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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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great work, Joe!

anyone know what Danny Riley was charged with and if he has decide to file suits?


Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Due to my being low below karma points and the now possibility of reincarnating into a reptile, I decided to rethink my views:

Hail Bush!

Draft is in!

IRS is good  people!

Eat genectically engineered foods!

War is peace!

Hail Nazi Germany!


Quote from: kola on July 06, 2007, 02:09 PM NHFT
great work, Joe!

anyone know what Danny Riley was charged with and if he has decide to file suits?


Yeah! I was just talking about him to Maura Carroll, the General Counsel at the N.H. Local Government Center (25 Triangle Park, Concord, N.H. 03301, behind TARGET on the Heights) as you were writing this. http://www.nhmunicipal.org at 603: 224-7447 ext. 384. She's the Lobbiest I see over at the LOB all the time. I told her about Gary's answer of that he was not shot "at" but "by", but even so, when Gary DiMartino asked me if I had been up to Ed's lately a few weeks ago, I said that I was hesitant on going there with bullets flying "horizontally" thru the trees!

Maura said that she knows Steve Halleran, the Plainfield attorney/ Town Administrator and that when I told her that I had just spoken to him, and that he said ANYbody can ask them/ the Board of Selectmen a question ANY 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month, I asked Maura that IF I did ask The Plainfield Selectmen Board IF they could get a legal opinion from her/ or her NHMA/ Gov't Ctr. on IF the Art. 12 "protection" in the N.H. Const. , Pt. 1st & Bill of Rights includes MORE than just the standard fire and police protection to ALSO include a local executive check-and-balance against: (1) a state +/or county that sides with the Feds, and (2) when the Feds are in non-compliance with the RSA 123:1 filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., that they can and should protect the Browns from any illegal and unlawful activities by the feds as operating without the necessary papers by the "shall" word in that they/the Feds must file their paperwork with the Office of Secretary of State to prove their acceptance of "concurrent" jurisdiction, and if not, then to explain to us for WHY and HOW they are in this state withOUT our "Consent"! and to leave our citizens alone who want nothing to do with outlaws!  She said that Steve for the Selectmen can ASK her for their legal opinion, but that they do NOT have to share it.

But, let's start the question as a first step, and worry about whether they want to share it or not later. So  can you TTW make it over to the Wed., July 18th meeting? to ASK that this be done, for maybe an answer to be shared with us all on Wed., August 1st.

Thank you, - - Joe Haas

Russell Kanning


I've decided that I really just don't care about "karma" on the forum. There are more important things to worry about.


That's okay. People here have the feds staked out. We know for the most part who they are. If they ever raid the Browns we will have a close eye on most if not all of the feds during and after the raid. How could we not? We have to take their threats to lock up innocent people seriously even if some know they're full of BS.



...more pizza fer "our" boys in black..

Kola ;D


Quote from: error on July 06, 2007, 06:37 PM NHFT
I've decided that I really just don't care about "karma" on the forum. There are more important things to worry about.

It's easy to say that when your karma is 565  ;)

Bald Eagle

Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 06, 2007, 07:27 AM NHFT
a guy from Jaffrey/Dublin was worried we might not have enough room for people at the concert :)

How many do you think could fit? I bet Ed could have 100 there listening to music.

Dude, I've run fraternity parties of more than 300 people in a fraction of the space Ed and Elaine has.  You could have 500-1000 people comfortably use that land if you could figure out the logistics of vehicles and parking.  If a neighbor rented parking spaces for $5 and you ran a shuttle or had people walk, you could pack that place solid.

Bald Eagle

Quote from: kola on July 06, 2007, 10:09 AM NHFT
if and when they ever come to take my guns I will state that they just got stolen and tell the "Boys" I am glad they showed up so I can report it directly to them. They can search all they want because they will not be able to find them.

btw, use lead lined compartments for storage. You can purchase it from an x ray supply company.


You can do that with some guns, but not all of them.  I'd put your ankle in a vice, your groin under a knightstick, and your girlfriend in a bedroom full of my eager team of nazis until you told me where the guns were.  Hmmmm.  I'm still not convinced you're telling me everything.  You have no idea how bad it can get if they decide to make it that bad.  After all, once we've reached that point - what are you going to do?  Hold a sign saying, "Please don't hurt me, I'm a peaceful freedom lover?"

There's a reason I'll never cry if they all wake up dead.

Do you think they can't find lead with ... a METAL DETECTOR?  Jesus.


Well, if you look at it that way, Lex. But you are running about one karma point for every ten posts. So is error. He just posts a lot. Maybe that means you have more of a life.  :P


quote Do you think they can't find lead with ... a METAL DETECTOR?  Jesus.

Are you asking me? or Jesus? or are you just being sarcastic?

Anyway, I am unsure if they would be coming with metal detectors but if so, they are located where there is plenty of other metals. I am more concerned with satellite surveillance systems.



I see that Google has about a half dozen of these Brown Sympathizer Arrested AP stories in various newspapers, when I searched for: "Joseph Haas" in quotes.

Also I did find one of the two radio interviews I did shortly thereafter on two different nights.  One of them is over at:


I don't have sound here, so I forget whether this was the first or second one.

I've also posted it over at:




1.) Here's another one from a "Joseph S Haas" search=


that I've just read Ryan's reply for the first time and like his comment of: "this country is not what it once was".

2.) See also http://www.nh.gov/judiciary/supreme/opinions/2007/haas090.pdf with more government lies at the Supreme Court!

This past Thu., July 5th '07 I did file my MOTION TO RECONSIDER:

"--Thank you for your 3-page 'opinion' of June 26 '07 but you are WRONG! and so I reply within (10) days as follows:

--You are WRONG to write at page 2 that 'the defendant...(did not) argue that a fundamental right is at issue".

--See: (1) #13 1.) at page 3 of the Appeal for 'the statute has trespassed on a RIGHT" (emphasis ADDed for the Tom Bantle statement to Congress that I quoted, and put into page 5 of my BRIEF); + (2) see also #3 at page 2 of my REPLY BRIEF for this 'invasion of individual liberty' for the State v. Kenneth G. Moore case 91 N.H. 16-23 @ 21 (1940).

--To require the defendant to pay for the medicine to cure the disease foisted upon me by the state is tantamount to an extortion racket to extract a protection fee and so is in violation of the federal RICO Act, and will be to where I'll take this claim of you being part of this 'protection racket' if you do not: Wise Up!"

Yours Truly, Joseph S. Haas