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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 25

Started by JosephSHaas, November 09, 2007, 11:15 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

can someone give us the latest info on prisoner whereabouts and contact data?  i have a lot of stuff, as in a couple hundred pages, ready to send finally but am worried some of the addresses might be old.    i hear they are moving some of the prisoners around a lot.

the latest info i have is at:


and it was updated nov 10.   can anyone verify that the info is still good...or let me know what more i might need to know to send these packages?


Quote from: richardr on November 28, 2007, 10:51 AM NHFT
Looks like Bob Wolffe cut a deal after all, Joe.

You may use the slang "cut-a-deal" but if so, it is really a "CONTRACT", offered by the  bankrupt municipal corporations employees, who have commercially "over-charged" and thus scared the unknowing and then by "reducing" the charge to a "misdemeanor", and "offering" the reduction to get him to "contract" and thus his agreement that the Magistrate Judge ( Not Article III judge) can prevail over the "contracted" proceedings. This is FRAUD by deception! The "contract" can be voided as Throckmorton v. United States prevails and has been used over 1500 times to void such Fraud upon the court (and that is not an employee or judge)


Quote from: richardr on November 28, 2007, 10:51 AM NHFT
Looks like Bob Wolffe cut a deal after all, Joe.


Brown supporter plans to plead guilty
He's one of four allies facing charges in case

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff

November 28. 2007 7:20AM

One of four supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown who pleaded not guilty to criminal charges of helping the couple evade capture will change his plea, according to court documents.

According to a docket entry, Robert Wolffe, 50, of Randolph, Vt., is slated to change his plea of not guilty in a hearing next week.

Neither Wolffe's lawyer, Paul Garrity, nor prosecutor Bob Kinsella from the U.S. attorney's office would comment on the case or say whether the parties had reached a plea agreement. But web postings from Wolffe's wife in recent weeks suggested that Wolffe had been negotiating with authorities....

Thanks Richard.  I got the news of this front page blerp in the upper left hand corner to see page B1 directly from Bob himself at 9:30 a.m. this morning on my visit to see him in Boscawen in G Unit for General Population.  He said there is NO "plan" to plead guilty, and was angry that the http://www.concordmonitor.com would do this. I think the key word is negotiations, like to plea to a misdemeanor of time served to just get out of there, like an ex gratia payment on a parking ticket, it easier to pay than fight even when you're right, like the meter broken, and then sue in civil court for damages later on the outside with the proof of the broken meter, or in this case the non-filing.  Also: Sort of like yes, you're guilty of punching somebody, but that they deserved it!  >:D I remember reading years ago of some king, after reading Exodus 21:18-19 in the Bible of to pay for medical bills and loss of time to be "quit", going around punching his subjects landing them in the hospital for #__ weeks out of work, and having his treasurer pay the damages by this formula.  ;) Then when the king was overthrown of his "sovereign immunity" some jail time went with such crimes, like him spending equal time in jail for what the amount of time it took the person to recover, as in the phrase time is money.

I bought the newspaper and copied it at KINKO's and it went out in my latest packet to E+E + 4. I was going to drive by the MONITOR to talk to them about this, and gave Margo a call, but this was BEFORE I even read it, and saw some inmate walking down the road having been just discharged, and gave him a ride to the bus terminal in Concord where his girlfriend he called on my cell phone was to drive up from Manchester and pick him up there about a half hour later.  They send you packing without info that you can walk a short distance to Penacook and take the bus to Concord for only $1.00 like I did on a parking ticket violation once, spending the night, instead of paying $50.00, walking by that Gun Shop in Boscawen, buying a Buck Knife, and going over to the Kittery Trading Post and having Chuck Buck autograph it for me.  ;D

And Keith, you're right about Danny too.  There are these negotiations, or what I call parley's, with the enemy, but that's just to get out of slab city for some fresh air and sunshine.  The Marshal goons don't give a shit about Bob's tooth them SAYing that they'll look into it, as to look to read a newspaper, but what are they going to DO about it!? Big Talk, No Action. 

Also: Bernie and I went over to see Jason this afternoon in Dover, and like I just wrote to Dada here, he would love to get some reading material, his latest find of NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, and him telling us that his MAss. attorney did find a State-Federal Relations case down in Louisiana where some rapes occurred at some federal enclave but that the feds did not file the paperwork with the governor's office as by the statute from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., and so it was not a federal but state crime on state soil. So there IS this acknowledgment as case-law of that the feds KNOW that they need "Consent" from the state, and when the state gives conditional consent, and they don't fulfill that condition, then they have NO jurisdiction! Jason showed Bernie and me his list of newspapers in New England he's sent a summary letter too with the proof of the N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 certificate of non-correction, the actual 123:1 statute and a copy of the U.S. Attorney's own Manual #664 that acknowledges this, to see who, if anybody, wants to write up a story on this.  BTW Louisiana was the one and only state that did NOT want to subscribe to the U.C.C./ Uniform Commercial Code when it first came out, but since has joined the Union I think.  In N.H. it's RSA Ch. 382-A. We talked about the price of silver and gold bullion, and a little bit about coins and paper money, but the main concern is him getting his attorney to file that Motion for Discovery of any RSA 123:1 receipt, since Jurisdiction must be proven, and if not, then to go with a Motion to Dismiss. His attorney also brings him plenty of writing paper and pens each trip which is nice. And he had a nice visit with his Mom on Thanksgiving, speaking of which, Bob in his letter to me the other day said that they asked for a group meal, like upper and lower tier to have their Thanksgiving Dinner together, and just for asking the guards retaliated and told them that did happen that they had their Thanksgiving Dinners in their cells: like eating your meal in your bathroom! Plus Bob to call his wife Valerie in Vermont just across the border, even with the phone card(s), has cost over $1,000 so far! And WHO gets that what? 12-cents a minute for e-mail access for Ed & Elaine, like they charge at KINKO'S?  I bet there's a kick-back there to somebody somewhere!

Margo says that Bob's hearing is next Friday, December 7th @ __:_ o'clock a.m./p.m. (according to PACER?) and that "Captain" Singal is driving over from Maine, but probably one of these last minute deals of not to go forward with the signing of any deal, because there is still the question of jurisdiction, of whether the ones presenting the deal even have the authority to ask for it! 

Plus: Bernie and I tried to see Danny in Max, but that I forgot that you've got to get the captain's permission during the week, before 3:00 p.m. like when I talked with him about my next regular Sunday visit, when he was nice enough to call me on the Saturday before saying that he was in Max the first time and that I needed to get his permission that he gave me.  So if like last time, he'll be back into the pod before too long, so if not this Sunday, then next weekend. No need to see him right away since I'll write about helping him with the Brief to his Habeas Corpus Petition, in that all he has to do is type it out, and send to me, and I'll cover copy in blue board front and back with side staples and tape as by the rules of the original, plus seven copies to the court after a delivery to the A.G.'s office. But that he's got to get back into the pod to get the chance to use the typewriter, but before Dec. 26th so O.K.

Finally: Keith: that's great that the e-mail box at Andrew Napolitano's website is now working.  When I tried it about a week ago it went nowhere.  Please let me know WHEN he gets back to you.  Find out, if you can, like maybe from his publisher, for WHERE he'll be at his next book signing, and then after the line is over and he's just sitting there, we can talk with him on company time about Elaine's case.

Yours truly, - Joe


I found an attorney in Youngstown that will file the paperwork for Ed. He wants $1,200.00 to take an afternoon off and drive to Elkton.

Great bunch of guys and gals these.


Quote from: coffeeseven on November 29, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT
I found an attorney in Youngstown that will file the paperwork for Ed. He wants $1,200.00 to take an afternoon off and drive to Elkton.

Great bunch of guys and gals these.

WHO? What's his website, if any? for address and telephone number?  __________  Plus his background?  Has he ever done an habeas before? (I did and won a release from jail) Is he a new or old attorney? Does that include an appearance at the court hearing(s) to argue the filing too?, and even if the Youngstown court assigns it to either Cleveland or Toledo, #___ miles away, plus that too of driving there and back? If all of this is included then it sounds like a good deal, and I compare what I've already said to Bill Riley:

Now that Danny has his case accepted at the Supremes for his Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus file #745, maybe Attorney ___________ (yes I know his name hidden here, a former Federal Prosecutor) who has my $500 check, un-cashed as an offer to take the case, him saying no since Sven Wiberg got involved as Danny's Federal stand-by counsel who MIGHT help Danny with the State habeas too? But if not, then he MIGHT take the case for what? I told Bill, maybe another $500.00 for to argue the case past the Brief for that $500.00, to pay the other $500 IF and ONLY "if" the Supremes grant Danny a hearing.  Me suggesting to Bill to send him $50.00 to take that trip to Concord to read/copy at 10-cents per page Danny's file, then write up and print, bind and deliver the copies to the A.G/'s office too.

So $1,200 is very reasonable I think for the entire case, if it is indeed the full price, or if not, but some come-on for more $money later, then to look around for another one, as this is a real SIMPLE case, as Jason has explained to the area newspapers, that if and when they write it up as so simple, then that newspaper article summary with a photo(s) of the three main documents could be a tear-sheet (one page story) given over to the attorney and get Ed out, then Elaine, then the other four merely pro-tecting Ed on PRIVATE land in a DEFENSIVE mode from these outlaw Feds!

I'm calling around the local newspapers now to see WHO wants to do this story as written into them by Jason taking the first step, me the second by phone call, and maybe Bernie and me, plus WHOever else would like to personally visit their Newsroom for to get the story in their newspaper by maybe December 7th http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_7 as "Pearl Harbor Day" here in the United States of the Japs "Sneak" Attack on us, the Feds sneaking around New Hampshire withOUT the RSA 123:1 papers from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. *

Yours truly, - - Joe

* A Habeas hearing is a test of jurisdiction, not the merits of withIN the case.  Ed still has the transcript excerpt of the Judge McAuliffe saying that all the U.S. Code for the IRS has been declared constitutional in every court in the Union, that was either a lie, or him ignorant of my very case in his same courthouse of #M.83-50-D of IRS v. Haas where I proved section (5) for rents as a landlord was unlawful! as by the case-law in my Affidavit to Ed thanks to Bill Miller, that I can back up with the actual DO YOU ADMIT? 1-page paper I gave to the court that got the $62,000 tax upon me wiped out, me not paying them even one red cent! In this part of the case for a mis-trial WHEN the court is lawful AFTER finally filing the 123:1 papers with the Secretary of State.


Prosecutors will often announce (or "leak") to reporters that someone is agreeing to plead. They use that to drive a wedge between the other defendants, and implicitly threaten that someone is going to testify against them, so they better plead out, too.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 29, 2007, 10:36 AM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on November 29, 2007, 06:49 AM NHFT....

... this is a real SIMPLE case, as Jason has explained to the area newspapers, ....

Update: I did just go to the New England Newspapers website of http://nenews.org/links/index.html first calling George Gears there about WHY there is no highlight to the 50-60 workshops per year they have, like to find out WHO and from WHAT newspapers participated in maybe some "crime" topic, to write to them, but that he said December is usually a slow month, and that he has no info on past attendees as this is more an industry site than for us consumers, and so to use the location box for the state and county that I did for New Hampshire, Strafford for Jason, and got to "Foster's Daily Democrat" in Dover (already called Aaron ___ on Danny's case, he's never even called or visited Danny, nor did he write to him or write ANYthing up on the Habeas Petition, so forget that lazy non-reporter, who calls himself a reporter!?), onto The "Portsmouth Herald" I see at http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?category=TOOLS02 for that tel. # and address* plus for The "York County Coast Star"**

-* For Portsmouth the woman receptionist at 1-800-439-0303 said the court reporter is Elizabeth Dinan (spelling?) and so I left a voice mail for her, and:

-** Brook Brogard (spelling) too for The YORK COUNTY COAST STAR at 207-985-2961 similar referral to her;

telling both of them of the Sven Wiberg, Attorney in Portsmouth for Danny, and the "Captain" Singal connection of the judge in Portland for Jason too.

So if/when she/they call back to my cell phone later today to get back to you all.  In the meantime to send each of them a summary e-mail to please visit us over here at this Reply #___ on page 448 to start.

Yours truly, - - Joe


Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 27, 2007, 11:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on November 27, 2007, 04:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: keith in RI on November 27, 2007, 03:19 PM NHFT
maybe we should try to get elaine a lawyer instead? what is it she means when she writes that even i could file a habeous??

Modification: I did just call the 225-1552 # for the U.S. Attny's Office in Concord at 7:51 a.m. this morning and the woman's voice said good evening, to call back from 8-5 or press # and leave a message to the mailbox # press letters of Coop-er for Kim Cooper #2667 that I did and told her to get her act together, off her ass in gear and get moving for a name and number of the treasury agent who is supposed to get back to me, re: the $100,000 RSA 480:1 homestead exemptions x 2 for Ed & Elaine, and RSA Ch. 511:2 listed items to get and sell to pay an attorney for their Habeas Corpus actions in Ohio + Conn. and that if I don't get an answer by mid morning, to expect morning, noon and night telephone calls (in the plural), from David's sister, and maybe some of us ought to call there too, as like for a progress report of has Joe received his answer yet? Thanks.

Update: I did just call there again at 8:00 a.m. exactly, and the woman transferred me over to "Rob" Raybach's unknown # where I left him a similar message, of that IF he contacted the Treasury Agent, that person (he or she) NEVER got back to me, and IF he did not contact them yet to do so now, better late than never.

Update: They both say that they WILL get back to you on their voice mails, but that they are LIARS! It's been three weeks and two days now, plus yesterday's phone calls, me continuing my daily* calls to them OUT TO LUNCH now in more ways than one if you get my drift, them not getting just a drift but some Stantor action in to get off your ass again, and that I'll report you to Washington too!! (re: Wm. Morse, the prosecutor) Attorney good-for nothing under Corrupt Colantuono! Oh! I expect some reply by them now like maybe to file an injunction to tell me, their master, that their fellow public servant judge agrees that they don't like my tone of voice and choice of words in what is supposed to be free speech to get my public servants to serve, instead of some warning maybe that if/when the next time I verbally crack the whip, then they'll what? Charge me for telephone harassment next!?  Call them at 225-1552 and like the political pollsters, maybe say you're from the New Hampshire Underground and would like their comment on member Haas, and what do you think about his annoying calls to you?  >:D 

Yours truly, - Joe

* to step it up a notch starting tomorrow with my morning, noon, and night calls too. Anybody else can and is welcome to join in this "Progress Report Requested" too.  ;) Then to maybe pay them a personal visit, but I doubt it, as I've declared that Federal Soil there a state disaster area!  8)


So what did Huckabee say during the last debate that made him sound so Presidential? reference the advertisement at the main page for today's http://www.hotmail.com

http://www.mikehuckabee.com/  No wonder Ron Paul made the most internet $money on that day, you've got to have a website that works to begin with, that Mike's webmaster needs to work on this sabotage?

I tried to sign up for his newsletter, with interests of: Constitution, Taxes, 2nd Amendment + Agriculture (food), but it went nowhere.  Also what's that side section of: "Become a Ranger"?  Does that mean like Ed's Constitution Rangers?  8)

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. I had a nice chat with Linda Tomlinson who INTERCEPTED by call to Tom Colantuono, the U.S. Attorney, she's his secretary, and I did ask her to PLEASE remind Tom to get back to me for his comment on U.S. Attorney Manual #664 that reads that 1-8-17 U.S. Const. "embraces courthouses" and WHY has the N.H. one NOT complied with NH RSA Ch. 123:1?  Like a Show-Cause for WHY the charges against the Four Freedom Keepers should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdictional authority.  Yeah Right! You might reply, like him to cut off his own paycheck, but didn't he take an oath of office to HONOR the Constitution?  Of course he did!  So Tom: if you're reading this: you'll still be able to get your salary, just that your off-turf field trips will have to cease for the time being, and you made to account for being the middleman between the court and Marshal.  Don't kill the messenger as they say.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 15, 2007, 09:40 AM NHFT
Open Letter

To: Daniel I. St.Hillaire,
Merrimack County Attorney
4 Court Street
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 228-0529

Dear Dan:

--This is to follow-up my telephone call to your office of just a few minutes ago, when your receptionist directed me to leave a voice mail for you, that I did, and now put it in writing too, to drop off at your office later today as promised.

1.) Progress Report please: on my Official Complaint #__________ against Judge McAuliffe for RSA Ch. ____ Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process of the bench warrant directed against Ed Brown, that was in violation of 1-8-17 U.S. Const. and there being NO paperwork on file by RSA Ch. 123:1 to the N.H. Office of Secretary of State, as required by our state's offer to the Feds on June 14, 1883, but that for whatever reason, they declined, and so with NO jurisdictional venue within this state! THE website of interest being that of http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm thanks "very" much to Attorney Larry Becraft as THE expert on this subject of single and double-filing states....

Update: As of yesterday, it's been exactly: two months of him dragging his ass around as Merrimack County Attorney!  Sept. 28th '07 was when this Complaint #07-40622-OF was sent to and supposedly delivered to him to get a legal opinion back to the Concord Police Dept. at 225-8600.  Why hasn't he honored his RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office to a prompt accounting by Articles 8 + 14 of the N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights that has in effect turned into a privilege that's been denied, because justice delayed is justice denied!  I've left a voice mail to him two times now in two days, and a while back too, the latest with the call to his receptionist saying thanks for the send-over to his voice mail but that that is worthless and so to please remind him of this case number. Plus like in the crowd you hang out with, reflecting on you, I told her that he is doing a lousy job, and that maybe she should start looking for a different job with somebody of honor.  She said: excuse me?  I said that's right.  Good-bye.  :icon_pirat: Maybe I should have said bad-bye? - Joe

keith in RI


Quote from: DadaOrwell on November 28, 2007, 05:26 PM NHFT
can someone give us the latest info on prisoner whereabouts and contact data?  i have a lot of stuff, as in a couple hundred pages, ready to send finally but am worried some of the addresses might be old.    i hear they are moving some of the prisoners around a lot.

the latest info i have is at:


and it was updated nov 10.   can anyone verify that the info is still good...or let me know what more i might need to know to send these packages?

keith in RI


ed's bible came back to me in the mail with a stamp on it that says "not at this address return to sender"
i'm very concerned.
do you know if maybe they are not allowing him to receive packages?
i'm planning on calling the fci while i'm at lunch (probably better to make those kinds of calls while i'm out of the office, i think)
but i was wondering if you knew anything. i also haven't heard from him in a week.



Quote from: keith in RI on November 29, 2007, 01:46 PM NHFT

If Ed's info on the BOP inmate finder page is like Irwin Schiff's, the info won't be posted until Ed gets to his new location, which could take a couple of weeks.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 26, 2007, 01:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 26, 2007, 12:16 PM NHFT
New article from Elaine

Thanks Kat,

--I've read and re-read this with my notes for comment now:

--In the very first sentence of paragraph #1 of 7 I add that these "four men were" UN-lawfully and illegally "arrested", since the Feds have yet to comply with the law: 1-8-17 to 123:1.  "[T]he assistance of Ed and Elaine Brown" to assert their Art. 10 rights, The Right of Revolution.  That is NOT a crime here in New Hampshire, and back to the sentence #1 again of "arrested by federal marshals" OUTside the state of New Hampshire.  You'd think that at least one judge there would have the knowledge of his oath to that of Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution to inquire, of IF the Feds had complied with N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1.  A very POOR job on the part of WHOever their appointed defense councilors were there in that stage of the proceedings, with only ONE defense councilor I did overhear talk to his client in court that he was going to check this out: and that's: Attorney David Bownes of Laconia for his client Reno Gonzalez from Texas...

...who signed that Art. 49 complaint I presented to him, as described above, just like "John Hancock" with his signature at the bottom of the document, a comment I made for WHERE to sign like John Hancock too, and that he then did! BEFORE the others in that order, I kid you not. John Hancock BTW so angry at the British impounding his sloop, just imagine how angry Ed & Elaine are for not only a ship as a means to conduct business, as John Hancock was transporting liquor, but Elaine having the Feds seize her place of business, to TRY to forfeit later; and now going after them personally in their home.  A Man's Home is is Castle.  But does the Sullivan County Sheriff think so?  Will he check out my claims of federal non-filing and assert some check-and-balance against the Feds?  Why not?  He got Jack McLamb's "Aid & Abet Newsletter" plus delivered to him at his office, but will he talk with me, or anybody about it?  No! He stands on his wrongs....

Thanks for the info Keith, re: of Reno to court, but when? today? _____ I just called his Attorney David H. Bownes, of office: 486 Union Ave., Laconia, N.H. 03246, 603: 524-4330, but that all I got was his secretary's recorder for him, to where I left a message about that Louisiana case that Jason's attorney found as precedent setting for this 1-8-17 U.S. Const. issue of no federal crime on federal soil since the feds didn't file their papers by statute there with the governor's office.  Same for up here of a non-filing by N.H. RSA 123:1 to the Secretary of State, so technically state soil over there at 53-55 Pleasant Street too, the Feds owning the building, but with no jurisdiction beyond the boundary of NOT the state borders BUT only the federal boundary ending on their side of the sidewalk!

Notation being too of me looking at http://www.google.com for "David Bownes" Laconia, in quotes, and finding this Reply #__ here at page one #7, so the New Hampshire Underground as THE place to be for information to seekers for his name and city finding us now and into the future. Keep up the good work Kat.

Yours truly, - Joe

P.S. Like K.B. said earlier of these prosecutor "leaks" to the press, I think it's more than that now that they've run up against some NOT hardened criminals BUT these Four Freedom Keepers hard-pressed to TRY to have them cave in to lies is what I say of them standing on the truth, and like Harry Truman would say to Tom Colantuono and his gang of thugs: they heard the truth and think it's hell!  >:D

note: I get the feeling that the Feds' case is falling apart at the seams, them so bloated like a pig ready for slaughter.  The bloating being them getting all this 1-8-17 to 123:1 info from me, and them telling the inmates to not listen to this "raving lunatic", that because they have not answered, like Tom's non-answer to his very own U.S. Attorney Manual #664, that it's giving them indigestion, and that they have to lash out by mis- or mal-treating the inmates, treating them like rag dolls to toss around, like a dog being commanded of: here fella, and if you don't obey, like Danny didn't obey and was Pepper-gunned down, then even when they are wrong, as in withOUT any jurisdiction to even ask that a hearing take place, let alone a trial, that this will all come back to haunt them a hundred-fold I think I read somewhere. Like in the Old Testament, of Genesis 26:12 "Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him." Plus, in the New Testament:

(1) Matthew 19:29 "And every one that hath forsaken houses...or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." The word forsake defined as: 1. to give up; renounce. 2. To leave altogether, abandon; from the OE/ Old English of forsacan.  See sag= 1. to sink or bend downward, as from pressure* or slackness. 2. To droop. In this case the pressure* put upon Ed & Elaine and the four others to be forced to leave their lands too, and so not to go along with these government liars with their falsehoods, but "for my name's sake" Who He is with a capital letter, and represents the truth. It's as simple as that of to tell the truth, and the truth will set you free.  Sometimes not right away as those unfortunate victims in MAss. who spent decades in prison based upon gov't lies, it proven decades later that the F.B.I. had the truth or exculpatory evidence, but who refused to put it into the case!  Shame on them, and shame on Tommy C. too! +

(2) Mark 10:30 "with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life."

(3) Luke 8:8 for the "hundredfold" word, but see back to verse "5 for the "sower went out to sow his seed", but what is THE seed? "11 "The seed is the word of God." Or in other words the TRUTH! and to try to plant such on :15 "good ground" rather than :12 "by the wayside", :13 "on the rock" or :14 "that which fell among thorns".  So even in prison or jail, upon the rock or cement slabs, it's a real test of your faith there, and so when out on a win upon good ground, those who did you "in" on lies ought to be the nourishment for which your seed produces a hundredfold on the "out"side. The gov't having in effect stolen your land and buildings valued at $___________ so x 7 = $________ per the Proverbs 6:30-31 formula in Public Law 97-280, 96 Statute 1211 of Oct. 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond.  But what is a theft of your body worth?  Your very well being: in N.H. that's already been calculated to $2,500 per day, so divided by 7 = over $355.00 per day so when stolen x 7 = this $dollar amount; per the Veronia Silva case of mid 1980s in the State Board of Claims that made the front pages of the http://www.unionleader.com

These four books (one New; three Old Testament) with the hundredfold word found at page 311 of my STRONG'S CONCORDANCE, (c)1985. Maybe it's 100-7=93 as the magic number in heaven? More on that later.


* F.C.I. Elkton, OHio Tel. 330-420-6200 Ed's # 03923-049.


Reno was in court earlier today, Joe for his arraignment on the superseding indictment charges.

Quote11/19/2007   AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING as to Cirino Gonzalez: Arraignment reset for 11/29/2007 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge James R. Muirhead. (amm) (Entered: 11/19/2007)