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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Elaine called Alex Jones and said that military jets are flying low over their house, low enough to shake the trees.

Also, concert organizers are being hassled cause they don't have a permit for a party.

money dollars

Does she know what kind of jets?

I have seen A-10s training in Grafton and Plymouth flying at less than 200 ft. Last time I saw them fly over my house was about three weeks ago. They are almost always in pairs.


Quote from: money dollars on July 12, 2007, 11:47 AM NHFT
I have seen A-10s training in Grafton and Plymouth flying at less than 200 ft. Last time I saw them fly over my house was about three weeks ago. They are almost always in pairs.

I think Grafton should get one of those. Just have to find the right federal grant >:D There's gotta be a "Combat Aircraft For Small Towns Grant" somewhere in there!  :icon_pirat:

Although a Harrier might be more practical.

Hmm... for fighting forest fires. Actually, maybe we can get a C-130.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 12, 2007, 11:39 AM NHFT
Also, concert organizers are being hassled cause they don't have a permit for a party.

The town wants a permit for a party? More like the town wants to DENY a permit for a party.

Kat Kanning

She's supposed to be on Alex Jones radio show in a few minutes.  Maybe she'll say what kind of planes.

Kat Kanning

One guy up there said it was a civilian jet.  None of them seemed too worried about it.


I don't understand the significance of airplanes flying over their property. It seems to have been a hot issue for months, everytime something flies over them everyone goes bananas. They live near a freak'n airport for crying outloud.

And I don't think the feds are going to carpet bomb Plainfield, just a hunch I guess.

Russell Kanning

We don't have planes like that fly overhead much here, but we are not near an airport like they are.
I agree ... that they worry too much about airplanes .... I don't think that is how the feds will start.

But maybe they will go with shock and awe and start with stealth bombers.




...of course, maybe that's why the Freemasons running the world dropped the felony charges against Cryer, and set it up so that he could win the case...


Lloyd Danforth

Kat Kanning

Yeah, then they could build some nice brick fortications for their castle.


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