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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 28

Started by JosephSHaas, May 03, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT

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You're welcome.


Reference my Civil Case #08-C-175 of Joseph S. Haas v. Stephen R. Monier, U.S. Marshal and Gary DiMartino, Chief Deputy Marshal in Merrimack County Superior Court, Concord, N.H.

1.) Past tense: on Thursday, May 1st @ 3:55 p.m. when I delivered my letter for the Clerk Bill McGraw to the Window Clerk ______ and asked to see the file Trisha presented it and when I referred her over to the letter sitting "over there" by the day/time stamper she SAID that she'd make sure that he'd get it, me saying: "prompt"ly please by Article 14, N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights, since I saw only to Document #3 in the INDEX and wanted to make sure that no Certificate to the Feds be sent* out, BUT:

2.) Current tense: my filing of 5/1 was ignored, and never put into the file. And even when found and put there it will be OUT OF ORDER! as you can read below from my re-type for Documents #1-6.  Notice the #6 5/2/08 filing BEFORE my 5/1 letter on the SAME day that they did receive Documents #4+5. And so like Number Two used to say to Patrick McGoohan as "The Prisoner": [ see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061287/ and "The Chimes of Big Ben" intro over at http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D14eUKogPF7s ] "You are Number Six", my plan is to have this file amended to: "You are Number Six" to me and not to this Certificate #6 bullshit!

1. 4/16/08 - Unserved Writ of Summons by Joseph Haas Ret.Date 5/6/08
2. 4/23/08 Return of Service, Writ of Summons RE: Gary DiMartino
3. 4/23/08 Return of Service, Writ of Summons RE: STEPHEN R. Monier
4. 5/1/08 - Notice of Removal of Civil Action
5. 5/1/08 - Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal of Civil Action
6. 5/2/08 - copy - Clerk's Certificate

Note: There is no cover letter to the Feds of this Certificate that I presume was sent by mail to them yesterday, but maybe put on hold by the Clerk NOT putting a stamp on that envelope NOT mailed.  When I found out that they had not complied with my Article 8 instruction to be sure to Art. 14 file my 5/1 letter "prompt"ly, the Clerk must have heard my arguments to the other Window Clerk through the glass, and decided to do a sneak attack, in approaching me from the behind of an: in your face type of guy, me continuing on my talk of being a property taxpayer in this county and so NOT charging, BUT giving the Feds these papers for FREE!? withOUT the $5.00 certification fee too!? me then saying to Bill, about six inches from his face of: who the hell do you think pays your salary!? Him very stern looking, and saying: get out of here, get out of this building now! with about 4-5 bailiffs surrounding me, one woman bailiff telling me earlier to quiet down when it was about 3:57 p.m. (three minutes before closing) and there were no other "customers" until a couple showed up at about 3:59 p.m. and so me having to raise my voice again to offset their talking to another Window Clerk to the right/east portal in the window, it escalating to as I've just explained.

Bottom line: A "STATEMENT OF:" incident was filed by me with the Concord Police Dept. at 4:47 p.m. with Detective J. Pitta who said that he'd have the County Attorney look into this. A re-type of the copy of CERTIFICATE* and STATEMENT** to follow. To report back Monday to the court to see IF my letter is filed as #7 BEFORE maybe a #8 of the cover letter and marked: CANCELED, otherwise what has taken place is an honor to the Feds of some "professional courtesy"(?) undeserving as they have FAILed to comply with our statute, but that this clerk gives away this case to them!?  I consider that THEFT, and so in that case WILL ask him to return the filing fee and Sheriff's costs to me for throwing my case out the window to nothingness, as Danny's case has been sitting there collecting dust for two months now!! "THEM" in a cover-up mode to their NON-Filing. To take the Clerk to the Concord District Court in a Small Claims case #_______ if I have to, with cc: to his boss: Judge Robert Lynn, Administrative head of the Superior Courts on the Heights, for maybe some internal disciplinary action too like to get a reply like to either return the money to the seventh degree as theft, somehow ASK the Feds for the papers back, continue on with the case anyway, or get the ultimate resolution of: YOU'RE FIRED! so that it doesn't happen to anybody else in the future!


Here's a re-type of the CERTIFICATE that was mailed(?) to the Feds yesterday at: __:__ o'clock p.m. AFTER(?) this incident:

"              - - - - -       THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE       - - - - -
                                           SUPERIOR COURT
MERRIMACK, SS                                                                   TERM 19xx 2008

--I, WILLIAM S. McGRAW, Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of New Hampshire for the County of Merrimack, the same being a court of record* having a seal, do hereby certify that I am the lawful custodian of the seal, files, records and proceedings of said Court, and also of the files and records of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Court of Common Pleas, the Superior Court of Judicature, the Circuit Court and the Supreme Court, heretofore existing in said State and that I am by law the proper person to make and certify copies thereof.  And I further certify that

annexed hereto is a full* and true* copy of the docket sheet, writ of summons and all* other pleadings filed in the matter of Civil No. 08-C-175, entitled 'Joseph S. Haas v. Stephen R. Monier, U.S. Marshal and Gary DiMartino, Chief Deputy Marshal', entered into the Merrimack County Superior Court on April 16, 2008, and which has* been removed to the United States District Court for the State of New Hampshire,



--In Testimony Whereof, I, in my official capacity, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 2nd day of May A.D. 19xx 2008.

- - - - - - - - - - /s/ William S. McGraw Clerk.
William S. McGraw



* notice that this is supposed to be "a court of record", but withOUT the record-ing of my 5/1/08 letter, so this certificate is false (not true) for presenting what is NOT the full, and "complete" by Art. 14 standards of the file, as not "all" or everything has been certified! Thus this case has* not been (past tense) removed, UNTIL the certificate be filed with the Feds and under a properly constituted "and" effective U.S. Code, and that certificate has to be true, that it is not, and so this case remains at the county level for to proceed onto a jury trial for damages!


Who the hell is Trisha, and where did she come from?

Trisha: [by phone call of April 17th @ 1:08 p.m.] The return day is a little too early; you've got to come into the office to change it;

Haas: you've got to be shitting me! I already got the Writ, filled in the return day, and presented it to the Sheriff for service.  The contract* of 4/16 has already been signed and delivered with acceptance of: yes, we can deliver right away to be within the 15 days prior to the Return Day. And then I get this crap from the Merrimack County Superior Court.  Something sure smells fishy here!

Probable/ behind the scenes call(s) from the Feds to McGraw: Billy boy, this is the Chief, hey bud, you remember that federal check #_______ for $___________ that we gave to your judicial conference on that State-Federal relations briefing? Well now we're calling in our chips.  You've got to halt Haas from speeding things up against us, we need time to fry his buddies.  Can you have new recruit there Trisha do her stuff? Thanks, - Gary.

McGraw: Hey Chief, Haas is ignoring us, what should we do now?

Gary DiMartino: It's in the works: when you get the Removal papers from our attorney, ignore any protest letter from Haas, certify the file as complete and send it over.

Now here's what Dan St. Hillaire, the County Attorney ought to do:

Dan: Officer Pitta, thank you for the paperwork from Haas.  We've looked into the File #08-C-175 and checked the date/ time stamps, and he's correct: the Clerk's office did monkey with his 5/1 filing by hiding it from the certificate, and them filing if AFTER the 5/2 certification.  I'm still investigating whether that certificate went out or not.  I'll get back to you on this, but anyway it looks like curtains for Trisha for: "Tampering with Public Records", RSA Ch. _______ (the other one from 641:7) and maybe "Official Oppression" R.S.A. Chapter 643:1 against McGraw.

modification: * contract, with the letter: r.


I just noticed someone has been smiting Joe Haas. I don't know why, but it's childish.

If you don't like Joe's style, then don't read what he posts. I don't read most of it, myself. But I do respect the effort he puts into contributing, and that deserves applause.

So, +1 to Joe.


whoever is smitting Joe Haas should be ashamed of themselves! Joe Haas is awesome and I thank him for all he does... there should be songs written about this legendary man! Keep on rockin Joe, nobody kicks ass like you do!


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT
Okay Folks Jim Hobbs aka Old Buck is MIA... he had called Terry Melton this morning leaving a panicked voice mail at 8:15 am and 11:36 am asking for Terry to call him back. for those whom dont know the Secret Service has taken up an intrest in Jim recently for going into the wrong hanger while doing some contract work and walking into a hanger where the Presidents helicopter happened to be at, according to Jim he was able to walk right up to it within feet and the Marines did nothing to keep him from doing so without barking a single word to him about it. Well he was questioned by the SS boys yesterday and was concerned he would be taken into custody. Well he isnt answering any of his calls or text messages sent to him this morning up through this evening. If anyone can get intouch with him please do so and let us know he is alright or to get in contact with either WTPRN videographer Terry Melton or Donna VanMeter.
Thank you
donna vanmeter

This sounds like a set-up to me. Donna, as I did write to you earlier, a similar incident occurred when I was walking the dog too near the jury van according to Deputy U.S. Marshal Gene ________, the colored officer who hangs around the courtroom pretending to me by "buddy" as I commented once in court, or him like a horsefly to shit is what he's probably thinking of. The shit being that RSA 123:1 non-filing garbage "they" say, but can they PROVE their papers were filed? No! So they are the liars deserving the boot, as in to be booted out of office.  He came up to me yelling and screaming of: WHAT were YOU doing OVER THERE!? I think that he was trying to get me ticked off to take a swing at him, or go into some nervous defensive stands that did NOT occur, as I was merely crossing the driveway from south to north on the PUBLIC sidewalk that day to see if the verdict had come down yet, or should I say up from ground floor WHERE the jury was meeting on the other side of the one-way viewing glass? 

Like I wrote to you at the earliest of two e-mails, maybe this was a good omen, because the Secret Service investigates counterfeits and maybe the counterfeit Feds in New Hampshire withOUT this 123:1 filing!  8) 

So in other words, there's an invisible perimeter around the President's Helicopter that if you cross it you automatically get drawn into questioning? If I were Jim, I'd be looking at my watch and then their faces, straight into their eyes and on the top of every minute say: well that's another $10.00 you owe me, x 60 minutes an hour = my $600/hr. fee for being forced to watch the Keystone Cops in action.

Good luck Jim. (As the man used to say on that "Mission: Impossible" tape on the recorder that would explode after he was given his assignment).  :icon_pirat:

Your truly, - - Joe

P.S. It sounds like if these SS agents don't let him go, and soon, that they're deserving of that bullet up the ass too. See my Reply #_____ as in not a lead bullet, but one of those suppository bullets because they're full of shit, and need an enema real bad. I remember what Gene and Brenda said with Gary that day of BEFORE I explained what TYPE of bullet Monier needed.  They said they wanted to talk TO me, and so I went into their "interrogation" room, but that it was mostly questions to me, as in to talk WITH me.  In the future I'll tell them to go do their homework.  Read the Constitution with your dictionary and tell me what they think of the phrase of "to lay and collect" means. THEN they can TRY to assert the no-enforcement clause too in the 16th Amendment.  Them really liars of "Law Enforcement" now having to rely on the Secret Service to do their dirty work for them? Scumbags!

footnote: Did you see Jess Ventura on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" last night with Sally Field?  Jess the former governor of Minnesota, and wrestler-turned surf rider now in South America on book tour exposing this Bush-Clinton monarchy, as if to say that the American public are too stupid to wake up to the truth (as outlined in the FTF videos). Too bad Bush doesn't clean up his own mess, as in the Tom Colantuno-crap, before his SS goons start harassing one of their mechanics.  So Charles Bronson "The Mechanic" time?  >:D


he just called, he is fine. I guess we tend to panic and be overprotective when our fellow patriots and friends are harrassed by Big Brother!

Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 03, 2008, 07:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT
Okay Folks Jim Hobbs aka Old Buck is MIA... he had called Terry Melton this morning leaving a panicked voice mail at 8:15 am and 11:36 am asking for Terry to call him back. for those whom dont know the Secret Service has taken up an intrest in Jim recently for going into the wrong hanger while doing some contract work and walking into a hanger where the Presidents helicopter happened to be at, according to Jim he was able to walk right up to it within feet and the Marines did nothing to keep him from doing so without barking a single word to him about it. Well he was questioned by the SS boys yesterday and was concerned he would be taken into custody. Well he isnt answering any of his calls or text messages sent to him this morning up through this evening. If anyone can get intouch with him please do so and let us know he is alright or to get in contact with either WTPRN videographer Terry Melton or Donna VanMeter.
Thank you
donna vanmeter

This sounds like a set-up to me. Donna, as I did write to you earlier, a similar incident occurred when I was walking the dog too near the jury van according to Deputy U.S. Marshal Gene ________, the colored officer who hangs around the courtroom pretending to me by "buddy" as I commented once in court, or him like a horsefly to shit is what he's probably thinking of. The shit being that RSA 123:1 non-filing garbage "they" say, but can they PROVE their papers were filed? No! So they are the liars deserving the boot, as in to be booted out of office.  He came up to me yelling and screaming of: WHAT were YOU doing OVER THERE!? I think that he was trying to get me ticked off to take a swing at him, or go into some nervous defensive stands that did NOT occur, as I was merely crossing the driveway from south to north on the PUBLIC sidewalk that day to see if the verdict had come down yet, or should I say up from ground floor WHERE the jury was meeting on the other side of the one-way viewing glass? 

Like I wrote to you at the earliest of two e-mails, maybe this was a good omen, because the Secret Service investigates counterfeits and maybe the counterfeit Feds in New Hampshire withOUT this 123:1 filing!  8) 

So in other words, there's an invisible perimeter around the President's Helicopter that if you cross it you automatically get drawn into questioning? If I were Jim, I'd be looking at my watch and then their faces, straight into their eyes and on the top of every minute say: well that's another $10.00 you owe me, x 60 minutes an hour = my $600/hr. fee for being forced to watch the Keystone Cops in action.

Good luck Jim. (As the man used to say on that "Mission: Impossible" tape on the recorder that would explode after he was given his assignment).  :icon_pirat:

Your truly, - - Joe

P.S. It sounds like if these SS agents don't let him go, and soon, that they're deserving of that bullet up the ass too. See my Reply #_____ as in not a lead bullet, but one of those suppository bullets because they're full of shit, and need an enema real bad. I remember what Gene and Brenda said with Gary that day of BEFORE I explained what TYPE of bullet Monier needed.  They said they wanted to talk TO me, and so I went into their "interrogation" room, but that it was mostly questions to me, as in to talk WITH me.  In the future I'll tell them to go do their homework.  Read the Constitution with your dictionary and tell me what they think of the phrase of "to lay and collect" means. THEN they can TRY to assert the no-enforcement clause too in the 16th Amendment.  Them really liars of "Law Enforcement" now having to rely on the Secret Service to do their dirty work for them? Scumbags!

footnote: Did you see Jess Ventura on Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" last night with Sally Field?  Jess the former governor of Minnesota, and wrestler-turned surf rider now in South America on book tour exposing this Bush-Clinton monarchy, as if to say that the American public are too stupid to wake up to the truth (as outlined in the FTF videos). Too bad Bush doesn't clean up his own mess, as in the Tom Colantuno-crap, before his SS goons start harassing one of their mechanics.  So Charles Bronson "The Mechanic" time?  >:D


Thanks Donna.  And maybe we shouldn't be calling the Feds "Big Brother", but more to like that octopus with its tentacles everywhere.  Bush the brains of this creature, but somewhere warped or mis-firing sometimes (like David Letterman films and airs for his Late Show every night).  The Secret Service maybe hearing an earful from Jim, so much so that they WILL investigate this counterfeit problem we have up here in the Plantation of New Hampshire. - Joe

Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on May 03, 2008, 07:37 PM NHFT
he just called, he is fine. I guess we tend to panic and be overprotective when our fellow patriots and friends are harrassed by Big Brother!


A visit with Danny then Jason yesterday:

1.) Shame on you Federal prosecutors! You gave only a part of the e-mail(s) between Reno and Danny of them writing about trying to reach a peaceful solution to this I.R.S. mess, and then lied to the court that the entire e-mails were given over to each of the four then defendants!!!!

2.) Jason told me last week that he'd like some books on wilderness survival, and so I did visit the local Baldface Bookstore in Dover and found a few, buying them, keeping the hardcover ones, and only allowed to drop off the paperback one to him, plus two more yesterday of another one plus a mountain climbing* one too, that I copied at STAPLES a few pages therefrom and then gave to the C.O. for the relay.  Jason reads them and then they go into the inmate library for the others.

* Plus in reference to this mountain climbing, did you see Charles Osgood's CBS-TV "Sunday Morning" today?  One of his guest segments was about Wendy Booker, over at http://www.wendybooker.net/ click on her videos link to a 4 minute video of her being interviewed by Boston's Liz Walker about having run the Boston Marathon too. http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=FNIFJlFKPtY&rel=1&eurl=http%3A//www.wendybooker.net/images.html&iurl=http%3A//izytimg.com/vi/FNIFJlFKPtY/default.jpg&t=OEgcToPDskK70w9GyY4gqREsdGuwjD4c to be exact.




Quote from: KBCraig on May 03, 2008, 04:55 PM NHFT
I just noticed someone has been smiting Joe Haas. I don't know why, but it's childish.

If you don't like Joe's style, then don't read what he posts. I don't read most of it, myself. But I do respect the effort he puts into contributing, and that deserves applause.

So, +1 to Joe.

Thanks KB, but like kola said I think, it's the Feds too, so in a way an honor to be in the negative for pissing them off so much.  >:D them thinking that it will make me give up? As in the roar of the crowd type of thing v.s. that other expression of doing your own thing to the beat of a different drummer. As Gov. Benson, the multi-millionaire/ half a billionaire said: you've got to think OUTside the box.  The box being this Rudman building but not being told to look how beautiful that goddess is: The goddess of justice, that I say is a goddess of in-justice and so ugly as sin, but to look not at what was made, (present tense) but by WHO, and HOW? (past tense), with the blueprints, and WHERE are they now? (The G.S.A./ General Services Administration) with copy not delivered over to the Office of the Secretary of State as required by the law*! Where is "the deliverer"?

In fact one time they made a comment or question at that interrogation room setting after Ed & Elaine had been arrested I think, of: haven't you noticed that all of "your" friends have abandoned you, as by just looking how many people now visit the NHUnderground, evil I.R.S. section, AFTER the arrest are LESS than before.

Maybe it's because those government agents with those ID cards somebody said were on the prowl for Ed & Elaine BEFORE the arrest were sneaking peaks here, plus what they call "Fair Weather Friends" who give up when you're sucked into the system, or black hole of government. Us fighting on the fringe, or event-horizon, or like being brink men, to the brink, in brinkmanship. Sometimes you've got to get up to their face and bark orders for who is in charge and why, plus remind them of the rules of the game, because the wimps in Congress are not good referees to impeach these bastards, and the President and Senators who confirmed them, say in effect when they go haywire, that we don't give a shit, let them run roughshod and amok over their victims, we've got plenty of money in the Treasury to offset any corruption, but that they're too stupid to file a claim for breach of contract in the U.S. Court of Claims. Me gathering as much evidence as I can here in N.H. before that filing and to use this Fall in their re-election, what for? Did they (Hodes, Shea-Porter, Sununu or Gregg) do anything about this? Like my latest to them of these illegal payments for transports over to Portland, Maine in violation of 18USC3232 for that ALL proceedings shall be had in the jurisdictional territory for where the crime is alleged to have occurred. Sununu at least saying the Federal AOC ought to have these blueprints, but WHY not the copies filed by RSA 123:1? with N.H. He stops halfway and sits on the fence drinking lukewarm water. Gregg, a bankster, not wanting to tip the apple-cart of that a federal check ought to be paid by a National bank, according to The Coinage Act of 1792.  And Shea-Porter still looking into getting that certificate of non-receipt from The Federal Archives on Trapello Road, Waltham, MAss.  And now Hodes, an attorney in a cover-up to his brothers of the bar?  So like Jack Garner had with his $100,000 full-page ad in the N.Y. Times a couple of decades ago that made him $millions, and then he retired to let them such taxes out of him until the day he dies a $100,000-aire, "Vote the Hypocritical Rascals Out" to which I add to stop their paychecks now! for not doing their job.  Where do you take Constitutional Officers rather than employees to the Personnel Dept.? for to account.  So to have them/the Congressmen work to an accounting of this latest violation of 18USC3232 within their own system, and then the rest will follow, right?

So like John Paul Jones said: I've yet begun to fight! when the British said he ought to surrender, and like in the Borg against Picard or when he was turned into one of them in that "Star Trek: The Next Generation" sci-fi TV series of: "Resistance is futile".  In which case I say: Ignorance of the law* is no excuse!

* N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution.

...no excuse for criminal "and" civil actions, and that phrase of: the alternative of force is the right to sue and defend in the courts, and so when the courts are corrupt, then here in N.H. we have the right and duty to revolt against such corruption, and they/the judges say we canNOT use that defense in our criminal cases?  To that I say bullshit! Woe worth the day and to you attorneys who twist the truth,  Wise up! before it is too late. Viva the Revolution.  Remember the Alamo! The Second Amendment is still on the books!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 05, 2008, 09:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on May 03, 2008, 04:55 PM NHFT

... And Shea-Porter still looking into getting that certificate of non-receipt from The Federal Archives on Trapello Road, Waltham, MAss....

Update: Shea-Porter's Washington Officer Bill answered the phone at 1-202-225-5456 a few minutes ago when I did call from her website information to such over at http://shea-porter.house.gov/ and after I wished him a Happy "Cinco de Mayo" with maybe a beer after work this afternoon, he asked if he could put me on hold to talk with his Supervisor when I did ask him for a monthly* Progress Report to this certificate of non-receipt at the Federal Archives on Trapello Road in Waltham, MAss. in that they do NOT have such receipt from 1883 and N.H. RSA 123:1 as required for "Consent" first by 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution BEFORE their U.S. Code can be operative withIN our state.

He said that it's "a work in progress", and so my second question to him was and still is, using the gerbil wheel of the run-around to nowhere, as an analogy, and slow at that, (I guess them needing not to celebrate with a beer, but needing some coffee or Energy drink, undeserving of that 4:00 o'clock tea of a job well done today) that: of WHEN? and his answer of: I don't know; with my reply of then I'll call back tomorrow for what will be a daily* Progress Report Requested until done.  ;D

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

P.S. On the endorsement requests to Gregg(*)then Hodes(**), to have the SJC sub-committee of the House Judiciary to look into this violation of 18USC3232 by illegal travel payments to Portland, Maine I'll give them about a week from my presenting them with the latest paperwork on this to each of their Concord, N.H. receptionists last Friday afternoon at about 4:40 + 4:50 p.m., May 2nd respectfully, and so to pay them another visit this Thursday May 8th for the almost weekly "Progress Report" and then to get into that daily routine with them too, not giving them that monthly allotment as I did with Shea-Porter. And since they're right in Concord, the actual visits to their offices rather than telephone calls, or maybe both, on alternate days.  :icon_pirat:


-(*) http://gregg.senate.gov/public/

(**) http://hodes.house.gov/

(***) http://sununu.senate.gov/ to call right now to say: thanks again for that letter of: ____ __, 2007 but that the Federal A.O.C. replied back that they have no such certificate of receipt of RSA 123:1 filing, and so to have ____________ in his/Sununu's office call Ms. Tarlton at the GSA Office in Boston, [General Services Administration] who has the original paperwork printout(?) of my e-mail to her of: _____ __, 2008 requesting that she find out WHO has these blueprints and WHY the copy thereof has not been filed with the oath of that officer: ___________ with our N.H. Secretary of State as required by RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution.  Her reply then was some post nine eleven excuse, but this statute having been on the books since June 14, 1883.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 05, 2008, 10:17 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 05, 2008, 09:35 AM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on May 03, 2008, 04:55 PM NHFT

Update: ...

(**) http://hodes.house.gov/

(***) http://sununu.senate.gov/  ....

Update: good news.

1.) I did leave two voice mails and sent an e-mail to the woman in charge at Sununu's office in regards to: (a) maybe helping Shea-Porter get that certificate of non-receipt at Federal Archives in Mass. +/or (b) getting the GSA agent to do their N..H. RSA Ch. 123:1 job from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.; +

2.) Jane for Fed. Rep. Hodes just told me on the telephone (after the relay from Jennifer the receptionist) is having a telephone conference call with the Washington "Chief of Staff" later this afternoon to get that endorsement of my complaint to the SJC Sub-committee of the House Judiciary Committee to look into the illegal payments out of the courts (First Circuit, Judge Howard's authorization over to McAuliffe in Concord) for these illegal pre-trial hearings over in Portland, Maine by Chief Judge Geo. Z. Singal as against Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232. Sen Gregg probably getting a cc: of such from them for his endorsement too. With verification in letter form to be mailed to me today, that I can re-type for here later this week.

Yours truly, - Joe Haas


I gotta agree with KB in regards to people who smite Joe Haas. Its total bullshit. If someone has a prob with Joe, confront him.
