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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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It would interesting if Ed and Elaine were no longer at their Plainfield home.

I hear good things about life in the Phillippines.

On another note: actually I think a Holloween party in July would be cool. Everyone could come to the Browns dressed in costumes and leave with their costumes still on. Now how would anyone know who was who and who went where? Hmm.

watchin the wheels,
Kola  :icon_pirat:


Quote from: scoop on July 04, 2007, 04:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 04, 2007, 11:11 AM NHFT
I too would like to see the actual letter that the http://www.concordmonitor.com  has interpreted to mean that  of not only that the Feds resolve this matter, but of "how": by having the Browns arrested!? 

I'm out of the office on vacation this week, but would be happy to send you a copy when I get back on Monday. Just send a reminder email to my Monitor account.

Yeah, but... but... what if news breaks?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 29, 2007, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 11:51 AM NHFT
What do you guys think of this idea:

Fasting in front of Ed Brown's property until he rescinds his warning of revenge killings.

The disadvantages you've listed look more formidable than the advantages. 

A fasting event to put pressure on Ed & Elaine seems cruel to me.  They have enough troubles as it is.
I agree. How about fasting outside the fed judges house or the white house? ..... they have made more bad decisions that hurt people.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 04, 2007, 05:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on June 29, 2007, 01:02 PM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2007, 11:51 AM NHFT
What do you guys think of this idea:

Fasting in front of Ed Brown's property until he rescinds his warning of revenge killings.

The disadvantages you've listed look more formidable than the advantages. 

A fasting event to put pressure on Ed & Elaine seems cruel to me.  They have enough troubles as it is.
I agree. How about fasting outside the fed judges house or the white house? ..... they have made more bad decisions that hurt people.

Or what about putting Bill Morse's picture on a barf bag, and hand them out free to the tax drivers in town for their 1 a.m. pickups outside the bars.  My dog has had enough of this puke, sometimes he finds it before I can pull the leash back, and then of course toward the water bowl.  - - Joe


Randy and I will be walking the dog at 8 am, Friday.

Lets hope it doesn't rain.



Quote from: kola on July 05, 2007, 12:46 AM NHFT
Randy and I will be walking the dog at 8 am, Friday.

Lets hope it doesn't rain.

The weather forecast says there's a 40 percent chance of rain on Friday morning.

The good news is it probably won't be raining bullets.


Not to worry. That won't happen again.

We have almost all of the decorations set up around the perimeters.



Kola you ask where local NH gun owners are. Well we most definitely are not at the Browns house. When you figure out what he is about it may be too late for you. Ed Brown through the years has proven to be a joke, he is full of himself and does far more damage to the gun community in NH than I can begin to tell you. He has threatened death to Marshall Monier and his agents families on more than one occasion. This is not a man we can defend for any reason. We even gave him the benefit of the doubt and interviewed both him and Reno seperately to be sure we werent jumping to conclusions. All of the things we heard about this man were proven correct. When he put on that hat pretending to be Paul Revere there was a collective feeling of wanting to throw up amongst the gun owners uf NH. The man is a joke and he is going to pull all of you down with him. If he was a decent man who had a just cause that was constitutionally protected we would be there in droves. Hell we could get over a hundred men in less than a day if need be. But his cause is not just.

Russell Kanning

I thought Ed said there was no such thing as a militia anymore.

Lloyd Danforth


You are correct Richardr once again. Ive only been involved in NH politics for ten years and I can tell you personally hes pissed off at least 20 of my friends with his antics. You ever meet someone that is so full of BS you just want to punch him square in the face but don't because you feel sorry for him, well thats Ed Brown. I can remember personally this one time I was walking with him in Lebanon when I went to meet him for the first time to get a feel for who this man was whose name showed up constantly on pro gun forums. He was doing a head nod at every guy who walked by and when I asked him he said that was there secret code for the Constitutional Militia of NH. He must've done this head nod at 90% of the people we walked by. I told him I find it hard to believe that he knows all of these men and they are part of his group and he told me I have no idea how many people HE has in the wings ready to act when he says so. At that point I left as quickly as possible so not to be struck by lightning. The man is completely full of chitola, and these so called Free Stater's who have been here for only a few years pretend to know everything about him and whats going on in this state. Its a joke, we've been here longer than they are and obviously know a hell of a lot more about things around here. Half of those agents Ed Browns is so intent on killing go hunting with family members, etc. These people are American citizens and half of them would kill Govt officials if they came into our state to confiscate gun from law abiding people. These are the people Ed Brown wants dead. The man is a lunatic. I feel sorry for his wife, she seems like a decent person, caught up in his imaginary world where he is God.



Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 04, 2007, 05:05 PM NHFT


I don't automatically think of news articles that say 'compound' as biased. But now that you've mentioned it, in what way is the Browns home a compound? The arguments I have heard include that it is made of concrete and that is is self-sufficient. But concrete homes are the new trend nowadays, many people in NH and all over the country, North and South, build ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) homes because they are so energy efficient. The Browns home is your standard width concrete run off the mill house (well, mansion). You've been inside and seen the walls, they are probably 6 inches thick. It is no where near bullet proof. If it was indeed for defense than the walls would have had to be MUCH thicker (and ICFs can be made in thicker dimensions, including a foot or more thick). If the Browns where looking to build a truely defensive home they could have easily spent a little more money and doubled their wall thickness. In terms of self-sufficiency I'm not sure how that classifies them as a compound.

But lets get back to basiscs, the definition of compound is generally: A building or buildings, especially a residence or group of residences, set off and enclosed by a barrier. (American Heritage Dictionary). The Brown residence does not have a fence around it and is only one building (excluding the garage across the driverway, but how many people in America have garages?).

The Brown home is not surrounded by a barrier, it is not bullet proof and it's got a ton of windows. It's not a compound but maybe a mansion although I've seen neighborhoods where every house was that big so I'm not sure if that even qualifies as a mansion.

Here is a 19 minute declassified video on the effectiveness of cover. It was an eye opener for me:

Basic Urban Skills Training - Concealment does NOT equal Cover

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Why do we as people have to find the most perfect being to represent one who questions?
Is it idoltry from centuries of brainwashing?

We will not ever come together as people, if we stay with the superficial judgement of each other, or dig in the closets preserved with moth balls looking for imperfections.

-moderator of SFW, winking actress avatar- 8)

Sitting here thinking of attending the concert in support of Ed and Elaine Brown.
It would be nice to meet all you cool people.