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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 28

Started by JosephSHaas, May 03, 2008, 08:59 AM NHFT

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Quote from: keith in RI on May 25, 2008, 03:46 PM NHFT
also last night another supporter took a five hour drive down to new jersey to visit ed and stayed overnight with the intention of visiting him in the morning. the visit was kept very quiet and no one was told except family over the phone. when the person arrived at fairton this morning they were told ed was no longer there and they had no info on him didnt know him etc... today he is showing at the oklahoma city center in oklahoma once again. that is the same transfer center he was in before he was moved to new jersey. so if anyone has sent ed any letters in new jersey they will be returned to you. here is the new address but he could be there from a day to 6 months before hes transferred again.

edward-lewis: brown #03923-049
P.O. BOX 898801

and yes kat, i wish they would stop moving them around too......

And yes to both Keith and Kat, of I also "wish they would stop moving them around too" and for them/ our public servants, we pay for, to do their duty of to "correct" in the definition of the word of to teach by learning in a class subset in a course being the set-ting rather than just punish, or is this definition NOT in Title #___ U.S. Code #_____ of the Federal Statutes at Large, or by Rule #___ of the Bureau of Prisons?

In a way it's good that they transfered him to find out the reason: WHY? ____ (cc: to Ed for a copy of the documentation) Is it because they find him ornery? That word defined as "Ill-tempered, perversely(*) stubborn".  But who is the one that is really "ill", defined as: "Not up to recognized standards of excellence or conduct"? The standard being: "A degree or level or excellence." So in other words: "excellence of excellence"?  Yes: toward "a more perfect*** Union" is the goal as outlined in the Preamble of our U.S. Const. that they take an oath of office to obey! Now WHO is the real "pervert"(*) of "To corrupt or debase"? (as in the calling of the debased metals of Commerce by the Coinage Act of 1965 a "substitute" for the quality metals of the Constitution by the Coinage Act of 1792; [so as to be THE PAYment when there be a debt due from the state per Art. I, Sec. 10 of the contract]; that is not supposed to be a replacement, but to be alongside/ beside the other!! operating at the SAME time.) "They" at the B.O.P. in Fairton sent Ed away because he was "perverse"?(*)  defined as "Directed away from what is right or good. 2. Obstinately* persisting in an error or fault." Or in other words: * "Stubbornly adhering to an idea or course"? Hey! This is getting serious now, because who has the WRONG idea? Ed or the facility? An idea is defined as: "The Platonic arche-type of which a corresponding being in phenomenal REALity is asserting an imPERFECT*** REPLICA." (emphasis ADDed for the word replica, as "A copy or close reproduction"). But WHERE is the replica?  In this case there isn't even the comparison!  It's Ed saying of NO filing as evidenced by the certificate of such from the N.H. Office of Secretary of State, currently: Bill Gardner re-placed by NOTHING of NO replica, "them" just SAYing withOUT weighing this evidece, that because of their non-weighing the THING does NOT exist, and so canNOT be put into the equation for the jury to render their verdict!?  This is PURE bullshit!  Pure BULLSHIT. Bull-shit, and Bullshit!


P.S. Maybe some "Investigative Reporter" like T.V. reporter "Heather Allman" said she was in Friday's http://www.scifi.com 's "Fire Serpent" (2007) (TV) movie from 9-11:00 p.m. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0471561/ played by the actress Lisa Langlois http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0486590/ can report of this after their findings, [rather than to be burned alive like Lisa's character was in this movie.  :violent5: great acting BTW!]

To call Jill Harmacinski, Staff Writer over at The EAGLE TRIBUNE to see about taking this http://www.topix.com/wire/city/fairton-nj/p4 (see #71) on Tuesday/ tomorrow for ONE STEP BEYOND. The #71 link to the exact page of: http://www.eagletribune.com/punews/local_story_038060647.html with my comment #1.



Maybe it's not based on a quality decision, but because of quantity?

As in: http://www.ashenoff.com/federalprisons/states/nj.html

of: 355 over the population capacity.

1,106 - 751 = 355.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on May 04, 2008, 10:14 AM NHFT
A visit with Danny then Jason yesterday:

1.) Shame on you Federal prosecutors! You gave only a part of the e-mail(s) between Reno and Danny of them writing about trying to reach a peaceful solution to this I.R.S. mess, and then lied to the court that the entire e-mails were given over to each of the four then defendants!!!! ....

So HOW did the federal gov't obtain copies of these e-mails?, by a federal court order? WHO signed it and WHEN plus WHERE? Judge _______ on January ____, 2007? at 53 Pleasant Street? PLUS: WHO requested it? ______________ and HOW?

As Judge Singal kept on saying in court from the bench to the attorneys of: to lay down a "foundation", my question is of BEFORE any of these e-mails were entered into court, was there a "foundation" laid down for HOW they were obtained? Foundation!  >:D

Somebody just sent me, this past Saturday, the link to this "Washington Post" story by Ellen Nakashima of Tuesday, April 8, 2008 (last month) about "FBI Data Transfers" over at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/07/AR2008040702364_pf.html

Notice on page 2 of 4 comments by Slager21 on 4/8/08 @ 12:04:42 pm that "the phone records...do not belong to you as determined by the Supreme Court 25 or so years ago.  They belong to the phone company and Federal, State and Local Law enforcement people have been collecting this information to establish probable cause for searches and wiretaps ever since the court ruling."

So my other question is: WHY only the e-mails between Danny (in New York?; or were these from when he was at Ed's here in N.H.?) and Reno (in Texas, or were these from when he was at Ed's) ?  Is it because they got it from a federal court in either New York or Texas?  And "What About Bob?" in Vermont? There's something fishy here, as to WHY there was NO court order from New Hampshire?  Is it because then Ed & Elaine could have a cause of action for THEFT from their house of privacy offered to their guests but taken from "them"?

Does ANYbody know if ANY New Hampshire e-mails were obtained or entered into this case? THEN the non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1** from 1-8-17, U.S. Const. can enter the cause as a check and balance in Small Claims Court!  ;D Newport District Court for Plainfield +/or whatever other ___________ District Court for the sender or receiver of such e-mail(s). THEFT!

The e-mail sent to me also linked to The "WashingtonTechnology" Report of almost 2 weeks ago, on 05/14/08 entitled "Verizon to lead DHS OneNet award" over at http://www.washingtontechnology.com/online/1_1/32805-1.html?topic=outsourcing And get this: under "the General Services Administration" contract!  The same G.S.A. (from the Boston office for New England) that's responsible for filing the blueprints of their federal building in Concord, N.H. with our New Hampshire Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word in the statute** BEFORE the Feds have jurisdictional authority in which to lawfully and legally operate withIN this state!  So to find out to WHO and WHERE $______ of this $1.262 billion is going to here in New Hampshire, and report that such will be or already is money mis-spent as OUT OF ORDER! cc: my federal Senators and Reps.

Maybe the Feds in Ed's case purposely avoided wiretapping into a New Hampshire customer's account so that none of us could file suit.  So is there anybody else with ANY other civil or criminal case reading these Replies over here who might like to use this information in their case to set a precedent that'll send a tidal wave over the U.S. District Court sitting in New Hampshire legally as for their proprietary interests in owning land legit, but obviously NOT for the tentacles of this octopus to stretch out its arms to any of the ten (10) counties!!!!! + !!!!! UNTIL the filing.

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Would somebody please explain to me HOW a de facto official "MAY exercise power in an INFORMAL manner"? (emphasis ADDed from the Politics paragraph over at http://www.answers.com/topic/de-facto?cat=biz-fin ).

Since the word informal is defined with the prefix -in as: not formal, or without formality, as in lacking something, and formal is of "form only", thus NOT substance, then my second question is: WHY the ribbon-cutting ceremony over in Dover at the Strafford County Jail, when Monier, the de-facto Marshal presented the de-facto County Commissioners with the $2 million check to add on the federal wing? An "informal" is defined as "performed without ceremony". And "formal" being: "Following accepted** conventions*".

Thus leading up to my third question in just a moment. The word convention* in THIS case is: (1) NOT "A formal assembly" or "the delegates attending such an assembly" since it was supposed to be an in-formal event; NOR (2) "An international agreement or compact" since it be a County-Fed agreement to house their detainees there both awaiting trial and afterwards towards the sentencing; thus: BUT either (3) A "General usage or custom" or (4) "An accepted** or prescribed practice". So the question being: of to remain informal in the de-facto, wasn't the ceremony more of not a formality, but of custom or habit?

But since WHEN does a habit or the "pattern of behavior acquired by frequent repetition" regarding the OUTer form apply to the INner substance? Answer: when the word "may" is accepted** from the one with power exercised OVER them in an in-formal manner, as opposed to the formal when something is NOT lacking, like there BE an RSA Ch. 123:1 filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. as pre-scribed to vest that entity with a de-jure status.

So WHEN there be NO acceptance by the receiver, NOR proof of filing as put into an exhibit, or even attempted to be put into evidence, then when the judge gives the order to the Marshal, who is under the oath to execute only lawful precepts, HOW can the Marshal expand such practice to the un-lawful, as in the word: de-facto, as in the illegal too, when "the legal requirements have not been met"? http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/de+facto

According to http://www.lectlaw.com/def/d008.htm "An officer de facto is FREQUENTLY considered as an officer de jure, and his official acts are of EQUAL VALIDITY." (emphasis ADded) But that the word frequent does NOT mean ALL the time, but occurring or appearing often, as in that often word to also mean:  repeatedly, as in "Said, done, or occurring again and again", and again: meaning "Once more; anew" and get this point in particular: "anew" meaning "In a new way"!...

...Well there you have it folks, for where we get the expression to offset this with: "Well, being of the 'old school' way of doing things, I remain sovereign in my being in the realm of the lawful and legal putting up a BLOCK away from others intruding as trespassers by their NEW way of doing things, and especially TO me and mine on PRIVATE land!"

And now "they" want to KEEP me locked up by "law enforcement" for what is not by law, but by fact!? The word me, meaning: Danny, Reno, and Jason, plus Bob in this case, should they have spoken as such to the jury on this issue. Reno the only one having taken the stand, and can still do so, and do it RIGHT this time, PLEASE for everybody concerned. Thank you! with documentation that the judge canNOT refuse! So David: to get that "foundation" judge Singal was always talking about, so that he/the judge canNOT be able to kick out to tilt the table to fall over from one of these legs.

"By Crackie"(*) I think it's time to have that earthquake and crack in the wall of the jail, not that there be any escape, but that they from the outside to look into an investigation of this corruption, defined as "the betrayal of trust -- the knowing FAILure of agents to act on behalf of their principals", http://www.jstor.org/pss/725049 (emphasis ADDed), and in this federal case the FAILure to file by RSA 123:1 and a re-action for Non Performance of Duty to the U.S. Court of Claims for all wrongs and damages, plus thefts to the seven degree! ["The Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 18, No. 3, Dec. 1975, No. 29 COMMENT, by Simon Rottenberg, University of Massachusetts, pages 611-615.]                                                                              Yours truly, - - Joe Haas

(*) "By Crackie"!  http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474976746209 I think I'll sic "Aunt Helen" onto them with her switch!  ;D

Kat Kanning

New Hampshire Free Press interview with Reno:  Nixed by feds...they said fed prisoners can't be interviewed.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on May 31, 2008, 06:25 PM NHFT
New Hampshire Free Press interview with Reno:  Nixed by feds...they said fed prisoners can't be interviewed.


As I recall from the movie a/k/a Tommy Chong, He (Chong) was a federal prisoner. I know it was a federal charge against him anyway. Great interview from prison in that movie and:


In a recent interview at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, where she is serving a sentence for a racketeering conviction, Ms. Codianni-Robles...


"We're being warehoused," Martorano said in a phone interview. "It's taken a million dollars just to keep me in."


Merrimack was going to allow him to have the interview and gave permission for it to take place but when the US Marshals got wind of this they refused Reno to conduct the interview, not to mention to talk/contact with any press whatso ever!

on top of that he also recently had all his discovery materials revoked from him and his person, not allowing him to prepare for his upcoming trial.

On a lighter note his brother Lee the cop was recently pulled over for a tail light in Renos car, when it was all done with he recieved a call from his supervisor telling him that the car is marked as a vehicle belonging to a known terrorist! whatever that means! no wonder every time Jose goes out of town in any of the cars belonging to Reno he seems to always get stopped by the police.

Kat Kanning

One time in West Lebanon, just after Elaine's business was seized, the police pulled me over for not using my turn signal in a parking lot  ::)

keith in RI

sven filed dannys motion to dismiss on the 15th, follow up on objections by june 2nd but still nothing else on the record since then..... i wonder what the hold up is maybe they know they have to let him go and they are delaying???

05/15/2008   429     MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to Arraign by Daniel Riley. Follow up on Objection on 6/2/2008. (Wiberg, Sven) (Entered: 05/15/2008)

Kat Kanning

keith in RI

no kat, he was arraigned just not properly. they never gave him a copy of his indictment or read it to him, remember they had 3 seperate indictments everytime they changed the charges they re indicted...

also ed has been moved again. here is where he is showing now:

edward lewis brown 03923-049
P.O. BOX 1000
MARION, IL  62959


1.) Tom Colantuano goes flipping garbage can lids to rid N.H. Cities of the "Top Cat" gangs:


2.) Supreme Court-er John Broderick explains how he's not a "pusher". He allows the Feds to "pull" Danny's case "up" to their level:

http://www.wmur.com/chronicle/16425395/detail.html on Channel 9 tonight @ 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.


Kat Kanning

Quote from: keith in RI on June 04, 2008, 12:50 PM NHFT

edward lewis brown 03923-049
P.O. BOX 1000
MARION, IL  62959

Shoot, the paper I sent him won't make it.

keith in RI

if anyone cares to write to the prison re: eds well being please address all letters to his counselor a Mr. Wilson.