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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 18

Started by Rodinia, June 24, 2007, 11:19 AM NHFT

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Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: Friday on June 27, 2007, 08:48 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on June 27, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
Divide and conquer.  ::)

It is very ridicules that people have guns held to their heads over paper money.
Told to sign a paper or you are in trouble.  Just do it because this guys says so or that guy says so.
Yep. Sounds like slavery to me. Yes sum masta.

Whoa... I saw Marley and thought that was Rocketman posting.  This is clearly a government plot designed to confuse me.

The profile section removed the other commercially owned copyrighted, trademarked icon of maggie from the simpsons as my  avatar so I thought I would use the later, commercially owned copywritten icon for now.  ;D

My phone has been acting weird lately.  A long pause before it rings when I call from another line.
Also, sometimes when friends call, they get, "This number is no longer in service." They keep trying and finally the call goes through.

My tin hat needs reconditioning.  :o

Independence day is just around the corner and just mentioning that will probably triple the watching.  >:D
Maybe one day Elaine and Ed Brown will be found in icon form for some lawyer to harness its commercially owned copyrighted, trademarked value?  I hope it is owned and run by the original creators though, Elaine and Ed Brown.

Peace. Support life.


Quote from: Brock on June 27, 2007, 11:44 PM NHFT
Exactly.  I've got a couple of spare bedrooms they can sleep in if they want and an extra bath for them.  Towels are in the hall closet, replace what you eat out of the fridge, and if you take the last cup of coffee from the pot, make a new one.

Of course, they may have to get used to us.  As a hint, we call our nation "Naked Land".   ;D

What about porcupines? I need a room to rent if it's in the right area. I can learn to tune out the nudity. I've already dispelled any unrealistic notions that may have entered my mind that the nudists look like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It never seems to work out that way.  :o

Dave Ridley

Quote from: Friday on June 27, 2007, 08:48 PM NHFT
Whoa... I saw Marley and thought that was Rocketman posting.  This is clearly a government plot designed to confuse me.

welcome to the list friday :)

Dave Ridley

Sounds like some of washington's guys are losing it just slightly.  reminds me of that prosecuter who went after our buddy in AZ for accidentally shooting a doe instead of a buck.   

When he discovered all the internet discussion he jumped onto the threads and went nutzo trying to defend his case via message board...

then to his credit he backed off.   actually i don't hold it against him for posting on the boards; would that all prosecutors would mingle with the masses that way.   I bet they did in the old days.

Dave Ridley

>>Well UNFORTUNATELY, error is right. I believe they are not going to bother to make the distinction between who is and who isn't 'violent' which is why I said right from the start, I feared for y'all for just going up there...>>

If error or others are arrested, I will make a lot of noise on their behalf and so will their friends. 

During the First American Revolution General Green won the war in the south by getting the British army to chase him around, him never winning a battle...but in the process of chasing him the redcoats alienated the southerners and Green liberated the entire South.

If washington hurt or even inconveniences innocents in the process of nabbing ed, that will tend to have the same effect on a smaller scale.   

Dave Ridley

Guys, whatever difficulties Ed is imposing on his supporters, whatever failings he may have, we must maintain our optimism, our involvement and our resolve.   The primary obstacle we suffer, and have suffered repeatedly, is the fact that Ed tends to make it very difficult for supporters to stay on his property for extended periods of time.   

There is nothing new about that; he kicked me out within the first week.   But if we maintain our good spirit and continue to do many helpful, peaceable things from other locations, we can get through this new period of danger as we have in the past.

Also bear in mind that many positive developments have occurred, the fifty people who showed up for that concert last weekend on Ed's property, the flood of phone calls into Federal offices after their June 7 raid, the wildly expanding media coverage of this imperfect man's plight.   Now comes the july 4 celebration.  None of that has been taken away.

And remember....if washington is this flummoxed over a man with Ed's flaws...how much more difficult it will be for them when the come after the much nicer people who are in their sights.

This is not about Ed....who's salary we are not forced to pay.   It's about the behavior of Washington, which forces us to pay for their shocking activities on penalty of persecution.  Ed has stolen nothing from any of us.   Washington has stolen thousands or hundreds of thousands from each of us and used it for torture and waste.

Have good heart, do what you peaceably can where you are with what you have, and please increase your involvement in this.
This is the time when Washington most needs to be reminded of the peaceable opposition it faces.

Dave Ridley

sent this to romak as a PM


I wanted to extend a personal apology to you regarding the way you've been treated on this board...particularly considering the fact that you are I believe a New Hampshire resident.  Perhaps there is some breach you've committed that I'm not aware of but from what I've seen you appear to me you have been treated unfairly.   I've made a few requests since mid june trying to get your karma normalized and will likely continue doing so.

I'm glad you are here to provide an alternate viewpoint and am reading most of your posts, though of course I often disagree.   I ask that you not judge the entire movement based on the way some folks have treated you.  And I hope you'll stick around.


Sheep Fuzzy Wool

I posted positive enlightening information and I lose a karma point?
I hope it wasn't because my face is brown? ;D
My good friend Krishna has noted this and he says sometimes good karma appears like bad karma and sometimes bad karma appears like good karma, but truth is the purpose.


Reno's father and brother were kicked out of the house over the weekend, and Randy Weaver went back to Arkansas after the concert on Saturday.  But does anyone know what the heck happened to Reno? 

It was nice getting regular updates from the Brown house from Reno.  Now it's Anthony updating the MySpace (God, how I hate MySpace) again, and his immature games and temper flares are more than I can stomach.


Has Socrates/jeffyboy invaded this forum us is fuzzywool guy someone else?



Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 28, 2007, 08:07 AM NHFT
Guys, whatever difficulties Ed is imposing on his supporters, whatever failings he may have, we must maintain our optimism, our involvement and our resolve.The primary obstacle we suffer, and have suffered repeatedly, is the fact that Ed tends to make it very difficult for supporters to stay on his property for extended periods of time.There is nothing new about that; he kicked me out within the first week.

I am curious about the above statements... why does he make it hard for people to stay on the property and why did he kick you out?

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 02:00 PM NHFT
I received the following message on my site's contact form from a Department of Justice computer a couple of hours ago:


Anyone who is going to carry out plans killing officers, agents, and government persons after Ed is arrested is in way over their head. If you continue to pursue these threats, you along with several of your fellow Ed supporters are going to jail. Ed is a convicted felon and several more are going to be rounded up in their stupity. ERROR is making huge errors.

The person who left the message did not include a return email address.
wow threats from the feds ......
I don't remember u saying anything about killing judges ... where does he get his info?
I guess we are all suspects

Russell Kanning

Quote from: FTL_Ian on June 27, 2007, 02:33 PM NHFTWhat threats??  Sounds like they are the ones who are threatening.  Scumbags.  Scared yet, error?   ::)
that sounds like a very real threat to me .... error could hav esome problems soon ... all of this is very real :(


Quote from: CNHT on June 28, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT
why does he make it hard for people to stay on the property
He goes through some severe mood swings, sometimes he's welcoming and other times he's really nasty.

Quote from: CNHT on June 28, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT
and why did he kick you out?

Because Dada likes his dishes extra clean.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: error on June 27, 2007, 03:29 PM NHFT
I have to take bad-cop threats such as the above seriously. There should not BE bad cops in the U.S. Marshals Service, but apparently there are.
I have met a few