be at the Plainfield selectmen meeting tonight.
I suspect the main purpose will be in response to the selectmen's letter to the Federal Marshall Monier asking him to bring in Ed & Elaine before their wimpy local police have to hog tie anyone.

Tuesday, July 3 2007
6:30 PM
Plainfield Town Hall
Plainfield NH

Great work TTW,

That video really shows their true colors of what they think of Art. 12, N.H. Const. needing some Art. 10 action if they don't wise up, as to either provide the protection to the Browns from the Feds who are out of control.  The Administrator asking of HOW the certificate of non-filing to RSA 123:1 came about, and Bernie providing the Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 original question of such is needed for "Consent" of our State Legislature that was given back on June 14, 1883 (Flag Day) for concurrent jurisdiction only that the Feds refused to relinquish "exclusive" jurisdiction as needed to enforce their criminal statutes, and so really NO jurisdiction at all!

The Administrator saying that town counsel is comfortable with their position, but of what position? that this issue be resolved? Yes, that is what is needed, like for them to further investigate this and decide that what Ed & Elaine are doing is correct: that the Feds have NO jurisdiction, and after paying their property taxes, the town owes them protection that was not provided on June 7th when the Feds came to town shooting through the woods there at the end of the driveway, thus needing to be told to KEEP OUT! just like that Sheriff out west says: O.K. to visit his county, but that they must check in with him first and not merely SAY they have jurisdiction but SHOW it, like in Missouri: The Show Me State.

And that woman selectman changing the subject to: I pay my taxes, so why shouldn't they?  Am a stupid, or what? Which answer I would have given if there, of: yes, and to read the board here for the reason why, like where is the T.O. published in the CFR to apply to us in the public who are not federal employees? It doesn't exist.  Neither does any OMB# exist on the paperwork, that MAY be treated as "bootleg" by the recipient. And what exactly does the phrase "lay and collect" mean? To lay can mean to apply or impose. To impose means to levy, as to confiscate (and at what percentage?, as in the lien process is UNDER the right to elect an "elegit"), and so of course I chose the former of to apply, as in to request, and say to the Feds: Request DENIED.  8)  Plus "Where is the Law?" as in NOT the 16th Amend. BUT the law that makes a person "liable" or "required" to file, as indicated in those two sections of the U.S. Code, and that the Code by the asterisk in the front of the book, has NOT been enacted into positive law.

Also: Chief Gordon Gillens, this is NO Joke! What did you mean by this question to the cameraman? 1. An amusing remark or story? No! this is not amusing but serious* business! We do not speak (or write) in fun, or be "facetious" as in being flippant: marked by disrespectful levity, or lightness* of speech or manner, frivolity, from the word frivolous meaning unworthy of serious* attention.  The fact that your Town Administrator had to ASK for the question of HOW this certificate of non-filing came to be, indicated to me that he has not read or understands the constitution of the United States of America, as he is not charged to read such in his job description, but is required reading for the selectmen as per RSA 92:2 to Art. 84 of 1784 as amended upon New Hampshire joining the union five (5) years later n 1789 with the Art. VI, Sec. 3 oath.

I too would like to see the actual letter that the http://www.concordmonitor.com  has interpreted to mean that  of not only that the Feds resolve this matter, but of "how": by having the Browns arrested!?  You now have a copy of my Criminal Complaint against McAuliffee that I did file with the Concord Police Dept. charging him with RSA Ch. 638:14 "Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process".  Maybe now you will realize that your letter went to the wrong place; because as Bernie told you last night, there needs to be some urging on your part that our governor, your public servant and mine, do his Art. 41 duty to enforce this legislative mandate by the "shall" word. And if he won't do it, then instead of the offensive maneuver against the Feds in the capitol, that you will protect the Brown on the defensive, and so them needing their phone** turned back on so that IF the Feds do another raid over there, Ed & Elaine can call your Police Dept. to do their Art. 12 protection duties as prepaid for this service.  I know the current bill of about $7,000 has already been sent out for the second half of this year, but WHERE should the money come from to pay it?  The Feds stole their income-producing property in Lebanon, and so just like other property taxpayers, to still provide this protection even if they have not pre-paid.  The Browns due maga-$damages for the wrongs committed by the Feds with the help of the City over there for not "protect"ing them.  Let's hope that your town does not fall into the same Federal trap, or should I say: crap?  As this is a bunch of hogwash from the Feds that needs your executive check-and-balance.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

** P.S. My complaint in file #______ against VERIZON of Worcester, MAss. at the N.H. Office of PUC: Public Utilities Commission, on Fruit Street in Concord, being investigated by them on this very nature of the Feds having NO jurisdiction for what they demanded of that company that they turn off this service.  And so WHEN they executively decide that such was both an unlawful and illegal act, then you will have the PROOF of to apply this same executive check-and-balance at the local level.  I congratulate you for at least taking a step, even if in the wrong direction at first, but a way lot better than your neighboring City of Lebanon. Hey! just look of all the publicity that Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan got!  ;) http://www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Explorers_Record_Setters_and_Daredevils/corrigan/EX16.htm


So Stephen G. Bryer, of Plainfield and one of the Supremes, read "The Declaration of Independence" at last year's Fourth of July in Lebanon? I've been told.

Is there an internet page on this?  I went over to http://www.google.com for Bryer "Declaration of Independence" but haven't found it yet. ___ Instead I did find:

(1) an interesting quote of his by Henrietta Bowman posted on 7:50 pm on June 26, 2005 over at The Sagebrush Saloon, Where Ranchheads Sound Off, http://www.sierratimes.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/post.cgi?action=replyquote&forum=3&topic=324&postno=1 about "In 1832 the Cherokee Indian tribe lived on land guaranteed them by treaty...." +

(2) another interesting website by Freedom-Works*-Vermont State Director, Rob Roper, at 802-999-8145 rroper at freedomworks.org See in particular that paragraph #4 of 5 under the first section entitled: "The Declaration of Independence" over at http://www.freedomworks.org/processor/printer.php?issue_id=2639 of that of: "swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance" defined as the body, trunk, of the main or central part of something, like in the principle as compared to the interest and similar to the apple tree rather than the fruit OF the tree, as I've explained above by the Writ of Elegit process that comes first BEFORE the lien, but the Feds in Ed's case, in their topsy-turvey George Orwellian "1989" double-talk that they now own the Glenn Road property!? To see if the Lebanon City Tax Collector is now sending the federal government the property tax bills? ____ And like I said, the Tax Collectors meeting up in North Conway this Fall ____ for their annual educational seminar, to where they ought to talk about this Federal crap coming into this state, and how to stop it!

* To check out http://www.freedomworks.org to see if maybe there's one for New Hampshire too? or ought to be, and http://www.freedomworks.org/vermont/ with Rob Roper on True North Radio every Thursday - 11:05 am WDEV (550 AM, 96.1 FM) or WSYB 1380 AM with call-in # 802-244-1776, and every Friday on the Comment Show WSRA 1420 AM with host, Paul Beaudry at __:_ o'clock am/pm? Contact: FreedomWorks-Vermont, P.O. Box 72, Montpelier, Vermont 05601. Maybe they can help us with some info, and vise versa, as for them to check out if the Feds in their state too are in a non-filing status, see http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm pages 210-211 for Vermont statute Title 3, Chapter 4, Section 60 of 1891 and Section 61 of 1939.

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

P.S. Along these same lines, I thought of inviting Prosecutor Bill Morse to Ed's tonight for the fireworks to read The Declaration too, and highlight that substance part with like a few bangs of some M80s, etc. but that I couldn't reach him at:

(a) Wm. A. Morse, 74 Taylor Dr., Wolfeboro, N.H. 03834-4356 603: 253-7439 (or Priscilla at 569-7797)? or

(b) William Morse, 116 Sparrow St., Keene, N.H. 03431-1696 603: 358-3785?

I called both places for all three #s but only got recordings. Also BTW the Wm. C. Morse at 638 Main St., Danville, N.H. 03819-3174 603: 642-5913 is not THE prosecutor, so said the woman who answered the phone.

note: too of neither the ones with the same names in Dunbarton (both), Winchester, + Manchester, per my 2/5/07 post here at 1:34 PM, to maybe try that New Durham # again, to see if back in service? Wm. + Susan Morse, 91 S. Shore Rd., New Durham, N.H. 03855-2108 at 603: 859-0500.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: kola on June 29, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT
if the feds are reading these posts (which I think they are) why not comment misleading info and keep them guessing?... instead it seems there is some "juicy" info here..unless you folks have already figured this out.
It seems easier for me to just tell them what I am thinking and doing.

...but you are probably right ... it would be more fun the other way.

Maybe Ed does it differently. I think he has been telling people that he has not been leaving his home ... so ... ya never know.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 04, 2007, 02:08 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on June 29, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT
if the feds are reading these posts (which I think they are) why not comment misleading info and keep them guessing?... instead it seems there is some "juicy" info here..unless you folks have already figured this out.
It seems easier for me to just tell them what I am thinking and doing.

...but you are probably right ... it would be more fun the other way.

Maybe Ed does it differently. I think he has been telling people that he has not been leaving his home ... so ... ya never know.

And Art Bell said the other night I was told that when the spaceship landed on the moon it caused a ding, as in it sounded hollow.  We've all heard of the underground tunnels at Ed's.  Hey!  Maybe they connect to the Hollow Earth?  >:D

Plus WHEN the Town Fathers give Ed the green light with the red light against the Feds, and he ventures downtown let's hope that the Sullivan County Sheriff and N.H. State Police endorse such a determination. We've got to win this war against the Feds one step at a time, in these town, county + state battles. The ultimate being like what Bob Bonser used to say of: Home Rule. Plus the fact that a Man's Home is his Castle.

- - Joe H.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 04, 2007, 11:11 AM NHFT
I too would like to see the actual letter that the http://www.concordmonitor.com  has interpreted to mean that  of not only that the Feds resolve this matter, but of "how": by having the Browns arrested!? 

I'm out of the office on vacation this week, but would be happy to send you a copy when I get back on Monday. Just send a reminder email to my Monitor account.