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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Quote from: Romak on July 05, 2007, 02:20 PM NHFT
If they somehow banned guns they wouldn't stand a chance in hell of confiscating them, and they know it.

they would confiscate some, and imprison many.   It happened in New Orleans....did you do anything about it?   I requested a bill at the state house making it a felony for a cop to do that in new hampshire.  I testified at the hearing.   The bill failed but an alternate, milder version is now law.  You sure you have a problem with people like me being in-state?


if and when they ever come to take my guns I will state that they just got stolen and tell the "Boys" I am glad they showed up so I can report it directly to them. They can search all they want because they will not be able to find them.

btw, use lead lined compartments for storage. You can purchase it from an x ray supply company.


Lloyd Danforth

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: dEadERest on July 06, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT
Here's what I get, remember I'm from California so be patient with me, I've only been in New Hampshire for 10 years.
There's this guy and his wife. They lived in a town where everyone pretty much knew them. Some people they knew didn't like them.
They decided to keep the money they earned rather than send it to a gov't that is broken, I think many can agree on that. I think many can agree here that the majority of people who do pay these confiscatory monies have issues with the process but are afraid to not pay. Fearful.
Now the gov't machinery has found it necessary to punish these people.
There are lots of folks who see this process as deeply flawed and perhaps collectively realize that with one iconic example, a larger awareness of these inequities can be gained and perhaps public policy could be changed.
But unfortunately the protagonists in this story are just not quite what some people are looking to support, maybe the man is a little too eccentric, maybe their alliances a little suspect.

Gosh darn it, we'd love to support you and your quixotic battle with blind, reckless gov't doing just what we wish we could do but you're just not quite what we're looking for so good luck, we'll wait for the next freedom fighter.

If not them, who?
If not now, when?

I would like everyone to open your Life of Brians and turn to Scene 21
JUDITH:"Something's actually happening, Reg!"

If I were to attend this function, should I inform my family that I potentially am putting myself in danger?

What would Brian Do? :P

Thanks for the 'Life of Brian,' quotes!

Even though all the negative karmas on my posts, I am happy to be reminded to sing a little song...."[Always look on the bright side of life. whistle whistle whistle]"


quote Yeah, they'll never notice the lead

how could they? the lead is on the inside of the boxes and the boxes are stashed.

anyway, here are my thoughts on Ed and Elaine. This couple is one of the most courageous couples in american history. They have courage and guts. Courage is the ability to face the unknown, to take something you don't know about, figure it out and get it done and never back down or quit. Courage is drawn from within ourselves and from outside sources. It is easy to go back, admit your failures and nestle back into the comfort of the ordinary masses. Most of them will take you back because quitting makes you one of them. It takes guts to be different and to stand up for your principles.

How many people have done what the Browns are doing? Not many. And what was their fate?
The Browns are revolutionary heroes in a country where the shit has already hit the fan. Ed and Elaine has taken a stand and one I admire. They have put their blood on the line for a just cause. Yet I see some people can find nothing better to do than accuse Ed and Elaine of being arrogant, wacko etc.
This is not just about Ed and Elaine. This is about the fall of this country and the dreaded state of affairs that seems to be escalating daily. Why not look at the big picture here and avoid nit-picking on whether or not Ed wears a Paul Revere hat, what clothes Elaine wears or who Ed pissed off. Why not look at the man and woman for what they truely are (great people) and what they are fighting for (liberty). They are not doing this for fame and fortune. I wish all people (from gunslingers to peaceniks) would put their petty differences aside and come together as a group and support the Browns. Aaron Russo recently said Ed has set the stage and this is a perfect opportunity to become organized. Without this cohesion there is no power and no positive change will ever take place.

Ed and Elaine are heroes. Lets try and work together and get things done.



BTW, I wasn't kidding with my last question, my wife gets very uncomfortable when I start talking about this kinda stuff . .

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: dEadERest on July 06, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFT
Here's what I get, remember I'm from California so be patient with me, I've only been in New Hampshire for 10 years.
There's this guy and his wife. They lived in a town where everyone pretty much knew them. Some people they knew didn't like them.
They decided to keep the money they earned rather than send it to a gov't that is broken, I think many can agree on that. I think many can agree here that the majority of people who do pay these confiscatory monies have issues with the process but are afraid to not pay. Fearful.
Now the gov't machinery has found it necessary to punish these people.
There are lots of folks who see this process as deeply flawed and perhaps collectively realize that with one iconic example, a larger awareness of these inequities can be gained and perhaps public policy could be changed.
But unfortunately the protagonists in this story are just not quite what some people are looking to support, maybe the man is a little too eccentric, maybe their alliances a little suspect.

Gosh darn it, we'd love to support you and your quixotic battle with blind, reckless gov't doing just what we wish we could do but you're just not quite what we're looking for so good luck, we'll wait for the next freedom fighter.
I think you have that about right.
If I were to attend this function, should I inform my family that I potentially am putting myself in danger?
I wouldn't.  Visiting the Browns, especially during the concert, carries a pretty low risk, at least for the time being.  I think visiting Boston is more dangerous than visiting the Browns, especially during the concert.  If you are not on the feds' radar, you very well could be after visiting the Browns.  I suspect that they may be looking at the property from afar.


You also could be on the feds' radar after reading this thread.


Russell Kanning

Quote from: Lex Berezhny on July 06, 2007, 08:34 AM NHFT
Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 06, 2007, 06:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: Lloyd  Danforth on July 06, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT
Fund raiser to get KFP a Satelite truck?
what satelite would we send our stuff to?

You can get satelite internet and post your KFP articles before you get home.

we have too many geeks on this forum

Russell Kanning

Quote from: dEadERest on July 06, 2007, 08:14 AM NHFTThey lived in a town where everyone pretty much knew them. Some people they knew didn't like them.
JUDITH:"Something's actually happening, Reg!"

If I were to attend this function, should I inform my family that I potentially am putting myself in danger?
Most of the other points I know are true. I don't know if anyone in their area didn't like them before this all started. I would guess that they were well liked.

Something is happening! You have hit the nail on the head. We have a special version of that scene on this website somewhere.

I will not feel in much danger, but the feds have been threatening things. Officially you could be considered giving aid and comfort to convicted bad guys by the government thugs.


Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 05, 2007, 08:01 PM NHFT
Quote from: TackleTheWorld on July 03, 2007, 01:56 PM NHFT
Bernie and I and some other folks will be at the Plainfield selectmen meeting tonight.

Our appearance at the selectmen meeting was actually bringing evidence that the federal government was acting unlawfully at Ed & Elaine's place.  Bernie gave them a copy of the law and showed a document proving the feds didn't follow it.  The selectmen were not impressed.  Bernie then asked them if they didn't enforce this law, which ones will they enforce.  The town administrator did most of the talking,  "Most people are satisfied with the way things work, we represent most of the people".  The female selectman offered a solution, "I think he (Ed Brown) should pay his taxes.  I pay my taxes".  The selectman who is also a lawyer said town would not protect Ed & Elaine from the feds and would not refund his property taxes. 
Bernie was a paragon of calm and reason and politely offered the selectmen AFTF DVDs

Thanks TTW,

I just called Attny. Steve Halleran, the Plainfield Town Administrator at 469-3201 http://www.plainfieldnh.org and he said that the Selectmen have digested the paperwork presented to them by Bernie but that they maintain that the Feds are doing a good job. I told him: that my original 2001 question was to the N.H. Secretary of State during the IRS raid of Andy Tempelman's house and Ram-In-The-Thicket Restaurant that he, his wife Priscilla and son were operating, and even found out afterwards that the IRS auction had to occur in a courthouse of the county for WHERE the property was located, and the judge saying: so what! I AM the law. And so this is the type of "crap" we have to deal with of public servants who do not follow the law, but their "arbitrary" positions! Steve saying: he doesn't care either. The ball is NOT in his court, and that if I'd like to present a question for their 1st + 3rd Wednesday meetings I can waste more of their time.

With that comment I called Fed. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter's Manchester office at 641-9536 http://shea-porter.house.gov/contact.shtml and spoke with Evelyn who said that she would try to find out WHO this Federal agent is that is supposed to be doing this NH RSA 123:1 filing from Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const. as "Consent" must be given, and with 50 states in the Union there must be at least ONE signature of somebody somewhere and his title from what office, as the place to go to knock on their door for an update as to WHY the Feds refused this N.H. offer of "concurrent" jurisdiction back on June 14, 1883 (Flag Day), when they wanted to keep some "exclusive" jurisdiction as the ONLY way they can assert their criminal statutes, but like I've said of really NO jurisdiction, as the N.H. offer was for concurrent or NONE! Evelyn to get back to me of what she might find through Congressional Research for all fifty (50) states at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. where I'd be looking for any # of these receipts from #__ of the 50 states that did maybe offer what? exclusive jurisdiction? and so the federal criminal code enforced in THEIR state(s), but not ours! so Ed, stick to your guns is right, with bullets when the Feds canNOT prove by pen to ink that they have complied with the law.  The Feds in N.H. are out-laws and deserve to be hog-tied to a train and run out of town on a rail as they say!

I also told Evelyn of that Sheriff out west that makes all Federal agents have to SHOW him their chain-of-command, like in Missouri: The "Show Me" state, and of Jack McLamb, the retired Law Enforcement Officer (who publishes his "Aid & Abet" Newsletter)  sending Sullivan County Sheriff Prozzo similar paperwork, but with no reply to my many telephone calls to there to set up a day and time to go over this subject. Me also congratulating her boss for something I read here at this website of her asking something verbally to somebody for an answer, I think it was to the Marshals for WAS it a raid or not? per the NH RSA forbidding such withOUT an inter-state compact, etc./ over federal lines, YET to get a copy of the Raid Report by my FOIA Act request to the U.S. Treasury, still un-answered, but will re-type to here if/when received. The answer from the N.H. State Police to cover their asses was that these Maine and MAss. armoured assault vehicles were NOT manned by out-of-state personnel, but merely loaned to us, and so if so, then to find out IF these borrowing papers are mentioned in the Raid Report, or was I lied to? Or maybe him telling me what he was told to say, so his superior the ultimate liar, and a brother liar, to those Lebanon COPs who are the definite LIARS for telling Ed that water was leaking from the business building of his wife's dental practice on Glen Road, to "trick" him into being arrested.  Congratulations for the http://www.unionleader.com newspaper article highlighting this "trick" word, and keep up the good work, and better work than the http://www.concordmonitor.com those cheap bastards who REFUSED to run my legal ad against the A.G. Kelly Ayotte in 2005, the Union Leader counsel saying NO too, but Joe McQuaide or somebody telling their legal counsel, to go pound sand.  My ad was printed. Compare: Dan St.Hillaire, Merrimack County Attorney a jerk too for delegating decision making powers to his investigators.  Counsel and investigators are advisers to their bosses to make the decisions.  Those who delegate are lazy bastards who ought to be voted out of business, and their newspapers boycotted.

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

P.S. I still get this 2-tabs open bullshit, that closes this website down needing to be re-booted, whenever I check to see if these websites are spelled correctly, so if not, then can repair in the modification time.  Nobody else has this problem? WHY only me?  When I go to other websites and click on whatever this NEVER happens there.

footnote #1: to call the N.H. Government Center in Concord now about this non-Art. 12 protection AND the taking of taxes! to see what they can do to WISE UP the Town.

footnote #2: Yes, thanks SFW for that W4 info as not applicable to us.


P.S. #2

I just called Sheriff Mike Prozzo at 863-4200 http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/sheriff/index.htm and spoke to him about this Sheriff out west and his policy.  When I suggested that when Randy Weaver gets back to Ed's, that maybe the three of us and other(s) can talk about this, he said that that would be a waste of time, as his mind was already made up.  He has already taken this subject matter to the Attorney General's Office and she/they have informed him that there be no executive check and balance against the Feds.  That because Ed could have paid the $_____ filing fee down in Boston for his appeal, even by "Special" Appearance, that that non-payment somehow over-rides the non-filing by the Feds to RSA 123:1 from 1-8-17 US Const. as that was the ONLY jurisdiction for WHERE to argue this issue.

I dis-agree with that, and say that when the judicial branch of the gov't, as in the Congressional Courts act out-side their jurisdiction, then their bosses are to where to go to complain, and that's where I've been: to two of the four here in N.H.: Sen. John E. Sununu, whose Nashua office manager said that the Federal AOC would get back to me, but has YET to reply, and Rep. Carol Shea-Porter in Manchester to do some looking in another place(s) like the Library of Congress or Archives or whatever for the receipt, if any for here in N.H. that might have gotten mis-filed, or how other states have dealt with WHOever from WHAT exact dept. of the federal government, and so to ASK what communication might exist from them to the 1883 N.H. Legislature saying that the Feds refuse to operate in a concurrent manner, insisting on exclusivity, but without ANY 1-8-17 EVER ""Consent"ed to!

I know that this jurisdictional issue has to be decided BEFORE the merits of the case, and almost everybody thinks that it's all a big waste of time anyway as when Ed is re-tried in the proper forum, the verdict will PROBABLY be the same, but will it?  I serious doubt that it will after all the evidence into this website here. The end does NOT justify the means.  We are supposed to have procedural AND substantive due process of law.  The Governor was told of this certificate of non-filing by the Feds to 123:1 by me at a prior G&C Meeting during the BFA section about certificates, and he said to me in person standing just #__ feet away that he'd get back to me, but WHEN? (Art. 8 Accounting in an Art. 14 prompt time frame, per his Art. 41 duty) The ball is in his court, and so Ed: stand your ground until he answers!

Yours truly, - - Joe H.


The Feds of course have the Browns place staked out. They know for the most part who their supporters are. If they ever raid the Browns they will have a close eye on most if not all of this supporters during and after the raid. How could they not? They have to take Eds statements about killing people seriously even if some know hes full of bs. Dada I dont have a problem with anyone being in NH if they choose to live here. I would obviously prefer people on this forum over anyone, at least you are all involved unlike the majority of sheeple. I guess for me what it really boils down to is not Mr Browns cause but the way he is. Ive known this man indirectly for over ten years and know him to be full of hot air. I think if he wasnt dumb enough to threaten the lives of innocents and if I didnt know what type of man he was I would admire him to some degree for standing on principle. Personally we detest the income tax for quite a few reasons, one being they take almost 40% of what my family earns which could go towards my kids future, and second because of the way they spend my money. I only donate to local charities for the same reason, I know where my money is going. Also for the record Ive already answered what I did during Katrina, look back at my older posts if you want to know.