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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 25

Started by JosephSHaas, November 09, 2007, 11:15 AM NHFT

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Quote from: JosephSHaas on December 06, 2007, 02:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on December 05, 2007, 07:20 PM NHFT....


As for the Friday hearing in courtroom #___ or letter ___ for Bob Wolffe @ 1:30 p.m. it's still on schedule ....

Update: Marie Miller* will be there too, maybe for lunch at 12:30 p.m. over at Reme's with Bernie.

And Gary, you're invited too even though you coordinated their capture, the tide is turning and you've got to be prepared for the waves so that your body doesn't get buried in the sand with head sticking up like what happened to Blackbeard the Pirate in the movie version with Robert Newton. We need your key to let Ed out when he wins his writ of habeas corpus.  :icon_pirat:

- - Joe

* Marie said that the Probate Judge's Order was to keep Bill in the S.H.U./ Special Housing Unit of the State Prison, because he is too vocal, the judge saying, in effect, that we've got to control the people, and to turn them into zombies, or in other words: the "Thought Police" must prevail to such a degree that nobody should even think about daring to go against the tide of authority that is never wrong. He set the day for Bill's release sometime during the time frame of between now, and "up to five years", even though ihs sentence for the two misdemeanors could only have been up to two years, or 8x2= 16 months, with time off for good behavior.

Dave Ridley

<< As for the Friday hearing in courtroom #___ or letter ___ for Bob Wolffe @ 1:30 p.m. it's still on schedule >>

awesome thanks joe...for now I'm still planning on standing there tomorrow but expect to be alone; if others want to join me that's great.


I know that some people here have warned me not to post too much stuff that maybe the opposition might find and deal with trying to halt the truth, and so what I was going to write of WHO contacted I will NOT do so right now, as contacted yes, only to say that they might file an Amicus Curiae/ Friend of the Court Brief in Danny's case for a Writ of Habeas Corpus on appeal to the N.H. Supremes, the deal offered of to pay them the travel to here, plus motel, meals and $x dollars now, more later to them, and more information to you all WHEN that event happens, or shortly thereafter, just wanting you all to know that this case is special for Danny (and of course the others to benefit thereby too after-the-fact) and with truth or consequences, as they used to say in that 1960s TV game show, with the truth to win out in the end here, and so the consequences of adverse situations resulting upon those who do continue to lie by their fabrications, and so I say to them in half sentence only as a warning now by like an epistle to: Wise Up! ...



It's funny Joe. I knew a hair beautician who had a saying she used that was similar to yours.

When she was talking about older peoples hair turning grey (from againg) age she would say:


I hope she never gets arrested for it..ya know?  ;)



keith in RI

this was sent from elkton written 12-04-07 and postmarked 12-05-07 from youngstown ohio. so this is the most recent contact from ed.


i love you guy.

i see i, or we have a team forming. thank you!

yes! joe haas is detail oriented, you wont find a more perservering (and your right) bulldog when he gets on track. joes mind is like a trip hammer.

i do not have a lawyer because when they kidnapped us they put me into 24hour lockdown immediately and kept me sequestered ever since. they did this because their concerned. "the truth is absolute which cannot be changed or denied" their afraid of us because thats all we speak "truth"

counselor kelley is irish how bad can she be? i have futrher funding once i get started. i just need a leg up. help!! thanks. nobody has ever lost anything with elaine or i. we always take care of our friends. im looking forward to speaking to any one of them. she seems to have the right background. im still in lockdown with limited access to anything. no phone, no one to talk to.

all i get is controlled mail. im praying we can be home for christmas. we have serious lawsuits against these people.




And now like Paul Harvey says: Here's "The Rest of the Story"

to http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071208/NEWS01/712080346

in today's http://www.concordmonitor.com/ @ page #__ of the actual newspaper.

1.) Beverly Wang, for the Associated Press wrote that of: "a possible life sentence if convicted" for Dan Riley, and the details being of from 30 years to life as the guidelines recommended by Congress, but that the judge said he does not have to follow, as they are not mandatory, as like in many drug offenses.

2.) Robert Wolffe's "bail hearing" is scheduled for this Monday morning, December 10th @ 11:00 o'clock a.m. and his wife Valerie said that the judge told Bob to have as many friends there as possible.
(a) I offered to testify that I sent him a 9x12 envelope for Ed as a PRIVATE courier when the PUBLIC mail service through the Post Office came to a HALT when the Marshals lied to that other branch of government, that they have the authority to ORDER them to shut down ALL mail, of even a postcard BELIEVE IT OR NOT!

(b) Since Magistrate Muirhead is already on record as not liking people with 50 cal. rifles, thinking them "nutcases", then what of 9 mm handguns as Bob had patrolling the property.  What do the U.S. Marshals have? _______ Didn't they volunteer for the job of protecting the judge?***  Then HOW is Bob's volunteer service to protect the Browns on PRIVATE property any different in a NOT offensive BUT defensive mode from a government that has run amok?* OFF their property!

*I like Danny's question of: "Are all words used in the charges used in the constitutional sense?" Or in other words: sense as leading to a "correct judgment" as compared to the obvious of an in-correct judgment, the definition of the word sense being of a "lexical meaning" from the word lexicon: "a vocabulary used in a particular profession".  As in N.H. RSA Ch. 21:4 for the common meaning of words to be used unless the statute gives to that word another technical meaning. One way to look at is maybe what he can use in his opening remarks to the jury, that is if his case starts BEFORE the Supremes grant his appeal of his petition for the writ of habeas corpus.

Jury members: look at the walls, look at the lights that make the walls visible.  Now look at the humans in this room, and especially the one sitting up there in the black robe.  What does that robe represent?  The word represent defined as to stand for, and "To serve as the authorized delegate or agent for". In this case the agent for Congress as this is NOT a constitutional court created by the constitution, but a legislative court created by Congress.  The man sitting at that table is the Assistant for the United States Attorney. The U.S. Attorney convinced another judge in this courthouse to have the U.S. Marshal's Service pick me up for having violated some statutes passed by Congress.  These are the charges against me, but does this court have the authority to hold me in this arena?  The answer can be found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution.  All of these officers here: the judge, the prosecuting attorney, and these #__ many bailiffs have taken an oath to obey this as the supreme law of the land.  Supreme to what? Supreme to the statutes.  So I do ask the judge right here and now on "the bench" so-called, WHERE are your 1-8-17 operating papers? Was this place "purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State" of New Hampshire?  Show me the proof of jurisdiction before we delve into the lower law: the statutes. 

Supreme is of "1. Greatest in power, authority, or rank. 2. Greatest in importance or degree. 3. Ultimate; final." From the Latin word supremus meaning "situated above, upper." Yes the Legislature granted its "Consent" on June 14th, 1883, but what TYPE of Consent? It was a conditional consent.  Conditional or depending, as in "To be determined by", depends upon the fulfillment of the requirements by the "shall" word in N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 to file the necessary papers with our Office of Secretary of State.  Did the Feds do this? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I now present evidence to you, not the judge to I.D. and decide to maybe not to present it to you as an exhibit.  You are my judges, and the judge of this judge.  We the people fought a war of Independence from a King to that of an Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitutional Republican form of government, where we live, or are supposed to live by the rule of law, and not the rule of any man, to which is arbitrary in-justice and condemned by Article 17(1) in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A courtesy copy of this evidence is being given to the judge. Judge: what do you say to this? I make a motion to dismiss all the charges.  Do you say: granted? [Judge: yes, verbal motion to dismiss is granted, with prejudice.] Note: if the judge says no, then say to the jury: We've all heard of the term: a 'Kangaroo Court', what what does that mean?  It means: a judicial proceeding that denies due process in the name of expediency.  Due process defined as both: substantive and procedural due process of law.  There must be the procedure or "A series of steps" taken BEFORE jurisdiction can be asserted OVER me! Those steps were outlined by our State's General Court to the Federal government on Flag Day in 1883.  WHY the creature didn't comply with the demands of its creator is beyond me. I now remind this Federal government of its obligation and to follow me on a Northeast march to the Capitol Building here in Concord, New Hampshire.  I leave the courtroom, this courthouse and challenge you to re-indict me.  Good-bye.

** I also like the judge's answer to Danny question of the judge answering the question with a question to Danny of: Do you know?, or the statement of that you must know the Federal Rules of Evidence.  To which I would have replied: Oh yes. Oh "very" yes, and in particular Rule 16(c) of exculpatory evidence, of not only a current investigation of wrongdoing by the prosecutor William Morse in Ed Brown's trial but also that same evidence to be dealt with in my opening statement to the jury.


*** P.S. And in regards to Bob's case again for guarding his friends from harm, isn't that what the Seraphims  do to guard God's throne.  Actually "caretakers of God's throne" according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seraph see Isaiah 6:1-3, see also Numbers 21:6 "So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died." Are they/ these Seraphim, told to "stand down"?  Yes, this very phrase was used by Marshal Monier to our new Merrimack County Sheriff Scott Hilliard of Northfield, when Rep. Dick Marple and I were in his office a few months ago.  To which I make the phrase therefrom to any such dittos of such, as in the new phrase of: he did a Monier.  As in the old expression: of you're name is Mudd, as in the doctor that attended to the wounds of John Wilkes Booth who shot President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Threatre. [But see Roger Mudd's NBC-TV Special on this trying to clear his ancestor of this purported defamation]. To the Deputy Marshals: Your name is Monier, as in the clan of Monier.  Maybe someday some subordinate of Monier to get tired of being called a Monier and do something about it, like bring him up on charges of insubordination to his oath of office. 


Quote from: Bill Riley on December 08, 2007, 09:55 AM NHFT
Daniel J. Riley Legal Defense blog entry regarding the hearing:

Thanks Bill. 

The walk to see Dave and Jim at the traffic lights there was with Lauren who came to see Bernie and I having lunch at Reme's, where she told us that she has yet to get verification of her fingerprint sheet and mugshots destroyed in her motor vehicle case, as they said were going to be done to mine, way back in 1987 in case #87-S-313 at the Merrimack County Superior Court in Concord, now in Manchester Archives. I asked that whoever torched them with the match had turned them into pieces of carbon dust, but was never given this acknowledgment, just that they were going to be (future tense) done they said to the judge, but never proven as having been done (past tense.) Plus while walking to there I remembered that Rockingham County driving without a license case that was to the jury trial in Superior Court when the county seat was in Exeter that I attended, and his name was (and still is?): Bill Elliott, so the State v. Bill Elliot, case #________ there for HOW to get a trial by jury, on what must have been a 2nd offense driving without a license case, since the first time is only a violation. To which I summarize to anybody put in such a position: like the old saying of Remember the Alamo, I say: Remember the Oregon Law Review of Dec. 1954, page #1: a license is a restraint on the individual when you are a proven threat to the public, and you are NOT a proven threat until AFTER your first accident.

As David said: I thought Judge Singal is an OK judge, because he relieved any fears of years behind bars since he does have the power to deviate from what the Congress recommends.  One of the steps to prove his worth being: will he acknowledge some Findings of Facts, and Rulings of Law, like what ANY of the Four Freedom Keepers can put into their case? To find that WHOever from Congress that was supposed to file the RSA Ch. 123:1 papers with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State FAILed to do so, and the consequences being a lack of jurisdiction to operate here in New Hampshire UNTIL such be done, and so to let the victims released to sue for such wrongful incarceration, like at that $2,500 per day amount per the Veronia Silva case I've mentioned before, and thus have some $money to hire PRIVATE attorneys to battle in court should they be re-indicted, that I doubt not, because to guard their friends the Browns from being taken by outlaws is not to be despised but honored! as that is what the bailiff's do for the judge, the Seraphim for God Almighty, and the Four Freedom Keepers here, in a totally defensive position on PRIVATE turf from outlaw federalies, and Judge Singal from Maine, being a single-filing state to teach this lesson to this federal court here in New Hampshire, being a court in non-compliance with the law in this double-filing state.

Although Judge Singal doesn't know it yet, or does he? that I think Danny is planning on getting an expert witness to testify on this: Larry Becraft himself who put that excellent website together of the single and double-filing states over at: http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm or to maybe help file that Motion for Findings of Fact and Rulings of law. The judge (actually a Captain with the military flag of admiralty displayed in violation of Army Regulation #___ that requires that a military flag be displayed with the gold-fringed flag of the United States) .  He did ask Danny some excellent questions of: (1) Did you go to law school? Answer: no. (2) (a) Have you studied the law? Answer yes. then (b) how much? Answer: for three wins against criminal charges, and a civil case with after a dismissal, then re-activation for the win., plus (3) What education? Answer: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at Columbia.

Now let's not forget about Bob.  What about Bob? Is he a danger to the public-at large? And will he skip if let out on bail? Of course not! to both questions.  Bail being "Money supplied as a guarantee that an arrested person will appear for trial." But how much money? And what of the 9 mm pistol? It is certainly not a 9 mm submachine gun as indicated over at http://digg.com/odd_stuff/HOW_TO:_Build_your_own_9mm_submachinegun Check out what kf6zql wrote of: "I'm sure that had something like this* been around pre-WW2 the French might have said the same thing, but during the German occupation they would have loved a book* like this. I'm not saying the US is going to be occupied any time soon, but I am saying it doesn't hurt to get all the info you can and store it somewhere...you never know what the future might bring.  That applies not only for this book, but also survival books and other things that we don't think would be useful now, but may have a real impact on us later." * = "Expedient Homemade Firearms  The 9 MM Submachine Gun, by C.A. Luty, 96-pages. But look what kherrick wrote in that "In other news, 'People can't legally make their own machine guns and escape federal prosecution, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday." And compare it to: what danp wrote in that: "As a collector of LEGAL machineguns, I can tell you that building a machinegun in the US is a federal felony that will get you 10 years in federal jail and a $250,000 fine."  Again: Bob's gun was just a pistol, and with what TYPE of bullets, if any? A LEGALly owned gun.  And so to make any intruder on PRIVATE land, having to be bogged down with body armor just in case. See http://www.bondforfeitures.com/armor.htm of "Choosing Concealable Body Armor".

With the trial only about a month and a half away, I think the magistrate will say no, or set bail so high as to be un-reasonable.  And WHO appointed this magistrate in the first place? Will it be Muirehead again? from this same corrupt court in non-compliance with the law? How can you expect any justice from an outlaw court!?  It has to be the magistrate or judge from Maine, like Singal. Bob's federally appointed attorney sounds lazy to me, of going this you gotta plead guilty route. He ought to get another federally appointed attorney at the very least, and from outside the New Hampshire pool of attorneys, like from Maine too IF he is not allowed bail to go IN SEARCH OF...a private attorney.  There is a private attorney right here in New Hampshire, who is a former federal prosecutor, and who might take his +/or Danny's Habeas Corpus case, that all the others can benefit from when he win this in Concord in February. I think what'll happen, is that the trial will start on time, but before they finish, the Supremes will issue their order that'll halt the Feds from proceeding against these "victims" of federal aggressors as operating OUTside the law.  There might even be some kind of motion for an interlocutory appeal to the First Circuit to give it a chance to correct itself too, as per any denial of to answer the Findings of Facts and Rulings of Law. Either way, the more people there to pack the courtroom for Bob, the better! 

-- Joe


Joe, was there any indication that Valeri is now facing an indictment since Bob didn't cut his deal?


Quote from: richardr on December 08, 2007, 12:03 PM NHFT
Joe, was there any indication that Valeri is now facing an indictment since Bob didn't cut his deal?

None. BTW See Don Knotts in "The Shakiest Gun in the West" now airing on the http://www.amctv.com/ Channel 55 here.  We need somebody like him to set things right around here!  ;D a/k/a "The Incredible Mr. Limpet".  8)


We are putting some Liberty Dollar items on eBay to raise funds for the Browns, for the Liberty Dollar organization, and for my wife and me.  We've made a very neat collection out of the items, and they should become extremely collectible (they're already collectible, since the Liberty Dollar was raided).

We do have at least one lawyer for the Browns, who will begin by assisting the Browns with communications issues (no access to phones, not receiving letters, etc), and will go from there.  This is going to cost money.  We've used a bit of the Browns defense fund already by sending them money.  Electronically (using the credit card system) might be the best way to send them money.  Both Ed and Elaine could use money in their accounts.

Anyhow, if you'd like to help out some good causes and have a memorable keepsake to this whole mess, please consider bidding on some of the items.  A small number of the items will include Ed & Elaine memorabilia from their home as well.  Thank you :)



Quote from: SAK on December 08, 2007, 01:35 PM NHFT
We are putting some Liberty Dollar items on eBay to raise funds for the Browns, for the Liberty Dollar organization, and for my wife and me...

We do have at least one lawyer for the Browns, who will begin by assisting the Browns with communications issues (no access to phones, not receiving letters, etc), and will go from there.  This is going to cost money...


Shawn,  It's not only the "not receiving letters", but the ones sent out by Ed too, as I got three of them, dated Thu., Fri. + Wed., Nov. 15, 16 + 28 respectfully in yesterday's mail all at once, in three separate #10 envelopes postmarked Tue., Dec. 4th and with the First Class Liberty Bell stamp on each envelope.

It sounds like this attorney is working on getting Ed his procedural rights to due process of law straightened out first, and then go to fight the substantive later? like when he or she gets the details to then file whatever.

Here's the type of crap Ed had to deal with from that jerk-Clerk in Ohio in that their office sent him "The Habeas Corpus form that the court sent back is only if I am in state custody." (re: Ed's letter to me of 11/15). And: "The other form they sent AO 243: motion to vacate, set aside or correct a sentence(*) by a person in custody. - motion under 28 U.S.C. 2255 must be filed in the court that placed the sentence. - That would be Concord. - Unless I get an attorney nose to nose Elaine and I are screwed."

Ed goes on to write that he'd like "all info on filing a Petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court" and "all info to file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court." See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certiorari for this "rule of four" to accept the case, usually after it's been from the District and to and through the Circuit. But with both N.H. + MAss. as double-filing states in non-compliance to 1-8-17 U.S. Const. I doubt that he'll find any justice here.

Anyway he did send me in his Nov. 16th envelope, now 22 days old, as the Friday before Thanksgiving, a cover-letter for me to give to Clerk Starr in Concord.  The document being what might be a 3-page MOTION TO VACATE, SET ASIDE, OR CORRECT A SENTENCE(*) [as from the idea planted in his mind by the Ohio Clerk], but with only two pages enclosed, missing the middle page between the heading and his signature, the bottom of page #1 not matching with the continued sentence on page #3 from something else on page #2.

I like where he writes of (**)= "to see that proper due process is followed and clear jurisdiction is established" BEFORE he writes of it THEN being an "honorable court". From first reading it looks like he's calling THE court honorable, but no: that "the court bring us forth from the hell it has placed us in, in order to rectify a situation that the court itself escalated.  We pray the court will use its wisdom and its grace..." (**)

So, Clerk James R. Starr, here is a print-out of this Reply #___ here to go with my Mon., Dec. 10th cover letter from me to you too when I place into your hands or that one of the window clerk's this latest paperwork from Ed in which he asks that both he and Elaine "request a hearing" at which time I'd like to provide my testimony to what I did put into writing in my AFFIDAVIT of Tue., Feb. 6th and filed with this court on May 14th but returned to me by the Deputy Clerk Dan Lynch, since I was not a party to the case.

As you can see when you compare what the judge said to the jury at page 2 of the Transcript Excerpt of Jan. 17th in that "The courts have held the tax laws of this country to be constitutional" when they were not, as I did win in this very same court an Order of dismissal of the I.R.S. case #M.83-50-D against me the landlord,  with Chief Judge Shane Devine presiding with former Clerk then Magistrate Wm. Barry who found that Title 26 U.S. Code Sec. 61 (5) for Rents that are "direct" taxes by the Pollock v. Farmers case 158 US 601 @ 607 (1895) still on the books is unconstitutional because, according to "The Sixteenth Amendment conferred...indirect taxation...." Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103 @ 112 (1916). I ended up paying not one red cent from that $62,000 amount wanted by the I.R.S. through their Portsmouth officer Joe Stella, and Laconia Agent Frank Lungarelli.

Thus the jury in Ed's case was given erroneous information from the judge in which to base its decision of NOT to inquire into any other unlawful or illegal being of either the tax code or how applied, and so ought to result in a mis-trial!

Thank you, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059.

P.S. See also the photocopy of this cover letter from Ed to me, wherein it is written that "We really need a lawyer to be doing this with." And so maybe to hold off on this hearing until an Appearance be filed by some lawyer? I thought I'd at least get this action going, putting what I think that I can contribute to the cause into it, and so to please write to Ed & Elaine that it has been filed and awaiting the judge's decision to maybe write of WHEN both defendants would like that hearing?  BEFORE or AFTER the Appearance of some attorney.

footnote: To consider the factor of the conditions that he is under as he wrote in his letter to me of Nov. 16th: "Above continues each day - Below 60 degrees with chill factor every day.  I've lost 10 lbs. in the last month - down to 153 lbs and dropping. The food is bad.  I have a beard like Randy Weaver - His looks better.  My health is slowly failing.  Need to get out of here soon." Reference his now prior address in Ohio, him now in Oklahoma City, OK according to the BOP website for the next 3 weeks to 3 months on average some guard told one of Ed's friends who reported this to us here.

pc: Thomas P. Colantuono,
the United States Attorney


Here's the typing of Ed's letter to me of November 28th:

"Put this letter on internet                     Wed., Nov. 28, 2007 AD

Dear Joe:

--Fifty five days a P.O.W. and still kept in isolation with no real outside contact.  They know just how much damage they are doing to all of us.

--When you look at every so called charge you find that it's all illusion.

--Remember 'no victim - no crime.'  The reason for all the Hoopla by the Federal agencies is because they were told to 'Show the Law.' and they can't.  So they have to make everyone else look bad.

--Again remember the only injured parties are Danny - Jason - Bob - Reno and Edward and Elaine Brown. - Bill Miller.

--We have been tortured - beaten - sexually assaulted - isolations - deprivation robbed - Tazered - Pepper sprayed - Drugged - Poisoned - Shot at, and that's not all.

--Elaine and I will also help the other guys! over  [page 1 / page 2]

--Joe: all of our cases are interlocked.  They have to allow us to communicate.  They keep us separated because they know we would clean their clocks. In law they're afraid of us. We are the law. Ed.

--Good God!  and they prevent communication to acquire proper counsel.

--There's a 1 year deadline for the Brown case cr-00071-01-sm which is January.  I believe that's what the U.S. District Court is trying to do to the Brown case in Concord, N.H.

--This whole case should end for everyone based on the total and I mean total misconduct of the Brown case by Stephan McCauliff. Remember: he disallowed all motions - good motions - refused to discuss jurisdiction - conducted collusion. and more - etc.  Does nobody see this?  Elaine and I have our own funding in the property.  Can no one get a good lawyer to me?  You're right Joe, we should have been home for Thanksgiving.

-They won't let me do it from here.  We need one of you to get it started. Joe: what of James Dennehey/Salisbury, N.H.?

Edward Lewis clan Brown

my condition has not changed here - no help.  Ed."

Return address on the #10 envelope with the First Class Liberty Bell postage stamp, being:

NAME  Edward Lewis clan Brown
REG. # 03923-049
Federal Correctional Institution Elkton
P.O. Box 10
Lisbon, OH 44432

Dave Ridley