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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Well UNFORTUNATELY, error is right. I believe they are not going to bother to make the distinction between who is and who isn't 'violent' which is why I said right from the start, I feared for y'all for just going up there...



Ya thats me Error spending all of my time trying to enlighten you people and show you the ERROR of your ways just for fun. What a moronic statement. FYI they cant legally round up all of his supporters just because you think what hes doing is right, unless you contributed to him being a convicted Felon on the run there isnt much they can do(ie supplies, etc.), or if you threatened to kill someone obviously. So dont get your panties up in a bunch ERROR unless you did one of these things. I most definitely do support the way the Marshalls are handling this situation. Sorry if that offends you ERROR. Is that the only part of my whole statement that you respond to?


I have to take bad-cop threats such as the above seriously. There should not BE bad cops in the U.S. Marshals Service, but apparently there are.

And what I wouldn't give to have your IP address right now. :)


Quote from: kola on June 27, 2007, 02:41 PM NHFT
quote: You think the Bixby's were within their constitutional rights to kill two sheriffs rather than allow their property to be used to widen a highway?

The sheriffs were not upholding the constitution as they swore to do.


QuoteNo person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

This does not prohibit taking of private property for public use, it simply states that the compensation for such taking must be just.  And it'd be kind of hard to argue that a road is not a "public use."


Quote from: mvpel on June 27, 2007, 03:35 PM NHFT
This does not prohibit taking of private property for public use, it simply states that the compensation for such taking must be just.  And it'd be kind of hard to argue that a road is not a "public use."

Yep.  The government purchased the right to widen the highway from the landowners 30 years ago.  The Bixby family bought land that was already subject to an easement.


Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 02:53 PM NHFT
You're kidding, right? Several people on this thread have come right out and said they're willing to shoot law enforcement officers who they consider to be committing "treason" or breaking the "law." But painting non-violent people with the same brush is ridiculous.

Maybe they're just using you to get the word out.  You probably know about and post to most of the places online whether potential shooters are likely to be, such as here and nhteaparty.organd wherever else you just posted the threat.


Quote from: richardr on June 27, 2007, 05:33 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 02:53 PM NHFT
You're kidding, right? Several people on this thread have come right out and said they're willing to shoot law enforcement officers who they consider to be committing "treason" or breaking the "law." But painting non-violent people with the same brush is ridiculous.

Maybe they're just using you to get the word out.  You probably know about and post to most of the places online whether potential shooters are likely to be, such as here and nhteaparty.organd wherever else you just posted the threat.

Maybe, but they could have just posted it themselves if they wanted to make it an official communication. There are certainly enough of them reading this forum. This reads more like one frustrated officer who can't understand why people don't respect "the law." To him I would say, read the work of the same name by Frederic Bastiat. Then you will understand.

The Complete Perversion of the Law

But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions. And when it has exceeded its proper functions, it has not done so merely in some inconsequential and debatable matters. The law has gone further than this; it has acted in direct opposition to its own purpose. The law has been used to destroy its own objective: It has been applied to annihilating the justice that it was supposed to maintain; to limiting and destroying rights which its real purpose was to respect. The law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit the person, liberty, and property of others. It has converted plunder into a right, in order to protect plunder. And it has converted lawful defense into a crime, in order to punish lawful defense.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Divide and conquer.  ::)

It is very ridicules that people have guns held to their heads over paper money.
Told to sign a paper or you are in trouble.  Just do it because this guys says so or that guy says so.
Yep. Sounds like slavery to me. Yes sum masta.


Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 02:53 PM NHFT

Maybe they should just round up everyone who's posted on this thread. After all, you could secretly be an Ed Brown supporter who just SAYS you support the marshals.

I've not posted much lately, but I had to get my name on the list of Brown Supporters.  So, here you are Feds, add me to the list.  Now, I don't plan of shooting anyone anytime soon but that should not matter, right?  I still support the Browns and have now posted on this thread.  Damn.  I'm cooked now!


I'm sure my name's there in spades now. :o

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Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on June 27, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
Divide and conquer.  ::)

It is very ridicules that people have guns held to their heads over paper money.
Told to sign a paper or you are in trouble.  Just do it because this guys says so or that guy says so.
Yep. Sounds like slavery to me. Yes sum masta.

Whoa... I saw Marley and thought that was Rocketman posting.  This is clearly a government plot designed to confuse me.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 15, 2007, 01:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on June 15, 2007, 12:52 PM NHFT
Quote from: Mike Chambers on June 15, 2007, 12:36 PM NHFT
Even the Feds admit they shot at Riley as he was running from them.

They did? I must have missed that. Where did they admit they fired shots?

...See Article I, section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, in that "No State shall, without the consent of Congress,...enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State...unless actuallty invaded...."  So in other words that "unless" clause can refer to them the invad-ors to exert force (with the help of Maine and MAssachusetts) upon the invad-ees like Ed Brown!? It looks like George Orwell was right, in his "Nineteen Eight Four" book written in 1948 that in 1984+ that: black would be white, and up would be down, and what is presumed would be a defensive maneuver AGAINST the invad-or would be such, but just look what THEY have done to their oath! The "letter of the law" is there, but not in "spirit"!  I think this is a violation of our Ninth Amendment Rights!

- - Joe Haas

modification: not shot "at", but shot "by" his body between the trees.

Early this morning I called the State Police (as indicated above) and left a message for Mark Murdock who returned my call to my voice mail @ 9:00 a.m. that I didn't get to listen to until about 3:00 p.m. with my return call to his recorder, and his call back to me when we talked about: (1) this 3000 Rule in RSA Ch. 106-B http://www.state.nh.us of for the State Police to check in with the Selectmen when they are doing an "investigation", and (2) when we got to talking about the Maine and MAss. vehicles up to Ed's back on that Thu., June 7th he thought that they might have been "loaned" to New Hampshire to use, and so not really a violation of the compact as it did not involve Maine or MAss. troopers in the "person", but merely their "property" being rented or by somesuch loan.

Yours truly, - - Joe H.


As if the government has a shortage of vehicles.


Quote from: Romak on June 27, 2007, 06:55 AM NHFT
When we got back from the Browns back in April from conducting an interview with him we saw 5 state troopers on our way back home. When we made the right out of their driveway there was one driving down his road and anyone who has been to his house knows his road is not the typical place cops drive down. I live on the same type of road and Ive seen one cop car in three years driving down my road. We then saw one on the main road when we made the left, saw another one about five miles down the road on the side of the road, and then three more on the way home. The route we took its very uncommon to see any cop cars at all nevermind state police cars. The next day I was followed while making my rounds for work. It angered me because I was there to test the waters and see if this whole thing was legit, to see if Ed Brown was who he says he was before we wrote an article about him. So while I disagree with all of you about pretty much everything when it comes to the Browns, I agree that you are probably being watched. They stopped bothering me pretty much immediately because quite obviously I'm not one of his supporters. Id say pretty much everyone in here with the exception of Richardr is being watched. Ed Brown has said that if he is killed there will be people taking up his fight after his death going after the very people who killed him as well as their families. So I ask you all if you were Marshall Monier wouldn't you want an idea as to who would be doing the killing after Brown has died. If you are stupid enough to support a man who threatens innocent people with death then you will be watched for quite sometime. If someone threatened my family not only would they be watched, but they would have about ten of my buddies waiting for them when they got home to politely tell them to back off or else.

As far as it goes, I think a lot of people on this forum are being watched, irrespective of the situation with the Brown's, although that has no doubt ramped up the surveillance.

I haven't specifically noticed anyone following me, but if they want to, they're more than welcome.  Heck, they can even take a ride in the passenger seat with me while I deliver packages, if they want to. As far as I'm concerned, the more people they put watching me, the fewer people they have to harass other people.

I wonder if they ever wonder what happened to America.

Remember when that star spangled banner once waved
O'er the land of the free.
Now its the home of the chained.


Exactly.  I've got a couple of spare bedrooms they can sleep in if they want and an extra bath for them.  Towels are in the hall closet, replace what you eat out of the fridge, and if you take the last cup of coffee from the pot, make a new one.

Of course, they may have to get used to us.  As a hint, we call our nation "Naked Land".   ;D