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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 25

Started by JosephSHaas, November 09, 2007, 11:15 AM NHFT

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keith in RI

this is scary. if they have him commited because hes crazy they can hold him indefinitely right? and they can medicate him as they see fit i think.....all because he wrote a well thought out well written letter to a fuck head judge?! what a waste of public resources being used to retaliate against someone!

Quote from: richardr on November 14, 2007, 09:08 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 13, 2007, 10:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on November 13, 2007, 02:36 PM NHFT
Joe, did Danny mention when his psych evaluation is going to take place?

I think you mean: Bill Miller? That was requested and the newspaper reported it, but that the judge didn't order it, but he landed up over there at the State Hospital anyway in Concord.

And so: no, if for Danny, is that some Order #___ in his file over at PACER? for what?  calling the judge Captain?  :icon_pirat:


The judge read Danny's latest filings and ordered a psych evaluation.

On October 26, 2007, the Court held a hearing on Defendant Daniel Riley's Attorney's Assented-To Motion to Withdraw and Defendant Riley's request to represent himself. As a result of Defendant Riley's responses to a number questions posed at the hearing and recent filings in his case (Docket Item No. 47), the Court is concerned that Defendant Riley may be suffering from a mental disease or defect rendering him mentally incompetent to stand trial. The Court is considering ordering that a competency examination be conducted of Defendant Riley. See 18 U.S.C. ยง 4241. Before ordering such examination, the Court would like the benefit of hearing the positions of the government and defense counsel on the issue whether an evaluation of Defendant Riley's competency is appropriate at this time. See Daniel Riley's letter dated October 29, 2007 (Docket Item No. 47). Accordingly, it is ORDERED that the government and defense counsel state their positions in writing to the Court on or before November 15, 2007.

George Z. Singal
Chief United States District Judge

Having read Danny's Filing #47, I can't really fault the judge.  Maybe Danny's defense plan is to look like he's crazy as a loon.

keith in RI

can someone explain to me what the karma thing is all about?


Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.

Hey!  I just received in today's mail the 9x12-inch envelope from: The U.S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, 8730 Scroggs Road, P. O. Box 89, Elkton, OH 44415 postmarked Nov. 8 '07 with $1.14 on the Pitney Bowes Meter #02-1A 0004202228, and initialed by RB, who did type their last name Bowen/ISO whatever that is on the 1-page form #BP-S328.058 CDFRM APR 94 [Replaces BP-328(58) of JAN 91] but that they forgot to add their "Written Signature of Legal Technician".  Do you think I ought to send it back to them for an autograph?  ::)

The form is dated: 11-07-2007 for "INMATE'S NAME: Brown REGISTER NUMBER: 03923-049" and with not a "(Check One) under "Material Returned" but a "x" next to: "You enclosed unauthorized material: _x_ Other - specify below:

So yes banana, or no banana? "The correspondence or letter has, however, been provided to the inmate with a copy of this notice." whatever that means? like maybe he looked at it, but then they mailed it back to me? "Specific Material Returned  Unauthorized legal material" *

* What they returned to me was:

(1) My 5-page Appeal of Merrimack Docket No. 07-C-147 of Haas v. Boscawen and CITIZENS BANK, to the Supremes # 2007-0717 regarding my RSA Ch. 80:60 over-payment to the Town and their offer or tender to me in something other than the Art. I, Sec. 10, U.S. Const. gold and silver coin, also in violation of the Coinage Act of 1792, sec. 20 of which includes courts! YES: courts, as in the Federal court! Hypocritical bastard judges, of the obnoxious type: highly offensive to the LAW! causing injury by their bastardization, or debasing their accounts to something LESS than the law requires, thus being: corrupt! And so as said before, to work on getting this "audit" of the court in Concord! Just because they return the copies doesn't make their shit smell good! It still rots!

(2) My Reply #6231 on page 416 of Wed., Oct. 17th @ about 1:00 p.m. about Judge Joseph DiClerico, Jr. [his ultimate recusal, as not taking any more cases, just civil cases.]

(3) My Reply #6238 on page 416 of Wed. Oct. 17th before the 9:27 AM print-out, so - 45 min. = about 8:30 AM for "Is Judge Joseph DiClerico a 'sociopath'* too?" re: that the end justifies the means!? with my six (6) questions, of: Do you admit: this and that, re: the "venue" from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to NH RSA 123:1 that does not exist! (*)

(4) My Reply #6239 on page 416 of Wed. Oct. 17th @ 9:47 AM See http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.6225 about what is a "kangaroo court" = sham, false and empty, as in to have a State Prison Shop worker make me a federal storage bin for the N.H. Secretary of State. ___ [P.S. Thanks for the reminder].

(5) My Reply #6245 on page 417 of 10/17 @ 1:32 - 45 min. = about 12:45 PM re: the addresses that Jason wanted me to send to him, like for http://www.makethestand.com/article100.html against FRNs too; plus: Bob Schulz, (see also Lynne Meredith) and The http://www.sportsmansguide.com/ also:

(6) The Lethal Force Institute.


(*) Hey!  Let's have Danny use that pscho-val to his advantage.  The medical doctor to agree that Danny is right, that the judge is a sociopath, thinking that they do not need the RSA Ch. 123:1 papers on file as their end, as in asshole smells good to them, and we're supposed to brown nose up to them!?  You have got to be shitting me!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 10, 2007, 12:32 PM NHFT
Quote from: coffeeseven on November 10, 2007, 11:35 AM NHFT


--I did just call to there at 815-964-9767 and the woman who answered the telephone said that this is a local newspaper, so because Ed is not within Illinois, they are not interested. Maybe an Ohio newspaper* might like to report the hearing(s) on his Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.  Like to have Ed conduct the first hearing, and after the newspaper story of him going at it alone, some attorney to the rescue for an appearance and win.

Thanks for the idea, -- Joe

* pc: Tim Yovich, the Crime Story editor for the http://www.vindy.com/ The "Vindicator" newspaper for Youngstown, Ohio where the Federal Court is located for Ed in Elkton.  The title reminds me of that bull in "The Rare Breed" western movie with James Stewart. yovich at vindy dot com thanks to Ohio Newspapers over at http://www.usnpl.com/ohnews.php [the other two newspapers for Youngstown being for: Afro-Americans, and The Business Journal.]

Update: Yesterday at about 5:00 p.m. I did call "The Vindicator" newspaper office in Youngstown, OHio at 330-747-1471 press 4 for News, then #1 for local, and I got to talk with Peter Milliken there (e-mail: Milliken at vindy dot com) who's going on a 2 1/2 week vacation, and at first thought to contact Ed Runyan, but then said Patricia/Patti Meade is in federal court more often, and so to write to her over at Meade at vindy dot com like to send her all the newspaper clippings* on the case as it unfolded up here he said, not knowing anything about this "Ed Brown anti I.R.S. case" I told him about "that the newspapers said he was hold-up at his 'bunker' and made the FOX-TV news nationwide."

* So Kat: maybe you could send her the current and back issues of The "Keene Free Press"? Plus Coffee, Keith and Al: maybe one of you could volunteer to also send her a "Freedom to Fascism" DVD? Or maybe divide and conquer? Peter's "vacation" is really for minor surgery he said to recuperate, and so he might have plenty of time to read and watch videos. And so that leaving Patti as the lead reporter, with her assistant: Ed Runyan? I'll send you their address in a re-type of my e-mail to Tim Yovich in a few minutes.

Peter asked what Ed's case #_________ is at the Federal Court in Youngstown, and I told him that I don't know yet, since I did mail the original I got from Ed certified mail to them, and that they returned it to Ed for more paperwork, and that I am also trying to get a local attorney to help him, plus I did mention Attorney Larry Becraft, as THE national expert on this single and double-filing state with his website covering all fifty (50) states in the union, and that when this case breaks it will most definitely make the NATIONAL news! He might be looking up Larry's website now of http://www.constitution.org/juris/1fj-ba.htm and who also helped my friend, F. Tupper Saussy, at http://www.tuppersaussy the publisher of "The Main Street Journal" [and: the book: "Miracle on Main Street"], and author (of other books too, including: "Rulers of Evil".)

Peter also told me that he has access to PACER, and likes the 8-cents per view and copy better than what they charge down there for the Feds at 50-cents per page [compared to only 20-cents up here in Concord, N.H.].

I'll copy the print-out of this reply to Ed so that he might like to write to Peter and/or Patti too who might also like to visit him in the F.C.I. for a more detailed story before he wins the Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, and get his comments on the courthouse steps of how it feels to be free again next month, on: December ____, his courthouse date at __:__ o'clock a.m./p.m. in courtroom #___ before Judge _________.

Yours truly, - - Joe



What's going on?  I just tried to print-out my pre-view copy for Ed, and at the 90% level, for page 2 got a double exposure, twice.

So I went to the actual page 440, and on the print preview found my Reply #6594 at 80% complete at page 7 of 8, and that copied fine.

Therefore no more print-preview copies?  Just that we have to copy from right off the page after we put it there?

Somebody said that they're sending Ed all of these pages, but that I got a few returned as noted above.  So what we write here is not considered like pages from the internet book, but legal correspondence, and because we're not lawyers, when the guards there read stuff and don't understand it, they think it's legal-eze and return it!?

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. This just printed fine at 100% for page 1 of 10.


Here's a re-type of my e-mail of 2:05 PM Saturday 11/10/07

"To: The Vindicator (newspaper)
107 Vindicator Square
Youngstown, Ohio 44503
Attn: Tim Yovich, Crime Story editor
yovich at vindy dot com

Hi Tim,

--This is to follow-up my search of Youngstown, Ohio newspapers over at http://www.usnpl.com/ohnews.php finding yours as THE best one of three listed for local news.

--For reference of HOW I got here, please see my Reply #6557 on page 438 over at http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.6555 that's in regards to the I.R.S. v. Ed Brown case, with ed now serving time at the Elkton F.C.I. in Ohio, and with an Habeas Corpus hearing on Dec.ember ___ in the Federal Court in Youngstown, case #____________ )yet to be assigned a number), in courtroom #__ @ __:_ o'clock a.m./p.m. that you might be interested in, because not only will he win after a declaration of mistrial, the merits of his case will have repercussions nationwide, and could help many a businessman and investor in your city.  I say the latter of an investor in the light of an apartment/business owner, because the I.R.S. tried to extract $62,000 from me and they lost! by their case #M.83-50-D against me.

--All the details of Ed's case ongoing, and what I did learn from my case now being applied to Ed's benefit too, and whoever might like to get informed to the truth of taxes, that I learned from both: Martin J. 'Red' Beckman's books, and that book by Otto Skinner; plus more than books, re: the internet and this case on-line of E.O.'s, T.O.'s and the CFR, etc. like the OMB#s too.

--So you can see, from like "The Man Who Knew Too Much", it sometimes takes a case to filter it down to the basic ingredients, or some like to say: the brass tacks, and with your help, more people in your neck of the woods can benefit and you profit thereby too.  Please click on my name over at The N.H. Underground for what I've just summarized, and what has, is, and will happen that I hope that you can report about for our mutually assured con-struction.

Best wishes, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

cc: The webmaster at vindy dot com to consider me as an 'Ask '?' The Expert' on I.R.S. taxes.  Thank you."


Kat Kanning

Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 15, 2007, 07:42 AM NHFT

What's going on?  I just tried to print-out my pre-view copy for Ed, and at the 90% level, for page 2 got a double exposure, twice.

So I went to the actual page 440, and on the print preview found my Reply #6594 at 80% complete at page 7 of 8, and that copied fine.

Therefore no more print-preview copies?  Just that we have to copy from right off the page after we put it there?

Somebody said that they're sending Ed all of these pages, but that I got a few returned as noted above.  So what we write here is not considered like pages from the internet book, but legal correspondence, and because we're not lawyers, when the guards there read stuff and don't understand it, they think it's legal-eze and return it!?

Yours truly, - - Joe

P.S. This just printed fine at 100% for page 1 of 10.

Um, if I understand you right, it sounds like an issue with your browser.  Maybe try restarting your computer.

keith in RI

joe maybe it was just one thing that was rejected and they refused the whole package? maybe the lethal force institute? what if you sent everything in its own envelope? then you would know which piece they werent allowing in right? more $$ for postage but....

Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 14, 2007, 09:54 PM NHFT
Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.

Hey!  I just received in today's mail the 9x12-inch envelope from: The U.S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution, 8730 Scroggs Road, P. O. Box 89, Elkton, OH 44415 postmarked Nov. 8 '07 with $1.14 on the Pitney Bowes Meter #02-1A 0004202228, and initialed by RB, who did type their last name Bowen/ISO whatever that is on the 1-page form #BP-S328.058 CDFRM APR 94 [Replaces BP-328(58) of JAN 91] but that they forgot to add their "Written Signature of Legal Technician".  Do you think I ought to send it back to them for an autograph?  ::)

The form is dated: 11-07-2007 for "INMATE'S NAME: Brown REGISTER NUMBER: 03923-049" and with not a "(Check One) under "Material Returned" but a "x" next to: "You enclosed unauthorized material: _x_ Other - specify below:

So yes banana, or no banana? "The correspondence or letter has, however, been provided to the inmate with a copy of this notice." whatever that means? like maybe he looked at it, but then they mailed it back to me? "Specific Material Returned  Unauthorized legal material" *

* What they returned to me was:

(1) My 5-page Appeal of Merrimack Docket No. 07-C-147 of Haas v. Boscawen and CITIZENS BANK, to the Supremes # 2007-0717 regarding my RSA Ch. 80:60 over-payment to the Town and their offer or tender to me in something other than the Art. I, Sec. 10, U.S. Const. gold and silver coin, also in violation of the Coinage Act of 1792, sec. 20 of which includes courts! YES: courts, as in the Federal court! Hypocritical bastard judges, of the obnoxious type: highly offensive to the LAW! causing injury by their bastardization, or debasing their accounts to something LESS than the law requires, thus being: corrupt! And so as said before, to work on getting this "audit" of the court in Concord! Just because they return the copies doesn't make their shit smell good! It still rots!

(2) My Reply #6231 on page 416 of Wed., Oct. 17th @ about 1:00 p.m. about Judge Joseph DiClerico, Jr. [his ultimate recusal, as not taking any more cases, just civil cases.]

(3) My Reply #6238 on page 416 of Wed. Oct. 17th before the 9:27 AM print-out, so - 45 min. = about 8:30 AM for "Is Judge Joseph DiClerico a 'sociopath'* too?" re: that the end justifies the means!? with my six (6) questions, of: Do you admit: this and that, re: the "venue" from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to NH RSA 123:1 that does not exist! (*)

(4) My Reply #6239 on page 416 of Wed. Oct. 17th @ 9:47 AM See http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.6225 about what is a "kangaroo court" = sham, false and empty, as in to have a State Prison Shop worker make me a federal storage bin for the N.H. Secretary of State. ___ [P.S. Thanks for the reminder].

(5) My Reply #6245 on page 417 of 10/17 @ 1:32 - 45 min. = about 12:45 PM re: the addresses that Jason wanted me to send to him, like for http://www.makethestand.com/article100.html against FRNs too; plus: Bob Schulz, (see also Lynne Meredith) and The http://www.sportsmansguide.com/ also:

(6) The Lethal Force Institute.


(*) Hey!  Let's have Danny use that pscho-val to his advantage.  The medical doctor to agree that Danny is right, that the judge is a sociopath, thinking that they do not need the RSA Ch. 123:1 papers on file as their end, as in asshole smells good to them, and we're supposed to brown nose up to them!?  You have got to be shitting me!

keith in RI

* So Kat: maybe you could send her the current and back issues of The "Keene Free Press"? Plus Coffee, Keith and Al: maybe one of you could volunteer to also send her a "Freedom to Fascism" DVD? Or maybe divide and conquer? Peter's "vacation" is really for minor surgery he said to recuperate, and so he might have plenty of time to read and watch videos. And so that leaving Patti as the lead reporter, with her assistant: Ed Runyan? I'll send you their address in a re-type of my e-mail to Tim Yovich in a few minutes.

joe just give me a list of names and addresses and they will be in the mail today. i am going there in a little bit (post office) to mail my copies to all six (plus extras for guards to share with a letter to whom it may concern saying as much) freedom fighters. just tell me who. we have hundreds of copies left i think. my friend al bought 1000 copies a while back.

keith in RI

joe i got pacer access two weeks ago also. it doesnt cost anything to sign up online and you dont need a credit card either. its .08 cents per page but there is no charge till the billing reaches 10.00 dollars. (per page charge includes search pages tough) which they then bill you for through the mail. you sign up online and they send you a password through us postal mail. then you can access it till you reach ten dollars / or pay the bill below that amount. anyone can get access. we all should any doc's needed we can just share printing them out when we reach 10 dollars switch....lol

Peter also told me that he has access to PACER, and likes the 8-cents per view and copy better than what they charge down there for the Feds at 50-cents per page [compared to only 20-cents up here in Concord, N.H.].


Open Letter

To: Daniel I. St.Hillaire,
Merrimack County Attorney
4 Court Street
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 228-0529

Dear Dan:

--This is to follow-up my telephone call to your office of just a few minutes ago, when your receptionist directed me to leave a voice mail for you, that I did, and now put it in writing too, to drop off at your office later today as promised.

1.) Progress Report please: on my Official Complaint #__________ against Judge McAuliffe for RSA Ch. ____ Unlawful Simulation of Legal Process of the bench warrant directed against Ed Brown, that was in violation of 1-8-17 U.S. Const. and there being NO paperwork on file by RSA Ch. 123:1 to the N.H. Office of Secretary of State, as required by our state's offer to the Feds on June 14, 1883, but that for whatever reason, they declined, and so with NO jurisdictional venue within this state! THE website of interest being that of http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm thanks "very" much to Attorney Larry Becraft as THE expert on this subject of single and double-filing states.  The states of Ohio and Conn. to where Ed + Elaine have been sent, being single filing states to tell N.H. by an Habeas Corpus proceeding to: Wise up, and file not only with the Registry of Deeds but with the proper governmental unit, that being the Secretary of State too for MAss. where the First Circuit Court of Appeals is located in Boston, and outlaws too.  But Vermont and Maine are single-filing states and by Motions for Discovery leading to Motions to Dismiss I expect the four Freedom Keepers to win their cases too on procedural grounds with no need to get into the merits of their cases. BTW for Florida, it's a double filing to the governor's office, and that I couldn't locate the proof for them either.

2. Now please also see RSA Ch. 642:1 over at http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/642/642-1.htm for "Obstructing Government Administration"; Section III dealing with this "simulated legal process"

(a) that I think was added to the Chapter Law 168:1 of 2003 effective Jan. 1, 2004 because of the Andy Tempelman "Common Law Court" stuff I read in the Minutes of this/these House +/or Senate hearings on this HB or SB#_____ a few years ago; +

(b) that I think Rep. Lars Christiansen from Hudson is working on investigating the I.R.S. Notice of Liens, as not really a "lien", but that the Registrars of Deeds are treating as such, and recording illegally. To do an experiment in the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds in Concord, by finding out WHO has $_______ Notice of Liens filed there against them, to contact, and see what they might want to do about this, what might be called the equivalent of a Notice of Lis Pendens?  Or in other words: to warn people and companies of that they might not want to deal with such filee's who MIGHT owe $x amount of dollars IF ever the "tax" were ever declared a "debt" due, since by the very definition of a tax, in its essential characteristics is NOT a debt, according to that New Jersey case in BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 5th edition, (c)1979 @ page 1307.  The filee's might want to sue for wrongful "Attachment" because an attachment is a taking, as in the equity or borrowing power of the filee stolen from them!

3.  See RSA Ch. 642:1 again, but for Section 1 in that: "A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if that person...engages in any other unlawful conduct with a purpose to hinder or interfere with a public servant, as defined in RSA 640:2,II, performing or purporting to perform an official function...."  Thus aren't the Feds, without the lawful authority from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to NH RSA Ch. 123:1, guilty of interfering with the Plainfield public officials in Ed's case, because Ed paid for this Article 12 protection FROM outlaw federal agents by the PAYment of his property taxes? Or does the fact that after Bernie went to the Town Selectmen this Summer for Ed, the town is NOT performing THE official function of PROTECTION since they REFUSED to protect!? Can they do this negativity!?  Aren't they under a duty to protect, since the protection money was paid? Bernie said that if you don't protect, you ought to return the property tax money paid! And what of the latest bill? Are they going to say that because it wasn't pre-paid that the Browns were not deserving of such protection?  That's a bunch of crap, since people pay later with interest and still get the fire protection, etc. to pre-vent the flames from spreading to others, or is it just the others they worry about!? What happened to Ed & Elaine's "equal rights"!? Maybe a good attorney can help Ed file a Federal RICO action against the Town but WHEN the Feds finally Wise Up to the N.H. statute! Or sue the Town in County Court.  Not just the Town of Plainfield in Sullivan County in Newport, but Lebanon in Grafton County Superior Court in North Haverhill, N.H. too for Elaine's dental office building seized first and with an attempt or TRY to forfeit that whoever they try to dupe will be a Manceptor under a sale with all faults who takes the instrument of quitclaim deed (not Warranty), in their hand for better or "worse"! in effect paying the Brown's taxes for them, and the bidder getting nothing but an education in taxes at his/her/their $expense!  >:D

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059.

P.S. Check out the check #________ from the Feds for $6,500 to the Town of Plainfield, N.H. too that they accepted for un-restricted use, that I presume was put into the General Fund? I think they thought this was for $compensation for having to have the police patrol by the 401 Center of Town Road property more? But WHO really put the spotlight on that?  The Feds! So them paying some damages up front, but that they are still at fault! Just because they pay six thousand, five hundred dollars of what, doesn't make what they did right!  They merely offset their added costs for what they did was wrong!


Quote from: keith in RI on November 15, 2007, 08:54 AM NHFT

joe just give me a list of names and addresses and they will be in the mail today. i am going there in a little bit (post office) to mail my copies to all six (plus extras for guards to share with a letter to whom it may concern saying as much) freedom fighters. just tell me who. we have hundreds of copies left i think. my friend al bought 1000 copies a while back.


If you can send four (or five*) copies in one mail pouch to "The Vindicator", maybe one of them, at least, will take a special interest in covering Ed's Habeas Corpus hearing.

The names are, Attention:
1. Peter Milliken
2. Patricia Meade
3. Ed Runyon
4. Tim Yovich
5*. other: ________

The Address is:

The Vindicator
107 Vindicator Square
Youngstown, Ohio 44503

I just called to there and pressed 4 for News, then #1 for local, but only got a recording, and left a message for Patti to expect a C.D. in the mail from you about major film producer Aaron Russou, the friend of Hollywood's Kris Kristofersan, and to please cover the Ed Brown hearing soon, plus that Kat would send her some back issues of the KFP, and for me to get back to her, so as not to swamp her with too much information up front, as what might have happened to Tim by reading all this stuff?  ;)

Best wishes, -- Joe


Update: on my $50.00 bill + paperwork sent by Insured mail to Ed Brown on Sept. 27th for his legal defense just a few days BEFORE the Thu., Oct. 4th arrest, that IF it had reached him, he might have hired the right attorney, like Larry Becraft, to ward off these unlawful and illegal feds! And so yet another factor to win him an habeas corpus for a violation of "procedural due process of law"?  The Postal Service I paid this extra $x.xx for special delivery, but which service I did not get, and so consider that stolen, and maybe to file an action against the Concord Post Office in Concord District Court for theft! The $x.xx times seven for when you catch a thief you charge him sevenfold the $amount stolen, by Proverbs 6:30-31 as this formula is put into Public Law 97-280, 96 Statute 1211 of October 4, 1982= the Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond.  It annotated in our N.H. RSA Ch. _____ Criminal Code for Restitution, citing the State v. Flemming case of the 1980s, to another two cases, the last citing "Blackstone's Commentaries" to the Bible.

I just got a call yesterday from Kathy Royal, the N.H. Postal Inspector, that the envelope (as unopened?) will be available for me to pick up from Bill Abbott, the Concord, N.H. Postmaster after 12:00 o'clock high noon today. She said that I have to show I.D. and sign for it of course, BUT not with any waiver of rights to sue!  In fact a copy of this print-out to staple to whatever they have me sign since this is a SERIOUS matter! since both Ed & Elaine have had their freedom stolen from them! I've told Kathy or Cathy, having never received anything in writing from her, for the correct spelling of her name, that I requested a hearing on this 1-8-17 U.S. Const. and NH RSA Ch. 123:1 issue, as AGAINST the U.S. Marshals who told them to HALT the mail, but withOUT any grant of such there, and so for THEM to face the music in state court as thieves!!!!!!! Yes, -- to even pay MORE for the $___ filing fee in Small Claims Court because the principle is worth MORE than the theft of service, but really more now that I think of it, the enveloped insured for $100.00 and so x 7 = seven hundred dollars of lawful money! as by the Section 20 of the Coinage Act of 1792!  8) minus its return, and so the net amount due of six times the amount after I get it back this afternoon as planned before they close at 6:00 p.m. tonight, after sundown.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059.

keith in RI

joe the dvds are going in the mail today. i am putting them all in the same envelope addressed to c/o: all the names is that what you want or should i send them seperately addressed to each one individually? im thinking putting in one envelope and writing the names of each person on the outside sleeve? with an extra for anyone?
i have also been in contact with someone for several months who lives in ohio about 45 minutes from the prison. she received her first letter from ed today, he is requesting help finding an attorney in ohio for the habeous?!  she is willing and eager to help but not having a clue what to do or where to start. i told her i would get  in touch with you and maybe put you guys in touch with each other. i told her maybe at the minimum she could help in delivering paperwork to lawyers so there is no waiting for mail? she is young but very eager to jump in. if you want her contact info email me and ill send it to you. she is also trying to get on eds visitation list (at my urging) i told her it might be good if the guards know he has regular visitors so they know not to beat on him for fear of it getting out.

thirdly and off topic it seems like the liberty dollar story is true. the website has been updated with the legal documents and story. if you look at the search warrant it says very specifically they want the information on the regional currency officers and associates! they are going hunting! if you know any of these people i would warn them to get ready for search warrants to be served on them!