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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 19

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, July 08, 2007, 07:49 AM NHFT

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The media easily confuses supremacists with separatists as they do with isolationists and anti-interventionists possibly for nefarious reasons.


Kat Kanning

NBC Nightline just called, wanting to do a segment on Ed and Elaine.  They were reading about them in the Keene Free Press.  They're wanting to visit for a couple of days to do some interviews, but were kinda wanting to contact the Browns first to see if they'd be welcome.  If anyone contacts them, you might let them know. The guy sounded friendly, but you know how reporters are.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 20, 2007, 12:32 PM NHFT
NBC Nightline just called, wanting to do a segment on Ed and Elaine.  They were reading about them in the Keene Free Press.  They're wanting to visit for a couple of days to do some interviews, but were kinda wanting to contact the Browns first to see if they'd be welcome.  If anyone contacts them, you might let them know. The guy sounded friendly, but you know how reporters are.

Well it would be OK except, be careful if you don't want another hit piece done so then the whole country will be against them, giving them NO chance of redress, which is what would happen, IMHO.


They could follow Michael Moore's tactics. He will ONLY be interviewed live. Ths eliminates the
corporate-media-whores (CMW) from spinning it.

IMO Elaine is a better spokesperson than Ed although I admire both of them equally. :)



Darn kola, I was just typing that.

I agree, any more interviews with the MSM should only be live interviews.



I just read about this in the LA Times today, well yesterday and my some news articles pointed me here.  I see I have some reading to catch up on, I am about 300 pages behind.  It looks as if there is another side to this story that the media doesn't care about.  The side that the Government doesn't want John Q public to know about.  Thanks for having me here.


Russell Kanning

that article gives you a good feel for a normal day at the Browns


That is the most thorough, balanced and thoughtful article by mainstream media on the Brown standoff that I have yet seen.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool


That is the most thorough, balanced and thoughtful article by mainstream media on the Brown standoff that I have yet seen.

It was better than most but I still didn't like some of the words she used.

8-inch-thick concrete walls

a watchtower

towering turreted house


holed up


Quote from: srqrebel on July 21, 2007, 07:06 AM NHFT
That is the most thorough, balanced and thoughtful article by mainstream media on the Brown standoff that I have yet seen.

Although not the most factual:

Quote"The tax laws are almost 100 years old, and no one has ever won," she says. "Thousands and thousands of people have challenged them. It's a constant flow of the same tired arguments over and over."