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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 23

Started by Fragilityh14, September 20, 2007, 07:09 PM NHFT

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I placed a call to everyone on the makethestand.com web site's call list on Friday asking the whereabouts of Ed Brown. Got a call back from only one.

Rep. Carla Skinder's husband called today. To his credit (not his wifes') he called to inform me that now that we all know where Ed brown is, Carla Skinder knows.

Further he reminded me that she is working for $100 a year. I reminded him that she entered into public life voluntarily and this is what is expected of her. I told him about the FSP. He says he already knows but did not sound upbeat.

He sound reasonable. I hope to talk to him again


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 11, 2007, 01:20 PM NHFT

There's been a change-in-plan.  I'll be over to meet you at Bill Gardner's Office at 4:25 p.m.  His Office of N.H. Secretary of State, 2nd floor State House, closes at 4:30 o'clock p.m.  That should give you plenty of time (over two hours from now: 2:20 p.m.) to get your papers in order to file there that'll take but a minute or two.

Yours truly, - Joe

Update: After I made the copies at STAPLES for the packets I sent out to Ed & Elaine, plus "The Four Freedom Keepers" in  the 9x12-inch and 6.5 x 9.5-inch envelopes respectfully, I headed over to the Post Office to mail them, but guess what I found there?  A "very" long line of about 20-25 people and only one Window Clerk BELIEVE IT OR NOT! as alerted to me by my new friend Richard* after I said hello to George my old friend in the middle of the line after I got my mail out of my mailbox and headed to the back of the line.  I told Richard these long lines never happened before when the man was in charge, but that woman Postmistress is doing a LOUSY job, and I've told this to her to her face and she knows it, I said in a VERY loud voice, and "on purpose" I said so that George could hear too and others of how disgusted I was with this operation of the federal government, comparing it to Russia of years ago of similar lines of people waiting at the market for a can of soup!

Anyway I called Gary when I got there, and when I left being about 15 to 20 minutes later at exactly 04:25:55 to almost 4:26 p.m., and so knew that with the traffic I was not going to make it over to the State House through six sets of lights by 4:29 p.m.

But that at about 10:30 p.m. while walking the dog, a security guard from the State House came over to say welcome back to the dog that was stolen two Fridays ago, that he helped me look for, and that two U.S. Marshals were over at the State House looking for me today. I said: yes, I had invited them over there, by the ONLY communication being this website, so PROOF of them reading it, and I hope getting an education, for mutiny! against Monier one of these days.

So upon my arrival at about 4:35 p.m. at the Patriot Block where I work I took the dog for a walk by the State House, seeing no Marshals so had a chit-chat with a young lady from the L.O.B. getting into her car and went to the Concord Library to read some newspapers, then back to the building and off to church*, where there's the $3.00 Wednesday night dinners 5-6+ p.m. staying to about 6:30 p.m. when I called Gary and we talked about maybe meeting sometime next week, because today/Fri., Oct. 12 my plan is to visit Jason at the 2-2:30 p.m. time then head over to the Halloween Party in downtown Salem. I just called the Essex County Jail at 20 Manning Ave., in Middleton, MA at 1-978-750-1900 but there being no answer after 25 rings. So Gary and D.C. "goons" if you're reading this and in the Jail vicinity tomorrow, I'll give you a call for a relay and meeting there maybe before or after my visit.  As you can see my priority is with my friends, as to get the mail out THEN to deal with more Feds that would have happened if only this other Federal operation at the Post Office ran more efficiently.

BTW Gary, did you get to file those RSA 123:1 papers with the S of S?  >:D proving you had (past tense) no jurisdiction up to that point-in-time.

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S. I finally got a copy of Danny's 2-page PETITION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS with the copy of the four Exhibits "Attached hereto" that I can re-type for here in a few minutes...

* Richard BTW the Chef at the church, (getting my info about Ed's case) the invitation to the church by flyer from a girl in the Post Office parking lot on Wednesday afternoon. Me meeting Kathy and Tim at my table and more including the pastor who I said that I usually attend only special events like that IN SEARCH OF...Noah's Ark explorer to Concord a few years ago, the Pastor telling me of one of the parishioners there having even seen a "living" dinosaur in South America. I asked, you mean: http://www.mokelembembe.com He said no: a flying one.


Here's my typing of Danny's hand-printed PETITION:

"The State of New Hampshire
Judicial Branch - Superior Court
Strafford County  Case No. _____

Daniel Riley
Warren Dowaliby, Superintendant


Strafford County, SS
To: Strafford County Superior Court

--COMES NOW the petitioner, Daniel Riley, and files this petition, prima facie, with the Superior Court of Strafford County.  The petitioner is acting in a Juris Suprious Capacity (Sovreign) due to the lack of Contact with his Court appointed BAR Attorney.

--The petitioner is a victim of Federal aggression and is being held against his will by the defendant.  The petitioner would like an order for an article 91 hearing immediately.

--We command you that the Body of Daniel Riley, in your prison, under your custody by you imprisoned and restrained of his liberty, as is said, together with the day and cause of the taking and detaining of the said petitioner by whatever name the said petitioner may be called, or charged, you have before our justices of our Superior court, holden at the County Jail, within and for our county of Strafford, immediately after the receipt of this WRIT, to undergo and receive what / [page 2] our said justices shall then and there consider of him in his behalf; and have you then and there this writ.

witness _______________ at ____________ this ______________________ day of __________________ in the year ___________  [L.S] ANN M. FOURNIER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE / NOTARY PUBLIC  NEW HAMPSHIRE  MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 23, 2009 (her seal by her signature) Ann M. Fournier 10-2-07

Attached hereto:

Exhibit 1.  US Attorney manual (664 jurisdiction)*
Exhibit 2.  NH RSA 123:1**  Letter from Secretary of State
Exhibit 3.  Letter from Deputy Secretary of State
Exhibit 4.  Letter from US Senator Sununu's Liason***

NOTE: After waiting a week, on 10/2/2007 at 10:30 AM the jail notary Ann Fournier refused to notarize this document.  Being incarcerated with no lawyer (refuses to return my calls for 2 weeks) I must submit this legal document un-notarized because I have no choice, having no access to a notary.

(signature, and printed:) Daniel Riley 10-2-07

P.S. I have fired my lawyer @ 11:02 am on 10-2-07 (over)

NOTE: On 10-3-07 when my paperwork was sent out to be photocopied it came back to me notarized and back dated to yesterday's date."

* http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm

** http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm

** "Enclosed is a reply Senator Sununu received from the New Hampshire Department of State regarding his recent inquiry on your behalf.

In its response, the Department states, 'we have checked our records and do not find a copy of the filing required by RSA 123:1.'  In order to respond to your inquiry, I have forwarded your request to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and have asked the Office respond directly to you.

Please feel free to contact the Senator with any federal issues you may have in the future.

Sincerely, (signed + typed:) Christiana Thornton, Constituent/Community Liason" [ 170 Main Street, Nashua, N.H. 03060, (603) 577-8960]. June 13, 2007.


Joe, when firing a lawyer make sure you do it "legally". They made it difficult for us common folk to tell them to take a hike.



Joe - I'm imagining the judges face as he reads this writ. Serious contemplation until he gets to the paragraph that reads "We command you". I'll admit I've never stood Pro Se/Pro Per in criminal court, but this strikes me as a little strong if what you are trying to achieve is a judges cooperation. I'm sure you are aware that they don't have to do anything. If you can't win them over with an argument, and you can't make them a public spectacle, they do pretty much what they want whether it's according to Hoyle or not.

I recognize that you, Joe, are doing what you can for Danny and much appreciated. I just hope that by the time we get the LDF funded and, much as I dislike them, a half dozen lawyers in place that we do not have a bunch of obfuscating filings to undo that adds to our friends' prison time.

Please take my statements in the spirit in which they are meant; an attempt to be constructive.


Quote from: coffeeseven on October 12, 2007, 05:17 AM NHFT
Joe - I'm imagining the judges face as he reads this writ. Serious contemplation until he gets to the paragraph that reads "We command you". I'll admit I've never stood Pro Se/Pro Per in criminal court, but this strikes me as a little strong if what you are trying to achieve is a judges cooperation. I'm sure you are aware that they don't have to do anything. If you can't win them over with an argument, and you can't make them a public spectacle, they do pretty much what they want whether it's according to Hoyle* or not.

I recognize that you, Joe, are doing what you can for Danny and much appreciated. I just hope that by the time we get the LDF funded and, much as I dislike them, a half dozen lawyers in place** that we do not have a bunch of obfuscating filings to undo that adds to our friends' prison time.

Please take my statements in the spirit in which they are meant; an attempt to be constructive.


-* Not according to Hoyle, but McNamara's "New Hampshire Criminal Practice & Procedure" book, Ch. 37 @ page 73 for the fill-in-the-blanks form.  Danny was the one who wrote this from the instructions there, not me. I merely supplied him with the photocopies and legal bullets to use. I think he has combined the wording for his petition TO the court, with the exact wording on the command FROM the court TO the jail superintendent for WHEN it is put into the process to get him there, Danny to present his evidence, and the testimony of witnesses, and then for the judge to grant it for the writ ordering the Super. to release him because his incarceration is both unlawful and illegal, (1-8-17 U.S. to NH RSA Ch. 123:1) because N.H. is a 2-filing state, and the Feds have merely recorded their deed with the Registrar of Deeds in Book ____ Page _____  in Concord fort Merrimack County, as indicated on their City of Concord Property Card that I have a copy of too. There is NO federal filing with the Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word, which duty it is of the governor, by Art. 41,  to enforce compliance with all legislative mandates, but that he refuses to do, and so to impeach him by a House Bill #__ of Impeachment if we have to, to get in the face of my local Reps that I WILL do! IF this judge does something stupid.

** Bill is calling that lawyer who is a former federal prosecutor, whose wife I talked with back in August who said that they agree with the Brown's, and who I sent a $500.00 check to for Reno who I thought was over there, and now to amend for Danny as the one in Dover, only 1/2 hour away from where I live, to try to visit every weekend on his visiting days. Hopefully this will be the last weekend visit, with a hearing next week for his release that'll send shock waves for the other "Four Freedom Keepers" to likewise duplicate this process at their county courts: in Merrimack and Essex in N.H. and Mass. resp. for Bob; and Jason + Reno; plus Ed & Elaine to file their's too but at the federal level, and in those single-filing states of Ohio and Connecticut respectfully, in effect the federal judges there telling the federal judges in New Hampshire to wise up!

Plus: I just called Darlene at the Rochester office for the http://www.fosters.com for "The Foster's Daily Democrat" in Dover @ 603: 332-2200, ext. 6832 and she's putting in Bill's ad for Danny in the WANTED: Attorney section for Sunday's paper, and my more detailed ad for Monday.  Cost: about $50.00 for both Foster's and their sister publication of the "Laconia Citizen".  To copy both for Danny to present to the judge maybe when in court to show that he did TRY to get an attorney for his case, and giving the business to Foster's for Aaron Sanborn, the court reporter, to write up a nice article about Danny's win.

Yours truly, -- Joe

Modification: Danny's 4-week subscription to Foster's starts on Monday Oct. 15th (cost: $21.50 for 7-day week, with no circulars in the Sunday paper, through the mail).


Essex County Jail, Middleton, MAss.

1-978-750-1900 open for visits today*

I-93 south to 128 North

to Route 62 exit ramp, at light turn left for 1 mile

past Agricultural School, go up incline, turn right

go up hill, 1st left, parking on the right.

* Fri., Oct. 12th Units 240-C/ 240 D 2:00- 2:30 p.m.

240-C for Jason; + 240-D for Reno

I'll be visiting Jason, ________ can visit Reno?

We can talk afterwards? ________________


Quote"New Hampshire Criminal Practice & Procedure"

Danny is in a federal prison in Massachusetts, not a state prison in New Hampshire, no?


Quote from: richardr on October 12, 2007, 10:36 AM NHFT
Quote"New Hampshire Criminal Practice & Procedure"

Danny is in a federal prison in Massachusetts, not a state prison in New Hampshire, no?

No, Jason and Reno are in a County Jail withIN the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Danny and Bob are in two different County Jails withIN the State of New Hampshire, with space rented out to the Feds that pay $_______ per day.  I think it used to be: about $62.00 a day is what I heard #__ years ago.

McNamara's stuff is very basic, and even though within the N.H. book, the form can be amended for anywhere. It's a common denominator that when you have the legal bullets of proof of incarceration being either unlawful and/or illegal you can file your Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus anywhere. It's good that "The Four Freedom Keepers" plus Ed & Elaine are all in a double-filing Commonwealth (for Mass.) and State (for: N.H., Conn. + Ohio.).



Any RELIABLE word yet on what condition Ed is in? I am glad he shows up in BOP, but am still worried about what they may have done to him.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 12, 2007, 10:50 AM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on October 12, 2007, 10:36 AM NHFT
Quote"New Hampshire Criminal Practice & Procedure"

Danny is in a federal prison in Massachusetts, not a state prison in New Hampshire, no?

No, Jason and Reno are in a County Jail withIN the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Danny and Bob are in two different County Jails withIN the State of New Hampshire, with space rented out to the Feds that pay $_______ per day.  I think it used to be: about $62.00 a day is what I heard #__ years ago.

McNamara's stuff is very basic, and even though within the N.H. book, the form can be amended for anywhere. It's a common denominator that when you have the legal bullets of proof of incarceration being either unlawful and/or illegal you can file your Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus anywhere. It's good that "The Four Freedom Keepers" plus Ed & Elaine are all in a double-filing Commonwealth (for Mass.) and State (for: N.H., Conn. + Ohio.).


Thanks Joe. It's hard to keep the straight. 

How many people have been visiting Danny and Jason?


Quote from: Sheep Fuzzy Wool on October 11, 2007, 09:04 PM NHFT
Another beautiful dedication for Ed and Elaine Brown.

:soapbox: :wave:


That was a great video as tired as I am, it still made me laugh, thanks! :)


Just listened to Bill Miller's audioblogs from last night.  Very scary stuff.

How many of you were aware that it was Ed's plan was to kill Elaine and that she had agreed to it?