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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 27

Started by Kat Kanning, February 26, 2008, 06:24 PM NHFT

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Quote from: keith in RI on April 09, 2008, 07:29 PM NHFT
... they will be back tommorow to deliberate more i believe....

And so when they report back to the court of not guilty for Reno, who is going to be the judge?  Since this Judge Singal wants to be deaf and blind to the truth (re: treating the certificate of non-filing as like a cross to a vampire), I think God Almighty is going to give him his wish tonight @ __:__ o'clock a.m. and he's going to wake up to a real nightmare!  >:D

Sort of like when the Pharaoh in "The Ten Commandments" decreed that all the first-born of the Hebrews die, it was God through Moses that let the curse backfire.

So let the backfire in this case begin what might be a permanent condition festering from withIN his body, if he doesn't wise up!

- - Amen, Joe



Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on April 10, 2008, 12:32 AM NHFT
;) true true my friend


Thanks to Reno's case, the jury gets to re-visit courtroom #4.

My banishment therefrom today could result in another "Point of Order" tomorrow, but not from me with a 2-dimensional paper with the autograph of Wm. Gardner, the Secretary of State.

While watching the UFO Hunters on the http://www.history.com Channel 58 here tonight on "Rods", that got me thinking, or that I've skipped a beat from this "Flatland" paper to God in the 4th dimension, and so would you believe I called Bill Gardner at his house tonight and he will be there tomorrow to ask for a "Point of Order" as the state officer? wow!

Now dare this Judge Singal give an order to the Marshals to throw out a State Official!?

That's what our VOCALS, Inc. group was good at. Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System, with three State Representatives to the General Court.

It's too bad that these federal public servant judges treat us, the masters with dis-respect, but tip their hat to their brother public servants.

Yours truly, -- Joe

Modification: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gardner



So Singal ordered the jury to deliberate to 10:00 p.m.?

I went up to see Bill Miller at the State Hospital.

When I drove back down Pleasant Street by the Federal Building, they had the place all lit up like the Taj Mahal! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taj_Mahal


Here's a re-type:

"To Susan M. Bateman, CSR, CRR, Official Court Reporter, USDC - 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, (603) 225-1453

Dear Susan:

--This is to follow up my getting your card, thank you, per my verbal request yesterday afternoon at about 4:30 o'clock p.m. to you up there from me over in the Public bench section of the courtroom #4, by relay of it from Jason's attorney.

--Now would you please tell me how much it would cost: $______ for a transcript excerpt of this incident of from when Joyce did say: All rise for the jury, but then changed that to judge, and the judge's words to the effect of: are we ready for the jury? directed to the counsel, and my saying then: "point of order", and whatever happened in any talks that occurred from then to when Joyce would have announced : all rise for the jury, the second time.

--From my perspective this was an orchestrated event that had been planned from the beginning from my papers to Deputy Clerk Dan Lynch who SAID he did not and can not share them with the judge, as prevented by local rule #____, but possibly the Marshals, or maybe they just got the advance warning of this from my internet postings.

--There was a huddle of the Marshals over by the west door on your side of the courtroom, my last name heard by me, and two of them planted to the west side and in back of me, plus Brenda telling Margot sitting next to me in the isle seat, something like that there would be an incident, and to please move out when the push goes to shove of them getting me out of the courtroom fast, so that there be no verbal answer from the judge to my 'Point of Order'.  Him merely standing there without objection.

--Beware of the talking 'arm of the court', or in other words: proof of that we have a puppet government where the executive goons act on impulse, rather than take orders from the judge.  Decorum in the courtroom, one Marshal told me he thought that it was dis-respectful to wear the hat, as before the judge, me actually reading that parliamentary procedure they use over there in England from what I did get from the wikipedia website off the internet.

--I told them all that I was going to be assertive but polite (like to await a verbal answer).  Instead I get this bullshit re-action not from the judge, but these goons! Plus my statement to David Bownes, following his question to me of: you're going to be quiet, right? with my answer as just stated, plus adding therein too, to him and the others, of that those who do not exercise their rights lose them.  Proof being here of this Ninth Amendment right having already been pre-stolen!  A transcript excerpt therefrom to back this up.  And so whatever it costs, please transcribe and notify me of when I can pay and pick it up.

Thank you, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).


Thank you Margot, for reporting about Reno's outbursts of: jury nullification, and: ________.  Are you going to find out what that "second statement" was?

Plus you wrote of: "out of turn"!?  You have got to be shitting me! Nobody who is ever a member, as my being a member of the public, can ever be OUT OF ORDER, when a "Point of Order" claim is announced.

The proper way of dealing with such is to address the issue with a ruling and if I didn't like it, then to appeal to the assembly, and in this case the assembly of the jury.

But instead of me going back for strike #2 in what looks to be a two strikes and you're out game here, my plan is to add others to back up the N.H. Secretary of State when he makes this point of order, maybe sometime this afternoon, and with two State Troopers by his side!!

I'm serious!  This federal court bullshit has got to stop!  Maybe the governor now to exercise his Art. 41 powers to enforce this legislative mandate of the "shall" word in RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, or for us to assert more Article 10 revolution tactics.

Yours truly, - Joe


Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 10, 2008, 01:03 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on April 10, 2008, 12:32 AM NHFT

would you believe I called Bill Gardner at his house tonight and he will be there tomorrow to ask for a "Point of Order" as the state officer? wow!

Now dare this Judge Singal give an order to the Marshals to throw out a State Official!? ...

Modification: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gardner

Update:  Bill can't make it today, and neither is his Deputy Doug Scanlon around, (he was supposed to be according to Diane, but probably "chickened out" at the last minute, according to Paula, so where is Senior Deputy Bob Ambrose?) and thus their office told me earlier this morning that Assistant Attorney General Jim Kennedy works for them, and to give him a call at 271-3658 ext. 5, but his line is busy, so to pay him a visit before noon.

What's to go on is him to be with two State Troopers out of Troop D over on 139 Iron Works Road, behind the Park & Drive at Exit 2 off of Clinton Street to I-89, as assigned from the "Detail Desk" of Kelly Westgate, direct dial 271-6298 who I did just speak with, to get the paperwork and troopers ready for him sometime this afternoon.

Thus when Attorney Kennedy asserts this "Point of Order" with two State Troopers by his side, then the judge WILL take notice and issue his ruling in writing!

Yours truly, Joe

P.S. A copy of this going over to Gov. John H. Lynch, for delegation of this Art. 41 assignment down the Art. 49 chain-of-command to the Secretary of State, to enforce all legislative mandates including the "shall" word in R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution.

note: Where's "John Chancellor" when we need him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Chancellor Dare any newspaper reporter, as an "investigative reporter" take this ONE STEP BEYOND, to call a "Point of Order" too? Read what got John Chancellor "in custody" back at the 1964 Republican National Convention in the paragraph under the "Early Years", that led up to the NBC Nightly News Anchor job, and him THE man who invented the political "color scheme" for the elections we have today.

footnote #2.  Is WMUR TV - Channel 9 going to do a report on this tonight?  Are they going to do a FOX-type hatchet job? See http://bravenewfilms.org/blog/13249-fox-attacks-goddamn-sally-field [ 40 second video].

Modification: 3658 typo.


Update to my call finally getting through to Jim Kennedy's voice mail of my question to him of: Who's in charge? today over at the Secretary of State's Office?  I'm serious.  Paula saying in effect they are on "auto pilot",  ;) and so what next? I asked Kaley if Bob was around, and Paula said no. But is he on stand-by?  Can he be called in? 

Technically the A.G. gives an opinion to the Secretary in the Executive Branch for action, but then again we're dealing with the court, and so maybe Kennedy might like to call this Point of Order?

To put my request in writing and signed before noontime for a "prompt" answer sometime this afternoon, and maybe for them to digest overnight as for the jury deliberations on Reno's case to go into extra innings for tomorrow too, on Friday.

Yours truly, - Joe

P.S. Telephone # to the S of S being: 271-3242, and Troop D direct dial = 271-3333; Fax: 225-2375.

Modification: typo for Troop D Fax.


Brittany for the governor at 271-2121 said that he's at an event today, and so can't be bothered with his Art. 41 duty request by me, and to leave a message for Colin, his Lt. Governor or whatever, that I did that he get back to me ASAP.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 09, 2008, 04:50 PM NHFT
News Flash:

...Gary saying NO to a return even after I had told him that I've made my point and promised to remain quiet to listen.  He said no, and so in effect calling me a liar, me pointing to the ground and saying this is where we part the friendly chit chat.  He said if I started headed south to the courtroom he'd have to tackle me and charge me with assault. So I left and did double-take in the swinging doors, the gate-keepers saying to stop playing games! ....

*typo correction for ground, with the letter r, sorry, I was in a rush since only given 1/2 hour on the public library computer yesterday afternoon.

Plus Gary: I did just listen to your 7:30 p.m. message to my phone just now, of you adding in some "line" word to the ground above, and wanting a more detailed explanation of what I meant by saying this yesterday. Like what? that line not to cross, or else? Did the judge really give an order like Margot reported about?  Or did your goons go berserk? And if an order for that day, me trying to get a transcript excerpt of it, and so not applicable to today, right? Did the judge put any such verbal order in writing?  I'll be down there to check in with the clerk later today.

In the meantime you might find that definition #8c of the word ground at page 315 of "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" of interest, (c)1973 of: "A large conducting body, such as the earth, used as a return for electric currents and as an arbitrary zero of potential."  >:D  I'll leave you to question what this means, as possibly applicable to this case.

See you later, -- "The Riddler"  8)


just got word from Reno ANOTHER HUNG JURY.... JUDGE DECLARED A MISTRIAL..... more info to come when Reno calls back 

found guilty on two counts hung jury on the rest, judge called for mistrial, but David Bownes was not available to comment as what this means due to a family emergancy.
thank you everyone.
donna vanmeter


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on April 10, 2008, 01:06 PM NHFT
just got word from Reno ANOTHER HUNG JURY.... JUDGE DECLARED A MISTRIAL..... more info to come when Reno calls back 

More like a mis-carriage of justice, against all three defendants!!!

If he gets re-tried (rather than let out), then to subpoena "That Darn Cat" as in tippy toed Bill Gardner skipping out of town down to Manchester today to see the Opening Game of the Fisher Cats baseball team.  His niece works down there, but Bill: business before pleasure, and especially when three defendants are roasting on the federal fire.  Get with it! will you? Come on.  Volunteer to get over there and do that Point of Order with two State Troopers by your side.  Then this common denominator can backfire to help Danny and Jason when it comes time for sentencing.

The sentence: zero time because the court is OUT OF ORDER!  >:D


BTW Here's what I got back from Susan Bateman: "Dear Mr. Haas:  As I was standing for the jury at the commencement of the proceedings about which you inquire, the transcript does not include the introductory announcement by the courtroom clerk nor your comments from the gallery to the judge."  The peanut gallery?!  :happy1: This court is unbelievable!  What a joke!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 05, 2008, 08:33 AM NHFT
Yesterday morning at about 8:10 o'clock a.m. the greeting by them three boys to me was: Joe: what's your date of birth? Well, I've had enough of this bullshit of public servants asking me questions!  My question to them was: Did David Ridley ever come back to assert to the n'th degree his rights?  They said: no, but failed to indicate to me of Lauren's incident.  So I took a "stand" or should I saw "walk" as I did through the metal detector and was halted by one of them as I did start to walk the stairs to the right/ west of the goddess.l He took a stand by walking past me to block my path, and when he said to go "over there" he must have pointed, but all I heard was his voice, and so I walked "over there" to the other stairs to sit down and "wait" for the Marshals.  Three of them came down the stairs and asked what's up? My reply of that "What's down? being me, and I'm walking up these stairs to courtroom #4. And so as I did so, two of them grabbed me, one to each arm and almost picked me up, started pushing me out the door.  I did ask for their names and dared they arrest me for trespass.* They failed to answer and so I told them I was going to the police to report them for simple assault. The supervisor of the other two was that guard of between us and the jury in the courtroom.  So J.J.: your comment of decorum IN the courtroom (paragraph #1 of your Day 10) might be so, but not so when OUTside there!

2. Simple Assault

At the Concord Police Dept. Officer W. Carroll took my written complaint, ....

Gary**: Who were these two goons (and their supervisor) who assaulted me last Friday morning?  Please send me their names because my attorney would like to file a civil action for a violation of my rights to "peaceabl(e)...assembl(y)" that is supposed to be a guarantee by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution & Bill of Rights, and that your boss Monier took an oath to honor;  Stephen Robert Monier, the U.S. Marshal from Goffstown, and his employees.

The prevention of me: a member of the public, from attending this, what was supposed to be, a "public trial", (me not allowed in until 8:45 a.m. by Gary DiMartino**= 15 minutes after it started at 8:30 a.m. and withOUT having to show a state I.D.) is PROOF of the government being OUT OF ORDER! and if this was a giant pinball machine, any such tilt, as in this tilting of me AWAY from courtroom #4, should have resulted in a mis-trial right THEN and THERE, game over: machine shut down, and so this trial too! and not this mistrial way down the road for Reno only and AFTER Danny and Jason had the verdicts read* against them.

The verdicts read* AFTER the judge, ...

...his dis-honorable Maine Judge George Z. Singal, who was in violation of the U.S. Code back to those Portland pre-trial meetings against Title 18, Section 3232, for being required by the "shall" word to occur in the jurisdiction of where the crime was supposed to have taken place, ...

...REFUSED to rule on my "Point of Order", since he did NOT give a counter-order to have me removed from the courtroom on this past Wed., April 9th @ about 4:30 p.m. but that your (other?) two goons did immediately, within #__ seconds started pushing me out of the courtroom! on some pre-arranged agenda by them surrounding me, side and back, plus Brenda telling Margo ahead of time to please move WHEN this event occurs for an easy exit.

This is yet another violation of my rights! The First Amendment right to "freedom of speech" as is supposed to be another guarantee by the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution, backed up by the Ninth Amendment to assert same to the chair or seat of government, meaning the judge withIN the court for any adverse ruling supposed to be appealable from from him to the assembly of jury, failing which, then this after-the-fact report to my Congressman Paul Hodes for an investigation of this judge for a bill of Impeachment, and this civil action for damages also to my rights to "Free Speech" withIN this state, as supposed to be a guarantee by Article 22 of the N.H. Constitution too, Part First & Bill of Rights for the purpose of "security of freedom in a state", thus with it being violated, there being no "inviolably preserved" status but instead it taken away! and so theft of such that is inestimable, per the Libertad definition in "Black's Law Dictionary".

Thus with the Article 20 guarantee of a jury trial for all controversies equal to or over $1500, my lawsuit will be for at least $1,501 plus expenses, like for service upon your boss and these two or more agents of his, by the Merrimack County Sheriff, Scott Hilliard.  To try to file this lawsuit by next Monday, April 14th  to get it started with the original, plus two copies of both the service and return copy, that an attorney can amend and enter his/her appearance to prosecute, leaving an Article 14 "prompt" action on either of the two days of next Thursday or Friday April 17th or 18th to serve withIN the time frame to allow at least 15 days before the Appearance required by the first Tuesday of May 6th and answer within thirty (30) days thereafter, and so by Thu., June 5th.

Yours truly, - Joe Haas

P.S. First Draft of the lawsuit with the who, what, when, where, why and how, to follow...