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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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When we got back from the Browns back in April from conducting an interview with him we saw 5 state troopers on our way back home. When we made the right out of their driveway there was one driving down his road and anyone who has been to his house knows his road is not the typical place cops drive down. I live on the same type of road and Ive seen one cop car in three years driving down my road. We then saw one on the main road when we made the left, saw another one about five miles down the road on the side of the road, and then three more on the way home. The route we took its very uncommon to see any cop cars at all nevermind state police cars. The next day I was followed while making my rounds for work. It angered me because I was there to test the waters and see if this whole thing was legit, to see if Ed Brown was who he says he was before we wrote an article about him. So while I disagree with all of you about pretty much everything when it comes to the Browns, I agree that you are probably being watched. They stopped bothering me pretty much immediately because quite obviously I'm not one of his supporters. Id say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched. Ed Brown has said that if he is killed there will be people taking up his fight after his death going after the very people who killed him as well as their families. So I ask you all if you were Marshall Monier wouldn't you want an idea as to who would be doing the killing after Brown has died. If you are stupid enough to support a man who threatens innocent people with death then you will be watched for quite sometime. If someone threatened my family not only would they be watched, but they would have about ten of my buddies waiting for them when they got home to politely tell them to back off or else.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
When we got back from the Browns back in April from conducting an interview with him we saw 5 state troopers on our way back home. When we made the right out of their driveway there was one driving down his road and anyone who has been to his house knows his road is not the typical place cops drive down. I live on the same type of road and Ive seen one cop car in three years driving down my road. We then saw one on the main road when we made the left, saw another one about five miles down the road on the side of the road, and then three more on the way home. The route we took its very uncommon to see any cop cars at all nevermind state police cars. The next day I was followed while making my rounds for work. It angered me because I was there to test the waters and see if this whole thing was legit, to see if Ed Brown was who he says he was before we wrote an article about him. So while I disagree with all of you about pretty much everything when it comes to the Browns, I agree that you are probably being watched. They stopped bothering me pretty much immediately because quite obviously I'm not one of his supporters. Id say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched. Ed Brown has said that if he is killed there will be people taking up his fight after his death going after the very people who killed him as well as their families. So I ask you all if you were Marshall Monier wouldn't you want an idea as to who would be doing the killing after Brown has died. If you are stupid enough to support a man who threatens innocent people with death then you will be watched for quite sometime. If someone threatened my family not only would they be watched, but they would have about ten of my buddies waiting for them when they got home to politely tell them to back off or else.

I SO wish I was in NH right now so I could be watched too. And, just so you know, you're not innocent if you invade a man's home knowing he's going to be protective of himself, his wife, and his property. Even if Mr. Brown said there'd be others to avenge him, that doesn't give anyone the right to suspect anybody who has ever met or supported the man. Whatever happens to the feds that Mr. Brown deals with is all on themselves.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
When we got back from the Browns back in April from conducting an interview with him we saw 5 state troopers on our way back home. When we made the right out of their driveway there was one driving down his road and anyone who has been to his house knows his road is not the typical place cops drive down. I live on the same type of road and Ive seen one cop car in three years driving down my road. We then saw one on the main road when we made the left, saw another one about five miles down the road on the side of the road, and then three more on the way home. The route we took its very uncommon to see any cop cars at all nevermind state police cars. The next day I was followed while making my rounds for work. It angered me because I was there to test the waters and see if this whole thing was legit, to see if Ed Brown was who he says he was before we wrote an article about him. So while I disagree with all of you about pretty much everything when it comes to the Browns, I agree that you are probably being watched. They stopped bothering me pretty much immediately because quite obviously I'm not one of his supporters. Id say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched....

Thanks for the info Romak.  This reminds me of when back in the 1980s "they" the State Police did the same thing to us and even more by stopping us to ask questions after we had attended one of those monthly meetings on the constitution (1st Sunday of the month) over at Frank & Barbara Anderson's Sherwood Inn in Epsom on Route 4 with the trojan horse there for the annual "Captive Nations" day too as attended by former Gov. Meldrim Thomson, not there at the day event as too hot during the summer, but the evening speeches he would give at the air-conditioned Highway Hotel in Concord that same day.

See my post above about this 3000 Rule #________ to where I've just called the State Police at 271-2575 for "other", getting the Director's office with Carol and a transfer over to Support Services at 271-3296 for Diana, who said that Lt. _____ Murdick would give me a call back to my telephone # with the answer later, if still on the books that I could not find at: http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/nhsp click on the rules chapter at http://www.nh.gov/safety/commissioner/adminrules/lawsandrules.html gets you to http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rules/saf-c100.html see Saf-C 102.09 Division of State Police for RSA 21-P:7 http://www.state.nh.us in (a), with as assistant in (b), and (c)= "The division of state police consists of 4 operating bureaus as follows: (1) Communications/administration bureau; (2) Traffic bureau; (3) Detective bureau; and (4) Highway enforcement." So Romak, I think in your case it was not routine traffic or highway stuff in either (2) or (4), but some type of work in their "Detective bureau", and maybe back in April they were detecting WHO it was that was visiting the Browns and writing down all the license plate numbers, with maybe all of us on a list in their folder #________ that you might like to call the Detective bureau at 271-_____ to get a copy? I'll call there in a few minutes to modify this report later, like to tell that Detective ________________ in charge that he ought not to be looking at license plates, but detect for WHO it is from the Feds who is supposed to be filing these RSA 123:1 papers with the Office of Secretary of State as from Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the U.S. Constitution, they are RSA Ch.92:2 sworn to honor in the oath of office.

Yours truly, - - Joe H. 

P.S. To drop by a copy of my Jan. 11, 2007 certification to him/her and the director later today as the PROOF that the Feds are in this non-filing mode, and what are they in LAW ENFORCEMENT going to do about it. ________


Quote from: error on June 26, 2007, 02:48 PM NHFT
Quote from: CNHT on June 26, 2007, 02:44 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 26, 2007, 02:16 PM NHFT
Randy Weaver went back to Arkansas to have guys in black uniforms and with black SUVs prowl around his property.  The FBI and local sheriff's department said they didn't know who they were. 

That is insane. What in God's green earth did they expect to find there simply because he'd been to the Browns for a visit? This is what I mean -- it's no wonder people get hateful of the government. What possibly could they have been looking for except to intimidate the man.

Interestingly, since I got back from PorcFest and my own trip to the Browns, police patrols in the neighborhood are up -- way up. For the last two days I've seen a cop go by almost hourly. Before, it was unusual to see a police vehicle more than once a week.

Maybe the Prison Planet will have an update to this over at: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2007/260607Weaver.htm now with twenty-four (24) comments.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
Id say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched.

I'm a Libertarian gun owner in the Republic of Maryland.  I've already got two strikes against me in this part of the world.


Being a gun owner is admirable and responsible for the safety of our children and countrymen, threatening to kill innocent people is not admirable or responsible. If the Nazis who run the gun banning movement in this society ever get their wish and ban them leading to confiscation, etc this is a declaration of war on the American people. Its also a direct violation of the Constitution and will be fought by millions. To our group of men here in this little town banning guns and telling us to turn them in is just not going to happen. You can tell us all you want but you will lose and lose bigtime. Heck we've been preparing for just that day for over 10 years. On the gun issue you couldn't even get the majority of police and military to go along, they would be on our side. The income tax while immoral and unfair is unfortunately a legal tax, which means you need to get it overturned. Repeal the 16th amendment vote for change. In 94 when the republicans took over congress it was common knowledge that they won because the Dems were dumb enough to vote for the "Assault" weapons ban. Since this time the Dems are smart enough to leave this issue alone if they want to get elected. If enough people voted people out of office who support the income tax, they would be forced to wake up and vote for change. Until this time we are stuck with an unfair tax. If the Browns had used some of that money they made to fight for change the proper way maybe we would be closer to seeing our tax rate reduced dramatically. If you were to ask Marshall Monier if he pays too much in taxes I'm sure his answer would be yes, would he like to have more money to spend on his family, again I'm sure he would say yes. That I'm sure we can all agree on, the fact is the Browns went about it in the wrong way and now are dealing with what THEY created. Richard why don't you move to a more friendly state? On a positive note at least your moronic reps killed that AWB they have been trying to pass for the past ten years.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 09:32 AM NHFT
If the Nazis who run the gun banning movement in this society ever get their wish and ban them leading to confiscation, etc this is a declaration of war on the American people. Its also a direct violation of the Constitution and will be fought by millions.

According to the tax deniers, the 16th amendment was never ratified because there were typographical and spelling differences between the versions of the amendment ratified by the various states.  If the same silly standard was applied to the other constitutional amendments, none of the first 20 amendments were properly ratified which means that the Bill of Rights doesn't exist which means that we have no right to bear arms.  And it's all the tax deniers' fault!   >:D

QuoteRichard why don't you move to a more friendly state?

I did.  I used to live in California...



If we waited for people to wise up and elect the right people, we'd have just laws approximately...never. Protests are designed to make people aware of the issues. Saying the Browns are going about it all wrong just supports the viewpoint that the laws are just. Support the Browns, and more people will realize they're being screwed.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
I'd say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched.

Even those who are not the least bit interested and have never been there?

Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
Ed Brown has said that if he is killed there will be people taking up his fight after his death going after the very people who killed him as well as their families. So I ask you all if you were Marshall Monier wouldn't you want an idea as to who would be doing the killing after Brown has died. If you are stupid enough to support a man who threatens innocent people with death then you will be watched for quite sometime.

I am wondering why Ed Brown would be so bold as to speak for the people who have been going up there who I know would object to having it said they would be violent? Isn't that making grand assumptions on his part?


How much would it cost to buy a town, I wonder? Lock, stock and barrel.


Quote from: CNHT on June 27, 2007, 09:59 AM NHFT
wondering why Ed Brown would be so bold as to speak for the people who have been going up there who I know would object to having it said they would be violent? Isn't that making grand assumptions on his part?

Grand assumptions by Ed Brown?  Say it ain't so. 


Quote from: lowen on June 27, 2007, 09:51 AM NHFT
Saying the Browns are going about it all wrong just supports the viewpoint that the laws are just.

No it doesn't. 

Look at the eminent domain laws, for example.  When property was taken to benefit a private business, the American people put up such a stink that a flurry of state laws and state constitutional amendments were passed to prevent such an atrocity from happening in their states.  That's people realizing that they've been screwed.  The non violent protests over the issue triggered a wave of press that resulted in people all across the nation talking about the unfairness of the land grab over dinner and making it clear to their elected officials that the situation was unacceptable.

Now compare that to the Bixby case in South Carolina.  The Bixby's were a long term New Hampshire family who moved down to South Carolina and bought a home and some land on a major road.  A few years later, some of the land was to be taken under the eminent domain laws to widen that major road, and the Bixbys were furious.  Citing Article 10 of the New Hampshire constitution and chanting "Live Free or Die", the Bixbys decided to protect their land with their guns and their lives.  When the road construction crew arrived, they told them to get off their land.  When a sheriff showed up alone to address the situation, they shot him through the doorway, dragged his body inside, and let him slowly bleed to death in the kitchen.  Another sheriff was shot and killed as he was getting out his car to find out why the first sheriff had disappeared, and then all hell broke loose while the Bixbys engaged other law enforcement in a 14 hour gun battle before surrendering.

So did the American public put up a stink this time about the unfairness of the eminent domain laws?  No way in hell.  They labeled the Bixbys as cop killer extremist freaks and sentenced the first Bixby to go to trial this last spring (the son, Steven Bixby) to the death penalty. 

The more you read about the Bixby family and the violent stand they took in the name of self defense, the more you'll see the striking similarities to the stand being taken and the rhetoric being used by Ed Brown. 




I don't know what the price of a town in NH would be but I found this:

August, 2000
© Copyright 2000, IRED.com, Inc.

CNN News: Oregon Town For Sale
Real estate broker Jim Gray did one heck of a job marketing his new listing on August 10, 2000. Talking by telephone to CNN Anchor, Andria Hall, he confirmed that the town of Otis, Oregon -- all 200 acres of it -- is for sale.
The coastal range town in the Pacific Northwest has attracted attention from an investor who would like to make it into a dude ranch for boys and girls and a developer who is considering the "parcel". The current residents number between 500 to 1,000 but the post office can service 2,000 residents. Jim states that the town has a "very nice living quality."

Jim Gray's commission is some amount below Hall's guess of the 6-7% range and he gets his fee for the successful marketing of the property, including the exposure on CNN. Not bad for a small town or for any real estate listing, for that matter!

It was listed at $3 million.


Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 10:16 AM NHFT
How much would it cost to buy a town, I wonder? Lock, stock and barrel.

We are working on that. ;)