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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 23

Started by Fragilityh14, September 20, 2007, 07:09 PM NHFT

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Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 07, 2007, 11:50 AM NHFT

The AOC says that McAuliffe is an Art. III judge, but pays into S/S! This is an impossibility!  Dick: Can you give us this case name and numbers?)

Title 29 (Labor) clearly excludes all elected representatives in the definition section 630 sub paragraph (f) of "employee". Just put 29 USC 630(f). This was confirmed by the supreme court in 1991 when Governor John Ashcroft of Missouri (later Attorney General) won his defense from a group of judges who sued him for violating the federal anti age discrimination laws for dismissing then at age 70 as the Missouri constitution provides ( Same as here in N.H.) The judges lost as they are appointed for 5 years only , then must survive a ELECTION to be retained! In any event, Ashcroft's attorneys argued Section 630(f) and the whole legislative history is in the case.. Well worth reading in its entirety, particularly where II starts out with "As every school child learns we have two governments" The case is Gregory v. Ashcroft (1991) Just put that into google and you can read it.


Quote from: richardr on October 07, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT
Joe, what was Danny's reaction to Ed and Elaine's arrest?

He first heard of it by the TV, [Channel 9 is my guess], when I asked him if he knew, that he already did, so no big deal when we talked today. 

In fact I think he likes the idea that he can "depose" them for his case; or can he?

When I mentioned that Elaine was in the single-filing state of Connecticut, v.s. our 2-filing state here in N.H., and that maybe she might win an habeas corpus at the federal level down there against backward federal New Hampshire, he asked if I had sent her the papers yet, with my answer of no.  I did not go to the Post Office on Saturday to pick up his papers that are probably sitting there now.  I think he wants to be the one to blaze the trail on this Habeas Corpus angle, so that the others can benefit.

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst, such as that Kansas Territory case against the Feds using that Supreme Court there, so maybe some county judge might say that for a check-and-balance against the Feds, it has to be done by the N.H. Supremes? at their level?  Not a problem, Danny says: he'll remain indigent, so that if they over-ride Art. 91 with some Rule, wanting a $175.00 filing fee, Danny can file for free.

Hey! If the Feds can give a $6,500 check to The Town of Plainfield for taking care of the Browns on the offensive, why can't they also send a check for the same $amount to the State to divy out the dividends to the Strafford and Merrimack County Attorneys to defensively combat these Writs of Habeas Corpus filed by Danny, and to-be-filed(?) by Bob later? I think that they/ the Feds KNOW that they will lose in the end, so it's really a waste of taxpayer money.   :icon_pirat:

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S. Bill - I just wrote this before reading your reply, of the "melodramatic" or of the emotional, or I see another word there of histrionic.  I did NOT inquire of his feelings at that time he heard the news, and yes, as Bill wrote: "That information is not your business." The word histrionic mostly applied "to actors or acting" for the "Overemotional or dramatic; theatrical; affected. " What I'm more interested in is, like what Bill writes: of not any more arm-chair generals, or what I'd call Monday morning quarterbacks, but the ones like Danny who take that Art. 10 meaning to heart: not only to that he "ought" to do something about this "perver"sion, as meaning to the word: corruption, but that of the last sentence in Article 10: "The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind."  I think that these words should be in both the Opening & Closing Statements of Danny's Federal trial, that is, if it ever gets there, as out on an Habeas Corpus BEFORE then, in effect telling the Feds, by County Judge Referee that there's been a tilt in the machine, like in pinballs: the game is over.  The "game" being their criminal prosecution, but not the civil lawsuits to follow for having stolen his liberty in the meantime, valued at $2,500 per day, as in the Veronica Silva State Board of Claims case.  Danny in for #__ days now and so far amounting to: $______!  8)

Russell Kanning

I can picture the feds giving Ed "diesel therapy" ... they are bad guys.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: smartbandwidth on October 07, 2007, 07:12 AM NHFT
Freedom is a conversation that will never, ever, end.....

It's about exiting the Wizard's Castle - and carrying the Wizard on your/our shoulders if need be - to a place in the green grass with the sun shining overhead where there's flowers and trees and bees buzzing in the light wind with music, song and kids playing and laughing.  We are all called to lay down and sit upon gather round a giant picnic blanket that becomes filled to overflowing with all kinds of fresh fruit, bread, wine and cheese.  This is what "The Free State" - physically and spiritually manifesting - is all about. 

Peace and God Bless,


SFW says: There was no mention of the :angel1: cherubs :angel1: who happily dress you after your unashamed sex in the sunshine, which no one paid any attention to.  :blush:


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 07, 2007, 07:56 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on October 07, 2007, 07:04 PM NHFT
- - - -

...who take that Art. 10 meaning to heart: not only to that he "ought" to do something about this "perver"sion,(*) as meaning to the word: corruption, but that of the last sentence....

(*) Speaking of perverts, as in that Judge John C. Fairbanks of the Newport District Court, who would take the little boys in court back to his chambers so that he can do his pedophilia on them, guess who his attorney was?  Federal Judge Paul Barbadoro, of Ridge Road, Concord.

The same judge, who in the I.R.S. v. Andrew Tempelman case in Milford, N.H. heard after the IRS auction from Andy, that according to Title #___ U.S. Code Section _______ the auction had to occur in a court house in the county of where the land was located.  Andy & his wife Priscilla, and their son owned and operated "The Ram in the Thicket" Restaurant and Bed & Breakfast in Milford, N.H. So what did Barbadoro do? He said: I don't give a shit!  The end justifies the means, and to hell with procedural due process! A true "sociopath" if ever there was the top one in N.H., he is it!

Originally the auction was to take place AT the property, but from the Marshals hearing from me, as a strategy Ed told me to tell them, that the N.H. Militia would be there in the woods to pick-off any federal goons as being put on Notice that a tax is not a debt, with no prior judgment, and so the lien of attachment an unlawful taking of the equity, and if these goons don't wise up, then they will die! since life, liberty and property are separate sticks in the bundle of rights, and when gov't agents steal the latter, then they will forfeit the former. Well, what happened was that the auction got transferred from there to the Milford Town Hall, that BTW was never nor is ever as having been used as a courthouse.  And the Federal goon in charge of all this?  None other than Gary DiMartino himself! who I've told about correcting this injustice, him telling me to: get lost!

Fairbanks BTW having escaped to Canada after his attorney Barbadoro assured authorities that his client would turn himself in.  Instead he changed his name to Richard Mansfield, who hung out in the sodomite community up there, then traveled to Las Vegas where he supposedly blew his $millions on the craps tables, slot machines, etc. and then committed suicide by placing a plastic trash bag over his head, tying it around the neck, and suffocating to death.  The NBC-TV Show: "Unsolved Mysteries" with Robert Stack highlighting this case.

Anyway, the bottom line here of: McAuliffe having recused himself, now Barbadoro needs to do the same, or be disqualified, or even impeached for that comment and conduct of trampling on the rights to complete due process of law. All of which I did tell to Danny this afternoon, leaving judge #3 of 3: being Joseph DiClerico as THE judge who will get things done right!  On the jurisdictional issue I think he has the "balls" the other ones are missing, to say that Danny is right of this state being a 2-filing state for the Feds to file the deed AND then the RSA 123:1 papers with the S of S, [from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.] BEFORE operations can begin, and so, in effect, DiClerico as the modern-day Pandora to open the box to litigious heaven for all the rest of the brothers of the bar.

Amen, -- Joe


Jebus, there certainly was some excitement over the weekend.

I hope Ed and Elaine are ok. I am glad it wasn't a blood bath...but once again the bad guys win.

It just doesn't make sense. There were 2 almost identical situations.Tom Cryer was allowed to prove his case, won and walked free. Ed and Elaine were not allowed to prove theirs, lost and are now in jail.



Russell Kanning


Thanks for the update, Joe.  Be sure to let us know if you talk to any of the other three defendants.  That Jason kid is so damned young to be facing the rest of his life in prison.


Quote from: richardr on October 07, 2007, 10:32 PM NHFT
Thanks for the update, Joe.  Be sure to let us know if you talk to any of the other three defendants.  That Jason kid is so damned young to be facing the rest of his life in prison.

You're welcome.  To call Essex tomorrow @ 978-750-1900 to see if they're out of "lock-down", and if so, to maybe visit Jason during either of his times for 240-C, him in Cell #721, from: 2-2:30 +/or 7-7:30 p.m.  Anybody else is invited too.  Visitors do not have to pre-register. - Joe

P.S. Reno is there too in 240-D of same times, and day, also for both on the real Columbus Day, this Fri., Oct. 12th too, but only the early time of from 2:00- 2:30 p.m.

David: any word from Reno's girlfriend who wrote to you for posting here before?

And "What about Bob?"  His wife was in court, but isn't active here?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maybe they're getting the third-degree interrogations too, by trips to Colantuono's office to be grilled, like what Danny said happened to him, his attorney saying that if he talked, he'd be out by the end of the week.  I guess they didn't like him talking Art. 10 Revolution rights!  :icon_pirat:

Modification: @ 11:17 a.m. I called there and pressed 2-2 and waited for 12 + 15 rings respectfully, but there being no answer as before. I also called 2-1 for the weekly schedule, but that it either got back to Oct. 1st for last week, or some monthly schedule. Maybe somebody closer can visit him there this afternoon or tonight. I guess I'll try to get down there next Tuesday, during the week from 2-:30 or 7-:30 Oct. 16th when Salem starts(?) their Halloween festivities (Boris Karloff's daughter was there one year autographing pictures of her with her father, and her root beer bottles at the new ghost ride.)  Or 10/20,Sat. but not 10/24,Wed. my day in court, so that leaves 10/28 Sun. (weekends at the 2-2:30 p.m. time only.)


Quote from: kola on October 07, 2007, 09:25 PM NHFT
There were 2 almost identical situations.Tom Cryer was allowed to prove his case, won and walked free. Ed and Elaine were not allowed to prove theirs, lost and are now in jail.

They weren't all that similar.

Cryer is a lawyer, and knew how to play the system within the system's rules. Ed insisted he didn't have to play by any rules, and the game went on without him.

Tom Cryer had a completely different strategy: he focused on the "willful" part of the charge, and showed that he had good reason to believe that he wasn't required to file. Would Cryer have succeeded in McAuliffe's court? We don't know, but it's clear that Cryer understood the judge in his case, and adapted his strategy accordingly. Ed didn't know and didn't care; he was going to do things his way, regardless.

It's also worth noting that while Cryer won this case, he won't be able to use the same strategy again. He won because they jury found that he didn't willfully violate the law, but he did violate it. Now that the court has ruled that the law exists, he can't use that excuse again.

Either that, or Ed was right: Cryer won by flashing secret Mason symbols so the Illuminati powers knew they had to acquit him.  ::)

J’raxis 270145

Quote from: KBCraig on October 07, 2007, 11:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 07, 2007, 09:25 PM NHFT
There were 2 almost identical situations.Tom Cryer was allowed to prove his case, won and walked free. Ed and Elaine were not allowed to prove theirs, lost and are now in jail.

They weren't all that similar.

Cryer is a lawyer, and knew how to play the system within the system's rules. Ed insisted he didn't have to play by any rules, and the game went on without him.

Tom Cryer had a completely different strategy: he focused on the "willful" part of the charge, and showed that he had good reason to believe that he wasn't required to file. Would Cryer have succeeded in McAuliffe's court? We don't know, but it's clear that Cryer understood the judge in his case, and adapted his strategy accordingly. Ed didn't know and didn't care; he was going to do things his way, regardless.

It's also worth noting that while Cryer won this case, he won't be able to use the same strategy again. He won because they jury found that he didn't willfully violate the law, but he did violate it. Now that the court has ruled that the law exists, he can't use that excuse again.

Either that, or Ed was right: Cryer won by flashing secret Mason symbols so the Illuminati powers knew they had to acquit him.  ::)

Right. And Cryer will have to pay the taxes, just not penalties. Cryer's defense was basically a good-faith mistake of law. Now that the judge explained the "correct" interpretation of the law to him, he won't be able to claim the same defense ever again.


Quote from: KBCraig on October 07, 2007, 11:12 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on October 07, 2007, 09:25 PM NHFT
There were 2 almost identical situations.Tom Cryer was allowed to prove his case, won and walked free. Ed and Elaine were not allowed to prove theirs, lost and are now in jail.

Either that, or Ed was right: Cryer won by flashing secret Mason symbols so the Illuminati powers knew they had to acquit him.  ::)

I went over to Google, hoping to find an interesting report of such an event, by searching the words: Masonic ring jury, going to page 5, and then: Masonic Treasury Seal, finding a report at page 2 #7, and that is within the pages of others too from http://www.kilroywashere.org/006-Pages/06--0Rest-.html for like Paul Harvey says: "The Rest of the Story" for what is a very interesting answer to: "The mainland US was never bombed from an enemy aircraft...Wrong! over at http://www.kilroywashere.org/006-Pages/06-BombOregon.html about the Japanese attempt to start a forest fire in Oregon during WWII.

This "The Rest of the Story" is a good headline.  Like maybe to find out why some states make the Feds jump over two hurdles by a double-filing in the: (1) Registry of deeds, and (2) with either: (a) the Secretary of State, like in New Hampshire, or (b) the Governor's Office, in either MAss.achusetts or Florida; rather than like just the single-filing in Conn.ecticut. Maybe there's a state requiring that they file in each county too?  I think we ought to amend our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 to say this, because like in the Bible it says when you catch a thief you charge him sevenfold by Proverbs 6:30-31, see also Public Law 97-280, 96 Statute 1211 of October 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond.  There being ten (10) counties in our state, and so close enough!  ;) Yeah! With a filing with the County Commissioners, like that County Sheriff out west says to the Feds: show me your delegation of authority papers BEFORE you can do business in MY county! and ever since, the Feds having never again set foot in his county! And not just a regular filing, but with some kind of bond, that if and when they screw up, like their Federal branch of the Treasury Dept. sending in IRS thugs without the Treasury Secretary's delegation of authority letter, as is supposed to be published in the CFR/ Code of Federal Regulations BEFORE they can apply such a "Code" to the public-at-large, then they will have to pay the penalty: sevenfold the theft of whatever they steal, like Ed & Elaine Brown's residence worth what: $500,000(?) x 7 = $3.5 million.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution is the instruction sheet to the states.  The Feds need the Consent of the states to be invited in to do business.  The state-by-state list is posted by Attorney Larry Becraft over at http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm Here in New Hampshire our invitation was offered to the Feds on June 14, 1884 so long as they filed their papers with the Office of Secretary of State.  For some reason they declined to do so. 

As mentioned in my Reply #___ the Feds started out in Exeter and Portsmouth with trial for minor crimes, so any violation to NH R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 was a petty offense not worth bothering with, as in an ex gratia payment, it being easier to just pay the fine than contest where the Feds be lawful or legal.  Since then there as been a "stealthy encroachment" as warned against in that Vol. 116 case in the U.S. Reports page #__ of the _____________ case I remember reading about years ago.  Today the Feds are way out-of-control sending people away for years, and years, and more years, over five (5) years for Ed & Elaine Brown, and so finally this shit has got to stop!  Ed telling the court of no jurisdiction, but who did not show the court the document.  A "Show & Tell" with only half the event done.

"Divide and conquer" is another saying.  Now that Elaine is in Danbury, Conn.ecticut: a single-filing state, maybe now there will be some light shed on this and other double-filing states that have yet to comply with the law! Yes- Elaine: file that Petition for an Habeas Corpus to the Federal Cort down there: http://www.ctd.uscourts.gov/ with 8 active judges, 6 senior judges, and 5 magistrate judges, with court proceedings in: Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven.  So which one covers Danbury, F.C.I.? _______

WHEN (not if), you win your case, another "The Rest of the Story" will be that Feds in New Hampshire finally make it over to Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State over a century late, and so proving that you and Ed were right all along: the court at 53 Pleasant Street had NO jurisdiction, and so: case closed, out on Habeas Corpus, and to have your old or new(?) Federal Rep. file a House Bill for Monetary Damages at the Veronica Silva rate of: $2,500 per day, (N.H. State Board of Claims, mid 1980s, front page story in the http://www.unionleader.com ) extracted out of the federal government employees who did you wrong is what I'd like to see to teach them a lesson! that they had better obey their oath to the constitution next time, or else!


Modification: From the map of Connecticut it looks like Danbury being along the western border of the state, just above Bridgeport, the Petition ought to go to there, http://www.ctd.uscourts.gov/courthouses.html  The "Habeas Corpus" defined at http://www.law.yale.edu/library/research/prisoners/habeas.html as: to assert that the imprisonment is illegal (as against NH RSA 123:1 from 1-8-17, U.S. Const.) since the N.H. court had no jurisdiction. See also http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00002241----000-.html for Title 28, Part VI, Chapter 153, Section 2241(c) for when the prisoner "is in custody under or by COLOR of the authority of the United States" (emphasis ADDed, as in that they THINK they have jurisdiction, like they THINK they are in compliance with the law and the legal, but that they are NOT!) and so by 2241(d) to, of course, file "the application" with "the district wherein such person is in custody", therefore: to The BRIEN McMAHON FEDERAL BUILDING, 915 Lafayette Boulevard, Bridgeport, CT 06604 (203) 579-5861.


I tried to call the Marshal's office in NH to ask the whereabouts of Ed Brown. They're closed for Columbus Day.


The person that answered the phone at Rep. Carla Skinder's telephone # says she probably "won't give you much, she likes what's going on".

Brittany at the Governor's office says the Governor won't answer any questions about Ed Brown and referred me to the U.S. Marshal's office. So much for state sovereignty.

War is peace. Hate is love. Ingsoc is God.


Quote from: Skooma on October 05, 2007, 03:53 PM NHFT
"They invited us in, and we escorted them out,"

Herr Monier, in a just world you would have been carried out and thrown in hog wallow. At least they are still alive, whatever consolation that may be to them.

Didn't the Brown's ever watch Star Wars?

It's a trap!

Great photo here Skooma!

Check out the, what I call: bubbleheads over at http://www.novaspace.com/ARTIST/BobEggleton.html click over to "The First Men in the Moon" book* by H.G. Wells, with artwork by Bob Eggleton at http://www.novaspace.com/BOOKS/Firstmen.html and finally to the not bobble, but bubbleheads over at: http://www.novaspace.com/BOOKS/firstillos.html

Bob, the artist (born: Sept. 13, 1960 by his http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Eggleton even has Asteroid 13562 "named Bobeggleton in his honor") might be in attendance this Friday, October 12th at: The Art Corner, 264 Washington Street, Salem, MAss. according to the receptionist I called today at 1-978-745-9524 who said that about half of the 19 artists listed over at http://www.salemweb.com/calendar/?month=10 for Monday, October 8 from http://www.salemweb.com/hh/ = their "Happy Halloween" Main Page, will be there for the reception.

Check out Bob's http://www.bobeggleton.com/mainframe1.html for this book* supposedly For Sale at the http://www.budplant.com as autographed, but on the click Artist section I see 18 listed, but no Bob Eggleton [cc: to Bob at zillabob at cox.net for an update] Although these drawings are too gross for me, I do like his "The Book of Sea Monsters" one (c)1998 @ $____ [Bob - to bring to the reception to where I can buy an autographed copy directly from you? or buy at bookstore and bring? plus what about that RUE MORGUE Canadian Magazine with the Godzilla cover? Will you have some For Sale there too? Plus "Happy Trails" as off to San Francisco for The "Creature Fest" Oct. __ with "The Creature From the Black Lagoon" co-stars: Ben Chapman and Julie Adams: I have signed photos from both of them through the mail several years ago for a few bucks each, the one from Julie in some western with Jimmy Steward too.]

Plus to visit a Newberry Comics book store in ____________, N.H. for maybe a box of your Godzilla trading cards too, one sketch per box @ $_____.

I can't afford your $2,500 price for the original "Heart of the Comet" drawing, but see you have some great signed prints For Sale over at http://www.novaspace.com/LTD/EGG/Egg_ltd.html click over to that "David and Goliath" star one at http://www.novaspace.com/LTD/EGG/D_G.html for $85.00 and the bargain priced one at only $30.00 of The "Encounter with Horns and Teeth" Dinosaur one at http://www.novaspace.com/POSTERS/Horns.html Would you please bring these to your reception, if you're going to attend, so that I may purchase them, and the Canadian Godzilla Magazine (2 copies, if possible), and "The Book of Sea Monsters" book too. Thanks.

My post here for others too who might like some of these and/or your other fine artwork, or just to meet you at the reception to say hi.

I guess you can call this an open letter to you, +/or an invitation to you too to our Article 10 Right of Revolution people here in New Hampshire.  Surely the IRS must be hounding you too, if ever your manager decided to go the freedom route. Aaron Russo, the filmmaker woke up to the truth with his "From Freedom to Fascism" movie and CD to give you free on Friday, and so maybe you can take what he did ONE STEP BEYOND to "The Outer Limits" in the 2-D world of art. There's a "Goddess of Justice" statue at the 53 Pleasant Street Federal Building in Concord, N.H. that maybe needs a "Sonny" to visit with his magic wand, and let loose the "Northern Lights" on it that you could illustrate.  And/or have you ever heard the story of Passaconaway, the Indian Chief, who could conjure up a black cloud on a perfectly sunny day, and make it rain ice cubes!  One of the legends of old, before he too was whisked away (like Elijah, in the Bible) in a "Chariot of Fire" from Mount Agamenticus over in Kittery, Maine, where his tribe buried his treasure, that the Army supposedly found during WWII, but no mention of an inventory list down at The Federal Archives on Trapello Road in Waltham, MAss. who told me years ago that every #__ years they transfer out to New York, for #__ more years, and then it goes into destruction, supposedly. Re: more government corruption is what I say is probably the case, of the spoils of war, even though the "Seven Years War" with the Indians, also called "The French & Indians War" ended in 1759 with Rogers Rangers, as in that great 1940 Spencer Tracy movie from the book by the same title by Kenneth Roberts. 

I write this here as the actor George Peppard, (of Boston TV "Banacek" fame) used to say on his "The A-Team" TV series of: "I love it, when a plan comes together." The plan being to visit a friend of ours: Jason Gerhard, currently in the Essex County Jail in Middleton, MAss. at 2:00-2:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 12th for what the Feds don't like of him having asserted his Art. 10 Right of Revolution tactics here in N.H. as not a militant, from the word militate, because such a person uses force as evidence, when THE evidence that Ed Brown told about in his IRS court case, but did not get to present to the judge to be marked as Exhibit #__ to the jury, is THE certificate of federal non-filing from the N.H. Office of Secretary of State proving the Feds in this 2-filing state as having only their deed, when 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.state.nh.us requires the state-filing by the Feds BEFORE they have "jurisdiction" to operate. This a mal-practice by the attorneys who "practice" law but never make it to perfection: at least not yet here in New Hampshire. See http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm by Attorney Larry Becraft with thanks.

Yours truly, Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone) e-mail JosephSHaas at hotmail.com

P.S. That's a great movie review you wrote up last Thursday, Oct. 4th about Ron Howard's "IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON" about the 1968-72 Apollo Moon Program.  I met Astronaut Gene Cernan selling his Space Watches in a Watch Shop in Boston years ago. http://bobsartdujour.blogspot.com/

Also: Either before or between the 2-:30 p.m. visit to see Jason, and your 6-9:00 p.m. reception(?), I read under the http://www.salemweb.com/calendar/?month=10 website again for Sat. Oct. 20th of "Artist's Row" 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. of "Local artists" including yourself(?) on Friday morning and afternoon too? there for "This annual city-funded event takes place Thursdays to Sundays through the first week of November...between Derby and Front streets...Admission is free, and all are welcome. For details, call (978) 745-9595, ext. 311." / And for the Mon. Oct. 29th schedule, it also reads for "In a Pig's Eye" that of: "Friday Afternoon Blues Jam. 188 Derby Street. No Cover Charge." [see also the "In addition" below**].

Plus: if to the reception earlier toward the 6:00 p.m. side, to maybe attend either: (1) The Witch House tales 6-8 (or to 10 p.m.?) "Performances every 20 minutes" over at 310 Essex Street, Salem, MA, Call 978-744-8815 for tickets and info; +/or (2) The "Chilling Tales" 6-9 p.m. by the "Salem Theatre Company presents eerie legends of the supernatural at sea. Classic ghost stories of the sea adapted for performance by professional actors on board 'Friendship' of Salem, docked at Derby Wharf. Presented in partnership with the National Park Service Salem Maritime Historical Site and the Salem Partnership. Shows run continuously from 6-9pm on Fridays, 5-9pm Saturdays, and 4-8pm Sundays every weekend in October. Tickets are $10...For more info call 978-790-8546 or check out the website http://www.salemtheatre.com " +/or (3) "The Spirit of the Gables" 7:15-11:00 p.m. at "The House of the Seven Gables" "Performances begin every (5 or) 10 minutes and last approximately 35 minutes...Last performance begins at closing. Reservations highly recommended. 978.744.0991 ext. 104. Tickets $14 each".

note: All three of the Plus (1),(2)+(3) above for Friday, can also be attended on Sat. Oct. 20th: the other Visiting Day for Jason, same 2-:30 p.m. time, plus for Sat.-Sun. there's also the addition of: (1) The (Chaucer's) Mead & WineTasting at Pamplemousse, 185-189 Essex Street, Salem, 1:00-4:00 p.m. No reservations necessary, http://www.pmousse.com that also for Sat.Oct,.20th only has the "Salem Harvest Fest" 3-8:00 p.m. Presented by them & "The Old Spot & Rockafellas-Tickets $20- Receive a collectible Salem Harvest Tasting Glass with Ticket! Location" The Newmark Building, 209 Essex Street, Salem, Ma. http://www.salemharvestfest.com for tickets and info. Tickets also available at Pamplemousse 978-745-2900. Limited space available, get your tickets now!" and (2) The "Spiritways" 7:30 p.m. "Custom-written for Pioneer Village, Forest River Park...All participants must sign waivers...Shuttle transportation to and from Pioneer Village available via the 'City Boo' Trolly.  Departing from the Front Street side of Derby Square, downtown Salem...Ticker Prices:" (either $13 or $20 with the trolley ride) Info 978-867-4767.

In addition**: for Sun. Oct. 28 (Jason's visiting time 2-:30 p.m. too), there's the 6th Annual "Corn of the Macabre" at the "In a Pig's Eye" @ 7:30 p.m. "of staged theatrical readings featuring well-known local performers. A variety of darkly humorous and eerie tales. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., Admission $10, advance ticket purchase suggested. Cash bar available. In a Pig's Eye, 148 Derby Street, Salem, 978-741-4436."



QuoteFederal officials have refused to divulge the location of tax protester Ed Brown who was arrested on Friday, prompting many of his supporters to fear that Brown has been disappeared into a black hole and is being mistreated or even tortured.