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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 23

Started by Fragilityh14, September 20, 2007, 07:09 PM NHFT

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Quote from: coffeeseven on October 11, 2007, 06:47 AM NHFT
Here's my take Joe - I refuse to give advice to others so here is my opinion.

We may indeed be looking at a new trial for the Browns. If so, any one of us may be called to testify. I feel it is not in my best interest, nor in the best interest of the Browns, to answer questions at this time. It may skew the outcome of possible pending litigation....

Thanks C7, you're right. Technically the Marshal has declared 401 Center of Town Road a "Crime Scene" defined by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_scene as "A crime scene is a location where an illegal act took place, and comprises the area from which most of the physical evidence is retrieved by trained law enforcement personnel,".

See also http://www.crimeandclues.com/crimescene.htm and that article entitled: "Protecting the Crime Scene" by George Schiro e-mail: 75054.1502 at compuserve dot com of to "separate witnesses and suspect(s)".  So BEFORE any questioning, they ought to tell you right off the bat: of what title they're giving you: Mr. ________, Witness, or Mr. ______. Suspect.

Now let me tell you about these federal bastards, and I do mean bastards, because they are both an obnoxious(*) "and" nasty bunch, nasty as in malicious and spiteful: "Ill will with a desire to harm; spite...vindictive...revengeful...To inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult*)" so in the Fall of 1998 (eight years ago, a group of us from VOCALS, Inc.** testified against that crooked Judge John C. Fairbanks of Newport in the House Judiciary Committee - the same court that Lebanon wrongfully sent me to as against the law for my "Wise Up or Die" case, and whose attorney was Judge Paul Barbadoro of Ridge Rd., Concord,  who has been assigned to be the judge in the co-conspirator cases) when I did park my car next to the State Library one night while I was working as the janitor to the next-door building, THEY thought this was the perfect opportunity to get back at me for the insult* to "the effective operation of the judicial system", the word effective meaning "in full force", as in there can be no bad apples in the barrel for quality is my take, v.s. theirs of full meaning of quantity no matter how rotten.  This just not sit with me, and so I let them know, and they didn't like it.  Two goons arrived at my residence at the crack of dawn and asked me all sorts of questions that I eagerly answered as a witness to whoever might have dropped off the pipe bomb there, but then, anyway, served me with papers to report to the Grand Jury, that I thought was good for to repeat what I had said, or in more detail, but when I arrived at the federal building on the appointed day and at the appointed time, I was almost arrested by the goons when I tried to open up the door to the Grand Jury room.  They herded me to the Marshal's office and said: oh no, not that room, but over there: the F.B.I. would like to talk with you.  I said my papers were for to talk with the Grand Jury, but that they would have none of that.  So in effect THEY abused the system by turning me from a witness into a suspect.  The result being that by McAuliffe's threat of contempt of court (up to 6 months for a "petty offense" I had to PROVE my innocence! What a bunch of crap! And this judge is still sitting on the bench, and as the CHIEF judge! I went to the N.H. Chapter of the A.C.L.U., and Attorney Mark Sisti of office: Chichester came to the rescue for free.  He told Channel 9, 31, Fox and others when I was on the federal courthouse steps in regards to McAuliffe wanting my DNA, Mark saying: Mr. Haas will spit on anything the government has to provide!  ;D  that I did, and they, of course, found no connection.  But after helping, years later, in the Gus Breton case, of his filing those UCC forms against the gov't agents, the A.G.'s office told Gus' relatives of this "Concord Bomber" case, and how they KNEW that I was guilty, but couldn't prove it!  Can you believe this bullshit!? Later my friend George's son's softball team in school was named: "The Concord Bombers".  8)

Yours truly, Joe Haas, founding member of VOCALS, Inc.** = Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System (20 of us, including three N.H. State Representatives to the General Court: Roland Hemon, Paul Taylor + Bill McCann).

(*) obnoxious defined as "highly disagreeable or offensive, odious"; odious meaning: (1) repugnant, from the Latin word odium: disgrace resulting from hateful conduct; repulsive: (a) tending to repel or drive off; (b) causing extreme dislike or aversive, disgusting; [repulsive: from the Latin repugnare: to FIGHT AGAINST], averse: opposed, reluctant; avert; to turn AWAY, to ward off or prevent; + (2) hateful, as in hatred: violent dislike, hate: abhorrence: to dislike intensely, loath, to detest, greatly abhor: L. abhorrere, to SHRINK FROM [in fear(**) or repugnance], shun (as in Reply #____ from: ______ above to ostracize them); to shrink:  to diminish in amount or value; dwindle (SAY WHAT? they might ask when you start whispering.  :icon_pirat: "Speak softly, but carry a big stick", You mean they take away your stick at their gates/ metal detector!?), to draw BACK, recoil (where's that Gaston flag of: DON'T TREAD ON ME!), to be reluctant to do or say something.

(**) "That the only thing we have to fear is fear itself!" FDR. These bastards are not to be feared, but SHRINK back from their repugnance.  When they start acting under lawful and legal authority as from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to NH RSA Ch. 123:1 THEN I might talk WITH them, BUT that for now I talk TO them of: (1) Did you find my certificate of federal non-filing with the gold seal from the N.H. Office of Secretary of State that I loaned to Ed, to let him borrow?, and if so: (2) May I please have it back? or if not then to subpoena duces tacum the Crime Scene Agent ______________ in-charge of evidence collection to bring this to the Danny Riley Habeas Corpus hearing! as you are in a KNOWINGly culpable mental state for criminality, because the victim is the entire state of New Hampshire since YOU are the OUTLAWS! and criminals for kidnapping!! "Crime Scene" indeed!



Oct 11, 11:40 AM EDT

Court denies appeal for NH tax evaders for lack of fees

BOSTON (AP) -- Appeals filed on behalf of a husband and wife imprisoned for tax evasion were dismissed by a federal court because the couple did not pay the filing fees.

Ed and Elaine Brown abandoned their trial in January and holed up in their home in Plainfield, N.H., refusing to report to authorities to serve their sentences. The Browns were sentenced in April to more than five years in prison for hiding $1.9 million in income to avoid paying federal income tax, for which they believe there is no law.

The judge who presided over the trial filed their appeals, inferring by the Browns' actions that they would want to appeal the convictions.

But the documents on the dismissal dated Tuesday noted the Browns failed to pay filing fees of $455 each and made no effort to contact the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston.

The couple had vowed to resist if authorities tried to arrest them, but they were taken into custody last week when U.S. Marshals feigned being supporters to gain entry to the Browns' home.

Ed Brown, 65, is serving his time at the low-security prison in Elkton, Ohio, and Elaine Brown, 67, is at a minimum-security women's prison in Danbury, Conn.

Federal authorities have said more charges are possible because weapons were found at the home and the Browns obstructed justice and threatened law enforcement during the standoff, which lasted months.


So the judge filed the appeal himself without the filing fee and did not contact the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston, then dismissed it himself? We could have come up with the filing fee. WTF is going on?


I left a message with Atty. McPherson asking for clarification and advisement. I'll post it when he calls me back.


Quote from: KBCraig on October 11, 2007, 11:09 AM NHFT

Oct 11, 11:40 AM EDT

Court denies appeal for NH tax evaders for lack of fees

BOSTON (AP) -- Appeals filed on behalf of a husband and wife imprisoned for tax evasion were dismissed(*) by a federal court because the couple did not pay the filing fees...

The judge who presided over the trial filed their appeals, inferring by the Browns' actions that they would want to appeal the convictions.

But the documents on the dismissal dated Tuesday(*) noted the Browns failed to pay filing fees of $455 each and made no effort to contact the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston.

The couple had vowed to resist if authorities tried to arrest them, but they were taken into custody last week when U.S. Marshals feigned being supporters to gain entry to the Browns' home.

Ed Brown, 65, is serving his time at the low-security prison in Elkton, Ohio, and Elaine Brown, 67, is at a minimum-security women's prison in Danbury, Conn.

Federal authorities have said more charges are possible because weapons were found at the home and the Browns obstructed justice(**) and threatened law enforcement during the standoff, which lasted months.

(*) Tuesday, October 9th? #__ months later?  Is this a kick in the butt or what? "[T]he Browns obstructed justice"!?  You have got to be shitting me! They were obstructing in-justice! as by Art. 10 Right to revolt against "militate"-ors using force as evidence. (Read the very definition of this word: militate, I dare you!) This must be the "certificate" of dismissal to back up some regular dismissal #__ months ago, which "certificate" I laugh at! in the light of the N.H. "certificate" of non-filing at the Office of Secretary of State, per N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1. Talk about "evidence", they/the Feds have none to back up against this certificate from Bill Gardner's Office: actually three certificates of: Sept. 10, 2001 + Jan. 11, 2007 to me, (signed by Wm. M. Gardner + David Scanlon, the S of S & Deputy resp.) and the one on _______  __,  2005 (signed by: ____) to Ed, and maybe a fourth one to get (buy for $10.00) for Danny Riley's Habeas Corpus hearing in Dover maybe as early as the end off next week when he files the original petition, and wins, thus setting in motion the falling of the domino's or federal house-of-cards, with Get-Out-Of-Jail cards for "The Four Freedom Keepers" is what Bob wrote about in his letter(s) to me that I just got in the mail yesterday along with another one from Jason to write about in a few minutes. ___

The very court in MAss. that McAuliffe sent the appeal papers to is in the same non-filing boat as New Hampshire http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm Both that "Commonwealth" and this state are double-filing states in that not only do they have to own the land as to register their federal lands with the Registrar of Deeds for that county if they'd like, but also file with the Office of Secretary of State.  I have documentation that neither event was done here nor there!! So WHY would Ed accept the jurisdiction of there when here there is none too!? It's an absurdity that needs correction, as by a Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to another federal court as in Bridgeton for Elaine in Danbury, Conn.ecticut, being a single-filing state that IS in compliance with 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution to tell this backward N.H. Federal Court that it ought to get its Marshal, Stephen R. Monier, to do his job of "ensuring the effective operation of" this court withIN the entire judicial system, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Marshals_Service

Yours truly, Joe Haas

pc: Ed Brown #03923-049
Elkton F.C.I.
PO Box 10
Lisbon, Ohio 44432
[to check out the Ohio statute(s) at Attny Larry Beecraft's website]. __

P.S. Reference my Replies #6163 + 6169 above of this 401 Center of Town Road a federal "Crime Scene", maybe it ought to be turned into a state Crime Scene too, of: RSA Ch. ______ kidnapping of Ed & Elaine Brown!! http://www.state.nh.us since the Feds have no RSA Ch. 123:1 jurisdiction withIN this state by the proof of federal non-filing.  So they want to interview witnesses/suspects over AT their place?  Yes, they own it, but do they have the operating papers?  No! So Gary: if you or any of your goons are reading this: there's been an update to your request for me to talk with YOU @ 3:00 p.m. today in your "office".  I declare your office a dis-aster area!  >:D If you want to talk with me, I will be over at Reme's Restaurant across the Pleasant Street for where you're welcome to join me for a sandwich. Not nuckle-sandwich  :icon_pirat: but a hamburger or something.  Bernie told me of your shenanigans of your INVITATION to him on Federal Columbus Day, Oct. 9th to meet with you, you not showing up, but instead being replaced by four goons asking him for an entire hour the same old question of if there'd be any fingerprints of his AT the "crime scene", and if so where?  Fingerprints? On what? The guns? or on the drinking glasses that Elaine might have forgotten to wash? So what!? even if the former, viva la revolution! The burden of proof is on you guys.  I am NOT going to make your job any easier.  In fact I just changed by tune: I'll meet you at Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State.  Forget the hamburger.  You bring with you the RSA Ch. 123:1 filing papers and by Art. 41 replacement, that's an ORDER! I'll be there waiting for you to be a witness to the filing. Thank you in advance for what you know is the right thing to do.

Modification:  Good news Ed! Ohio is a single-filing state too, as is Conn. Reference: pages 190-191 of Larry's list, page 49 of 76 on the 70% print-out.



Quote from: coffeeseven on October 11, 2007, 12:29 PM NHFT
I contacted Atty. Victor also. Voice mail.

Great!  So if and when he'd like to visit any of "The Four Freedom Keepers", and/or Ed & Elaine, they all (with the exception of Ed*), were sent a photocopy of my computer print-out of page #1 from his http://www.attorneyforfreedom.com website in yesterday's mail.

I like his quote from Cynthia Rosenberry: "We, as criminal defense lawyers, are forced to deal with some of the lowest people on earth, people who have no sense of right and wrong, people who will lie in court to get what they want, people who do not care who gets hurt in the process.  It is our job - our sworn duty - as criminal defense lawyers, to protect our clients from those people."  ;)

A copy of this page #1 website going out in the mail to Ed* later this afternoon. ___




There's been a change-in-plan.  I'll be over to meet you at Bill Gardner's Office at 4:25 p.m.  His Office of N.H. Secretary of State, 2nd floor State House, closes at 4:30 o'clock p.m.  That should give you plenty of time (over two hours from now: 2:20 p.m.) to get your papers in order to file there that'll take but a minute or two.

Yours truly, - Joe


 Joe Haas - Please don't go flailing about sending web page copies until we have the cohesive plan. We need to notify all involved of the many choices of attorneys, not just the one and that any selection will be up to each person. Also that there will be a legal defense fund and the ins-and-outs of that. We need to move together as a team.

The two attorneys contacted this morning might be able to give valuable advisement like how to fend off any impending train wrecks like we just saw, but may not be able to provide long term help without permission from those to be represented.


Quote from: Sarah on October 11, 2007, 11:31 AM NHFT

OMG that's a fresh one.  More proof they stay awake at night thinking up these stunts.

So... The judge who convicted them filed their appeal.  (!!???!?)  (Without the fee.  Naturally.)  Whom was the judge representing? 

If this weren't so outrageous it would be hilarious.     

He couldn't have FILED for the Browns, right?  Somebody got their legalese wrong (I hope).  It must mean he sent their files up to the appellate court in prep for the expected appeal, which ALSO is nutcake because judges do backflips to avoid sending paperwork upstream. 

I'm flummoxed.  Anyone else got the 411 on this?? 

Ed and Elaine were found guilty on all counts on 1/18/2007, at which time sentencing was scheduled for 4/24/07.

The Brown's filed a Notice of Appeal on 1/28/07, and sent in the required fees with their paperwork.

The judge returned the fee check to them and said that it was too soon to appeal.  Under federal court rules, you can only start the appellate process after you've been sentenced.

The sentencing took place on 4/24/07.

A few days later, the judge announced that since the Browns had already turned in their Notice to Appeal, he would go ahead and forward the case to the appellate court, but that they still needed to send in the filing fee check.  He even gave them an extension of time to do so since they had indicated earlier that they wished to appeal.

Over the next five months, the appellate court sent numerous notices to the Browns, reminding them that if they wanted to keep the appellate case open, they needed to either pay the fee or submit a form claiming that they didn't have any money.

The Browns refused to open the mail from the Appellate Court for months.  Instead, they handwrote "Returned to Sender, No One By That Name Here At Lord's House" on the envelopes and sent them back unopened.

This went on for months and the case finally closed for good.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: richardr on October 11, 2007, 02:21 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sarah on October 11, 2007, 11:31 AM NHFT

OMG that's a fresh one.  More proof they stay awake at night thinking up these stunts.

So... The judge who convicted them filed their appeal.  (!!???!?)  (Without the fee.  Naturally.)  Whom was the judge representing? 

If this weren't so outrageous it would be hilarious.     

He couldn't have FILED for the Browns, right?  Somebody got their legalese wrong (I hope).  It must mean he sent their files up to the appellate court in prep for the expected appeal, which ALSO is nutcake because judges do backflips to avoid sending paperwork upstream. 

I'm flummoxed.  Anyone else got the 411 on this?? 

Ed and Elaine were found guilty on all counts on 1/18/2007, at which time sentencing was scheduled for 4/24/07.

The Brown's filed a Notice of Appeal on 1/28/07, and sent in the required fees with their paperwork.

The judge returned the fee check to them and said that it was too soon to appeal.  Under federal court rules, you can only start the appellate process after you've been sentenced.

The sentencing took place on 4/24/07.

A few days later, the judge announced that since the Browns had already turned in their Notice to Appeal, he would go ahead and forward the case to the appellate court, but that they still needed to send in the filing fee check.  He even gave them an extension of time to do so since they had indicated earlier that they wished to appeal.

Over the next five months, the appellate court sent numerous notices to the Browns, reminding them that if they wanted to keep the appellate case open, they needed to either pay the fee or submit a form claiming that they didn't have any money.

The Browns refused to open the mail from the Appellate Court for months.  Instead, they handwrote "Returned to Sender, No One By That Name Here At Lord's House" on the envelopes and sent them back unopened.

This went on for months and the case finally closed for good.

Just curious rich,
How do you know that the Brown's were the actual ones to write on and return all the letters from the Appellate for months?


Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on October 11, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
How do you know that the Brown's were the actual ones to write on and return all the letters from the Appellate for months?

Both Ed and Elaine talked about doing so on their daily radio show.

Russell Kanning

Quote from: coffeeseven on October 11, 2007, 11:22 AM NHFT
So the judge filed the appeal himself without the filing fee and did not contact the U.S. Court of Appeals in Boston, then dismissed it himself? We could have come up with the filing fee. WTF is going on?
Business as usual for the fed courts
I don't understand appealing to the evil courts, when Ed refused to keep going to the kangaroo court.


Quote from: richardr on October 11, 2007, 02:21 PM NHFT

Over the next five months, the appellate court sent numerous notices to the Browns, reminding them that if they wanted to keep the appellate case open, they needed to either pay the fee or submit a form claiming that they didn't have any money.
The Browns refused to open the mail from the Appellate Court for months.  Instead, they handwrote "Returned to Sender, No One By That Name Here At Lord's House" on the envelopes and sent them back unopened.

This went on for months and the case finally closed for good.

The bolded underlined above would be evidence that the court is NOT an Article III court created by the constitution but rather a commercial tribunal created by congress to administer the bankruptcy of the municipal corporation defined in 28 USC 3002(15). The demand for a FEE proves it is a commercial tribunal, interested in revenue and not justice and NOT an appeal court and would be staffed by magistrates like McAuliffe and not Article III judges.  Hosea 4-6 says it all.

Sheep Fuzzy Wool

Quote from: richardr on October 11, 2007, 06:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on October 11, 2007, 05:24 PM NHFT
How do you know that the Brown's were the actual ones to write on and return all the letters from the Appellate for months?

Both Ed and Elaine talked about doing so on their daily radio show.

Thank you. :blush: