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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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You can watch the concert live:


It looks like maybe 50 or 60 people showed up.




I was watching the Browns get-together..some of Alex Jones's guys got arrested in Austin.




Local attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges
Cryer stopped filing income taxes more than 10 years ago

July 13, 2007

By Loresha Wilson

A Shreveport attorney who has challenged the government for years on the legality of filing federal income taxes has been acquitted on charges he failed to file returns.

A federal jury unanimously found Tommy Cryer not guilty this week on two misdemeanor counts of failure to file.

And according to Cryer, the prosecution dismissed two felony charges of tax evasion prior to trial.

Attempts by The Times on Thursday to reach U.S. Attorney Donald Washington or Bill Flanagan, first assistant U.S. attorney, were not successful. Calls made to the two were not immediately returned.

"The court could not find a law that makes me liable or makes my revenues taxable," Cryer said. "The Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot impose an income tax on anything but the profits and gains. When you work for someone you give your service and labor in exchange for money, so everything you make is not profit or gain. You put something into it."

Cryer was indicted last year on two counts of tax evasion. The indictment alleged he evaded payment of $73,000 in income tax to the Internal Revenue Service during 2000 and 2001.

Cryer created a trust listing himself as the trustee, and received payments of dividends, interest and stock income to that trust, according to the indictment. He also was accused of concealing his receipt of the sources of income from the IRS by failing to file a tax return on behalf of that trust.

"I determined that my personal earnings were not 100 percent profits, some were income," Cryer said. "I refuse to file, I refuse to pay unless they can show me I have a lawful reason to pay."

"What I earned was my own personal labor. I am giving something in exchange. I'm giving my property and I don't belong to anyone else."

Cryer says he stopped filing returns more than 10 years ago after he investigated claims that income tax was a sham. He contends the law doesn't actually tax personal earning.


The helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.


The helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.


Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
The helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Wonder what it costs per hour to fly a helicopter around in circles.


I don't know, but they're wasting a lot of people's (tax) money doing this.


Too bad the helicopter doesn't have a live feed to the internet.  I bet their camera lens and sound quality would be a lot better than von Kliest's.


Quote from: EthanAllen on July 13, 2007, 09:15 PM NHFT
QuoteA doctor is working class. A lawyer is working class. If you have to go out of the house to work, you are working class.

The term "working class" incorporates references to education, to occupation, to culture, and to income. When used non-academically, it typically refers to a section of society dependent on physical labor, especially when remunerated with an hourly wage.

Two classes of people. Those who work for money (ditch digger, lawyer, janitor, doctore, all the same), and those whose investments bring income. I'm worked for money my whole life, and now that I'm in the land of opportunity that is NH I hope to change that somewhat. I'd love to remain "working class" culturally, just so long as I don't have to do a 9-5 for someone else in order to live.

Lloyd Danforth

Quote from: hook on July 14, 2007, 05:27 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
The helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Wonder what it costs per hour to fly a helicopter around in circles.

There goes my Social Security


When I heard that the Plainfield government would not protect anyone at Ed & Elaine's concert today I was happy.  Government would at last leave us alone.  I walked amongst crowd giggling about our "lawless gathering".  Many people were open carrying and there were no shootouts, even when that annoying helicopter tried to drown out the music.  People filled a trash can with donations, no one had to guard it.  The grounds were kept free of litter voluntarily, no fines needed to be levied.  Food and beverages were enjoyed, no one payed taxes on it.  I was sad when it was time to leave Ed & Elaine's stateless territory and return to the police state.  Maybe some day we can all get our towns to eject us from the "protection of the state". 


Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:25 PM NHFTThe helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Explcitly stating the unspoken question: why is a *DHS* chopper buzzing overhead at the Browns' place?


Quote from: penguins4me on July 14, 2007, 11:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on July 14, 2007, 05:25 PM NHFTThe helicopter flying around the Browns' place all day has been identified as N187AE, registered to the Department of Homeland Security.

Explcitly stating the unspoken question: why is a *DHS* chopper buzzing overhead at the Browns' place?

Probably the marshals borrowed it.