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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Do you think Elaine has ever read Thomas Paine's "Agrarian Justice"?


"There could be no such thing as landed property originally. Man did not make the earth, and, though he had a natural right to occupy it, he had no right to locate as his property in perpetuity any part of it: neither did the Creator of the earth open a land-office, from whence the first title-deeds should issue."

Kat Kanning

I think you should go out there and ask her.  She's probably bored enough to talk even about that.

Porcupine Realtor

Wow!  Good stuff from Elaine Brown.  How profound . . . and prophetic.
The typing is good.  I would avoid capitalizing words that are not proper nuns -- use lower case letters on time, reason, emotion, etc.  It was OK in Mr. Paine's day, but not today.

Kat Kanning

The capitalization was Elaine's, so I left it that way.



Kat Kanning

 :D  She said she might write more articles too.  That will be good!


Quote from: richardr on September 09, 2007, 08:58 AM NHFT
Quote from: armlaw on September 08, 2007, 09:16 PM NHFT
There is no "monies" granted by corporate government, only CREDIT of commercial paper

Since you think that FRNs are worthless, you might as well send me all of yours.

Excuse me, there is no reference to "worthless".That is your incorrect assumption. What was expressed was, commercial paper representing CREDIT,like in Plastic cards, not money, which is defined in Article ONE, Section 10, as gold and silver coin.


Quote from: markwarden on September 09, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT
I would avoid capitalizing words that are not proper nuns...

The only proper nun IMO is Sally Field as The Flying Nun.

Pat K

Quote from: dalebert on September 09, 2007, 09:52 PM NHFT
Quote from: markwarden on September 09, 2007, 05:59 PM NHFT
I would avoid capitalizing words that are not proper nuns...

The only proper nun IMO is Sally Field as The Flying Nun.

What about Sister Mary Pain?


Does Ed at least warn his guests before they wander around at concerts and such?


Letter: Traps guard Brown home
Homeland Security copter surveils couple

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff

September 10, 2007 12:05AM

The Department of Homeland Security believes there are multiple traps and dangerous devices on the Plainfield property of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown, according to a letter sent by an agency official to U.S. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

A copy of the letter appears in image form on the website of an alternative newspaper in Maine. It is dated Aug. 13 and describes why an agency helicopter was flown over the property.

"Intelligence data reveals that the Brown compound contains significant passive and active traps and devices designed to thwart apprehension," it says.

The Browns have been holed up in their fortified concrete home for more than six months, vowing to resist any attempt to arrest them with deadly force. They were convicted of several crimes related to their refusal to pay federal income taxes for nearly a decade and each sentenced to more than five years in prison.

The Browns contend that there are no laws requiring them to pay the taxes. They have said they will fight to the death before surrendering to law enforcement. In interviews, e-mails and radio broadcasts, they have spoken obliquely about their preparations for an attack. Several of their supporters have described weapons on the property more specifically. But the U.S. Marshals, who are charged with arresting the couple, have not said much about what their surveillance of the property has revealed.

In recent weeks, the Browns said they've had several loads of fill delivered to their property. A supporter recently posted online that the Browns have "redone" some of their interior decorations.

During a party and concert hosted by the couple in July, many visitors noticed a helicopter, which they said flew at a low elevation, circling the property for several hours. According to those visitors, the helicopter's call number, identifying it as an agency aircraft, was easily legible. After several hours, the Browns and their supporters set off fireworks, they said.

The letter says that U.S. Customs and Border Protection was assisting the Marshals and the Internal Revenue Service in their investigation of the Browns by watching the property and shooting video.

"The operation involving the aircraft was necessary to further apprehension of the Browns and to secure officer safety in that effort," says the letter, signed by Luke Bellocchi, an assistant commissioner in the agency's office of congressional affairs. "No violations of agency policy or regulations occurred during the mission."

David Deschesne, the editor and publisher of the Fort Fairfield Journal, which published the letter, said he wrote to Collins's office requesting information about the helicopter and received a copy of the letter from her office in less than a month.

"Politicians and bureaucrats walk on pins and needles around me because I have a track record for exposing their corruption and devious plans to destroy our union," he said.

Messages left for Bellocchi, the Customs and Border Protection press line, and Collins's staff were not immediately returned.


I have to say Richardr in this case the Govt is lying outright. He doesnt have his land set up with traps all over the place. The only thing he did have at one time is sensors, not sure if he still has those set up. I used to hunt in that area and have been all over that land before he moved there, pretty much know it like the back of my hand. Guess when hunting season comes up again I'll have to be careful when out in the woods, we get pretty close to his house where some of us set up our stands.


Quote from: Romak on September 10, 2007, 08:38 AM NHFT
I have to say Richardr in this case the Govt is lying outright.

Quite possibly. 

Have you been to the house recently?


No only went there quite a while back to do an interview with Ed Brown. Really only go to that area for hunting season, friend has some land that pretty much borders Eds land. Have been going there to hunt pretty much my entire life.