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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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keene sentinel is doing a poll.....may i suggest you check it out and vote on ed brown and wife's situation.

if you post a comment  on the above site, this is the reply.

"Note: Article comments are not posted immediately to the Web site. Each submission must be approved by the Web site editor, who may edit content for appropriateness. There may be a delay of 24-48 hours for any submission while the web site editor reviews and approves it."

more proof of corporate media supression of free speech.

below is my attempted post........

"... we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude."      Aldous Huxley

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

The Elaine and Ed Brown Summer Concert Series!!!!! ;) ;) ;)


Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on July 17, 2007, 09:59 PM NHFT
The Elaine and Ed Brown Summer Concert Series!!!!! ;) ;) ;)

Another excuse for the bureaucrats to waste the taxpayers' time and money?



Quote from: (V) on July 17, 2007, 10:48 PM NHFT
Southern Poverty Law Center hates Ed and Elaine Brown
Antigovernment Extremism

That's okay, the SPLC is a bunch of extremists themselves.

Lloyd Danforth

A guy from Sununu's office got back to me on the phone concerning the Helocopter.  He was very pleasant. He tried to convince me that there were reasons for that survelience that he could not share with me due to security issues, and...."ya know there were a lot of people there with guns".  He also claimed they used a DHS helicopter, because a U.S. Marshall helicopter would have created a panic.
I assured him that I didn't even care to know the secret stuff he knew, because nothing justified the helicopter, and, I believed DHS was trolling for someone to take a potshot at them. 


The Union Leader did a hit piece too. http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Party+time%3F+The+Browns+get+down&articleId=ddd439fa-9164-411c-82d9-1c9a29b4eb55
I never would have dreamed that there are so many people that work for media that hate freedom. Here's my reply. I doubt they will allow my post since it doesn't gush all over the Union Leader.

Here are the names (that I can think of) that have been recently found not guilty in the same, or nearly the same situation as the Browns:

Gaylon "Whitey" Harrell
Vernice Kuglin
Tom Cryer

By demonizing the Browns, and not reporting on these cases the Union Leader proves it is NOT the voice of the people and should be regarded as bias. As the decisions of not guilty compile, that bias will no doubt become dangerous to anyone that refuses to acknowledge the truth; that there is no law that compels us to pay income tax. I don't mind being told I'm wrong on any topic. Be advised though that your argument will not be with me but with the 12 honest men and women that brought in the not guilty verdicts on the three above mentioned cases.


He wasn't there. The helicopter made very aggressive moves. I agree that they were trying to start a gunfight. Glad it didn't come to that. I thought sure the "man in the woods" technique followed by the "look I'm a lighthouse" technique would bring the federal guns. I agree that Ed and Elaine should not take crap but defending against attack and playing hide and seek are two different things in my mind.

Kat Kanning

I bet you're right about them wanting to start a gunfight.  It was nice meeting you, coffee.

Lloyd Danforth

Just the fact that none of the many armed people there went into the woods, out of sight, and took a potshot at the helicopter, shows the integrity of these people on so many levels.


Whitey Harrell's case was state, not federal.  He also has a new state criminal trial coming up in August for different tax years.

Not that it matters.  When Michael Jackson was found "not guilty" of molesting kids, it didn't change the child molestation laws one bit.  The same goes for "not guilty" verdicts in tax crimes.


Quote from: richardr on July 18, 2007, 08:40 AM NHFT
Whitey Harrell's case was state, not federal.

Yes, Illinois. It's still a tax on income regardless of the taxing "authority's" jurisdiction.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 18, 2007, 07:28 AM NHFT
I bet you're right about them wanting to start a gunfight.  It was nice meeting you, coffee.

You too Kat. Between being wiped out from the drive, no sleep, and Mad Max strafing the family gathering I was pretty short on words. I'll be back for the next event. Maybe I can conjure up a word or two then.

Give my regards to Russell. I'm very glad he's out of jail.