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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

A cardboard box will foil those nasty sateellites


Have you guys considered the idea that the town may not be too keen on a concert? Most people move to places where the Browns live for peace and quiet. We live in a remote area as well but we would have the decency to talk to our neighbors before putting on a concert. Even though we cant see our neighbors sound travels quite well. If one of them calls the police for traffic concerns or noise complaints what would happen then? This whole situation isn't something to celebrate. Its way too tricky to be having a party with a band, etc. I'm confused doesn't anyone on here realize the seriousness of this situation? Its not going to go over too well if a police cruiser comes down the driveway because of a complaint and someone at the party mistakes it for a raid and all hell breaks loose. Not to rain on your parade I'm just trying to be sure innocent people don't get hurt. Also I'm quite sure there will be people with their children at this party. Funny thing is I like Poker Face quite a bit Id actually like to see them live again. I saw them in DC when we went down there to counter the "Million" Mom march. Their message is quite powerful. If they play Id rather die then be your slave I think you will all enjoy that song. My family has all of their Cd's, my kids are 4,3,2 and already know a couple of them by heart. Its just too bad this is going down at the Browns home. 

Dave Ridley

my suggestion would be visit the neighbors' mailboxes and slip money or precious metals into their newspaper tubes, along with a thank you note for being so tolerant.


18 USC 1030 is an interesting collection of words written on magic paper. It generally prohibits unauthorized access to computers, but it has a bunch of loopholes and exceptions.

I raise this issue because one of the Department of Justice officials working on the Ed and Elaine Brown case has been obtaining apparently unauthorized access to computers outside the United States, using them as proxy servers, in order to read this and other web sites relating to the Ed Brown situation, without being discovered as such. This will be the same person who sent me the anonymous threat last week.

But this official gets a free pass, because §1030(f) provides that government officials are exempt when they claim to be doing their jobs.


Quote from: error on July 07, 2007, 12:10 PM NHFT
18 USC 1030 is an interesting collection of words written on magic paper. It generally prohibits unauthorized access to computers, but it has a bunch of loopholes and exceptions.

I raise this issue because one of the Department of Justice officials working on the Ed and Elaine Brown case has been obtaining apparently unauthorized access to computers outside the United States, using them as proxy servers, in order to read this and other web sites relating to the Ed Brown situation, without being discovered as such. This will be the same person who sent me the anonymous threat last week.

But this official gets a free pass, because §1030(f) provides that government officials are exempt when they claim to be doing their jobs.


Although the sub-section (a) heading reads for "Unlawful acts of revenue officers or agents", it's not the heading that counts, but the exact wording withIN the statute, and so by Title 26, Subtitle F, Chapter 75, Subchapter A, Part I Section 7214 "Any officer or employee of the United States acting in connection with any revenue law of the United states--...(6) who makes...any fraudulent...statement...shall be dismissed from office...and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.  The court may in its discretion award out of the fine so imposed an amount, not in excess of one-half thereof, for the use of the informer...." See http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sec_26_00007214----000-.html

As I've already indicated in my Reply #___ above, Judge Steven J. McAuliffe did make a fraudulent/ deceitful statement by tricking the jury into believing that what he said was true, his statement a mis-representation that "The courts have held the tax laws of this country to be constitutional...." (re: page 2, lines #21+22 from the DAY 4 EXCERPTED TRANSCRIPT on Jan. 17, 2007 in the trial of USA v. Ed & Elaine Brown, case #06-cr-71-01/02-SM but WHO to prosecute him and where? and will I get $5,000?)

He knows, or should have known, by the IRS case against me in this SAME court, with Chief Judge Shane Devine in case #M.83-50-D in 1983, that what he said to the jury was false, and that he ought to declare a mis-trial!

My case proved by a re-citation of the Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 US 103 @ 112 (1916) that "The Sixteenth Amendment conferred...indirect taxation...." and so with rents being "direct" taxes by the Pollock v. Farmers case 158 US 601 @ 637 (1895), then Title 26 U.S. Code Sec. 61 (5) Rents is Un-constitutional, but still on the books! (just like that improper influence statute was declared unlawful for ten years BEFORE I was charged under such here in N.H. before the judge dismissed the case against me, re: my 1:51 AM Reply above).

I alerted Chief Deputy Clerk, Daniel J. Lynch about this in my AFFIDAVIT of such signed Feb. 6 '07 and filed in court May 14 '07 @ 1:27 PM but was returned to me by Lynch on May 17th citing Fed. R. Crim. P. 47(a) & 49(d) that "Only a party to an action may file a motion or pleading in the case."  The word: plead meaning not merely: 5. "To argue or present (a case) in a court" but also: "4. To put forth a plea of a specific nature in a court of law." So in regards to the latter, #4, does that mean that my plea of not 3. an answer of the accused, but a 1. entreaty, meaning an earnest request that the truth be filed for WHOever audits these files to take it ONE STEP BEYOND for prosecution of the fraud, is not this, but that because it is NOT "a court of law" as being an Article III court of the U.S. Constitution, but a Legislative Court of Congress by statutes, that it could not be entered for further action?  And if so, then what-the-hell is the law-enforcement doing with these bench warrants!?  They are law-enforcement officers for the law IS the constitution, and not statute/ legal-enforcement officers!  In the latter case, then WHY hasn't the prosecution entered a Motion for Contempt? of court.  Then at least then I could have the opportunity to present this as evidence to offset what the judge said to the jury as false, to have a mis-trial declared by that judge.  So what happends next? To have my Congressman, or woman see to it that this be done?

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059. (cell phone).

P.S. Too many times this "shit happens" as they say, like in the Douglas v. Douglas case of eviction of Caroline from Chuck's house on the Heights in Concord where we had one of our VOCALS meetings a few years ago. Then Merrimack County Sheriff served her with papers AND evicted her at the SAME day and time, when this rush-to-judgment should have been just the mere serving of papers, and THEN a hearing to find out if she was really in contempt-of-court, and if so to THEN do the physical eviction.

footnote:  Error, maybe one of these nine (9) unlawful acts might be applicable to one of the officers or employees in your part of this case, to collect up to $5,000.00 too.  Good luck.


McAuliffe:  I wonder "why" Ed Brown is dis-respecting my ORDER for his arrest?

Colantuono:  Your honor, I think he thinks you are of dis-honor.

McAuliffe: Shall we schedule a show-cause hearing as to WHY he is not in contempt-of-court?

Colantuono:  I wouldn't do that.

McAuliffe: Why not?

Colantuono:  Because he has the evidence that we're operating illegally here in New Hampshire.

McAuliffe:  Illegaly!?

Colantuono: Yes your majesty, oh...I mean your honor. He has PROOF in that certificate from the Secretary of State's Office that we are in a non-filing status to RSA 123:1.

McAuliffe:  Who cares about the N.H. statutes?  we are the federal government and have supremacy!

Colantuono: Not really, your honor.  Art.I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 U.S. Constitution requires that we get "Consent" from the State Legislature.

McAuliffe: Didn't we get "Consent" back on Flag Day, June 14th, 1883?

Colantuono: Yes, and No.

McAuliffe: What do you mean: yes, and no?

Colantuono: Yes, they gave us consent, but it was on the condition that there be concurrent jurisdiction.

McAuliffe:  Then HOW can we exercise exclusive jurisdiction as the only way to enforce compliance with the criminal statutes in Title 18 of the U.S. Code?

Colantuono:  Exactly, your honor, we have none.

McAuliffe: Don't tell that the the U.S. Marshal*. (:-) LOL

Colantuono: He already knows, but agrees to call your illegal "precept" a lawful one.

McAuliffe: Why is that?

Colantuono:  Because that's the way his oath reads: to execute only LAWful precepts, but that he's willing to OVERlook that.

McAuliffe: Isn't Monier* a figure-head only, and we by-pass him with the two certified copies of the Arrest Warrant, even if he were to operate by the law, by passing the arrest warrants to the "belly of the beast"? (;-)

Colantuono: Yes, the Marshal Service must execute ALL precepts, whether legal or illegal.

McAuliffe:  Then what's the problem?

Colantuono:  He's got guns. Mr. Brown has guns.

McAuliffe:  I don't care, I sit here, and ORDER the Marshal Service to go in there to get him ANY way they can!

Colantuono:  But some of the Deputy Marshals will only take ORDERs from the Marshal.

McAuliffee: WHO are they?  Bring them here to my court!  I want to see if THEY are in contempt of court.

Colantuono:  I wouldn't do that either, your honor.  That might provide the opportunity for them to take what Mr. Brown has in that certificate as evidence and enter it into court as an exhibit.

McAuliffe:  Are you shitting me!?  I declare what's to be weighed in as evidence around here, and if I see that certificate, I'll just not admit it.

Colantuono:  But your honor, that might not sit well with the State Legislators, and especially those descendants of the ones who set up this RSA Ch. 123:1.

McAuliffe:  We've got that covered.  Former Legislator Mrs. Terri Dudley of the Lebanon City Council says that the statute in her state does not apply to people in her city, and she is very versed in convincing the rest of her councilors of this opinion, although contrary to the law.

Colantuono:  But the city of Lebanon is withIN the state as a subset OF the state.

McAuliffe:  We've got that covered too because both the County Sheriff and the Governor agree that they are LAW-enforcement officers and this is only a statute, or a minor law, so it doesn't count.

Colantuono:  Oh! but what about Art.1,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const.?  Isn't that like THE law?

McAuliffe:  Yeah, but that's OUR federal law, the state officers think they only have to enforce the state law.

Colantuono:  But what happens when they wake up?

McAuliffe: Then we're in deep shit!

Bald Eagle

 :o   NOT THE MAILBOXES!!!!   :o

That would be a Federal Crime!


But the newspaper tubes or front doorstep would be just fine.
Maybe bring them brownies, American Pie, cookies, weed their gardens, edge their lawns, etc.


Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: kola on July 06, 2007, 02:09 PM NHFT
great work, Joe!

anyone know what Danny Riley was charged with and if he has decide to file suits?

I don't think he was charged with anything.  I don't think he has decided to file any suits.  I talked with him last night, and again this morning, and he didn't mention any charges or suits.  He said that the feds questioned him, threatened him, and let him go.  If you really want to know for sure, I could ask him, after I remember where I put his phone number.

Recumbent ReCycler

I heard from a good source that someone claiming to be a federal marshal called one of the promoters and told him that they would need a permit to have a concert.  I think it is just an intimidation tactic to try to persuade them to cancel it.  The response to the "federal marshal"'s statement was something along the lines of Permit?  We don't need no stinking permit.  They had a concert there not too long ago, and it went off without a hitch, from what I heard.

Recumbent ReCycler

If anyone goes to the Plainfield area and has a hankering for some pizza, Ramunto's Pizza (603) 298-6060 makes some delicious pizza.  Their Buffalo Chicken pizza has a really good flavor to it, and just the right amount of heat.  If I remember correctly what I was told , Ed likes the veggie pizza with a thin crust, and Randy Weaver likes the Buffalo Chicken pizza.  Their Lebanon restaurant isn't too far from the Brown residence, maybe 6 or 7 miles.  I heard that it used to be at 31 Main St. in West Lebanon, but moved to somewhere else in Lebanon recently.  I think I was told that it was the Shaws Plaza, which is a couple blocks away if I'm not mistaken.  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


I definitely haven't met Ed or Elaine or ever even been to New Hampshire, but i have read a decent amount about this (including posts here from people who have known him for a long time), and I think that he may be more than a little eccentric, and I imagine that has increased in the past year being in the house under siege. What i do know, is that regardless of if he is a "kook", an inconsiderate neighbor, or an "embarrassment to the NH Gun Movement"...let's assume he is ALL of those things.

there's a huge stretch from someone having those traits and trying to justify stealing everything that they own at the threat of death or imprisonment.

I think that who Ed Brown is as a person isn't particularly the point, if all of the charges are related to not paying income taxes, then I admire them for not submitting. Which means that the feds are essentially trying to murder/imprison someone for doing something I agree with and admire.

I really think the only issue here is whether or not you think someone should be forced to pay income tax at the point of a gun.

And, not to speak for anyone as a group as I am certainly not an insider here, I think that if you do think it is right for someone to have to pay income tax at the point of a gun you might be in the right forum.

I hope the concert goes off without a hitch ^_^

Russell Kanning

So .... is poker face going acoustical ... or are we going to have to bring generators?

If we don't get a permit .... will the government shut off the power?

Russell Kanning

which shaws plaza?

tax evaders can still enjoy the finer things in life ... like a good pizza

Recumbent ReCycler

Quote from: Russell Kanning on July 08, 2007, 06:08 AM NHFT
which shaws plaza?

tax evaders can still enjoy the finer things in life ... like a good pizza
I'm not sure.  I didn't realize there was more than one.  I put their phone number in my post because I wasn't sure exactly where it was.  The Buffalo Chicken pizza is one of the two best I've had. 
The other place that had really good Buffalo Chicken pizza was in Manchester, but the name escapes me.  IIRC, It was a couple blocks from the federal building where the VA offices are, and a block from Checkmate pizza.

Russell Kanning

it was more of a joke .... there is a Shaws on both sides of the freeway in West Lebanon.