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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 23

Started by Fragilityh14, September 20, 2007, 07:09 PM NHFT

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Well, I certainly hope the dog is okay. Unfortunate things tend to happen to dogs in police raids.

And of course I hope Ed & Elaine weren't injured. I also hope the gun-rubbing girlies just keep rubbing and muttering, instead of doing something tremendously stupid.


Oh man...  :(

The AP story at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/N/NH_TAX_EVADERS_ARRESTED_NHOL-?SITE=NHCON&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT says they didn't surrender willingly, but that it was bloodless... I wonder what went down.  This is scary.  We need to get information on how they took them down non-violently without a surrender. 


Quote from: mdh on October 04, 2007, 11:11 PM NHFT
Oh man...  :(

The AP story at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/N/NH_TAX_EVADERS_ARRESTED_NHOL-?SITE=NHCON&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT says they didn't surrender willingly, but that it was bloodless... I wonder what went down.  This is scary.  We need to get information on how they took them down non-violently without a surrender. 

Read the story again.  It says that they were arrested "peacefully".  The "wouldn't surrender willingly" was a hypothetical situation posed by the marshals.


Wow...this is just wrong, man.

The Browns do not belong in jail.


Jim Johnson

Everyone must be out tomarrow carring a sign about Ed and Elaine.
You must tell everyone you have ever talked to about Ed and Elaine that the least they can do is be out there holding a sign for Ed and Elaine Brown.


Quote from: richardr on October 04, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT
because if no one was left in the house, then they would have taken the dog and any animal to the pound, they cant leave animals unattended.. who will feed them and give water if left in the house or on property alone?  thats why i said start calling the dog pound, to get the dog out. 


Quote from: Beth221 on October 04, 2007, 11:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on October 04, 2007, 11:10 PM NHFT
because if no one was left in the house, then they would have taken the dog and any animal to the pound, they cant leave animals unattended.. who will feed them and give water if left in the house or on property alone?  thats why i said start calling the dog pound, to get the dog out. 

Anyone have a picture or description of the dog? All I know about the dog is that Danny the Dog Walker took it for a walk.


So they have moved them to an unnamed federal facility... anyone have any idea where?  Those sign holding folks would do well to be there. 

Jim Johnson

Quote from: mdh on October 04, 2007, 11:43 PM NHFT
So they have moved them to an unnamed federal facility... anyone have any idea where?  Those sign holding folks would do well to be there. 

As long as you are going to be some where.


I'm in WV, I wish I could help! 

Right now I'm coordinating coverage for Ron Paul Radio (http://www.ronpaulradio.com/) and we're going to be live on the air on this issue for as long as we possibly can.  If anyone has any information to share with us, I'll get it on the air, we'd really appreciate it. 

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

It is sure that in these days:

The "Don't tas me, bro" saga


the monks http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9905481


the rest of human rights violations occuring everyday...

...that we may not actually ever know what happened during the collection of the Brown's.

One sure thing, few eat dogs in America and the pooch will be treated like a sovereign.

Now where is that remote, so I can catch the rest of the game....

God bless America. Amen.


 :-\ How did this happen without warning? I was hoping that the very real and proven threat of supporters showing up on short notice would be enough to keep them at bay. I'm not faulting anyone, of course, but I'd like to know how they caught the Browns alone.


i think they did the raid at evening, when everyone is at home eating dinner, watching tv..  There is only one news article out on it so far.. AP article... 

I want more news!!! 

Jim Johnson

Quote from: ThePug on October 05, 2007, 12:07 AM NHFT
:-\ How did this happen without warning? I was hoping that the very real and proven threat of supporters showing up on short notice would be enough to keep them at bay. I'm not faulting anyone, of course, but I'd like to know how they caught the Browns alone.

Get real Pug, Ed and Elaine live in the woods.  First responders where two hours away and we are only sign wavers.
There was never a real threat or response from the gun rubbers.  The feds wasted their own time by not properly  analyzing the Brown's conditions.

We have a momentary moral advantage that must be acted upon.  If the Brown's can muster in the streets tomorrow we can force a political advantage.