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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 27

Started by Kat Kanning, February 26, 2008, 06:24 PM NHFT

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1.) I did just call Ray Burton*, and left a voice mail on his answering machine at his house @ 747-3662, as THE expert at events, plus then did immediately call:

2.) The governor's office @ 271-2121 speaking with Britany, the receptionist, for to please transfer me over to Lindsey, the scheduling secretary for Gov. Lynch, and got to talk with Colin, the Special Assistant to the governor. 

He said to put my request in writing, that I said I'd do by a photocopy of this Reply #7268 print-out above, and this cover-letter to please have Lindsey coordinate all these people officially to be there as planned. Him saying the governor is very busy, and so my reply of: O.K., at least one official from his office or state agency like maybe the N.H. Fish & Game Dept. for keeping this land open to hunters.

I told Colin that I'll deliver this paperwork to him later today, and so to await what this office can do to coordinate all these local, county, and state officials to be there for this Art. 41 event.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

* I did also invite Ray down to Murphy's Tap Room in Manchester for to meet with the Free-Staters and David Ridley of The http://www.ridleyreport.com to buy him a drink and talk about this event, plus to drop by anytime when he's in the area. And Ray: if you're reading this now: I update such offer with a free meal too, as in that expression: there's no such thing as a free lunch.  :icon_pirat: Best wishes to all, and even the Marshal Monier, who gets this free education.  ;D


Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter of exactly 11:30 a.m. today;

Re: Illegal posting, Plainfield, N.H.
From: Joseph S. Haas ( josephshaas at hotmail dot com )
To: director at wildlife dot nh dot gov
Cc: reg4 at wildlife dot nh dot gov ; and all five Executive Councilors

"To: The N.H. Fish & Game Dept., 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, N.H. 03301, 603: 271-3511* http://wildlife.state.nh.us/Inside_FandG/contact_fish_and_game.htm

Dear Acting Executive Director Donald S. Clarke:

--This is to follow-up my telephone call to you of a few minutes ago.

--Please read my Replies #7268 + 7269 over at:
just posted today @ exactly: 9:33 and 10:00 o'clock a.m.

--In summary, there's an illegal (in violation of RSA Ch. 635:4) posting of NO TRESPASSING signs by the federal government, to wit: The U.S. Marshal's Office (Stephen Robert Monier, of Goffstown), at the end of the driveway to the Trust- owned land in Plainfield, to where Ed & Elaine Brown have their corporate hats.

--As an expert in corporations, 'No Brag, Just Fact' as Walter Brennan, the actor from Marshfield, MAss. used to say on 'The Guns of Will Sonnet' back in the 1970s on his TV series, who won a quitclaim deed from The Town of Ashland, N.H. for their illegal tax sale back in 1984-88, this 'seizure' (look that word up in your dictionary) is by force alright, but what type of force?  By force of law, or as a militator using force as evidence!?  By the latter, since the evidence is against the Feds for having failed to file the proper paperwork by RSA Ch. 123:1 with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State.

--My signed gold-sealed certificate of non-filing outweighs in evidence, the mere verbal say-so's of the Feds.  A certificate the judge in the Ed Brown supporters' case REFUSED to allow the jury to weigh in as evidence to me marked as an Exhibit (attempted as letter Z by Dan Riley's attorney) over the verbal testimony that I consider a travesty of justice, a mis-carriage of justice, and that ought to get that judge George Z. Singal from Portland, Maine impeached! (as also in violation of 18 USC 3232 of all proceedings supposed to be conducted withIN this state!) Here in N.H. we're supposed to have 'complete' legal remedies by Article 14 of the N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights!

--My presumption is that the perimeter of the property is posted too, or is it?  If it is, then would you please see to it that these illegal signs be removed from there too, so as to allow hunters to go in there without fear of reprisals.  Plus also designate an officer from your department who can be there at such an official take-down day and time, as a planned media event, and with the other state, county and local plus federal officials too as I've indicated in my replies.

Thank you 'very' much, in advance for what will be the right course of action to take to 'correct' this situation.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone). The 'point of order' man in last Thursday's http://www.concordmonitor.com

pc: Region 4 (Southwest N.H.), 15 Ash Brook Court, Keene, NH 03431, 603: 352-9669 fax 603: 352-8798; see also http://wildlife.state.nh.us/Law_Enforcement/index.htm for Lt. John E. Whitmore @ 25 State Highweay 9 in Keene @ 352-9669.  And the Executive Councilors.


Question:  Since when can a rule over-ride a statute?

Case in Point: McAuliffe declares an "Emergency" exists to call in an out-of-state judge to handle the case #07-cr-189, but then that judge Geo. Z. Singal of Portland, Maine is too lazy to report for duty.  Instead he holds the pre-trial hearings [and schedules the Monday, July 14th pre-trial toward the Fri., Aug. 1st New Moon Sentencing in New Hampshire] in Portland [too!?]. That's against the law! Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232 to be exact, as found by Danny, and inserted into the case by him, but the judge saying in effect: I don't give a shit! The law reads that: all proceedings "shall" as the must/mandatory requirement be held in the district for where the alleged crime was supposed to have taken place.

And then that Mary Beth Walz, District Director for Fed. Rep. Paul W. Hodes @ 18 No. Main St., Concord, N.H. 03301, Tel. 223-9814 http://hodes.house.gov/Concord_Office.shtml saying that they don't get involved when the shit comes down of hits the fan, but only after it has solidified into manure.

Well, I did call for her to deal with this manure now, and guess what? She did an anti- "Dirty Jobs" Discovery Channel exit away from being like the female "Mike Rowe" here in New Hampshire.  ;D She's taken off.  Her last day on the job was last Friday.

So Jane, the Acting Director, said that she'd look into this when I can get her the paperwork.  Therefore Keith: can you send me the PACER documents that show documents no. __ of exact days, showing that vouchers have been issued and paid to the attorneys for attending these illegal hearings over in Portland?  Upon receipt she'll add up the $______ total, and send bills for reversal to the attorneys to please return this money to the paymaster who sent them out, so that our tax-payer money is not spent on illegal activities!  >:D

I'll give you all a progress report, like for when these attorneys fork-it-over, and maybe volunteer for a public flogging.  :icon_pirat: or to put their heads into the stocks in front of the Rudman building, and invite Warren B. himself to throw the first pitch. The first pitch of the tomato marked with a sticker that reads something like: shame on you!



Hey Margo: a/k/a "scoop"

Ben & Jerry's has a scoop for you on Free Ice Cream Cone day, exactly two (2) weeks from today, Tuesday, April 29th '08 @ from noon to 8:00 p.m.

Check it out over at http://www.benjerry.com/scoop_shops/

Unfortunately for Concord, N.H. the closest shop is: Manchester (on Elm +/or at the Airport).

Good luck, -- Joe


Wake up and go to sleep!

                             :glasses7:              :tent:          :snake:                                 


keith in RI

elaine brown is back at her prison in danbury ct. all letters can now get resent to her. i also received a phone call last night from someone who is friends with a cell mate of eds. she said she was asked to tell me that "everything is NOT ok with ed" she said it seemed serious... but she knew nothing else. she told me she would call me back if she heard anything else. if anyone believes in god please pray for ed.



Edward-Lewis: Brown
P.O. Box 420
Fairton, N.J. 08320


My call to there a few minutes ago got me to Ms. Tyler who gave me the times to visit of any day, except Tuesday and Wednesday, from 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (no time limit) and then transferred me over to Ed's counselor Clem Freeman, at extension #4121.

His machine was on to take voice mail, and so: (1) I asked if he'd please give me a call or write to me by e-mail to verify if I've been approved, as having sent in that double- signed form #___ months ago, but never got any official reply back directly to me by either phone nor in writing. And (2) since this is a "correctional" facility, I told him that section (5) of the Internal Revenue Code was declared unconstitutional in my 1983 case #M.83-50-D of the I.R.S. against me, that I won, and put into an affidavit, and gave to the Clerk's Office for Ed, but that the Deputy Clerk returned to me as not a proper party in the case, so for Ed to incorporate this into his Motion for a Mistrial by the 1 yr. = April 24th deadline, next Thursday, since McAuliffe told the jury erroneous information that all the tax code was constitutional, that it is not, [see transcript excerpt] ought to result in a mistrial, for re-trial and done right with an attorney the next time, [like to get rid of those ridiculous "structuring" charges for when Ed finally paid off his mortgage with such P.O. Money Orders instead of having a checking account, and then the Postmaster General in N.H. becoming suspicious of WHY he stopped buying them, was because he paid it off!].

BTW, Did the State of New Hampshire, Dept. of Revenue Administration, who subordinated itself to the Feds, in violation of RSA 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. ever get their cut (__%) = $________ from the auctions of the vehicles in Mass. and gold coins/ bars in Nashua? To call them at 271-_____ right now for an Art. 8 + 14 accounting.

So when Ed & Elaine's case is re-tried, to get down to the brass tacks here, that they can never "correct" through this F.C.I. as I've yet to be told that Ed or Elaine has/have taken a class or course of such that offsets the truth that the phrase of "to lay and collect" in the 16th Amendment must or shall go down the impose* rather than apply** route from the very definition of the word "lay", and even if the former, WHERE is that section 2 enforcement clause, like the surrounding Amendments?  It does NOT exist.  The Enforcement clause #18 in Article I, Section 8 only applies to those "foregoing Powers"!

What a mess!  No wonder an attorney told me once that he doesn't do re-hab after-the-fact, but new construction only.

-* impose = to collect, to levy
** apply: request.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Open Letter to The Commissioner, G. Philip Blatsos*

State of New Hampshire
Dept. of Revenue Administration
45 Chennel Drive
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 271-2318
* 603: 271-1302

Dear Commissioner:

--This is to follow up my phone call of just a few minutes ago at 9:31 o'clock a.m. to be exact to your main # getting Patti, who said to leave a voice mail for your secretary, ___________ that I did to please give me an Article 8 + 14 [N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights] prompt accounting to: when and where you did receive $______ by who, and how of your cut or share @ __% of the proceeds from both I.R.S. auctions for: (1) the vehicles in MAss., and (2) the gold bars and coins in Nashua, N.H. this past February of over two months ago now, in the case of: Ed & Elaine Brown of Plainfield, N.H.

--Personally I think that the State of New Hampshire government agents have gone berserk as in not having yanked her license to operate as a dentist (in Lebanon), by the civil route, rather than for your department to subordinate itself to under the federal government that has yet to fully comply with N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 in the criminal route.  Shame on that Licensing Agency of: ____________________ to get a copy of this too, and you!

--Anyway, this claim for information, to sign and deliver to your office by me later this morning to start the 5-day ticking time under our RSA Ch. 91-A Right to Know, and so for an answer please by next Wednesday, April 23rd @ __:_ o'clock a.m./p.m. as the ultimate deadline.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).


Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 16, 2008, 08:47 AM NHFT
... Shame on that Licensing Agency of: ____________________ ....

...for not even having a mechanism to deal with their "dishonesty" definition under the "Moral turpitude" Rule #101.18 over at http://www.nh.gov/dental/

The New Hampshire Board of Dental Examiners*
2 Industrial Park Drive
Concord, NH 03301-8520
(603) 271-4561
Public Member: _________________

Check it out: there is nothing in either Rule 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 other than THE definition.

So a dentist can be dishonest, as in lacking honesty, by cheating or stealing, as like a charge from the Dept. of Revenue by complaint to them* that this dentist is not paying their corporation taxes, and there is nothing the Dental Board can do about yanking their license if they don't pay their taxes.

Unbelievable but true!

So WHY didn't the Dept. of Revenue sue Elaine civilly for the taxes it says she owed?  WHY subordinate itself illegally under the feds in violation of RSA 123:1?  Isn't the collection of $_______ from the I.R.S. receiving of stolen property?


P.S. I'd like to see the State of New Hampshire collect its corporation taxes, but in a lawful and legal manner.  This bullshit of signing agreements with federal agents who have not first checked in with our N.H. Secretary of State has got to stop! To find out how much time and money has been spent by them in trying to collect this tax, I do hereby write this follow-up RSA 91-A to:

Robin A. Paveglio, Taxpayer Advocate
Dept. of Revenue
45 Channel Drive
Concord, N.H. 03301
(603) 271-2191

Would you please summarize for me of how much $________ it cost in #___ man-hours trying to collect the tax of: $________ from Elaine Brown's Dental practice in Lebanon, N.H. for all of the pre, during and post trial in federal court.

Such as: (1)  #___ hours put in by Pierre Boisvert, Director and his staff (including ASST. DIRECTOR Leanne Jackson) in the "COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT" at 271-3701 ;

and (2) #____ hours put in by both REVENUE COUNSEL: John F. Hayes, Esq. (603) 271-2318; and ASSISTANT REVENUE COUNSEL: Michael E. Williams, Esq. at (603) 271-2318;

plus for the hours at what cost of $_____ per hour for each of the above.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059


Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 16, 2008, 09:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on April 16, 2008, 08:47 AM NHFT
Public Member: _________________ *

* note: The Public Member of the Dental Board is: The Honorable Vivian DeMaris of: ____________, who was a State Representative to the General Court 19__ to 200__, but who is ill, and should not be contacted.

Arlene, the Receptionist told me that the licensee is held to the Rules of the ADA by RSA Ch. 317-A:17, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXX/317-A/317-A-17.htm and section II(j) in particular for also knowingly or willfully violating any federal, state or local law.

And so the question again of: WHY didn't the Dept. of Revenue Administration file a complaint to here for her to either pay up her corporation taxes, or have her license revoked?!



Mission: Accomplished.

Blatsos and the Taxpayer Advocate served by me at about 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. At the Dept. of Revenue Administration.  Clock now ticking for them to answer within five (5) business days by RSA 91-A.


P.S. Plus the courtesy copy to the Dental Board delivered just before then.

PPS And before that the F&G got their copy of my request to tear down those illegal signs!  >:D


Another #10 envelope of stuff was mailed to: E+E + 4 this afternoon.

When I get the Return of Service on the Writ copy I'll likewise copy that and send it along too, as for Monier to answer by June 5th that is about 2 weeks BEFORE Reno's pre-trial (and illegal by 18 USC 3232) hearing in Portland @ 2:30 p.m., then Jury Selection 6/18 @ 9:30 a.m., to evidence on 6/23 @ 8:30 a.m. Thanks Keith.

-- Joe


Who is this Judge Howard? 

And WHY is he allowing disbursements out of the court's $money account to pay for these illegal* hearings in Portland, Maine?

* 18 USC 3232 requires that all proceedings shall be held within the jurisdictional territory.