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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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Quote from: richardr on September 10, 2007, 08:32 AM NHFT
Does Ed at least warn his guests before they wander around at concerts and such?

The Department of Homeland Security believes there are multiple traps and dangerous devices on the Plainfield property of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown...

"Intelligence data reveals that the Brown compound contains significant passive and active traps and devices designed to thwart apprehension," it says.

I was up there recently and yes, there are traps, but to characterize them as "DANGEROUS DEVICES" is just another DHS lie. When I asked Ed & Elaine what they would do if they caught someone, they replied, "strip them totally naked and send them home". (which is a lot more dignified than what they have done to Ed in the past).

I want video of that posted on YouTube! :^ )

Kat Kanning

I suspect this is pure BS.  After the gunshots in the woods, Lauren and Jim were wandering around the woods there, looking for shells or whatever and there was no mention of traps.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 11, 2007, 09:13 AM NHFT
I suspect this is pure BS.  After the gunshots in the woods, Lauren and Jim were wandering around the woods there, looking for shells or whatever and there was no mention of traps.

I would hope so.  Inviting hundreds of people to your land when it's booby trapped is just ugly, although Ed's recent wish list looked an aweful lot like materials for not-so-harmless traps.


Thats my point about Ed Brown Richardr. All of these years hes been yelling about the end of America as we know it. You would've thought that for the past ten years he would've been completely prepared for the events that unfolded. It seems all he was prepared for was to live off the grid. He was basically the spokesperson for the militia movement in NH for quite sometime. I'm not involved in any of these movements, but I'm more prepared than him. I just wish I had the money to invest in solar power for my home. Nightvision, body armor, etc, etc, etc I don't know of any friends I have that don't have these things handy. If anyone should have this stuff it should be him.

Russell Kanning

If I was a Fed employee ... I would not venture into the woods surrounding Ed and Elaine Browns home.


I agree with you Russell. Since the feds have restricted the Browns freedom to travel, the animal traps were most likely put in place so the Browns will have a meat supply to get them through the winter. As a young-gun I did a lot of trapping and it is a very effective way to acquire game. Traps are also good indicators. If traps are sprung and empty, it often means something or someone has been in the area. As long as there are no bullshit laws restricting trapping on ones own land, Ed is doing nothing wrong.



Quote from: kola on September 11, 2007, 11:56 AM NHFT
I agree with you Russell. Since the feds have restricted the Browns freedom to travel, the animal traps were most likely put in place so the Browns will have a meat supply to get them through the winter. As a young-gun I did a lot of trapping and it is a very effective way to acquire game. Traps are also good indicators. If traps are sprung and empty, it often means something or someone has been in the area. As long as there are no bullshit laws restricting trapping on ones own land, Ed is doing nothing wrong.

What animal traps? 


C'mon Dick, you and Romak seem to know everything. You mean you didn't know about the elephant traps.... big ones too.

Elephant tastes a lot like chicken..don't-cha-know.



Now thats the first good idea you've had Kola. If they trapped some elephant they could tame them and use them to charge agents when they rush the house . Great idea.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 09, 2007, 07:28 PM NHFT
:D  She said she might write more articles too.  That will be good!

She is very eloquent; I think I'll read her article on the air.


Marshal: 4 associates of tax-evading couple arrested

September 12, 2007

CONCORD, N.H. (AP)--Four men accused of helping obstruct justice in the case of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown have been arrested, U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said Wednesday.

Monier said the men are Cirino "Reno" Gonzales, 30, of Alice, Texas; Daniel Riley, 40, of Albany, N.Y.; Jason Gerhard, 22, of Brookhaven, N.Y.; and Robert Wolffe, 50, of Randolph, Vt.

Charges range from accessory after the fact to possession and use of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence.

Officials believe that the men participated in various efforts to assist the Browns in avoiding justice at their rural home in Plainfield and conspired to impede federal agents.

The Browns, who were convicted in January and have refused to turn themselves in to authorities, claim the federal income tax is not legitimate. Supporters from across the country have visited them at their home, although some relationships have come to a bitter end: The Browns have squabbled with bloggers, radio hosts, and several spokesmen and assistants.

A Web site about the Browns says they're planning to hold a fundraising event on their property on Saturday.

Monier said Gonzales was arrested in Alice, Texas; Riley in Cohoes, N.Y.; Gerhard at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; and Wolffe in Hartford, Vt.

"In this case, these men are alleged to have helped the Browns in their ongoing refusal to surrender to authorities," Monier said. "The Browns have engaged in a course of conduct that has led to further criminal investigations into their activity. Anyone who aids the Browns is subject to investigation, arrest and prosecution for serious felonies, which carry very heavy prison sentences."

Earlier this year, officials cut power and telephone service in an effort to ratchet up pressure on the couple convicted of scheming to avoid federal income taxes by hiding $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003. The Browns said they hadn't noticed the changes, they can survive on generators and they have 103 wooded acres to keep warm this winter. Their home is on an isolated dirt road and includes a turret that offers a 360-degree view of the property and a driveway that is sometimes barricaded with sport utility vehicles.

The Brown's phone numbers still appeared to be disconnected on Wednesday.

Also, heavily armed police once surrounded the Browns' home and readied for combat in June while they seized commercial property the couple owned in a neighboring town. SWAT teams, military and explosives vehicles marshaled in the tiny town and sparked rumors -- and expectations -- of a raid. U.S. marshals said it was only for surveillance.

Those authorities were seen by Riley, who was out walking the couple's dog when he was detained by marshals.

Since abandoning his federal trial and retreating to his home, Ed Brown has repeatedly said that any attempts to arrest him would result in a violent confrontation. He's also directly named investigators, prosecutors and the judge in his case, suggesting that they could be killed if anything happens to him. At other times, he has said their actions to date already justify retaliation.

"This was a tax case," Monier said Wednesday, "but over the last seven months, the Browns have allegedly obstructed justice and encouraged others to assist them. Ed Brown has threatened to kill law enforcement and other governmental officials. So, our message to the Browns is clear: do the right thing, call us, and surrender peacefully."

Monier said his office will continue to assist local police to control access to the Browns' property, in a safe manner "and with minimal intrusion to the Plainfield community."


J’raxis 270145

Are they trying to scare people off before this weekend's event?

firecracker joe

i'll be there  and will bring a truck full of supporters. what do you think about that romak and "dick"


Quote from: error on September 12, 2007, 07:28 PM NHFT
Charges range from accessory after the fact to possession and use of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence.

Accessory to what? They were responsible for the Browns not paying their taxes all these years? Ridiculous.
What was the 'crime of violence' in particular?
I thought Riley was just walking a dog one day and they shot at HIM?

This is nuts.