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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Quote from: kola on July 05, 2007, 12:58 AM NHFT
Not to worry. That won't happen again.

We have almost all of the decorations set up around the perimeters.


Don't forget to set up some "decorations" on or by the mailbox.

This is my SECOND attempt at writing into here today, my first writing wiped out when I went to check to see if the History Channel website I had put down was working in the preview BEFORE I posted it, it going there alright but that I could NOT return to the reply, some warning sign up that I was about to close two tabs, me TRYing to cancel that out, but it was not to be.

What I had tried to post was the guess that Ed thinks his mail is being "held up" now by the U.S. Post Office in Plainfield, (#__ Main Street, Zip Code 03781 @ 675-2723 for Debbie) for his 401 Center of Town Road.  When I called Debbie this morning she said she could not verify it as a privacy to customer issue.  So to gamble a 41-cent #10 envelope to see if it is delivered, returned or forwarded onto the Marshals like to dig into such mail to find out who is HELPing Ed & Elaine Brown.  As in helping them with delivery of bullets as ammo for the weapons, etc. or my legal help in combating what I see and KNOW for a fact by the certificate of non-filing of the N.H. RSA 123:1 documents by Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const. from the Feds that the Feds are the OUT-laws that we have got to stop! And stop by inward pleas to their own anti-bodies withIN their own system to "take-out" the bad apples from the bunch if we have to, like the Post Office does occasionally when one of their own turns and starts killing the bad apples there. Even George Washington endorsed this strategy when he caught the co-conspirators as traitors to the Revolution, and had their own men within that traitor group kill two of their superior officers. This was on TV last night, Ch. 58 here for The History Channel, but which history was contorted/ twisted or wrenched out of shape from the original phrase of "to lay and collect" taxes to that levy word option #2 for the definition of the word lay, from to impose; #1 being that of a request as: request denied, from the word apply.

And WHO knows? Maybe the P.O. DOES deliver the mail, but that some federal goon in the bushes jumps out and grabs it AFTERwards.  This way they avoid me filing another gov't complaint like what I did against them with the PUC for shuting off their VERIZON telephone service.  The VERIZON Company of Worcester, MAss. a lousy corporation that I would NEVER buy any stock in, as totally un-American to the rights my ancestors fought for 1st Amendment Free Speech. And now what? The Marshals now infiltrating this website by preventing posts they can read while I write and then wipe out if they don't like it?  That reminds me of what Harry Truman used to say:  They hear the truth and think it's hell.

The PUC (Public Utilities Commission on Fruit St. in Concord) BTW with my complaint/case #____  against VERIZON to be heard on ________day August ___, 2007 @ __:__ o'clock a.m./p.m. Tel. 271-2431 there today too to amend that Granite State Electric wrongfully charged by me, in that Ed told me his electric came from the Co-op in Plymouth for the PSNH/ Public Service Company of New Hampshire, but that according to Bob Ronstock at PUC, they are NOT regulated by the P.U.C. And what of that satellite provider too? That also shut down by the Feds no doubt, to check into that later.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

P.S. Moral of the story: WARNING to the posters here: do not attempt to highlight a website unless maybe you try from the start, as the Feds might also do "a number" on you too, to put up that close 2 or more tabs bullshit, and have to re-write it all over again. Also from now on, I'll not even have my hotmail account on standby, to keep ONLY this tab open at the same time, so "they"/ who-ever that is, doesn't monkey around with me any more.  I've had enough of their "monkey business"! Gary DiMartino, the Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal in a meeting when I called earlier today @ 225-1632 to ask him point-blank if he is today's monkey.

note: don't forget to bad-mouth VERIZON at their Arena in Manchester or over at their Fort Eddy office in Concord whenever you can, as their service is lousy too: my friend in there last week to have his cell phone fixed, but it still does NOT work properly. They have a lobbiest at 4 Park Street, Concord, 3rd floor, who will be getting an invitation to my PUC hearing to show him how lousy a company he works for and ought to get a new job.

* The one thing I'm leaving out is my disgust of comments that if Debbie, the Postal Worker is taking this action upon a mere say-so of that other branch of the federal government, the Marshals, that I had a few words about the fact that if she did NOT accept the Marshal orders fed into her ears as like the gospel truth, without any questioning, then she can have her carcass dissected into quarters and send to the four corners of the United States to be displayed on a pike in the town square for this disloyalty to the Marshals, is my guess for what they might have intimidated her with such bullshit! we needing not wimps in the Post Office, but Free Speech advocates to tell the Marshals to obey the law! the law of Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S.Const., NH RSA Chapter 123:1 and the First Amendment!


Because Im concerned about my state. May I ask if you even live in NH? You are talking about a group of people who you know nothing about, you are asking us to come and support a man who threatens the lives of innocent people. Do you really think we as a group would consider for one moment doing this? There are far greater things for us to be doing than defending a man who will bring the whole lot of you down with him without a care in the world. So far as we are concerned Ed Brown is a threat to our way of life and a threat to all law abiding gun owners in general. He is making a mockery out of the majority of you on this site and is bringing the whole idea of the FSP to a grinding halt with locals in NH. Do you have any idea how many people were supportive of the whole concept of the free state project until it got linked with ed brown. If you lived here for any amount of time you would know exactly what Im talking to. You must be one of those out of Staters who come in here and pretend to know us.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: Romak on July 05, 2007, 12:18 PM NHFT
Do you really think we as a group would consider for one moment doing this?

You don't speak for us as a group.


Quote from: Romak on July 05, 2007, 12:18 PM NHFT
Because Im concerned about my state. May I ask if you even live in NH? You are talking about a group of people who you know nothing about, you are asking us to come and support a man who threatens the lives of innocent people. Do you really think we as a group would consider for one moment doing this? There are far greater things for us to be doing than defending a man who will bring the whole lot of you down with him without a care in the world. So far as we are concerned Ed Brown is a threat to our way of life and a threat to all law abiding gun owners in general. He is making a mockery out of the majority of you on this site and is bringing the whole idea of the FSP to a grinding halt with locals in NH. Do you have any idea how many people were supportive of the whole concept of the free state project until it got linked with ed brown. If you lived here for any amount of time you would know exactly what Im talking to. You must be one of those out of Staters who come in here and pretend to know us.
I'm glad you're concerned about your state, boss, cause I am as well. And I'm not saying that I don't think Brown is a little wierd at times, but one can understand being that he's under an extreme amount of pressure. And for the record, if some group of people (with badges or otherwise) were a threat to my life and that of my family, there would definitely be some hell to pay. The concept that Brown is fighting for is totally just. Not saying that you're expected to hold his hand if agents ever come, but you seem to give the coppers the benefit of the doubt as opposed to the people they hastle. And since most coppers are order followers, I highly doubt they would buck the ATF is they came and started confiscating weapons.


Romo, I have to agree with Kat as I sensed your consistant use of the word "we" was unfounded. You say you represent NH and the people who post here yet I do not see that in the postings. Maybe I am missing the connection.

It is quite evident that anytime someone makes a post about Ed you clammer in with your same ol same ol. I am just trying to figure out why you are here and what the name of your group is. Or are you just blowing smoke?

So, who is this "we" you speak of?



We got it covered Joe. Thanks.

to everyone else:
we have plenty of paperclips.(for now) :)
we could use a few more cue-sticks though.

Thanks, Kola 

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: Romak on July 05, 2007, 12:18 PM NHFT
Because Im concerned about my state. May I ask if you even live in NH? You are talking about a group of people who you know nothing about, you are asking us to come and support a man who threatens the lives of innocent people. Do you really think we as a group would consider for one moment doing this? There are far greater things for us to be doing than defending a man who will bring the whole lot of you down with him without a care in the world. So far as we are concerned Ed Brown is a threat to our way of life and a threat to all law abiding gun owners in general. He is making a mockery out of the majority of you on this site and is bringing the whole idea of the FSP to a grinding halt with locals in NH. Do you have any idea how many people were supportive of the whole concept of the free state project until it got linked with ed brown. If you lived here for any amount of time you would know exactly what Im talking to. You must be one of those out of Staters who come in here and pretend to know us.

To pretend to know someone. You sound like a mossad agent.  ;D
There are plenty of people in this world we know nothing about. Sounds like many people who we would like to meet.  ;D *note the word "we."
Hmm. Considering your point for this moment, I decided to do a bit of research. Not much research, just a bit...
What is in this project to recruit people to move to New Hampshire?  Good able, productive, caring, considerate, respectful people for a good cause and point and purpose, I would assume.   
You would not like my kind to move to New Hampshire?  People who support truth?

There is no block on the IP or IP's for the  moderator to view our information at this page.  We or I are not hiding anything.  What if I, we were to come to visit New Hampshire and Elaine and Ed Brown seperate and the same trip without a gun?...Not carrying any weapons?....and not expecting you to put yours in the garbage can?  Wow. People who have no guns who respect all those who have one. What a concept. Your gun rights will not be hindered because of a visit from people who may want to attend a concert to help relieve the stress the couple are facing.  Ed and Elaine or Elaine and Ed have some good questions that are getting national attention.  Aaron Russo is considered a weirdo too, but his cancer is too much in the way to help others right now.  How about all the people who have been jailed, who did not hold a gun to protect themselves from judgements in courts of kangaroo?
You will note the day I put the www.whatreallyhappened.com link on one of these threads, the number of views to this site had considerably mulitplied. 
Truth and freedom have no state boundaries.  It is refreshing to have found this forum. People actually think and appear innovative in approaches to make things better for the rest of us in America.

ps. No one has to like me, we.  8)


Two different issues here. Banning guns is not the same as imposing an income tax. One is protected and the other is not. If they somehow banned guns they wouldn't stand a chance in hell of confiscating them, and they know it. Most LEAs dont like the ATF as a whole and are tired of seeing them step on their d@#$#. That being said Kola I have never said Im part of your group, far from it. You referred to militias, gun owners, etc. Thats what group Im referring to when I say we. I wouldnt expect you or many others in here to fight the good fight when they come for the one thing we have to protect our families from thugs. Being a free country I think Im entitled to write on here with a different opinion than yours. Are you saying you want me to leave because what I write doesnt fit into your way of thinking? As a person who says they are all for freedom one would think you would be open to people with different opinions. The person who blows smoke is Ed Brown, and in this case way too much smoke has come out of his pipe, and he is in a world of mess right now. You also didnt answer my question are you from NH or not?

Russell Kanning

If everyone in NH were like Ed and Elaine Brown, it would be a better place.

If everyone ..... most ..... even many .... people in NH were like the fed marshals .... it would be rotten.

Kat Kanning


quote: If everyone in NH were like Ed and Elaine Brown, it would be a better place.

Thanks Russel and Kat. I am fairly new here and still trying to figure out who is who. :)

Romak, I am from Colorado but that has nothing to do with my concerns for Ed and Elaine. IMO and in all due respect, you seem to be a real shit-stirrer here. Could you please tell me who your "WE" is? And could I kindly ask that you inform me of ALL the groups and ALL the people that Ed has pissed off.

You speak with big mighty words (yet have shown no proof to back your claims) AND you are attempting to appear as some large freedom based entity but you (or your "we" phrase) oppose everything the Browns do. It appears to me that every chance you get you have to attack Ed venomously. Or is that your sole intent? To be a shit stirring troll.   

So tell me what specific group you (and your "we") represent and what specific militia groups has Ed pissed off.




What groups am I a member of? People for the ethical treatment of porcupines, Gun owners of Puerto Rico, Citizens against the war in Iraq unless there is no chance of them dying Inc. , silly Kola you should know better then to ask such questions. Lets just say we have a rather large group here in NH. Since you are from Colorado are you out there showing the same support for Rick Stanley???? His cause was just until he started threatening people with death the same as Ed Brown. Stanley was challenging Denver's unconstitutional gun laws, but he went a bit too far. If you are truly for supporting people in time of need that are standing up for freedom as you call it then Rick Stanley is in almost the exact same position as Ed Brown, or do you just pick people who are more in the limelight at the moment? Being from CO you can do a lot for this man if you are truly "patriotic". I just happen to know a lot of people in the gun movement in NH especially and have had numerous conversations with people who have said the same thing about Ed Brown. Man what he would give right about now to have these men/woman in his corner. Twenty years of burning bridges has put him where he is right now. When its all said and done you can tell me I told you so. Be well.


quote: Lets just say we have a rather large group here in NH.

ok..cut and dry it for me please. Who is "we" and what is the name of the "rather large group."

and are they any links to the group (or groups) that you are a member of?

I am getting the feeling you are just going to run me in circles and/or divert from my inquiry. It appears the more I ATTEMPT to engage in a discussion with you the more chances you will have to continue your ad-homs against Ed and Elaine.

If you continue tap dancing for your own pleasure, I will just click the iggy button on you. I would rather focus my energy elsewhere as it seems every forum I visit has one or two asshats.



Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 03, 2007, 01:56 PM NHFT
Bernie and I and some other folks will be at the Plainfield selectmen meeting tonight.

Our appearance at the selectmen meeting was actually bringing evidence that the federal government was acting unlawfully at Ed & Elaine's place.  Bernie gave them a copy of the law and showed a document proving the feds didn't follow it.  The selectmen were not impressed.  Bernie then asked them if they didn't enforce this law, which ones will they enforce.  The town administrator did most of the talking,  "Most people are satisfied with the way things work, we represent most of the people".  The female selectman offered a solution, "I think he (Ed Brown) should pay his taxes.  I pay my taxes".  The selectman who is also a lawyer said town would not protect Ed & Elaine from the feds and would not refund his property taxes. 
Bernie was a paragon of calm and reason and politely offered the selectmen AFTF DVDs

Russell Kanning

Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 05, 2007, 08:01 PM NHFTThe town administrator did most of the talking,  "Most people are satisfied with the way things work, we represent most of the people".  The female selectman offered a solution, "I think he (Ed Brown) should pay his taxes.  I pay my taxes".  The selectman who is also a lawyer said town would not protect Ed & Elaine from the feds and would not refund his property taxes. 
what about the poor people who are not part of the "most" category? I guess they are thrown to the federal wolves.
The Brown's activities are showing the government workers for who they really are.