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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 23

Started by Fragilityh14, September 20, 2007, 07:09 PM NHFT

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1.) Con Air

a. So HOW did Elaine get to CT? By way of NY, MA or RI?

b. So HOW did Ed get to Ohio? By way of: IN, MI, PA, WV or KY?


The reason I ask is that the states he/she traveled through might have similar statutes to ours here in New Hampshire, being:

RSA Ch. 633:3 "False Imprisonment. - A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he knowingly confines another unlawfully ['accomplished by force*, threat or deception**'], so as to interfere substantially with his physical movement." See http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/633/633-3.htm from http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LXII-637.htm *= by force of arms, and **= deception in that: the Feds are not legal(*) but illegally(*) operating withIN this state of New Hampshire when they are beyond the borders of their deeded soil! 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to RSA Ch. 123:1 of Consent offered to them by us on June 14, 1883, but that they declined for whatever reason to NOT file the required paperwork with the Office of Secretary of State.

2. Theft of my $50.00 bill to Ed for legal(*) help.

(a) RSA Ch. 637:10 Theft by Misapplication of Property

I. " A person commits theft, if he obtains property from anyone, ... (and the second if, of:) if he purposely or recklessly fails to make the required payment or disposition and deals with the property obtained or withheld as his own."

III "An officer or employee of the government...is presumed:
(a) to know of any legal obligation relevant to his liability under this section, and
(b) to have dealt with the property as his own if he fails to pay or account upon lawful demand,...."

IV "As used in this section: (b) 'Government' means the United States,...."

(b) RSA Ch. 637:11 Penalties

I. "Theft constitutes a Class A felony if: ...(c) the actor is armed with a deadly weapon at the time of the theft,...."

(c) R.S.A. Chapter 651:2 Sentences and Limitations.

IV(b) "A corporation or unincorporated association may not exceed $100,000 for a felony, $20,000 for a misdemeanor and $1,000 for a violation...."

(d) RSA Ch. 651:63 Restitution Authorized

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   

So: (1) The 401 Center of Town Road in Plainfield, N.H. is indeed a "Crime Scene": for the crime of False Imprisonment, by the Federal "Government" Agents of the "United States", acting in their corporate capacity, with force of arms, and by deception in the substantial interference of the physical movements of both Ed & Elaine Brown (here and there to their destinations, traveling through #__ states), which misdemeanor amount for a fine they shall pay up to the $20,000 amount x 2 = $40,000. +

(2) For the theft of my $50.00 bill to Ed's legal defense fund, the Feds have both failed to pay over to Ed, or account of this to me, as per my calls to both: (a) the U.S. Marshal's Office in N.H., and (b) the Consumer Affairs Offices for the United States Postal Service in both MAss.achusetts and New Hampshire, and so they are to be criminally prosecuted here in New Hampshire for to pay the up-to $100,000 fine since they were armed at the time of the theft, and for me to obtain Restitution through the criminal process as a victim to the tune of: $50.00 x 7 = $350.00 per Public Law 97-280 (96 Statute 1211) of October 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond, see Proverbs 6:30-31 for the thief to restore sevenfold the $amount stolen, as cited in Blackstone's Commentaries, in a case within a case from the State v. Fleming case [Vol. __ NH REPORTS ___ (19__)] annotated in RSA Ch. 651:63 for Restitution Authorized.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)

pc: The Concord Police Station (to report this crime to them tomorrow morning, at: __:__ a.m.) since the $50.00 bill has yet to be verified as delivered to its lawful recipient as I did pay for, or an accounting of it having been lawfully and legally intercepted, the latter of course NOT the case when it is by the Feds who are operating illegally within our state!


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 14, 2007, 07:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 13, 2007, 10:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 10, 2007, 07:27 PM NHFT
So this is Ed's address now?

Ed Brown #03923-049
Elkton FCI
P.O. Box 10
Lisbon, Ohio 44432

Kat, WHERE did you get this address?

I think it was the BOP.gov site.  I hope it was right, I already sent mail there!

That's correct.


Inmate Mail/Parcels
Do not send funds to this address; for more information go to the Inmate Money page.  Use this address when sending correspondence and parcels to inmates confined at this facility.

P.O. BOX 10
LISBON, OH  44432

Physical Address (Do not use for mail unless it is the same as the mailing address listed.)
Use this address for in-person visits.

ELKTON, OH 44415


Visit #3 to see Danny Riley:

I did visit Danny this afternoon. 

He's in a different part of the jail now, with up to 400 inmates he said and verified I see over in their Annual Report at http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/jail/annualreport.html The Year 2006 their 2nd year in the new jail.

There's a computer there in this other unit with both the N.H. and Federal laws that he can access and type out his papers now, including an 8-page Memorandum of Law that goes beyond the stuff in McNamara's Ch. 37 on Habeas Corpus. He mailed me a copy, plus to his brother Bill, to post on the internet, and me to mail to the other three of The Four Freedom Keepers.

His new Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus was mailed out Thursday afternoon so postmarked maybe Friday, Saturday or Monday for delivery to the jail, in what seems to be a 2-day trip about 1/2 mile away across the parking lot, field, road and their front lawn, so to arrive on either this Monday or Tuesday for maybe a hearing as early as this Thursday or Friday,, October 18th or 19th, to rule right then and there on what is a "Prima Facie Case", or to "take it under advisement".

Danny told me to say hello to everybody, and if he were out, he'd be working on the "official" legal defense fund, like what he did to get $2,000 for Ed & Elaine. I asked him if the County Attorney ever replied to him as to: yes or no, whether she agrees with his petition, so to find out what, if anything, she can present against it, that seems to be: NOTHING! case closed: the judge to rule of an illegal incarceration, and out of jail he goes home for Halloween, the others to follow...

In the meantime I read of some Kim Weibrech, Esq. working directly for the jail. Maybe she can agree that Danny's Petition is indeed "prima facie" too.  To call her office tomorrow to see what her exact job description is all about.

The library and Law Library are mentioned in the Annual Report with so many books and about 300 DVD's = 300+ movies, that Danny says the guards view before they are put into the inventory, and so can somebody here (Bill Miller?) send in one of those Aaron Russou "From Freedom to Fascism" DVD's so as to educate the guards "and" the inmates. That would be great!

Last of all, for now, Danny has to ask for permission to get on some list taking #__ days to get and use dental floss, which seems to go against the medical code, and so for maybe somebody with a medical background here to call the jail and/or County Commissioners to get them to move faster?

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S. CBS-TV "60 Minutes" is late after the football game, from 8-9:00 p.m. E.T. with segments #2 + 3 of 4 of interest being: the super-max prison, and TV preacher Joel Osteen, plus of course, that, and "Andy Rooney".

Modification: Danny's pre-trial is: Mon., Oct. 29th @ 10:00 a.m.


Just FYI, federal inmates will soon have (limited, restricted) email access. I have no idea how it's actually going to work, but it will be similar to the telephone system. Inmates will submit a list of email correspondents, similar to phone lists and visiting lists.

Pure speculation on my part, but I imagine the entire system will be web-based on both ends. There will be some nominal cost involved; I have no idea how much, or who pays (sender or recipient, or either).

Email will be filtered for key words, and some of it will be flagged for reading before being approved for delivery. Some will get more scrutiny than others, not at all unlike telephone monitoring.

Pilot programs of this system will be starting up within a few months. I expect it to go nationwide within a couple of years.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 14, 2007, 07:01 PM NHFT
Visit #3 to see Danny Riley:

I did visit Danny this afternoon. 

He's in a different part of the jail now, with up to 400 inmates he said and verified I see over in their Annual Report at http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/jail/annualreport.html The Year 2006 their 2nd year in the new jail.

There's a computer there in this other unit with both the N.H. and Federal laws that he can access and type out his papers now, including an 8-page Memorandum of Law that goes beyond the stuff in McNamara's Ch. 37 on Habeas Corpus. He mailed me a copy, plus to his brother Bill, to post on the internet, and me to mail to the other three of The Four Freedom Keepers.

His new Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus was mailed out Thursday afternoon so postmarked maybe Friday, Saturday or Monday for delivery to the jail, in what seems to be a 2-day trip about 1/2 mile away across the parking lot, field, road and their front lawn, so to arrive on either this Monday or Tuesday for maybe a hearing as early as this Thursday or Friday,, October 18th or 19th, to rule right then and there on what is a "Prima Facie Case", or to "take it under advisement".

Danny told me to say hello to everybody, and if he were out, he'd be working on the "official" legal defense fund, like what he did to get $2,000 for Ed & Elaine. I asked him if the County Attorney ever replied to him as to: yes or no, whether she agrees with his petition, so to find out what, if anything, she can present against it, that seems to be: NOTHING! case closed: the judge to rule of an illegal incarceration, and out of jail he goes home for Halloween, the others to follow...

In the meantime I read of some Kim Weibrech, Esq. working directly for the jail. Maybe she can agree that Danny's Petition is indeed "prima facie" too.  To call her office tomorrow to see what her exact job description is all about.

The library and Law Library are mentioned in the Annual Report with so many books and about 300 DVD's = 300+ movies, that Danny says the guards view before they are put into the inventory, and so can somebody here (Bill Miller?) send in one of those Aaron Russou "From Freedom to Fascism" DVD's so as to educate the guards "and" the inmates. That would be great!

Last of all, for now, Danny has to ask for permission to get on some list taking #__ days to get and use dental floss, which seems to go against the medical code, and so for maybe somebody with a medical background here to call the jail and/or County Commissioners to get them to move faster?

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S. CBS-TV "60 Minutes" is late after the football game, from 8-9:00 p.m. E.T. with segments #2 + 3 of 4 of interest being: the super-max prison, and TV preacher Joel Osteen, plus of course, that, and "Andy Rooney".

Modification: Danny's pre-trial is: Mon., Oct. 29th @ 10:00 a.m.

I have to talk to SAK about the legal defense fund tomorrow. Every bank/lawyer wants a tax ID, Doing Business As and a Not for Profit status. We may just keep it in his name.

I ordered another 100 F2F movies just now. When they come I'll send one to Danny. If I'm the 2nd or 3rd or 4th person to send him the movie maybe the extras will end up in the hands of the guards or better yet a few bumps up.

BTW - See if you can get some guard names from him and I'll send F2F movies direct. Hey who knows maybe F2F movies will be the new "bribe the screws" instrument.  ;D


Quote from: coffeeseven on October 14, 2007, 08:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 14, 2007, 07:01 PM NHFT
Visit #3 to see Danny Riley:

I did visit Danny this afternoon....

I have to talk to SAK about the legal defense fund tomorrow. Every bank/lawyer wants a tax ID, Doing Business As and a Not for Profit status. We may just keep it in his name.

I ordered another 100 F2F movies just now. When they come I'll send one to Danny. If I'm the 2nd or 3rd or 4th person to send him the movie maybe the extras will end up in the hands of the guards or better yet a few bumps up.

BTW - See if you can get some guard names from him and I'll send F2F movies direct. Hey who knows maybe F2F movies will be the new "bribe the screws" instrument.  ;D

O.K. I'll talk with him about this on the next visit, if he's not out on the Habeas Corpus by then.

Plus: Danny's also filed some Set of Interrogatories and for to depose those Marshals that shot not "at" but "by" him, as Gary told me, after I said I didn't want to go up to Ed's when the gov't goons were shooting horizontally through the woods.  Danny knows what the Deputy Marshal with the gun looks like, but not his name.  I said to maybe have a composite artist to the jail for a sketch to be drawn and then Monier to make him available for the deposition(s). I guess the incident report didn't say who shot what and when!? Don't they have to account for their bullets fired or something?  The Feds said AFTERwards when caught that it was to contain an enraged Ed if he learned about the seizure of the dental office, and might have done something, but Danny thinks that excuse pure B.S., since he heard them say to go to Plan B.

Kat Kanning

Joe Haas, it's great that you've been able to visit the political prisoners.  Kudos to you!  Thanks for letting us know how they're doing.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 15, 2007, 07:51 AM NHFT
Joe Haas, it's great that you've been able to visit the political prisoners.  Kudos to you!  Thanks for letting us know how they're doing.

You're welcome.  And to remember that Jason's next visiting day in Middleton is tomorrow.  I can't make it then, but maybe this Saturday on a return visit to the Salem festivities. Also somebody might like to visit Reno on the same days: every four days, with no nighttime visits on Fri., Sat. + Sun., so no 7-7:30 p.m. but just that 2-2:30 p.m. visiting time, to be there like by 1:45 p.m. is suggested.

I just called the Strafford County Superior Court at 742-3065 and Stephanie in Equity at Extension 350 said that they had still not received the Dan Riley Petition, so Danny was right of that 2-day processing time of mailed out on Thu., postmarked Fri. or Sat. for delivery maybe today when they get the mail each day at about 10:30 o'clock a.m. she said.  So to call back later for a case #07-E-___ and if they've set a day and time.  Hours: 8am - 4pm M-F, so maybe at 3:30 p.m. re-call.

I also called the Merrimack County Jail in Boscawen for Bob at 796-3600, see http://www.merrimackcounty.net/ for an aerial view, but that the new jail is off to the right/south not on the picture.  The guard told me that Bob's in Max/Echo unit with visiting days/times of: Wed. + Thu. plus Saturdays of between:
(1)  8:30 - 9:20 a.m.
(2)  9:30 -10:20 a.m.
(3) 12:30-  1:20 p.m.
(4)  1:30-  2:20 p.m.
(5)  3:30- 4:20 p.m.
(6) 6:30 - 7:20 p.m.
(7) 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.
So, since I'm in Concord usually in the late afternoons anyway, and Boscawen's only a 10-minute ride north on Route #3 Daniel Webster Highway to this #326, then I'll see about visiting maybe this Thursday for #5 above at 3:30 - 4:20 o'clock p.m. since I've already given him my NAZ, tel. #, DOB, etc. now to relay this info for the register if that day/time is OK with him.

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. Feds: You can meet me up there to talk about when I can expect the $50.00 bill over to Ed for his legal defense at that time, plus please, BEFORE you start asking me any questions, that you answer Danny's of WHO this federal agent was that shot at him! The Monday morning plan to file a criminal complaint of theft with the Concord P.D. has been put on hold until after receipt of verification from Ed that he never got the $50.00 bill, as proof that you stole it! Plus remember: Justice delayed, is justice denied!*

* Danny also mentioning Art. 91 to me again, in reference to his Petition that even if by copy, instead of original, should have been dealt with "in the most free, easy, cheap, expeditious, and ample manner", the word expeditious defined as: "To speed the progress of; facilitate. 2. To perform quickly" from the Latin of: expedire, to free the feet; and facilitate: "To make easier; aid; assist." from the Latin word of: facilis, FACILE, meaning: "1. Achieved with little effort. 2. Effortlessly fluent.  3. Arrived at without due care or examination; superficial." So when the court clerk "examin"ed the petition as only a "copy" and asked the judge for his/her judgment, he/she** determined that an original signature is needed, was that examination by them both beyond the superficial?  defined as "Apparent rather than actual or substantial" or in other words: not his "actual" signature, but apparently written by him, and so that it should have been processed then and there, but wasn't, to maybe set precedence for this as a complaint to the Superior Court Center in Concord @ Chanel Drive, Attn: Robert Lynn, so that the judges can be instructed on this at their next Rule 46 annual educational seminar. **Or in other words to find out WHO this judge was that made this determination and have them disqualified from hearing this case; or to say that they are sorry for a WRONG decision BEFORE hearing the case. ** = ______________


Quote from: coffeeseven on October 14, 2007, 08:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 14, 2007, 07:01 PM NHFT
Visit #3 to see Danny Riley:

I did visit Danny this afternoon...

In the meantime I read of some Kim Weibrech, Esq. working directly for the jail. Maybe she can agree that Danny's Petition is indeed "prima facie" too.  To call her office tomorrow to see what her exact job description is all about....

I have to talk to SAK about the legal defense fund tomorrow. Every bank/lawyer wants a tax ID, Doing Business As and a Not for Profit status. We may just keep it in his name....

Update: I just called Attorney Kim Weibrech at 742-3310, extension #5143 about Danny's Petition, and whether she gets involved either directly or indirectly, she doesn't know yet, such as to agree or defend, or just to give her legal opinion, anyway wanting her to meet with Danny to please discuss the prima facie status of this case, based on my "copy" of the original certificate of non-filing that has been stolen by the Feds over at Ed's place being a "Crime Scene" that I did loan to Ed, and so the jail to maybe acknowledge this as "prima facie", but if not, I can buy another certificate with the gold seal for $10.00 and this time have it addressed to: Daniel Riley. So then Kim said that she would also talk to see whether the Strafford County Attorney, or one of her deputies will be either defending the Super. or just to appear and acknowledge it as "prima facie" just needing for the judge to make it official for the Superintendent to release Danny on the Writ.  The judge BTW being either: Peter Fauver from the North Conway area, or Steve Houran, a former Assistant Attorney General. Both judges on duty there this month and into November.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 15, 2007, 07:51 AM NHFT
Joe Haas, it's great that you've been able to visit the political prisoners.  Kudos to you!  Thanks for letting us know how they're doing.

Ditto!  :)  I always give you plenty of +karma when I log in, I don't know why it's not higher.


Quote from: raineyrocks on October 15, 2007, 12:38 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 15, 2007, 07:51 AM NHFT
Joe Haas, it's great that you've been able to visit the political prisoners.  Kudos to you!  Thanks for letting us know how they're doing.

Ditto!  :)  I always give you plenty of +karma when I log in, I don't know why it's not higher.

Me too to you, and others on the page and back a few page(s) almost every time. It must be the Federal goons thinking that a negative mark really matters.  Yeah! Let them think so, is OK with me, to keep them busy reading this for like Harry Truman used to say: They hear (or in this case, read) the truth, and think it's hell!  >:D This will keep them off the streets where they are a menace to society.

Now here's an update: I just called Stephanie in Equity at 742-3065 ext. 350, and she says that another COPY has been delivered to her office, and note: This time it's "we" in the clerk's office who make the decision that an "original" is needed (see my Reply #___ above about how Art. 91 is supposed to work! and the first check-in with the judge) and not that of to the judge now, that she told me a few days ago was the case. She said that it is being sent back to Danny either today or tomorrow, to replace with the original he has? or not*?

I told Stephanie maybe not*, since the original might have gotten shuffled in the mail room at the jail and taken out and transferred somehow into the envelope to the County Attorney?  So I called over there to Janice Rundles, the Co. Attny at 749-2808, and her receptionist does NOT have an index of all names of cases to tell her which attorney his Petition has been assigned to, or should I say COPY of petition, for her to check to see if they might have received the original by mistake, and so to please exchange it for the COPY at the Court Clerk's Office. She's supposed to call me back with an answer later to my cell phone # 603: 848-6059 with an answer of WHO and receipt of exactly WHAT: (another copy or the original?). They ARE "officers of the court" and have a duty to "complete"ness by Article 14, Part First & Bill of Rights, by their RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office.

Yours truly, - - Joe H.

P.S. A courtesy copy of the first petition was also sent to the Superintendent.  I didn't ask if Danny likewise sent him another one or not, like for maybe Kim Weibrech**, the in-house jail attorney to view too, her at 742-3310 ext. 5143 who I did call this morning to look into this petition too. Maybe the Super. has the original? Isn't the fact of getting the original and keeping it, KNOWing that an original is needed by the court is RSA Ch. ______ Tampering with Public Records?

** I just called Kim at her cell phone # too 502-0137 getting a recording there too, and so to have her look into the possibility that the original might be with her boss, and if so to please exchange it with the court COPY.


Quote from: Sarah on October 15, 2007, 02:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 15, 2007, 01:52 PM NHFT>:D This will keep them off the streets where they are a menace to society.

Yup, I knew at some point I'd see material for a sigline.  ;D   Thanks, Joe... for this least of all you do.   :wave:

Note that five guards there were suspended and the woman captain fired for force-feeding cake to a mental-case inmate. http://www.prisontalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12558  They were on-the-street, but now back for more pranks this Halloween? - - Joe

P.S. The latest prank was to return my  9x12-inch clasp envelopes to both Jason + Reno, that they call a package, with the RETURN TO SENDER block-stamped in black ink on the front above the words in black ink printed there of "No packages". 

But what IS a package? A parcel or bundle, as in something wrapped, bound or tied. NOT a flap-licked envelope, eh? but yeah, according to these "1984" George Orwell doubletalkers. Even the window clerk at the Concord Post Office says they're nuts, as in fruitcakes themselves. He sent another two "envelope"s for me to them, as he tells me they are NOT "packages", and so what next?  Three strikes and I'm in? No; to look up the definition of The Parcel Post= The branch of the postal service that handles and delivers parcels; and see what anti-parcel post stamp I can use to "correct" this so-called "Correctional" Facility?

Hey!  I don't teach for free! Sheriff Frank Cousins at 1-978-750-1900, press 2 for the Middleton Jail, press 2 for visits and mail. I'll be calling your mail room supervisor to tell it like it is defined in Webster's to his subordinate that did NOT initial the envelopes, postmarked October 4th, and just returned for receipt today. I expect you, and all your people there to go by the Queen's English, or have you gotten into what's called Pig Latin?




Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 15, 2007, 10:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: Sarah on October 15, 2007, 02:05 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 15, 2007, 01:52 PM NHFT>:D ....
P.S. The latest prank was to return my  9x12-inch clasp envelopes... that they(*) call a package, with the RETURN TO SENDER block-stamped in black ink on the front above the words in black ink printed there of "No packages". 

But what IS a package? A parcel or bundle, as in something wrapped, bound or tied. NOT a flap-licked envelope, eh? ...and so what next?  Three strikes and I'm in? No; to look up the definition of The Parcel Post= The branch of the postal service that handles and delivers parcels; and see what anti-parcel post stamp I can use to "correct" this so-called "Correctional" Facility(*)?

Hey! ... tell it like it is defined in Webster's to his subordinate(*) that did NOT initial the envelopes, postmarked [Thu.] October 4th, and just returned for receipt today. [Mon., Oct. 15th]....


(*) The word "they" only refers to the weekend mail room operator(s).  The guard I just spoke with @ 978:750-1900 press 2-2 said that when received during the week, he's in charge and admits all envelopes.  I think I'll print this out and paste on another 9x12 envelope with one or two sheets inside to arrive on Saturday, like before to "correct" this subordinate, to prevent others from being one of his/her/their victims of this George Orwellian "Nineteen Eighty Four" double-talk that an envelope is a package. - J.S.H.


Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter

"To: Scott Perry, Chairman
Board of Directors
Montgomery Historical Society
P. O. Box 47
Montgomery, VT 05470
(802) ______________

Hi Scott,

And thanks for the information in your July 2007 Newsletter Number 2007-3 under 'Speakers' that 'MHS Member, Andre LaBier will be our 2007 Inaugural speaker. A Chief Inspector with the U.S. Marshal Service...currently the U.S. Marshal Agency's liaison to the Department of Homeland Security...Andre will be discussing the role of the U.S. Marshal Agency in modern history. Date and time is still being set up.' http://www.montgomeryvt.us/MHSNews0707.html

Would you please let me know WHEN this will be, as I'd like to attend as either a member or guest. Will it be at your 'next Thursday of the month' on November 8th? or did I miss it, last Thu., Oct. 11th?  It not mentioned in your October newsletter over at http://www.montgomeryvt.us/MHSNews1007.html [No. 2007-4].

The reason for my interest being that he's signing affidavits against The Four Freedom Keepers in the Ed Brown/I.R.S. case when he knows or should know as a claimed historian that N.H. by RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.state.nh.us offered jurisdiction to the Feds back on June 14 (Flag Day), 1883, from Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 [U.S.Const.] for 'Consent', but that they declined, thus having NO jurisdiction beyond the soil of their deeded properties, since this state is a double-filing state with paperwork needed to be filed by the 'shall' word in the statute, but that the governor refuses to enforce by his Art. 41 powers, both of whom ought to answer for their oversteps, and back-steps respectfully, as the proof is in the certificate of non-filing I have from Bill Gardner, the N.H. Secretary of State himself.  To compare to Ohio and Conn. for Ed & Elaine Brown respectfully, in single-filing states for deeds only, as outlined by Attorney Larry Beecraft over at his website of: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm The U.S. Attorney's own Manual #664 even says that this 1-8-17 'embraces courthouses'! See http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm and over in the documents section of http://danrileyld.blogspot.com/ the ld for legal documents.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone) http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.6225 My 'Wise Up or Die' case scheduled for next Wed., Oct. 24th @ 1:30 p.m. in Lebanon District Court.

pc: David Corriveau of The VALLEY NEWS, at 603: 727-3210 which newspaper circulates to Montgomery, Vermont? and who might like to attend such an event too, re: his report in Saturday's paper (10/13,) Vol. 56, No. 127 @ pages A1+5 for 'Feds Detonate Bombs...." http://www.vnews.com " 11:44 AM