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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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QUOTE from:the town administater: "Most people are satisfied with the way things work, we represent most of the people". 
well let's see most people do not vote cause they know it is fake.
congress is at like under 20 percent approval and our leader and cheney are below 25 % approval.
these are corporate news numbers
   "we represent most of the people" is pure crap.


Independence Day was a pretty big event at Ed & Elaine's house.  A group of 20-25 people were there to offer food, fireworks and encouragement to the "Living Souls" (Ed and Elaine's chosen last name).  Ed had a good time firing rifles and setting off rockets and other explosives.  Elaine welcomed many first-time visitors and chatted with everyone.  I enjoyed hearing everyone's reason for opposing the government.  Jose's fireworks were spectacular and flawless. 

We got word that the concert on the 14th will have 6 bands!  Yahooty!

Lloyd Danforth

Flawless must have taken some of the thrill out of it


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on July 05, 2007, 08:24 PM NHFT
Flawless must have taken some of the thrill out of it

Fireworks are most exciting when accompanied by mayhem. More entertaining that way, too.


Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on July 05, 2007, 08:24 PM NHFT
Flawless must have taken some of the thrill out of it

While Jose's fireworks were flawless, Ed and Jason decided that squirting lighter fluid on the duds was a good idea.
:_fire__by_zacthetoad: :_meteor_guy__by_ChaosEmeraldH :Dragon_Ball_emoticon_by_Wereg :o
That was somewhat thrilling.

Russell Kanning

another good day at the Brown's compound .... I mean the Living Soul's house :)

a guy in Vermont asked me today if "we (Keene Free Press) were up covering Ed Brown" and I said .... yes, some ... but that the last time I was there ... the rest of the media was outcovering us ... since there were tons of them and they had big cameras and satelite trucks. :)


Well, you know, the mainstream media can't seem to get this story right, so they have to ask the Keene Free Press for help!!

Lloyd Danforth

Russell Kanning

Lloyd Danforth


Sorry Kola I tried to get some answers from you, but apparently you dont like to engage in intelligent conversation. Apparently you arent showing the same support for Rick Stanley. Id bet my house that you dont even know who he is. Thats pretty sad being from CO as you say. Guess you only partake in movements that are popular at the moment.

Russell Kanning

a guy from Jaffrey/Dublin was worried we might not have enough room for people at the concert :)

How many do you think could fit? I bet Ed could have 100 there listening to music.


Here's what I get, remember I'm from California so be patient with me, I've only been in New Hampshire for 10 years.
There's this guy and his wife. They lived in a town where everyone pretty much knew them. Some people they knew didn't like them.
They decided to keep the money they earned rather than send it to a gov't that is broken, I think many can agree on that. I think many can agree here that the majority of people who do pay these confiscatory monies have issues with the process but are afraid to not pay. Fearful.
Now the gov't machinery has found it necessary to punish these people.
There are lots of folks who see this process as deeply flawed and perhaps collectively realize that with one iconic example, a larger awareness of these inequities can be gained and perhaps public policy could be changed.
But unfortunately the protagonists in this story are just not quite what some people are looking to support, maybe the man is a little too eccentric, maybe their alliances a little suspect.

Gosh darn it, we'd love to support you and your quixotic battle with blind, reckless gov't doing just what we wish we could do but you're just not quite what we're looking for so good luck, we'll wait for the next freedom fighter.

If not them, who?
If not now, when?

I would like everyone to open your Life of Brians and turn to Scene 21
JUDITH:"Something's actually happening, Reg!"

If I were to attend this function, should I inform my family that I potentially am putting myself in danger?
