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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 28

Started by JosephSHaas, May 03, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT

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Do you know what is happening with Sonny, the man recently taken off the Brown's property?


Yes, when I last talked with Bernie on Thursday he told me that he's been moved to the S.H.U. / Special Housing Unit at the N.H. State Prison in Concord.

My friend's son, Tom Emanuel (Laconia Selectman) was there for bi-polar* disorder a few years ago, and his father and I tried to visit him one night, but the guard in the back tower where you go to check in said that we have to be placed on his visiting list with SSN, DOB, background check, etc.

So if anybody would like to see Sonne or "Son of Man" as he spoke into my recorder phone from Sullivan County Jail in an attempted collect call, I presume the reason being for his call as to follow-up my e-mail to the British Embassy, then you might send him this info and he can put you down as one of his visitors.

In the meantime I'll copy the reply I got from the Embassy and forward it onto Sonne. It says they are still working on my request for them to help him.

Yours truly, - Joe

P.S. Has anybody checked to see who that other person was who got arrested as the second trespasser? My friend in Coos County, re: that real estate deal I mentioned here of a Deputy Marshal having called him to ask about all my phone calls to him, said that he heard about the second trespass, but nothing more than on the scanner or something.  Did it ever make the local VALLEY NEWS, weekly police blotter? ________

* I think this is the diagnosis for Bill Miller too: to pump him so full of drugs that he'll be a zombie in court, that BTW who had(?) his June 30th hearing for start of trial on: ____________? I haven't heard from his mother Marie in quite some time. Bill at the State Hospital in Concord where I see my former attorney sometimes for lunch there in the cafeteria: Gerard Boyle, the new judge of The Concord District Court, a military man who finally straightened out the place to synchronize the clocks as I told one judge: you're late!   >:D


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 07, 2008, 12:18 PM NHFT

...My friend in Coos County, re: that real estate deal I mentioned here of a Deputy Marshal having called him ....

That's only the tip of the iceberg.  Tomorrow in Lancaster, N.H. in the Small Claims court, if anybody's interested and in the area way up there north of Littleton, there's the case of "Miss Piggy" v.s. "Ironside", or in other words that fat-so DEA agent who was on the scene at the Brown's property v.s. Mr. Wheelchair.  Case #_______ set for __:__ am/pm. More lies from yet another thief in the bunch no doubt, with sparks flying in court that ought to land on her broom needing the bailiffs to throw water and melt her away!  >:D



http://www.nh.gov/judiciary/courtlocations/coosdistdir.htm#Lancaster Tel. 788-4485 M-F 8-4 with a live operator only at their convenience, press 1 for the court and leave a message for the case # and time. _____ My friend's tel. # has been shut down.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 13, 2008, 11:22 AM NHFT
(*) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/633/633-1.htm = N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 633:1 Kidnapping, I. A person is guilty of kidnapping if he knowingly confines another under his control with a purpose to: (c) Terrorize(**) him. II. Kidnapping is a class A felony.(***)

(**) terrorism: the POLITICAL use of terror and intimidation; as in over-powering to dis-courage; dis: as in the lack of, or in-validation of courage: being confidence, by their "confidence game" of an assurance or to make sure as by insurance.  There being no such assurance by there being NO federal filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const...

(***) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/651/651-2.htm RSA Ch. 651-2,IV(b) = up to a $100,000 fine per corporation....


To: Jane Young, Chief
Criminal Bureau
Attorney General's Office
33 Capitol Street, Room #___
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 271-3658, ext. 5

Dear Chief Young:

--This is to follow-up my 4-page packet to you of last month, (on Wed., June 25th to be exact) delivered to your receptionist AFTER my talk with your Investigator Paul Broder, a few days prior, who tried to bamboozle me with his deception that we are in the First Judicial "District" when the fact of the matter is that by The "Understanding THE FEDERAL COURTS" booklet from the lobby over at 55 Pleasant Street for the U.S. District Court: "The 94 judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits". We are in the District of New Hampshire, within the First Circuit.

--The 4-page packet was given to both the Strafford County Sheriff's Office receptionist for her boss, the Sheriff, Wayne Estes in the basement (to delegate down to the "Transportation section", see http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/sheriff.aspx ) and in-hand also and directly to the Jail Superintendent there across the road: Warren Dowaliby by me on Wednesday afternoon, June 25th the day BEFORE the assault* and "kidnapping" of the victim: Dan Riley to across the state border into Maine for an illegal hearing, against Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232.   My signature below attests to this fact, and so did put the County into a culpable state of mind for to be charged with this crime!

--Now, in accordance with your duties, would you please seek an indictment by the Strafford County Grand Jury that next meets on: July ____ @ __:__ o'clock a.m. to indict this public corporation, as I did also serve a copy of the 4-page packet that day also to both receptionists for the County Commissioners and their attorney: The County Attorney.  First Floor, Administration Building.

--But, that if you're too busy with other matters, would you please endorse my authority to approach the Grand Jury as a Private Prosecutor for this Indictment, because the way I read THE STATE (Rita Premo, Complainant, out of the Berlin District Court Case No. 2001-681) v. ANGELA MARTINEAU, in 148 N.H. 259-264 (2002), although private complaints be limited to Class B misdemeanors where there is no possibility of jail time against the individual for a fine-only conviction, the common law does allow private prosecutions against corporations (both public and private) for felonies, since the common denominator is of no jail time. This I'd like to test out over there with your endorsement so as to avoid any nol pros +/or offset any claim for malicious prosecution, since I am NOT the victim! Otherwise, to try for a "Presentment" signed by ALL the members of the Grand Jury, by my Art. 14 Petition to the Superior Court, see http://www.courts.state.nh.us/courtlocations/straffsupedir.htm (742-3065), instead of Free Speech hand-outs to them by Art. 22, N.H. Const., Pt. 1 & Bill of Rights and the First Amendment, U.S. Const.

--As soon as I can get a copy of the Transport Order from the Feds, I'll have the necessary documentation as proof of who did what and when, for what time during that day of the crime: Thursday, June 26th, 2008.  In detail: to ask by Interrogatories in accordance with Articles 8 + 14 for a prompt accounting in our N.H. Const. & Bill of Rights to know also by RSA 91-A within five business days of IF these two deputies: _____________ + _______________ were noticed of my 4-page packet BEFORE they did the transport, or by the "ignorance of the law is no excuse", to charge them anyway with the crime of RSA Ch. 631-a,I(a) "Simple Assault"* in Dover District Court, http://www.courts.state.nh.us/courtlocations/straffdistdir.htm#Dover (742-7202) and get them there by way of an RSA Ch. 594:14 Summons, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LIX/594/594-14.htm so that they can plead: Respondeat Superior, that their boss: the Sheriff answer to these charges in a Class B misdemeanor/ fine-only conviction for up to a $1,200 fine plus 20% penalty assessment by RSA Ch. 651:2,IV(a) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/651/651-2.htm and RSA Ch. 188-F http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/xv/188-f/188-f-31.htm respectfully.

Yours Truly, - - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), Private Prosecutor, see STATE (by HAAS) v. ROLLINS, in Vol. 129 N.H. REPORTS 684-688 (Aug. 19, 1987) [SOUTER,J], and especially the file for that 97 Barrels of Liquor case, during Prohibition cited by me of NOT malicious when you're trying to recover your own property, David Souter claiming to be the stare decisis judge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stare_decisis but WHY didn't he put this case into the opinion? Instead: It's a cover-up! that cost my 80-yr. old friend Lewis E. Zorzy, of North Conway tens of thousands of dollars assessed against his supposed malicious prosecution! Shame on you David Souter! of Weare, N.H. Where is your apology?  ;D

* RSA Ch. 631-a,I(a) Simple Assault, http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/631/631-2-a.htm for against "unprivileged physical contact". The key word of NOT privileged, meaning that of the "prerogative" of exclusive right of the individual NOT to be shackled for the purpose of to take to another place AGAINST the law! See also the word: select, as "of special value or quality" of to remain withIN the district! the value tarnished like a proof coin being touched and put into circulation beyond the walls of the mint. In this case the walls pre-scribed for the district as the boundary line between our state and Maine. See also http://onlinedictionary.datasegment.com/word/privileged paragraph #2 of "exemption from evil or danger" as in to be AWAY from the improper -s, or imps, defined as small demons. And read what Shakespeare wrote:  "He took this place for sanctuary.  And it shall privilege him from your hands." The sanctuary or "place of refuge, asylum, or protection" being the protection of the law or U.S. Code from being misused! 18 USC 3232.  Where be the state and county checks and balances against the Feds!? Or one county division against the other!? It is supposed to be a "Correctional Facility", so WHY are not the C.O.'s being taught the truth from the outside when the class materials by way of the 4-page packets are delivered to them!?


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 27, 2008, 12:25 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 26, 2008, 08:49 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 25, 2008, 09:49 PM NHFT

...and the witnesses." *
If at 3:00 p.m. there is no hearing in Concord, N.H. as scheduled for that time, but over in Portland, Maine as against the law, then the Clerk James R. Starr (to hell with his Deputy, Dan Lynch!) will be getting a bill from me slammed down at the window there (whether he witnesses it or not, as to request his presence)....

Monier you piece of shit!  You send down one of your goons to what? monitor the situation to be available for to arrest me for "disorderly conduct"!?  should I get assertive against my public servant to serve!? Get with it!  ....

The executive arm of the court still has dirty hands! and its head, and specifically that clerk section must have been burnt out on drugs! Remember that T.V. commercial of the egg sizzling in the frying pan? and then that statement of: this is your head on drugs.  Well done, as in cooked to a crisp.  So not Star Kist tuna folks, but what we have here is Starr Crisp Baloney: nonsense, and absurdity plus ridiculousness!

Instead of the court honoring Congress by 18 U.S. Code Section 3232, they are "incongruous" defined as in-appropriate, out of place; not harmonious, incompatible; inconsistent and illogical! Yeah: they were OUT OF their PLACE on Thu., June 26th and so in contempt of Congress! and in contempt of us!  Contempt of Citizen! I will stand no more of this bullshit! It's off to the Small Claims Court today to file against the man "responsible" for this: Gov. John H. Lynch, per Art. 41 of the N.H. Const., Pt. 2 of to enforce all state "mandates" as by the shall word in RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. What we have here is a court operating without a license that needs to be "pulled over".  It's running amuck in a fit of wildness needing to be tamed by the ringmaster: our N.H. Secretary of State to cage the papers, and so then supposedly for it to operate both in the legal and lawful realm, so that more state citizens and visitors to our Art. 10 state are not turned from visitors to victims, the "v" word for $money to us, not from us, as in when they sue both criminally for restitution and/or civilly when snookered by this malarkey! 

http://www.answers.com/topic/malarkey for exaggerated talk, usually intended to deceive.  The word exaggerated here of utmost importance since it is defined as: "To enlarge (something) disproportionately".  Not just an enlargement as in to illegally extend in larger size THE district of New Hampshire to include Maine, but dis-proportionately as in OUT of proportion.  THE proportion is that Maine is NOT a part of the whole "district"! The proportions (in the plural) are the boundaries of the district being: Mass.achusetts, Vermont, Canada, Maine and the Atlantic Ocean. We're talking about the micro withIN the district of New Hampshire, and NOT withOUT in the macro.  The dimensions or size of the district is by the circumference, boundary line, or perimeter of that being the outer edge. From the Latin word: circumferre, to carry around.  As in your aura surrounds you.  Maine is NOT in this district, and as a witness MY rights to hear all proceedings has been stolen.  My trips to Concord for these hearings then being told they are over in Portland, Maine is theft of my time and money at now over $4.00 per gallon for an over 40-mile round trip @ 50-cents per mile = $20.00, there having been #___ such OUT-side hearings that were supposed to be held here withIN the district, but weren't, and that I wanted to go too, so THEFT of those opportunities too even without the travel knowing ahead of time of their illegality to 18 USC 3232, I think I'll sue the governor for about: $100.00. A copy of this to start the process with the other papers later, including the reply from Jim Starr, to follow...



Here's the re-type:

Telephone 603-225-1423

James R. Starr
Clerk of Court

July 2, 2008

Joseph S. Haas
PO Box 3842
Concord, NH 03302-3842

Re: Submission Received June 26, 2008

Dear Mr. Haas:

-I am writing in response to the above-referenced submission, which ostensibly is a bill from you for the costs of traveling to the Rudman Courthouse on June 26, 2008.

-In response, I regret to inform you that the Office of the Clerk will not make payment on this bill.

Sincerely,   James R. Starr, Clerk



keith in RI

-In response, I regret to inform you that the Office of the Clerk will not make payment on this bill.

joe, do you think that means HE wanted to pay you but someone else stopped him from doing it???   >:D

re·gret     Audio Help   /r??gr?t/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-gret] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -gret·ted, -gret·ting, noun
–verb (used with object)
1.   to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it.
2.   to think of with a sense of loss: to regret one's vanished youth.
3.   a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc.
4.   a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, disappointment, etc.
5.   regrets, a polite, usually formal refusal of an invitation: I sent her my regrets.
6.   a note expressing regret at one's inability to accept an invitation: I have had four acceptances and one regret.


Quote from: keith in RI on July 08, 2008, 12:51 PM NHFT
-In response, I regret to inform you that the Office of the Clerk will not make payment on this bill.

joe, do you think that means HE wanted to pay you but someone else stopped him from doing it???   >:D

re·gret     Audio Help   /r??gr?t/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-gret] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -gret·ted, -gret·ting, noun
–verb (used with object)
1.   to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc.): He no sooner spoke than he regretted it.
2.   to think of with a sense of loss: to regret one's vanished youth.
3.   a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc.
4.   a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, disappointment, etc.
5.   regrets, a polite, usually formal refusal of an invitation: I sent her my regrets.
6.   a note expressing regret at one's inability to accept an invitation: I have had four acceptances and one regret.

Thanks Keith. In my dictionary ["The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973)] this word: regret at page 595 is also defined as: (1) distressed, and (2) "An expression of grief".

In regards to the former, the word distressed at page 210 means to cause anxiety or suffering to, plus: misfortune is a key word here in New Hampshire, because when there is a non-appearance to something in a court case, there is the excuse by Rule #____ that can be granted by the judge of when there is the factor of non-appearance by either of three elements of: by accident, mistake, or misfortune. And so an appeal from the Clerk to the Judge?  Yeah! to present the bill to the judge at the sentencing hearing, eh?  ;D

In reference to the latter of grief, that is intense mental anguish.  But that I doubt the Clerk has "intense", as in great, extreme or deep (p. 371) mental anguish, but that he may have some "anguish", as in KNOWing that this word is derived from the Latin word: angustia (page 27) meaning: narrowness (p. 469) as in definition #2 of "limited in area", so yeah:

LIMITED IN AREA, as in the area of the district of New Hampshire bound on all sides to EXCLUDE Maine.

Now get this: Yesterday Capt. DiGregorio of the Transport section of the Strafford County Sheriff's Office in Dover returned my call @ 4:10 o'clock p.m. and we talked for 8:24 minutes about his acknowledgment of receipt of my 4-page packet to him showing where Rule 77.5 is a CIVIL rule, and NOT a CRIMINAL Rule to allow the case to be sent from N.H. to either Maine or Rhode Island, his reply of even when NOT allowed by the Defendant as it MAY be in a CRIMINAL case, is "applied" anyway.  Or in other words what he said was that of to "apply" (p. 34) the civil to the criminal! To "join" them together so that the criminal "smothers" (p. 659)/ suffocates and suppresses the civil. Can you believe this!? Talk about the narrow not in the physical, but in the mind! The mind of this Deputy Sheriff as "narrow-minded" (p.469) = "Lacking breadth of view, tolerance, etc.; bigoted", and a bigot: (p. 70) being an in-tolerANT person, especially in matters of: religion, race or "politics" as the very definition of terrorism being: "The political use of terror and intimidation." to dis-courage, and the word courage from the Middle English word corage, and Latin word cor, both meaning: heart, so when one is a bigot or intolerant person, they are p. 374 for intolerant: NOT able to endure, and the word endure (p. 238) meaning to NOT put up with, from the Latin word indurare meaning "to harden one's heart against".

And so Capt. DiGregorio is a bigot! that word also defined at page 70 as "a pejorative term for the Normans", and pejorative, p. 524 meaning: tending to make or become worse; disparaging, downgrading.  And so what?: downgrading the Criminal requirement to be smothered by the civil allowance!? To lower the importance of this U.S. Code for the criminal to a minimum standard UNDER the civil!?

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normans the Normans were the descendants of the original Viking conquerors, derived from the words Northmen or Norsemen, and skillful in flattery, defined at page 272 as "Insincere praise", or in other words: hypocrites: in do as I SAY, don't do as I DO. And praise defined as "The extolling of a deity, ruler, or hero." Or in other words, these "public servants" to us the master are NOT RSA Ch. 92:2 obedient to us but lifting up their demons as in the improper/ imps to OVER us, by keeping us down in the dungeons or jails to be "corrected" to their master-mind. Their project or scheme of intrigue meaning "underhanded" of deceit, as in to mis-represent the criminal rule as subordinate to the civil rule, to delude, meaning: to play false. To play!? Hey! This is not a game! You jesters of deception saying: "Am not I in sport?" [Proverbs 26:21]. You are like "a mad man who casteth firebrands (flames or sparks*), arrows, and death."

We just had our "Independence Day" celebration last Friday night with fireworks of sparks*, but for what reason?  To illustrate your domination OVER us!? To continue the intrigue or game of mystery and suspense? No! Not for me! This intrigue word from the Latin word: intricare of to entangle, and reminds me of that poem of: oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. You the spider, needing what? Somebody to take away your cobwebs! Your game of pretend is over! Your "play up to" days are over! The "To curry favor with" or "To seek favor by fawning or flattery" (p. 175 for curry) has been replaced by rigor juris, or the strictness of the law: in this case the Federal Rules of CRIMINAL procedure! and N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm

"In 1066, Duke William II of Normandy, conquered England.  The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England." And so who did we rebel against? How did YOU spend your "July 4th"? Was it to look upon the fireworks as to celebrate our victory in the American Revolution that our founding fathers suggested such fireworks to continue for generations to come? Or was it to celebrate the new invasion of the Norman way of doing things on this land spilled with the blood of your ancestors? Or are you a newbie? descendant of the Normans? or have adopted their way of doing things? And YOU take an RSA Ch. 92:2 oath to the Constitution, but do otherwise?  I think it's time for your removal! if you don't: "Wise up!"

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas



Here's a re-type of my SMALL CLAIM COMPLAINT/ Case Number 08SC525 that was filed yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, July 8th '08 @ 3:10 o'clock p.m. at:


Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302 (603: 848-6059)
Governor John H. Lynch (603: 271-2121)
107 North Main Street, Capitol Bldg., 2nd floor, State House
Concord, N.H. 03301
[Residence: #___ ____________ (St.), Hopkinton, N.H.]

"That Plaintiff above claims that the Defendant named below owes the Plaintiff $5,000.00 because of him being 'responsible' by Art. 41, Pt. 2, N.H. Const. to enforce all legislative mandates including the 'shall' word in RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. which federal failure to file has resulted in 'militant' actions costing me over five thousand dollars in time and money having to combat these illegal and unlawful actions including the last being Portland, Maine hearings in violation of Title 18, Section 3232 of the U.S. Code [see attached Reply #7570." signed: Joe Haas

"INSTRUCTIONS TO THE DEFENDANT  If you do not believe you owe this claim, you should write to the clerk of court by the 'RETURN DATE', (Wednesday/ Woden's Day  >:D ) Aug. 13, 2008 and ask for a hearing....Sharon Shurtliff, Clerk of Court...AOC-220-045 7/97"

AFFIDAVIT AS TO MILITARY SERVICE: "The respondent/defendant John F. Lynch of Hopkinton is not in the military or other service of the United States including in the provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 and has not been called by the governor"  ;D ... "(Please state supporting facts" = "He is not 'employed' as an employee, but is a const. -al officer with the title of 'governor' of this state." signed: Joe Haas, "with right hand raised saying: "So help me God". NHJB-2200-DFS (12/06/2006) (formerly AUOC 606-008 or 606-045).

Note #1: attached to this COMPLAINT was a copy of the Reply #7570 printout on page 505 of my posting @ 11:26 AM yesterday, Tue., July 8th with emphasis AFTER that unclean hands doctrine of Monier, should he try to intervene and dismiss by his Assistant U.S. Attorney, claiming to be THE defendant, as "they" did also claim by them being the LIARS they were to the N.H. Supreme Court in Dan Riley's Appeal from the Strafford County Superior Court, which Judge Steve Horan, former Assistant A.G., NEVER gave him a "due process" hearing on his Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, taking their lie as hook, line, and sinker, gobbling it all up and not chocking to death, but loving every minute of it! OF: the man 'responsible' for this federal-run-amuck withIN our state in Contempt of Congress/ Contempt of Citizen, whose Fed. Rep. Hodes and Senator Gregg say in effect: we don't give a shit! Let the incongruous continue to run roughshod over 18 USC 3232 by these non-filers to N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. put on the books by our ancestors in the N.H. Legislature or General Court on June 14, 1883, when the feds were dealing in violations only in Exeter and Portsmouth BEFORE they moved to Concord with felonies, and now to "QUESTION ASSUMPTIONS" (as I read on a car bumper sticker the other day) that this conditional consent has been fulfilled of those conditions that it has NOT! as that evidence REFUSED to be marked as an Exhibit in Ed Brown's anti I.R.S. case and the case of the Freedom Four, when Attny. Sven Wiberg of Portsmouth for Danny TRIED to file during the questioning of Reno (Cirino Gonzalez of Texas) but was dis-allowed by Judge Geo,. Z. Singal of Maine, being the certificate of non-filing to the N.H. Office of Secretary of State, with the gold seal, will FINALly be weighed as evidence AGAINST the governor, and the over 16 days on this case at 24-hrs. per day at the top of my account here to be THE PROOF of just how much time I've spent combating this crap! that he "may" have dealt with by some Art. 41 proceeding, but that he "shall" or must be 'responsible' for when it is not, and damages occur; hey! maybe to replace him in as a co-defendant in the federal case?  >:D to serve some time behind bars too? Yeah: Motion to substitute Gov. John H. Lynch, as THE defendant in this case.  8)

Footnote #2: of to also supply as a Supplement to this COMPLAINT, a copy of both:my bill to Clerk Starr (Reply #7522 on page 502 posted: 9:04 AM on Thu., June 26th '08) and a copy of his reply; plus a copy of my Reply #7563 on page 505 also @ 7:57 AM on Monday, July 7th '08 of my letter to the U.S. Marshals Service delivered yesterday, Tue., July 8th for a copy of the Transport Order.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 08, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 13, 2008, 11:22 AM NHFT

To: Jane Young, Chief
Criminal Bureau
Attorney General's Office

...the Strafford County Sheriff's Office ...

--Now, in accordance with your duties, would you please seek an indictment by the Strafford County Grand Jury that next meets on: July ____ *@ __:__ o'clock a.m. to indict this public corporation, ....

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* Friday, July 18th (full moon)
+ Friday, August 15th (day before full moon)
+ Friday, Sept. 19th (4 days after the full moon)

or in other words: the 3rd Friday on the month.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 07, 2008, 07:42 AM NHFT
Open letter to:

The United States Marshals Service
District of New Hampshire / Headquarters
Attention: Freedom of Information Officer

...to look into this matter of illegally spent money from the: (3) First Circuit Judge Jeffrey R. Howard, our former N.H. Attorney General who has an office on the top floor there above you that I find revolting, and so a call over to the G.S.A./ General Services Administration at: ______________ in Boston to also get a copy of just WHO actually rents space there, as to sub-let to him from the "district" of New Hampshire? a copy likewise to (4) the GSA agent* in Room #___ of the Js. C. Cleveland Building.  He is supposed to be in Boston, withOUT this branch office! There needing to be an appeal worth appealing to a court that be in compliance with the constitution too! that is NOT the case....

* Reddig is his name, and he's there only on a 4-day work week, Tue. - Fri., but out on vacation this week.

Would you believe that at one time, the 1st circuit judge on the "top"/ upper floor there was so angry at the "below" opinion from the "District" Court that he went into the men's room, and let the water flow over the rim of the toilet, onto the floor, and down into the files "below"?

............No, not really, that's just a joke, or SAMPLE of just how absurd it is to have Howard there dishing out checks to his buddies of the bar for traveling over to Maine, and laughing against us all the way to the bank!


Kat Kanning

Quote from: keith in RI on June 22, 2008, 12:55 PM NHFT
here is jasons address.it is how he writes his return on envelopes to me. he wants the nhfreepress to know of his new address.
jason gerhard
msa 0669802
po box 807
middleton, mass 01949

I got my letter back from this address.  It says "need block and cell".


As if they can't find him!? It's either 240-C or 240-D.

I've sent a few envelopes to this new address withOUT the 240-C or D, and they have not been returned.......yet*.

* They might be holding them to send back later? costing me $more postage!?

Sometimes you've got to AVOID the weekend deliveries, because like last time one mail room worker called my 9x12 big envelope a "package", and when I complained that it was NOT a "package", his boss said: oh yeah, we know that, but he doesn't, and we're not going to "correct" him because we only "correct" inmates, oh excuse me he said: warehouse them.

- - Joe

keith in RI

Jason is in 120 b or botom, here is his visitation schedule for july and august. i havent gone to visit him yet myself he just sent this to me this week but if anyone else is interested in going there is no registration required he said just a background check etc once you get there. he has circled the dates in pencil that are his visitation days.