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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on September 13, 2007, 03:32 PM NHFT

Thanks S.F.W.,

--But this AP Writer Frank Eltman of Garden City, N.Y. @ 7:54 PM earlier this evening got it wrong: Wolfe and Riley did not "pleaded not guilty" today as I was there and an eye and ear witness to the Magistrate Muirhead who technically said that he was entering a plea of NOT guilty for each* of them, that they or their court-appointed attorneys should have objected to as this N.H. Court is withOUT jurisdiction!(*)

--There was NO electronic posting on the TV screen for this 2:00 p.m. hearing that got started about 15 minutes late, first with Daniel Riley brought into the courtroom in leg irons, then escorted out, then back in again, and then after his hearing, a few minutes wait for Robert Wolfe.  Both defendants were asked if they had read the indictments, and both said: yes.  Their attorneys said that a bail hearing shall be scheduled withIN three (3) days and requested that a hearing be held, tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 14th, but that the prosecutor and/or judge said that that was not enough time to get the witnesses here to testify from Vermont, and so he scheduled the next hearings for 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. respectfully, on Monday, Sept. 17th*.

--*That might be better IF Reno (Cirino Ganzales) can assert his rights AGAINST extradition by presenting the evidence Ed has (and should have given a copy to all four defendants) of that certificate from Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State that the Feds are in violation of N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution(*).  Hopefully the judge in the U.S. District Court in WHERE? "West of Corpus Christi" tomorrow can ORDER that he will look into this procedural due process in NOT ordering that Reno be "extradited" that they like to call "removed" now, until AFTER the N.H. jurisdiction is proved in the Texas court and for Jason Gerhard in Missouri too, the "Show Me" state! And hopefully both Texas and Missouri in compliance with their statutes as over at http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm so that they, also by the governor's office, as some states require his signature too,  can say to New Hampshire to get its act together BEFORE they send anybody into such an unlawful and illegal quagmire!

Yours truly, Joe H.


Here's a re-type from the "Press Copy":



Cr. No. 07-190-01-PB



COUNT ONE   Accessory After the Fact    18 U.S.C. Sec. 3

1. On or about January 18, 2007, the last day of a trial that started on January 9, a jury returned verdicts convicting* Edward Brown and Elaine Brown of conspiracy and a number of federal tax crimes.

2. The jury returned its verdict against Edward Brown in his absence.  After the third day of evidence, January 11, 2007, Edward Brown returned to his and Elaine Brown's joint residence in Plainfield, N.H. and never came back to court.  On January 12, 2007, a federal warrant was issued for Edward Brown's arrest based upon his failure to appear for the completion of his trial.

3.  Elaine Brown also failed to appear for what was to be the fourth day of evidence but, after a brief continuance of the proceedings, she returned for the remainder of the trial.  Whereupon she was convicted* and then released on bail pending sentencing.  Shortly thereafter, however, she was charged with violating conditions of her release pending sentencing by removing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet and returning to her residence where Ed Brown remained.  A federal warrant was issued for her arrest.

4. On April 24, 2007, Edward Brown and Elaine Brown were each sentenced to sixty-three (63) months in prison.  Neither Edward Brown nor Elaine Brown appeared for the sentencing proceeding and the sentences against them were imposed in their absence.

5. While the Browns have been fugitives, officers of the United States Marshals Service have made efforts to arrest them.  During the same period of time, the Browns have remained inside the boundaries of the property on which their home is located, and they have publiclly stated their intention to forcibly resist any effort to arrest them.

6. Beginning at a date uncertain but in or about January 2007 and continuing through to the date of this Indictment, in the District of New Hampshire and elsewhere, the defendant


knowing that offenses against the United States has been committed by Edward Brown and Elaine Brown, to wit: conspiracy and a number of federal tax crimes, received, relieved, comforted and assisted Edward Brown and Elaine Brown in order to hinder and prevent their apprehension and punishment, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3.

7. Robert Wolffe has received, relieved, comforted and assisted Edward Brown and Elaine Brown in order to hinder and prevent their apprehension and punishment in that he has aided them and provided to them personal and material support, including but not limited to the following:

a. providing a 1992 Chevrolet Caprice to the Browns which has been used by other supporters of the Browns to run errands and gather supplies for the Browns;

b. conducting counter-surveillance of the Deputy U.S. Marshals;

c. providing armed security for the Browns;

d. making his residence available as a point of trans-shipment for supplies to the Browns, including food, for delivery to the Browns'

-- In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3.

September 12, 2007      TRUE BILL  /s/ Grand Jury Foreperson

Thomas P. Colantuono
United States Attorney

By: /s/ Arnold H. Huftalen
Assistant United States Attorney

By: /s/ Robert M. Kinsella
Assistant United States Attorney

Page 4 of 4"

* typist note to compare this "convicted" BEFORE sentencing a misnomer (in # 1 + 3 above) as spelled out in my Reply #____ above citing F. Tupper Saussy, R.I.P. http://www.tuppersaussy.com

Dave Ridley

here's the second video from today, still processing as of midnight


however neither of my videos from today seem to show up on youtube searches.   any idea why?

Dave Ridley

Quote from: Dan on September 13, 2007, 07:12 PM NHFT
Dave, you are the man.  It looks like 0-day video releases are here to stay.

I was at wal*mart and noticed they have sub $800 hard drive video cams now, with night vision.  In camera editing is something I'd love to sit and learn with you if I get one of these 40-hour beasts.

sounds like an idea....maybe i can make you one of my correspondents :)

Nicholas Gilman

  The upload is still processing at the Youtube site, according to the message I received.


Here's a re-type from the "Press Copy":



Cr. No. 07-191-01-SM




1.  On or about January 18, 2007, the last day of a trial that started on January 9, a jury returned verdicts convicting Edward Brown and Elaine Brown of conspiring and a number of federal tax crimes.

2. The jury returned its verdict against Edward Brown in his absence.  After the third day of evidence, January 11, 2007, Edward Brown returned to his and Elaine Brown's joint residence in Plainfield, N.H., and never came back to court.  On January 12, 2007, a federal warrant was issued for Edward Brown's arrest based upon his failure to appear for the completion of his trial.

3.  Elaine Brown also failed to appear for what was to be the fourth day of evidence but, after a brief continuance of the proceedings, she returned for the remainder of the trial.  Shortly after her conviction, however, she was charged with violating conditions of her release pending sentencing by removing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet and returning to her residence where Edward Brown remained.  A federal warrant was issue for her arrest.

4.  On April 24, 2007, Edward Brown and Elaine Brown were each sentenced to sixty-three (63) months in prison*.  Neither Edward Brown nor Elaine Brown appeared for the sentencing proceeding and the sentences against them were imposed in their absence.

5.  While the Browns have been fugitives, officers of the United States Marshals Service have made efforts to arrest them.  During the same period of time, the Browns have remained inside the boundaries of the property on which their home is located, and they have publicly stated their intention to forcibly resist any effort to arrest them.

COUNT ONE       Conspiracy To Prevent Officers of the United States from Discharging Their Duties  18 U.S.C. Sec. 372

6. The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 5 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated as if set forth in full herein.

7.  From in and around January 2007, through in and around September 2007, in the District of New Hampshire and elsewhere, the defendant,


knowingly conspired and agreed with other individuals, both known and unknown to the grand jury, to prevent by force, intimidation and threat employees of the United States Marshals Service, who are officers of the United States, in the discharge of their official** duties, to wit: arresting Edward Brown and Elaine Brown, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372.

Purpose of the Conspiracy

8.  The purpose of the conspiracy was to prevent the United States Marshals Service from arresting Edward Brown and Elaine Brown.

Manner and Means of the Conspiracy

9. The Manner and means by which GONZALES and the other people with whom he conspired sought to accomplish the object of the conspiracy included, among others, temporarily residing in the Browns home, purchasing firearms, bringing firearms to the Browns' home and publicly announcing their intention to forcibly resist efforts by the United States Marshals Service to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown

Overt Acts

10.  In furtherance of the conspiracy, GONZALES and the other people with whom he conspired, committed and caused the following overt acts to be committed in the District of New Hampshire, and elsewhere:

a. On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, GONZALES, who is a resident of Alice, Texas, temporarily resided in the Browns' home'

b.  On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, a resident of Cohoes, New York ('Co-conspirator A') temporarily resided in the Browns home;

c.  On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, a resident of Brookhaven, New York ('Co-conspirator B') temporarily resided in the Browns home;

d. On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, GONZALES publicly declared his intention to forcibly resist*** any effort by the United States Marshals Service to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown;

e. On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, Co-conspirator A publicly declared his intention to forcibly resist any effort by the United States Marshals Service to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown;

f.  On different occasions between in and around May 2007, and in and around September 2007, Co-conspirator B publicly declared his intention to forcibly resist any effort by the United States Marshals Service to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown;

g.  On or aout January 21, 2007, Co-conspirator B accepted delivery of a Bushmaster rifle from a firearms dealer in Alstead, New Hampshire;

h.  On or about April 2, 2007, Co-conspirator B purchased an M44 rifle from a firearms dealer in Newport, New Hampshire;

i.  On or about May 23, 2007, Co-conspirator A purchased a high-powered .50 rifle from the firearms dealer in Newport, New Hampshire;

j.  On or about May 23, 2007, GONZALES purchased another high-powered .50 rifle from the firearms dealer in Newport, New Hampshire;

k.  In and around June 2007, Co-conspirator A delivered a number of fire extinguishers to the Browns home because Edward Brown said that he (Edward Brown) believed that federal law enforcement officers would set fire to the Browns' home;

l.  In and around June 2007, Co-conspirator A brought a shot gun into the Brown's home;

m.  In and around June 2007, Co-conspirator A installed motion detector lights on the Browns' property;

o.**** In and around June 2007, Co-Conspirator B attempted to cause firearms accessories he purchased from a firearms dealer in Maryland to be delivered to the Browns' home;

p.  In and around July 2007, GONZALES, Co-conspirator A and another person posed for a photograph with Edward Brown.  The photograph was posted to an account on a social networking internet site, myspace.com, that was registered to Co-conspirator B.  The internet account was used to make statements in support of Edward Brown and Elaine Brown.  In the photograph, GONZALES and Co-conspirator A possess rifles;

q.  On or about July 20, 2007, Co-conspirator B purchased two (2) Rugar rifles from the firearms dealer in Alstead, New Hampshire;

r.  On or about July 25, 2007, Co-conspirator B purchased a high-powered .50 rifle from the firearms dealer in Alstead, New Hampshire; and

s.  On or about July 31, 2007, Co-conspirator B purchased another Rugar rifle from the firearms dealer in Alstead, New Hampshire;

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372.

COUNT TWO    Conspiracy to Commit Offenses Against the United States   18 U.S.C. Sec. 371

11.  The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 5 and 8 through 10 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated as if set forth in full herein, including the overt acts alleged in paragraph 10a through 10s.

12.  From in and around January 2007, through in and around September 2007, in the District of New Hampshire and elsewhere, the defendant,


knowingly and willfully conspired and agreed with other individuals, both known and unknown to the grand jury, to commit the following offenses against the United States:

a.  forcibly to assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate and interfere with federal law enforcement officers in the discharge of their duties**, to wit: attempting to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown; in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 and 111(a)(1); and

b. knowing that offenses against the United States had been committed by Edward Brown and Elaine Brown, received, relieved, comforted and assisted Edward Brown and Elaine Brown in order to hinder and prevent their apprehension, trial and punishment;

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 and 3.

COUNT THREE   Accessory After the Fact  18 U.S.C. Sec. 3

13.  The allegations of paragraph 1 through 5 and 8 through 10 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated as if set forth in full herein.

14.  From in and around January 2007, through in and around September 2007, in the District of New Hampshire and elsewhere, the defendant,


knowing that offenses against the United States had been committed by Edward Brown and Elaine Brown, received, relieved, comforted and assisted Edward Brown and Elaine Brown in order to hinder and prevent their apprehension, trial and punishment;

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3.

COUNT FOUR   Carrying and Possessing a Firearm in Connection with a Crime of Violence 18 U.S.C. Sec.924(c)(1)(A)(i)

15.  The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 5 and 8 through 10 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated as if set forth in full herein.

16  From on or about May 23, 2007, in the District of New Hampshire and elsewhere, the defendant,


knowingly and intentionally: (a) carried a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence for which he could be prosecuted in a court of the United States, to wit: conspiracy to forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate and interfere with federal law enforcement in the official** discharge of their duties, attempting to arrest Edward Brown and Elaine Brown, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 and 111(a)(1); and (b) in furtherance of such crime of violence, possessed a firearm;

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section, 924(c)(1)(A)(i).

September 12, 2007  TRUE BILL  /s/ Grand Jury Foreperson

Thomas P. Colantuono
United States Attorney

By: ________________
Robert M. Kinsella
Assistant United States Attorney

By: _______________
Arnold Huftalen
Assistant United States Attorney

Page 11 of 11"

typist notes:

* paragraph #4, technically they were not sentenced to "prison" but the custody of the U.S. Marshal, which word means 1. "The act or right of guarding" and 2. "Any state of being kept or guarded, esp. imprisonment" but not ONLY the latter, as the Browns are being "kept" on their property, and guarded, but by non-official** officers [compare #7 + 16(a) above, to the "official" word missing in #12a,] the word official defined as "Of, pertaining to, or authorized by a proper AUTHORITY;" (emphasis ADDed) there being NONE since the Federal non-filing by N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 with the N.H. Secretary of State as to fulfill the "Consent" from 1-8-17, U.S. Constitution.

*** 10d to "resist" is to withstand, and to withstand is "To oppose (something) with force; resist or endure successfully."  Compare to my Reply #______ above for the word militate: of to have force as evidence.  So withOUT the proper proof of official** status by the U.S. Marshals WHO is really the ones exerting the force!?, when the evidence is in the certificate of Federal non-filing that the judge refused to mark as an exhibit to present to the trial jury in the Brown case, and given over to the prosecutor Wm. Morse who neglected his Federal Rule 36 and State Rule 3.8 duties to present this evidence to both the judge and the defendant(s) Brown!

**** Apparently none of the 23 members of the Grand Jury, nor the three U.S. Attorneys can spell, leaving out the letter n, between #10 m + o above.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 14, 2007, 12:00 AM NHFT
k.  In and around June 2007, Co-conspirator A delivered a number of fire extinguishers to the Browns home because Edward Brown said that he (Edward Brown) believed that federal law enforcement officers would set fire to the Browns' home;

I find it extremely disturbing that the feds would have a complaint about someone wanting to prevent them from setting that person's house on fire. That this was brought to the grand jury at all seems to suggest that marshals were (and might still be) considering burning them out.

I think I'm buying fire extinguishers for my friends for Christmas. Then again, if protecting one's home from dangerous arsonists is now a federal crime...

Nicholas Gilman

Quotem.  In and around June 2007, Co-conspirator A installed motion detector lights on the Browns' property;


   In other news, I assembled a halogen torchiere lamp for my girlfriend a few months back.


Quote from: alaska on September 13, 2007, 08:54 AM NHFT
Ed has long ago brainwashed his wife into thinking that the only solution is dying for their cause. They have been looking for conflict since they stopped paying. This is painfully obvious.

Living at home versus a looong stay in federal prison (also commonly found with the tagline "pound me in the ass"), especially when your home is largely self-sufficient, AND where a non-crime has been committed... strikes me as a fairly sensible choice.

I've never spoken with Ed and have thus not been subject to his brainwashing. @.@

Kat Kanning

Here's my story for the Keene Free Press.  If anyone feels like grabbing some stills from the video, I'll include that in the article, too.


Two Brown Supporters Arraigned in Concord  ( Public )    
Friday, 14 September 2007
By Kat Kanning

Two supporters of Tax Truthers Ed and Elaine Brown – Danny Riley and Robert Wolfe - were arraigned in Concord Thursday afternoon. It was heartbreaking to see the Wolfe family torn apart by government workers attempting to extract their paychecks from Ed and Elaine Brown. Mrs. Wolfe was clearly very distraught about the government/mafia kidnapping of her husband. Danny Riley, who was dragged back to New Hampshire from New York, appeared to have no one there to comfort him except for some of the nine people who showed up to protest the arrests. Riley and Wolfe are being held until at least Monday, September 17th, when the government/mafia decide if they can be released until their November trials. Conspicuously absent from yesterday's hearing and from the Brown's trial: any victims of the alleged crimes – 'cause there just ain't one.

Some videos from the protesters:

Kat Kanning

Joe Hass broke up the tension in court yesterday...Danny Riley was brought in then taken right back out.  As he was leaving, Joe said loudly, authoritatively "All rise for the honorable defendant."  A bunch of the reporters, including Margot Katz aka scoop, stood up.  It was pretty funny.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: jose on September 13, 2007, 10:07 PM NHFT
seems to me romack and dick have to much time on their hands and romack i picture you sitting at your computer pretending to be having fun at the pool and the range i doubt a moron like you even has the balls to shoot a gun. but if you come to my personal range id be willing to give you a lesson as long as your in front of the target. thats not a threat so dont take it that way im just tired of reading your negative responses on the browns why don't you just move along to a forum you can agree with. firecracker joe

Lets see firing a gun on the range at a target means the bullet thats fired hits the target, if Im standing in front of the target that means I get hit by the bullett. Sounds like a threat to me. Its statements like these that got those 4 guys in trouble. How could I not take this as a threat dumbass. Its one thing to have a lively debate even if we completely disagree on things, its another thing to threaten people with death.


I've left a message with Shaun Kranish two days in a row with no return. He may be in transit. Has anyone seen or talked to him?