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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

Hahaha!  You're so funny Russell.   :P



Isn't that kind of out-of-the-way if you're traveling to and from Ed Brown's place?


That depends on if you're coming in from the north or south.  If from the north off I-89 at exit 20 I think it is, then you pass right by there on your way down the road to Plainfield.  By the time you get to Ed's it might be halfway hot, or half-eaten.  :icon_pirat:

Modification:  I went over to http://www.google.com for the words: dog test pizza poison, for what I thought would be a cute drawing of some pizza-testing dog smelling the poison BEFORE it succumbs to anything, like that poor "Pebbles" over at the website I found for that: "Rat poison found in tainted pet food" http://www.pantagraph.com/articles/2007/03/24/news/doc4603fd4fc310c115122452.txt Pebbles and others "battling kidney failure" and "they" use this "aminopterin" drug to treat cancer patients!? You have got to be shitting me! It "is highly toxic in high does", so what? Let the patient get rid of the cancer but lose a kidney in the process, as the cost for such treatment? What's this world coming too!? when the doctor does this withOUT telling the patient of the consequences? that they might go into cardiac arryhthmia and die from what's called hyperkalemia with the increase in blood potassium levels!? but at least they survived #__ more months of living in a fatigued state! The kidneys "maintain a critical balance of salt, potassium and acid" with a 98 to 2% ratio of 98% withIN the cells themselves to 2% in the blood, so when it reaches __% in the blood, then you go into the ICU at your local hospital to be injected with insulin to make your cells absorb more of the potassium ions, because you develop an irregular heart beat and slow after vomiting and because of eating too many bananas too? They're loaded with potassium so watch out for that plus: too many oranges, tomatoes and salt substitutes. See http://www.emedine.com/emerg/topic261.htm for this list. You'd think the Dietitian would tell you this AHEAD of time! Your body is supposed to be in the 3.5 to 5 mEq/L range for potassium, so anything over 5.5 to 7.0 is either mild, moderate or severe. 

Ed & Elaine were talking about turning their place into a healing center, on my last Tuesday afternoon's visit. They were talking about taking your ph levels, because if your body is too acidic, then that is the ONLY condition of where cancer cells can live.  You need acid to digest your food, but too much is too much.

So, like in the Bible of Romans 12:20 "Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head." and add IN his belly to the shut down of one of his kidneys when with the exact food, such as in the list above, maybe to send a fruit basket of: bananas, oranges, tomatoes with a salt substitute to Mrs. Terri Dudley?   >:D Lebanon City Councilor who feeds on food, but when the truth hits her plain in the face, she turns the other way, and says to the liar feds: shoot the Browns!?  This mentality has got to stop!

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

P.S. The statistics are that "about one third of older adults have no loss of kidney function, suggesting that this is not necessarily an inevitable part of normal aging", and so WHY some people have problems is from this over-dose of: drugs and/or foods as indicated above. See http://renux.dmed.ed.ac.uk/edren/EdRenINFObits/Obstruction.html for a drawing of what a normal and obstructed kidney looks like.  Obstructed maybe by kidney stone(s) that can be as large as a golf ball size! The kidneys of two in your lower back extracting the toxins, that BTW are produced "each time you move a muscle" https://www.kidneytrust.org/pykidneys.php so every day of your life.  No wonder the elders rest more, now you know why.


Quote from: error on July 08, 2007, 11:14 AM NHFT
Guten tag, Staatspolizei.

Thanks error,

Especially that Enterasys case from Rochester, N.H. [prosecuted by Bill Morse] (pronounced entresus, not enter- ass-ies, although the latter might be more appropriate), of to prison terms for accounting fraud.  Does this mean that WHEN Ed proves the fraud BY the court upon us here in New Hampshire, that Morse, et als like the judge will go to a federal camp too? for some well-deserved vacation time!

- - Joe H.

P.S. The link above should be http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic261.htm -- I still get this 2-tabs open crap in my computer, so can't check the links out ahead of time.

Bald Eagle

So, why doesn't the IRS come for Ed and Elaine themselves instead of passing the buck to the US Marshall "service?"

[attachment deleted by admin]

Bald Eagle

Some others you may enjoy.

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Bald Eagle

Anyone for a FIRST 2,187 PROJECT?   >:D

[attachment deleted by admin]


True. Unfortunately, it seems the vast majority of that 2,187 would support the IRS employee, out of sheer stupidity.


Quote from: Bald Eagle on July 08, 2007, 06:27 PM NHFT
So, why doesn't the IRS come for Ed and Elaine themselves instead of passing the buck to the US Marshall "service?"

Good question.  These IRS "scumbags" as Red Beckman used to say is where I first heard this term applied to them, are really the low-lifes of  humanity; WHERE do they get their training? Case in point of: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=16666 of on a warrant to look for "co-conspirators' records".  Don't they know what a co- is!? them twisting it to a general warrant for ALL these doctor's records, and he wasn't even the author of the book, just the distributor, so they go after the middleman!?  You have got to be shitting me!  WHO are these judges too? and do they really have a set of questions for when an affidavit is brought to them, and WHERE are the Congressmen for the check-and-balance to impeach these judges who act so recklessly!?


Thanks for taking the time. I'll answer them in order. Since you took the time I will as well. Angel happens to be a very good friend of mine. I helped him a good deal in his latest battle. Not to get into anything too personal since I don't like to divulge information about friends, lets just say there is a lot more to that story than you've heard. All of his guns have since been returned, and he is seeing his son again. It was blown way out of proportion. The other guy I'm not too fond of, most people on that site aren't too fond of him. In a little while he most likely wont be affiliated with that group. As for how much we've paid on taxes over the years, it has averaged between 30K and 50K depending on the year and how well my business did. So excuse me for thinking about one year on one post and another on a different post. So far as I'm concerned there isn't much difference between 30K and 50K its still way too much. Putting your sarcasm aside for a moment Ive never said I command anyone. I have friends as I'm sure you have friends. Ive spent a good deal of time acquiring the proper friends who you can actually rely on in a crisis. I could easily assemble 100 men in under a day, just as those other 99 men could do the same. We are a very close knit group. We are all friends and would do anything for any of us. Its called being prepared my man. Are you?


Quote from: scoop on July 04, 2007, 04:26 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 04, 2007, 11:11 AM NHFT
I too would like to see the actual letter that the http://www.concordmonitor.com  has interpreted to mean that  of not only that the Feds resolve this matter, but of "how": by having the Browns arrested!? 

I'm out of the office on vacation this week, but would be happy to send you a copy when I get back on Monday. Just send a reminder email to my Monitor account.


I hope that you had a nice "vacation".  Are you reading this so that I don't have to send you an e-mail? to the http://www.concordmonitor.com  I hope that your "vacation" was more the relaxation kind, of recreation, rather than some forced rest as from your boss, Mike Pride ordering that you go into some deep sleep chamber like the astronauts would do on a long-range mission to Mars.

And speaking of sleep, when do you think the Feds will "wake-up", or wise-up? Can you track the exact location of those two certified copies of the Bench Warrant, and see if they are indeed in the possession of the "Marshal Service", as compared to the actual one issued to the Marshal himself, who is under an oath to only execute LAWful precepts.  Your copy of Monier's oath is in the packet I left for you in Press Room 116 at the State House while you were on vacation.

Plus: can you get an organizational chart of who reports to who, like Gary DiMartino is the Chief Deputy UNDER Steven R. Monier, the Marshal, and although the U.S. Code reads that the Marshal "Service" is charged with executing ALL precepts (both legal and illegal, and/or lawful and unlawful), that he/Gary may have one of the certified copies, but if he and his team, +/or IRS goon-squad ever get to corner Ed and like maybe get him/Ed to exhaust his supply of bullets, to then gas him out to take him in, doesn't that take him "in" mean to the Marshal himself who is still UNDER his oath to like offset any such arrest to say to the judge that he canNOT turn him/Ed over to a Federal "Correctional" Facility because Ed is already correct, or to turn him over to be THE teacher there!  ;) To teach them that they have Steve Swan there unlawfully too, and start a chain-reaction reaching up to the President himself, for like Aaron Russo says in his film: The President ought to pardon everyone unlawfully arrested, and to start with the New Hampshire victims as per there being no RSA Ch. 123:1 papers of jurisdictional authority, since the "Consent" by Art.I,Sec.8,Cl.17 U.S. Const. from the N.H. Legislature was for "concurrent" jurisdiction only as * * * * * offered * * * * * June 14, 1884, BUT which the Feds REFUSED to accept, as that would negate their Title 18 powers for criminal jurisdiction requiring exclusive jurisdiction, and so really NO jurisdiction!

I tried to talk with Gary last week, but that he was in a meeting the day I called.  A meeting for what?  This jurisdictional issue? It's too bad the "Keene Sentinel" has not followed up on my advise to interview Mr. Kris Roberts, of Keene, the Chairman of the House State-Federal Relations as to WHY he refused to House Rule 36 endorse my Art. 32 Petition so that the House Speaker can process it by her Rule 4 duty over to his, as THE appropriate committee to discuss this.  Fellow Keene Legislator _________ who I did talk with on the phone saying that the statute is in place, needing no more legislative discussions, but only executive action, with the governor charged with Art. 41 powers to set up the appropriate forum, but that he refuses to do so, thus he recommended that I call the Executive Councilors to try to counsel/ advise the governor on doing this.  I called Debra Pignatelli, the District #__ Exec for the Keene area and she said that the Attorney General is the one to see.  She is the governor's legal counsel, and this past Winter, Spring now gone, into Summer, Amy Harrington, the Citizens Service officer in Room 212 State House Annex in Concord told me then back in January that the governor would get back to me in writing by that Friday, but that was months and months plus months ago!!!!!!! WHY isn't the A.G. putting her opinion in writing?  Can we, the public, have an Art. 8 show-cause-hearing on her doorstep to call her out to explain herself? There are some visitor parking spaces for her office next to the Laconia Savings Bank, and might I suggest when next in the King City of parking there, going into the receptionist's office to ask for her, and if she's busy, say you'll be out in your car there as you're still a visitor, with some electronic devise hooked up to your radio with the window cracked for her to communicate with you from a remote access point, because as to visit means to assail, as in to attack verbally, and that is what you are doing since an attack is a pre-liminary assault before the threshold.   8)

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

Modification: (1) http://tech.yahoo.com/blog/raskin/507  [Does anybody here have this $3,500 package already built into their car, or know to where one can be bought and installed?]; + (2) like the Cylons with the red eyes from Battlestar Galactica: http://www.knightrideronline.com/  (to offset their re-eyed robots, like the one used to go up to the Randy Weaver cabin.)


Quote from: error on July 08, 2007, 06:46 PM NHFT
True. Unfortunately, it seems the vast majority of that 2,187 would support the IRS employee, out of sheer stupidity.

Stupidity or fear?