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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 20

Started by CNHT, July 24, 2007, 04:55 PM NHFT

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Quote from: kola on August 08, 2007, 05:27 PM NHFT
How is Ed and Elaine doing?  :)


They're doing fine.  As I drove in un-announced, the guard walked alongside my car until Elaine verified who I was, and Ed came over from the lawnmower, and we had some Kalua Mudslides on the porch. Only 5% alcohol by content, but very tasty on that very hot day.

Ed pointed out some trees to me with tags on them, me saying nice purchases, but you had better remove the Minnie Pearl tags, him saying those weren't normal tags!  8) and get a look at that what looked like rocket launcher! >:D The Feds must be going nuts to see which ones are the Real McCoy and which ones are bluff.

I told Ed of Wilhelm Reich's "cloudbusters" like they have over at his Museum in Rangley, Maine, and he said somebody installed them too, re: of the pipes pointed to the sky, with cables to a water source, and the orgone boxes that Reich had that actually healed people before the Feds put him in jail for practicing medicine without a license.  Check this out on the internet for some very interesting information and James Trevor's CRITTERS book of when one box activated something in the atmosphere that caused black pitch to appear on the rocks around his place.  Sort of like manna from heaven, but that I don't think it would be good to eat.  I never learned if any of it was ever collected, or that experiment ever tried again.  The pipes used to be in Ellsworth, Maine at his assistant's house who gave a speech at Stonington once back some summer in the 1970s when our family lived in Blue Hill, Maine.

Ed thinks that what I'm doing is going to be more of a waste of time, and that was when he drew out his gun again, saying that if and when the Feds arrive, he's going down, but going down with so many of them dead too.  That I hope is not the case, as explained above for the truth seekers to get healed by the Truth maker. This case dealing with the truth that Ed is right on the federal argument, and Elaine might be partially right on the state revenue, but the state goons giving priority to the Feds to act first and collect their share of whatever spoils of war be left over for them = none in my opinion, the state should have taken their own case against her in state court! and with the 3-year statute of limitations, the state goons really stupid! in that WHY didn't they do it, and have the Feds TRY to butt in, and some state judge to tell them to get lost because they have NO jurisdiction!

- - Joe  P.S. Afterwards I visited the Montshire Science Museum at exit 13 off I-91 in Vermont to see how they set up their trail system on their 110 acres, about the same size acreage as the Browns.


Thanks for the update Joe, I am glad to hear those 110 acres will be gifted.

Agent Kola


Quote from: armlaw on August 07, 2007, 06:48 PM NHFT
Just trying to follow instructions. I did delete some of your instructions and now will see if I have learned anything?

You got it!

Thanks much! Will try another delete of #msg17040


Quote from: armlaw on August 08, 2007, 08:34 PM NHFT

Quote from: armlaw on August 07, 2007, 06:48 PM NHFT
Just trying to follow instructions. I did delete some of your instructions and now will see if I have learned anything?

You got it!

Thanks much! Will try another delete of #msg17040
Oops, I screwed up when I deleted the first [quote


Quote from: armlaw on August 08, 2007, 08:38 PM NHFT
Oops, I screwed up when I deleted the first [quote

You can always go back and edit a post. See the button at the upper right of your posts, that says "Modify"? Click that, and you can change your post however you'd like.

There's also a "modify" button to the right of your posts.


Quote from: KBCraig on July 12, 2007, 07:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: Scoremore on July 12, 2007, 06:04 PM NHFT
Found this on that Tommy Cryer case...



Rut-roh... don't tell Ed, but Cryer is a big-time freemason!


Oh, Lordy... the things we joke about that turn out to be prognostication!


Louisiana lawyer beats tax charges; worries for Browns

Union Leader Correspondent

If he could go back in time, Ed Brown says he wouldn't change his legal strategy, even after learning about a Louisiana lawyer who defeated similar tax evasion charges last month.

Brown, who claims Freemasons are conspiring to control the world, said Shreveport, La., attorney Tom Cryer won his case because he's a member of that group.

"Of course he won his case," Brown said. "He's one of the boys."

A federal jury acquitted Cryer on July 11 on two counts of willful failure to file a tax return. Cryer convinced jurors that he genuinely believed he was not liable for the $73,000 in taxes the government says he owes for tax years 2000 and 2001. Absent proof of criminal intent, the jury acquitted him.

Ed and Elaine Brown, who were convicted in January of felony tax evasion, sought during their trial to prove that no federal law made the couple liable to pay income taxes.

"Our whole defense was the law, and the judge told the jury they could not consider the law," said Elaine Brown, a former Lebanon dentist.

Ed Brown stopped attending the couple's trial halfway through, calling it a sham.

Despite being sentenced to more than five years in prison, the Browns remain at their Plainfield home and vow that they won't be taken alive by federal authorities.

In a telephone interview last week, Cryer said he, too, was barred from introducing as evidence any federal statutes during his trial. So, he memorized them instead, and presented the laws as they related to his belief that income tax doesn't apply to wages earned in exchange for labor.

Cryer started researching income tax law several years ago after someone convinced his friend to stop filing returns. He says he was hoping to keep his friend out of trouble.

"I knew there had to be a law," he said. "The government couldn't collect taxes from people who weren't liable." Although some of his legal citations take up entire pages, Cryer said the basis for his belief is fairly simple. It revolves around the definition of the word "income." "In order for it to be income, it has to be separable, which means you have to be able to identify the capital and the profit," he said. Because you trade time and energy for wages, "What you earn with your own personal labor does not meet the constitutional definition of income."

Cryer said if everyone who isn't liable stopped paying federal income taxes, the government would return to its intended size.

"Part of the problem is that the government was put on a 1,500 calorie diet by the Founding Fathers to keep it from outgrowing its britches," he said. "They have managed to break into the feed shed and break their diet and now they've outgrown their britches."

Cryer said he's not sure if his legal strategy would have worked for the Browns.

"No two cases are alike, so it's hard to say, but I think if the Browns had been able to get their beliefs and the reason for them before the jury, then they would have at least have had a chance," he said.

Cryer balked at Brown's suggestion that he won his case because he's a Freemason. "There is no national or world organization of Masons," he said.

"How in the world are we going to have a conspiracy to take over the world?

"All the Masons do is pass on values that I think Ed and Elaine would approve of, if not applaud, if they knew about it," he said.

Cryer said he doesn't know what will happen next in his case -- whether the Internal Revenue Service will go after him through civil channels -- but in the meantime, he's spreading his message with a Web site called TruthAttack.org. The site acts as a clearinghouse for tax protesters to organize and disseminate information.

Meanwhile, as the Browns approach eight months of seclusion in their Plainfield home, Cryer said he's scared for them.

"The minute the government thinks that we're not watching, I think the government's going to go in there, and somebody's going to get hurt," he said.

Steve Monier, U.S. marshal for New Hampshire, has repeatedly said he wants to avoid a violent confrontation with the Browns and find a peaceful solution to the impasse.

Russell Kanning

a view from the statist to the south


A vacation from paying taxes?

By Rep. Paul Casey/A View From the Hill
GateHouse News Service
Tue Aug 07, 2007, 10:17 AM EDT
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Stoneham -

Ed and Elaine Brown have lived on their sprawling 110-acre estate in Plainfield, NH for a generation. During this time, Elaine made more than enough money as a dentist for her and Ed to live comfortably in their later years, and even saved up enough for the couple to complete some rather peculiar renovations to their home. Among them was a towering lookout turret providing a 360-degree view of the entire property, 8-inch thick concrete walls, solar panels and a series of back-up generators. Needless to say, when the federal government recently terminated their electricity, cable television, phone, cell phone and mail services, the Browns were ready.

Surely, Ed and Elaine should receive high marks in disaster preparedness, but it appears they may have had ulterior motives for their "militia-style" home improvements. Apparently, the Browns stopped paying their income taxes in 1996, and had been bracing for a confrontation with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ever since. They claim that the Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution supports their notion that ordinary labor cannot be taxed. However, a judge ruled against the Browns in January, convicting them of conspiring to evade taxes on nearly $2 million in income earned from Elaine's dentistry practice. And, for the past seven months, Ed and Elaine have taken up arms in their now fortified compound and threatened to kill any law enforcement or government officials who dare step foot on their property.

The Browns are two of the estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people in the United States currently labeled as tax protestors. Some, the IRS claims, are elderly, uneducated or disenfranchised people who buy into tax-evasion scams. Others, like Ed and Elaine are disgruntled, sometimes dangerous individuals, who believe that the wording of tax laws does not make them liable to pay. Unfortunately, for the protestors, the country's tax laws are more than 100 years old and no one has ever successfully challenged them.


Quote from: Russell Kanning on August 09, 2007, 07:30 AM NHFT
a view from the statist to the south


A vacation from paying taxes?

By Rep. Paul Casey/A View From the Hill
GateHouse News Service
Tue Aug 07, 2007, 10:17 AM EDT
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Stoneham -

Ed and Elaine Brown have lived on their sprawling 110-acre estate in Plainfield, NH for a generation... Unfortunately, for the protestors, the country's tax laws are more than 100 years old and no one has ever successfully challenged them.

WRONG! The IRS tried to get over $62,000 from me as a landlord back in 1983 with case #M.83-50-D for Shane Devine in this very same court in Concord, N.H., and I won the case using Otto Skinner's book with the fact that section (5) of the Code is unconstitutional.  Section 5 deals with rents. I alerted this to the court in Ed's case, but that the Deputy Clerk sent my papers back to me so that the judge could not see that what he said in the trial transcript excerpt was wrong! in that he said to the jury that ALL of the tax code was constitutional, when it is NOT! that ought to result in a mistrial, but HOW?

The U.S. Marshal's goons read these postings here, but dare they feed the truth to the U.S. Attorney to straighten out this mess!?  No, they look upon the Arrest Warrants as shit* from that goddess there in the hallway and it smells good to them. Like a child on potty training they leave this shit* dangling to their ass hairs, and tell the Browns that they are brown.  This shit* has got to stop! Monier: let's get with it.  I'm serious.  A copy of this is going to Tom Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney this afternoon, with instructions as my public servant to do something about this!  He ought to file some motion for a mistrial.  Another copy going to Hodes at his Concord address to investigate McAuliffe as one of his appointees in this Legislative Court as to WHY he was not educated to this section 5 BEFORE he mouthed off to the jury that ALL the Tax Laws are Constitutional.  To investigate to advise him too to declare a mistrial, or IF he knew about my 1983 file ahead of time, then in a knowingly/ culpable mental state for a criminal charge of perjury in his own court!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. Here's more info that a lot of people are tax protestors, for having their U.S. tax dollars pay foreigners: http://www.informamerica.net/mossad-cia.html and see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad and that "Alleged but unproven operations" section about "The alleged assassination of Canadian scientist Gerald Bull, developer of the Iraqi supergun, in 1990.  The most common theory is that the Mossad was responsible...The alternative theory is that Bull was killed by the CIA."  Hey! according to this informamerica website (posted in the "Citizenship?" section on the discussion page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Mossad#Citizenship.3F ) the Mossad and CIA are not an "alternative" but the "same"! So OUR government kills Canadian scientists!?  I will NOT pay for such killings! NOR will I pay for these up to $102,000/year foreigners because "All of them, without exception, work for Israel and Israeli interests, not American interests"!

Modification: typo= not wn, but en.wiki for link #2 of 2.


Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter I just sent to Tom Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney:

"To: USANH.Webmail at usdoj.gov

cc: plainfield.ta at plainfieldnh.org , staylor at agr.state.nh.us , bgosselin at agr.state.nh.us , scott.nichols at mail.house.gov , Elections at sos.state.nh.us , commissioners at sullivancountynh.gov , sheriff at nhvt.net , ptfdlib at mvgalaxy.com , meridenlibrary at comcast.net

Subject: Act of Congress #________ (2007)

To: Thomas P. Colantuono, U.S. Attorney, 53 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 225-1552, http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/nh/

Dear Tom:

--This is to follow-up my telephone call to your receptionist Megan last hour at about 1:30 p.m. with my verbal suggestion that she relay over to you of maybe stepping into the shoes of the U.S. Marshal, re: that invitation from the Plainfield, N.H. Selectmen to Stephen R. Monier to visit to there in either a public or private hearing to try to resolve this Ed Brown/I.R.S. case, but which invitation was: DECLINED by Monier.

--So instead of another invitation from The Selectmen directly to you, that COULD be the case, (cc: to them c/o the Town Administrator Stephen Halleran, P.O. Box 380, 110 Main St., Meriden, N.H. 03770, Tel. 469-3201 http://www.plainfieldnh.org ) maybe you could OFFER to step up to the plate yourself, and hit what I think would be a home run! cc: to Stephen H. Taylor too, the N.H. Agriculture Commissioner http://www.state.nh.us (and his receptionist) who wants to put Plainfield on the map for all the RIGHT reasons, as indicated in Monday's http://www.unionleader.com story of his son, Robert Taylor, one of the three Selectmen there.

--The RIGHT reason can be found over at http://hubpages.com/hub/Billy_the_Kid_and_the_US_Marshals_Service thanks to http://www.google.com for the words: 'Arrest Warrant' 'U.S. Marshal' page 2 #4 in quotes of my attempt at finding out WHEN these Arrest Warrants expire for him to send a 'non est return' back to the court for WHATever takes place later, or SOONer, as what I do quote below of that: 'the Posse Comitatus Act of June 18, 1878 that forbade use of the military by lawmen unless authorized by the Constitution or act of Congress.'  It is this latter of: an 'act of Congress' that I'd like to see TRIED, but not perfected, as I can explain below to you, as I just did by my call to Scott Nichols for Federal Rep. Carol Shea-Porter over at http://shea-porter.house.gov/ [33 Lowell Street, Manchester, N.H. 03301, 641-9536]

--So, would you Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (cc: to Sen. Judd Gregg, in Concord to his office there by me in person later this afternoon), please put a House (or Senate) Bill #______ into Congress for such an 'act of Congress', and please tell me the day, time and place for such a Public Hearing, as I'd like to use this vehicle withIN the government system itself to create a 'meltdown' of this request by proving with my certified copies from Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State (cc: to him too) that the Feds are in non-compliance with N.H. RSA 123:1 as required by the 'shall' word from Art. I, Sec.8, Clause 17 U.S. Constitution, but that Gov. John H. Lynch REFUSEs to enforce by his Art. 41 power! Thus needing this vehicle to provide the evidence in an Exhibit #___ to Congress to HALT this House/Senate Bill and get the Congress to get their Congressional Court/ to tell their administrative judge to declare a mis-trial in the Ed Brown case, and AFTER the proper recording, then re-activate the case, for Ed to win using ALL of the information that has been flooding into him since the first of this year, OR else to have such judge IMPEACHed!

--Or maybe the Sullivan County Commissioners can write such a letter to you Tom, cc: to them too, and maybe be personally served to you by Sheriff Michael L. Prozzo, Jr. himself.  http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/sheriff/index.htm  If you look on their May 1st Minutes of Meeting you can read that Jeffrey Barrette, Clerk might take a stand if he only understood this better. You, Tom, could be THE teacher to him too, under such an invitation or joint invitation of the Town & County, cc: to the two librarians in town at http://www.plainfieldnh.org/library.html because like they say on that TV commercial: A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste, and that cartoon of 'Tommy Terrific' you might be to solve this case

--I await your comments back on this, or hopefully to read in the newspaper that a meeting will, or has occurred with as many of the parties here as possible to TRY to move onto the next level for either Plan (a) Military Action by act of Congress, or (b) the Public Hearing for this Act of Congress showing that in order to move onto step #2, the Feds have got to file for Step #1 that was offered to them on June 14, 1883 by N.H. RSA 123:1 but that was: DECLINED for whatever reason, or was (past tense) MAYBE filed, but somehow the receipt 'and' papers got lost.  My hope is for Plan B.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)."  2:38 PM


Ed seems determined to make sure his supporters are on the fringe.  :(


Brown: War is coming

Union Leader Correspondent

PLAINFIELD – Ed Brown is at war.

The battleground, for now, is his castle-like home in otherwise peaceful Plainfield. But Brown sees this war spreading, becoming an uprising against a corrupt federal government, and eventually, a revolution.

"It has never, ever been resolved without war!" an infuriated Brown shouted during an interview on his porch Wednesday.

If federal agents storm Brown's property, he and his supporters will come out shooting. Brown said yesterday that if those agents kill him or his wife, Elaine, his supporters will systematically find and kill Plainfield Police Chief Gordon Gillens, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Prozzo and others Brown says are sworn to protect him.

"Why do you think we know where they live?" he said.

Brown predicts the people's war against corruption will begin within the next 18 months.

He has spent the last 15 years doing research, trying to identify the culprits of that corruption. "I'm still conducting my investigation," he said.

He points his finger at Freemasons, Zionist Jews and the secret society known as the Illuminati. Brown said his extensive research shows these groups are all working together in a global conspiracy.

"We're not conspiracy theorists," Brown said, settling into a chair on his unfinished concrete porch. "We deal with conspiracy facts. Freemasonry and Judaism -- that is the truth. That is the fact. That is where all the world's problems come from . . . I know for a fact that they're working together."

Pressed for proof of his claims, Brown said people should do their own homework and look up groups like the Freemasons on the Internet. Indeed, a great deal of speculation surrounds the secret fraternal organization, especially with regard to its origins, but so far, proof of an international conspiracy is lacking.

Ed and Elaine Brown stopped paying federal income taxes in 1996 and claim that no law requires average American workers to pay the tax.

Confronted with the Browns' claim, a high-ranking spokesman for the Internal Revenue Service pointed to two sections of Title 26 in the U.S. Code, neither of which make clear who is liable to pay income tax. The spokesman, Frank Keith, said Title 26 must be taken as a whole, not dissected, and that criminal convictions prove people are liable.

Ed and Elaine Brown were convicted of felony tax evasion in January, but they have remained in their home, pledging to defend themselves against federal authorities with deadly force.

On June 7, more than 100 heavily armed state and federal law enforcement officers swarmed the area around the Browns' home. While taking a morning walk, 39-year-old Danny Riley, a supporter who was staying there, discovered armed officers in the woods near the driveway. He claims he was shot at, struck with a Tazer, detained and questioned for hours before being released.

That's when the war started, Brown says.

"If they're willing to kill him, then they're willing to come in here and kill us," he said. "We're in a state of war now, and we're going to act accordingly." A few minutes later, Brown admitted he's "antsy." He hasn't left his home in more than seven months. "I'm not accustomed to sitting around," he said.

The house was quiet Wednesday evening, once he finished his war tirade. It appeared that only Ed, Elaine and Jim Hobbs, formerly of Phoenix, Ariz., were staying there.

Ed said some supporters have left and others were asked to leave after they broke "house rules," by having a "secret meeting" in the house. But more are on the way, he said.

"We'll be getting better help here. It's just a matter of time before they come." Brown still offers no prediction as to what might happen to end his standoff with federal authorities.

"The ball's in their court now," he said.

U.S. Marshal Steve Monier has repeatedly said he wants to avoid a violent clash on the Browns' property and said that his office continues to seek a peaceful solution to the situation.

"Time will tell, won't it?" Brown said.


Oh good grief. This sort of thing makes it extremely difficult to support Ed Brown. Supporting the cause of getting rid of the immoral income tax system is still easy, though.


Quote from: Beavis on August 10, 2007, 02:55 AM NHFT
Oh good grief. This sort of thing makes it extremely difficult to support Ed Brown.

Supporting a mentally ill man has consequences.  It encourages him to continue down his self destructive and violent path because he thinks his followers believe in what he preaches.


Hey Richard you think the people in here will tell you and I that we were right all along. Ive certainly been saying that he is a nut and is threatening innocent people. Well now all of you doubters have your story on the front page of the union leader. If the Marshalls are reading this give me a buzz I'll go in and get him myself. All of you people have been giving Richard and I chit from the beginning and Ive been saying all along he is full of chitola and is going to bring a lot of well intentioned people down with him. Well now you have your proof. Ive been pretty supportive of the way Marshall Monier has been waiting him out. As a concerned citizen in this great state Id say its about time to grab this lunatic before he hurts someone. What a pathetic excuse for a man. I feel sorry for his wife, she seems like a nice lady. Richard isnt it grand being right all along and now having the very people who called us everyname in the book having to eat their words. 


Quote from: Romak on August 10, 2007, 07:50 AM NHFT
Richard isnt it grand being right all along and now having the very people who called us everyname in the book having to eat their words. 

I think you underestimate their ability to put their heads in the sand.  Ed's been making these kinds of violent revenge threats and espousing wild eyed Illuminati conspiracies about the evil Jews running the world since January, and I've posted them here for everyone to read.  Within a couple of days, the supporters conveniently forget Ed's threats and kook theories and make comments like "Ed's never threatened anyone in his life" and "how dare the evil media paint Ed as a racist."