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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Quote from: richardr on June 27, 2007, 10:53 AM NHFT
Quote from: lowen on June 27, 2007, 09:51 AM NHFT
Saying the Browns are going about it all wrong just supports the viewpoint that the laws are just.

No it doesn't. 

Richard is right and furthermore, it is wholly unfair to ask that the situation with the Browns be used as some sort of litmus test for the good doctor, unlness you want to let your 'purity' get in the way of his candidacy. Another perfect example of how to shoot yourself in the foot.

Do you really want to get bad laws changed? Then support Ron for his own policies and issues and forget about the Browns -- they will do what they wish and NO one should have to be litmus-tested against them.


The 2003 Abbeville Stand-off.

This is a perfect example about the imporantance of educating common people on Constitutional rights. Then when they sit as jurors they can make the decision to favor us and not the feds.



Quote from: kola on June 27, 2007, 12:57 PM NHFT
The 2003 Abbeville Stand-off.

This is a perfect example about the imporantance of educating common people on Constitutional rights. Then when they sit as jurors they can make the decision to favor us and not the feds.


You think the Bixby's were within their constitutional rights to kill two sheriffs rather than allow their property to be used to widen a highway?


Quote from: richardr on June 27, 2007, 01:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on June 27, 2007, 12:57 PM NHFT
The 2003 Abbeville Stand-off.

This is a perfect example about the imporantance of educating common people on Constitutional rights. Then when they sit as jurors they can make the decision to favor us and not the feds.


You think the Bixby's were within their constitutional rights to kill two sheriffs rather than allow their property to be used to widen a highway?

I believe they stood for a just cause.  Those who refused to take a step back, and did the dirty work of the government should in fact start thinking about taking a step back.

Do you think its fair, with an aquittal of a IRS agent by the supreme court, that the federal courts have the right to disobey the law?

People shouldnt be so quick to just go along without questioning those directives.

Do you think its fair for people to sit in jail and rot while waiting on appeals?

Do you think its fair that we all are treated as the guilty before we are ever found to be guilty?

Asking if it was fair that two Sherriffs were killed in the process, is like asking if it is okay that the pope is a pedophile as long as His god says its okay.

"If you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything"


The judges can't disobey the law; they MAKE the law.


Quote from: nonya on June 27, 2007, 01:45 PM NHFT
I believe they stood for a just cause. 

Murdering two human beings to protect a strip of land that was subject to an easement when you purchased it is not a "just cause."  It's just ugly.

QuoteDo you think its fair, with an aquittal of a IRS agent by the supreme court, that the federal courts have the right to disobey the law?

What IRS agent has ever been acquitted by the Supreme Court?  

And since when does an acquittal in a criminal case bear any legal precedence whatsoever?  Or perhaps you think that, since OJ was acquitted, that now means murder is legal.

QuotePeople shouldnt be so quick to just go along without questioning those directives.

I looked into the Bixby case, did you?  Or did you just "go along without questioning" whether your personal biases were getting in the way of making an informed opinion?

QuoteDo you think its fair for people to sit in jail and rot while waiting on appeals?

Depends on the crime. Violent criminals, for example, are not released pending appeal and I don't have a problem with that.


Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 01:52 PM NHFT
The judges can't disobey the law; they MAKE the law.

And yet, lots of judges go to prison.


I received the following message on my site's contact form from a Department of Justice computer a couple of hours ago:


Anyone who is going to carry out plans killing officers, agents, and government persons after Ed is arrested is in way over their head. If you continue to pursue these threats, you along with several of your fellow Ed supporters are going to jail. Ed is a convicted felon and several more are going to be rounded up in their stupity. ERROR is making huge errors.

The person who left the message did not include a return email address.


Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 02:00 PM NHFT
I received the following message on my site's contact form from a Department of Justice computer a couple of hours ago:


Anyone who is going to carry out plans killing officers, agents, and government persons after Ed is arrested is in way over their head. If you continue to pursue these threats, you along with several of your fellow Ed supporters are going to jail. Ed is a convicted felon and several more are going to be rounded up in their stupity. ERROR is making huge errors.

The person who left the message did not include a return email address.

What threats??  Sounds like they are the ones who are threatening.  Scumbags.  Scared yet, error?   ::)


Exactly. I haven't made any threats. That's the confusing part of all this.


quote: You think the Bixby's were within their constitutional rights to kill two sheriffs rather than allow their property to be used to widen a highway?

The sheriffs were not upholding the constitution as they swore to do. This is treason. What is listed as punishment for treason? Death if need be. These hired guns were provoctive and trespassing as well and they had already bullied the Bixbys. This is the same as the Browns case and Waco and Ruby. Everyone knows the score. The intimidation and bullying force by the Feds is evident. Anything Ed does is in self defense. The Feds need to pack their shit and go and find someone else to illegally and immorally terrorize...maybe someone or a group of folks who won't fight back. As for myself, I stand by the words of my forefathers and will fight for my rights. Let the blood flow.    



Fed Thugs:  Talk is cheap.  When are the roundups going to start?


How do you expect them to know which one of you is one of those supporters who follows Ed Browns doctrine of killing federal agents and which one of you is a passive supporter? Just because you say you are? Ive told you from the beginning that Ed Brown is in way over his head with the threats he's made and if I was in the Marshalls shoes Id keep a close eye on his most ardent supporters while I was arresting him. People how many times must I remind you that Ed Brown threatened to have people kill Govt officials that take part in serving the legal warrant on him. To support such a man is insane. If any of you actually had half a brain you can tell by meeting him that he is all talk and is intent on pretending to me someone he isn't. Sorry but this really pisses me off, you cant go around like some lunatic threatening death to people and not expect to be handled roughly. Its not like the Govt decided to go after Brown because of his beliefs, if that was the case he would've been taken out decades ago. He's been speaking like this for years. Only now because of his conviction is he a target, and rightfully so, hes a convicted Felon who is supposed to be in prison. Its his fault he in this mess, and supporting this man if pretty foolish. You are wasting your time while you could be focusing on bigger and better things for this country. Why not try donating your time to a family of a fallen soldier in need, or giving some money to a needy NH family? I don't think they should make this man into a martyr because thats what he wants, but what do you propose they do? Leave him alone? Guess breaking some laws are OK, and others are not so OK to most of you on here. I'm ashamed this whole thing is going on in this state. Its giving people who really care about freedom, and promoting its message a bad name. I tell ya I don't know how Marshall Monier is holding back as well as he is. If he wants some help in apprehending this man tell him to give me a holler.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 02:44 PM NHFT
How do you expect them to know which one of you is one of those supporters who follows Ed Browns doctrine of killing federal agents and which one of you is a passive supporter? Just because you say you are?

You're kidding, right? Several people on this thread have come right out and said they're willing to shoot law enforcement officers who they consider to be committing "treason" or breaking the "law." But painting non-violent people with the same brush is ridiculous.

Maybe they should just round up everyone who's posted on this thread. After all, you could secretly be an Ed Brown supporter who just SAYS you support the marshals.