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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 21

Started by Nicholas Gilman, August 17, 2007, 05:11 AM NHFT

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Nicholas Gilman

   Fred Smart is who I meant.  I know a guy who looks just like Fred,
but his name is Mike so I get those two guys confused.


there is no crime commited.

the judge needs to be dismissed from his treasonic position.



Quote from: Nicholas Gilman on August 30, 2007, 02:18 PM NHFT
    ... the "We The People" foundation is being forced to close down
their websites by the feds.  They were the organization that gave the presentation
before the "America: Freedom to Fascism" screening in Derry back in April of 06.
The feds just raised the stakes in the income tax racket...

    This is outrageous.  The judge states the first amendment does not apply because
the sites include "criminal conduct". 


Kat Kanning

BTW, I got a nice article from Elaine for the Keene Free Press.  I'll type it up sometime soon so it can be read online.


That would be cool Kat!

Those disguises they used must have really fooled the feds. I hope they had a fun evening and it must have felt good to be out and about again.  :)

I hope their amusment park and training grounds are fully operational by now. Great ideas for sure!



I just heard Tony Snow is leaving the White House for good on September 14. I'm sure it's so he can make it to Ed and Elaine's.  ;D


September could be a very scarey month.

Be ready.



Oddly it seems the DOJ has been paying more attention to me and my forum lately. They spend all day reading it, and barely glance over here. I am expecting trouble.


Quote from: Beavis on September 01, 2007, 12:50 AM NHFT
Oddly it seems the DOJ has been paying more attention to me and my forum lately. They spend all day reading it, and barely glance over here. I am expecting trouble.

So Beavis,

You expecting a new "form letter" to arrive in your mailbox soon?  8) re: that letter from "my" Congressman chapter at your website, just great!

- - Joe H.


Form letters, no. A violent raid for no reason, maybe.

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Beavis on September 01, 2007, 01:01 PM NHFT
Form letters, no. A violent raid for no reason, maybe.

I didn't see you at the MVP meeting and was wondering where you were.

I've got a virtual server where I'm going to be hosting the Manchester Free Press and a few other sites. Need a backup location for NH Tea Party in case your servers get confiscated? I can give you somewhere to dump the data right now, but I would need to install a database on the server before it could be run from there. I'm not sure about bandwidth, but slow is better than gone.


Thanks for the offer. But it's not really necessary at this time. (And besides, your virtual server would die if you tried to put all my stuff on it.)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: Beavis on September 01, 2007, 03:21 PM NHFT
Thanks for the offer. But it's not really necessary at this time. (And besides, your virtual server would die if you tried to put all my stuff on it.)

Did I read somewhere that you've both Digg- and Slashdot-proofed your sites?


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on September 01, 2007, 03:55 PM NHFT
Quote from: Beavis on September 01, 2007, 03:21 PM NHFT
Thanks for the offer. But it's not really necessary at this time. (And besides, your virtual server would die if you tried to put all my stuff on it.)

Did I read somewhere that you've both Digg- and Slashdot-proofed your sites?

That's not possible unless his resources can meet or exceed peak resources consumed by Diggers/Slashdotters, which is not bloody likely... or he starts feeding them a "you're from digg/slashdot, so you get to see this 500 byte text file instead of what you wanted", which still wouldn't likely help too much at peak readership time. :P

Nicholas Gilman

    I have a feeling the wheels of the thug bureaucracy are turning;
unusual for a Saturday night at 2300.   Calm before the storm?