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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: keith in RI on September 08, 2008, 05:52 PM NHFT
   i received 2 letters from ed today and he tells me that he has been told by a counselor in Illinois that the D.O.J. is trying to put together more charges against the browns.
  at least he tells me he got the photos i sent. but they still havent given him the power of attorney forms i sent him, or the letter that was with my photos....  he also asks if people can write to elaine he said he can tell by her writings to him that the 23 hour a day isolation is really making her depressed.....

Keith: Reference your 50-50 on the photos received v.s. paper: letter and P.O.A., what? to be delivered after advise of legal counsel?

Somebody in the mail room, keeps giving my packets to Ed to the Warden instead and she last wrote with the "or" word, since corrected she is, from the "and" word last time (see my Reply #_____ above) and the Friday AUGUST 22, 2008 BP-S327.058 Form postmarked August 25th, Monday (that I received in yesterday's mail: Mon., Sept. 8th) reads that "Your correspondence to the above named inmate is being returned.  This correspondence was not delivered to the inmate because: The correspondence might facilitate criminal activities and is detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the institution.  Therefore, your correspondence is being rejected."

Furthermore it reads that: by 28 CFR 540 "You have the right to appeal this rejection by writing the warden in care of the above address.  The inmate to whom you addressed your correspondence has been notified this correspondence has been returned to you and of his or her right to appeal the rejection."  Noting that this differs from the non-return of the prior materials that outlined the criminality of the Feds! hopefully being investigated!!

So here's what she/ Lisa J. W. Hollingswoth, Warden didn't like, that I have to guess at, or are they the folded down pages to thus re-mail the others since they won't "lift and separate"  >:D [Sorry I couldn't find that old 1960s Playtex Bra TV commercial, but check this out as THE one by that same title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd8ezK_zKgg ]

Nah! The folds are just the first four (4) pages crimped by putting them into the envelope.  Here's what was sent:

1. Reply #7618 on p. 508 of 7/24/08 @ 9:28 AM me looking for the names of the assaulters + kidnappers of Danny + Reno back in July.
2. Reply #7620 on p. 509 of 7/24 of my open letter of disgust against Fed. Rep. Tom Allen of Portland, Maine for NOT doing anything!
3. a. Reply #7621 on p. 509 of Thu. 7/24 @ 2:20 PM of more disgust against the Dover P.D. and b. The Maine F.B.I.
4. a. Letter from Judge Mathis & Co. re: my Small Claims case against Gov. Lynch (still no word yet on my Motion to Reconsider), + b. Reply #7627 on p. 509 of 7/29 @ 10:58 AM of my reply.
5. The Martin J. Beckman case of 83F3d426 against Alan Greenspan, Fed Chairman
6. Feds Torture "Tax Protester" Irwin Schiff"
7. Reply #7625 on p. 509 of 7/28 @ 11:09 AM of Ed not on the run but standing his ground!
8,9+10. APOLOGY PETITION of Danny
11. The UNION LEADER story + my comment to this "New law: Threats lead to jail time" of Thu., July 24th, my comment of 7/31, Thu.
12. The other comments to #11 above.
13. Reply #7638 on p. 510 of Fri. 8/1 @ 12:06 PM of Danny, the dog-walker.
14. MONITOR story of: "Brown ally sentenced to 20 years".
--------more later, thunderstorm might shut off power -------------


15. CONCORD MONITOR of July 31 "Brown supporter faces steep sentence".
16. a. The youtube of Ben Franklin actor asking if there's greatness in you to become a Freemason, and my Reply #7641 on p. 510 of 8/1 @ 1:04 AM of yeah! WHERE are they!?
17. Wikipedia on Egalitarianism of equal rights;
18. Reply #6 on p. 1 of topic 14566.0 on 8/3 @ 6:33 PM about security guards;
19. The Catholics vs Masonry as "Counter-State";
20 The TILTING AT WINDMILLS 9-16-07 about Danny of Cohoes, N.Y.;
21. My Open Letter to Deputy Gloo, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal in Syracuse, N.Y. in Reply #7650 on p. 511 of 8/3,Sun. at 11:36 PM asking for a check-list of any N.H. RSA 123:1 papers from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. yeah!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

To call him in a few minutes and maybe report yet another crime of assault and kidnapping, within a year over there too?, plus Jose: you too for Reno in Texas, and Bob in Vermont, and Jason out in Montana right? We've got to do this by this Thursday, Sept. 11th as the day BEFORE the statute of limitation expires against these thieves!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THANK YOU Warden for bringing this to my attention!  >:D

22. "MOTHER'S EMPTY CHAIR" e-mail of Tue., 8/05
23. Wikipedia about A;fred Taylor Howard abouty the "efficacy of prayer" = capable of producing a desired effevt.
24. The GSA -NH Manager John Rettig's e-mail to me of 8/5 re: my letter to him of 7/31 and my e-mail to Patrica Christopher of Tue. 8/5 also, that BTW I just got an answer in yesterday's mail, summary being of 108 parking spaces there at the Cleveland + Rudman buildings, with 40 to the courts (39 District + 1 Circuit), both buildings paying: $2.6 + $2.5 million each in rents for 109,602 + 102.260 rentable sq. feet respectfully.
25. a. Reply #76437 on p. 510 of 8/3 @ 9:07 AM about the Judd Gregg parking plan of to occupy all spaces until he answers that he will endorse my complaint to the sub-committee of the House Judiciary to look into this violation of 18USC3232 + b. Reply #20 on p. 2 of topic= 14630.15 about driving without a license (BTW Bernie with ___________ in just 5 minutes at the 12:15 p.m. trial in Concord District Court).
26. a. Reply #1 on p. 1 of 8/3 in topic=14913.0 about Judd Gregg "a menace to society", and b. Reply #5 on p. 1 topic=14830.0 of "Give a cop a ticket" 8/3 also.
27. More "Judd Gregg" crap in Reply #1 on p. 1 for topic=14929.0 of Aug.5 @ 9"46 AM
28. a. Reply #7648 on p. 510 of 8/3 @ 12:35 PM of 5 comments about the Browns in comparison to that Charlestown, N.H. shoot-out + b. Reply #76 on p. 6 for topic=14183.75 of 8/5 @ 10:39 AM about Carl Drega.
29. Haas v. Lynch MOTION TO DISMISS
30. a. Reply #7651 on p. 511 of 8/5 @ 8:25 AM of my Progress Report against Lynch, + b. my 8/1 OBJECTION TO MOTION TO DISMISS;
31. a. Geo.Z.Singal Public Record #193408910 + b. Naturalization Records. [Did Danny ever file a Motion to see if he's legal? __]
32. My questions for WHERE Singal was Naturalized on Ancestry.com because if in N.H. then he's illegal.
33. Replies #7655+7656+7658 of 8/8 about this Ancestry search.
34. The address + direction to the Archives in Waltham, MAss.
35. My letter of 8/6 to Waltham and Mr. Keith's reply, plus my 2nd e-mail letter of 8/6 also.
36. http://www.newsweek.com/id/150499?GT1=4300 about MonaVie
37. The New Zealand turtle story at MSNBC 8/6.
38. Rule 45 Continuing Judicial Education.\
39, 40,41. The Public Protection Fund, 142 NH 588 (1998);
42. a. Haas v. Lynch Motion to Dismiss is granted 8/6; + b. a copy of McSwiney's oath NOT made by him per RSA Ch. 92:2 to Art. 84.
43. a. My letter of 8/7 to the N.H. A.O.C. + b. note to Lynch.
44. Reply #7659 of 8/7 @ 9:30 AM of my Open complaint to the PCCF [notice the two fill-in the blanks, to substitute Huftalen + Kinsella for Bownes + Wiberg tomorrow ________.]
45. Reply #7660 on p. 511 of 8/7 @ 10:27 AM listing these 4 illegal pre-trial hearing days, and the vouchers.
46. a. Reply #7661 on p. 511 for the Scully vouchers + b. http://www.gotquestions.org/Satan-god-world.html
47. Voucher signed by Judge Jeffrey R. Howard.
48. How to File a Complaint to the Bar Counsel of Boston, MAss. at http://mass.gov/obcbbo/complaint.htm
49. Reply #7662 on p. 511 of 8/8 @ 10:19 AM highlighting for Jason Rule 1.16 etc. against his two attorneys;
50. the signature pages of my complaint to the PCC on 8-8-8.

So Warden: which numbers of the above listed pages fit into each or all of your three excuses in your next to last sentence in the SUBJECT section of your signed form letter of AUGUST 22, 2008? This is my APPEAL as signed and mailed this ____ day of September 2008 for what next? _________

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).


At exactly 1:00 p.m. today I called there to Mr. Roctor, the receptionist at 315:473-7601 (the other # disconnected) who transferred me over to Deputy Gloo whose voice recorded said that he will get back to me, of to leave my phone # that I did plus reminded him of to see IF there was any checklist, [in the Annual Report?] and if not then ignorance of the law (1-8-17 U.S. Const.) to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 statute is no excuse and that ought to result in an apology letter from him for assault and kidnapping, and if not received immediately, then to report this crime to where? The Cohoes, N.Y. Police Dept.? http://www.cohoes.com/

Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 03, 2008, 11:21 PM NHFT
An Open Letter to:

The United States Marshals Service
Northern District of New York ....

Modification: to copy this page 21 from Ed's packet and sent to: The U.S. Marshals Service Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20530-1000 Attn: Prisoner Operations Division -- for a copy of this Annual Report (from N.Y., and also the N.H. one too please), so said Ms. Condra Symonds, Assistant Director @ 202: 307-5100 to me a few minutes ago @ about 1:35 p.m. from over at http://www.usdoj.gov/marshals/business/contacts.htm me saying: sorry to bother you for what the N.Y. office was requested of such in writing by me back on August 4th = over a month ago.

Also: the address for where to send a complaint of this crime of assault within #___ amount of time per the New York statute of limitations is to: The Police Dept., 97 Mohawk St., Cohoes, N.Y. 12047, Tel. 518: 237-5333 to send this out to them by my #10 envelope either later this afternoon or tomorrow.


Here are the Motions in Reno's case #1-07-cr-00189-GZS-3

01. 11/02/07 045 Motion to Continue Trial                              # pages:    2
02. 11/19/07 057 Motion to Reschedule                                                  2
03. 12/12/07 073 Motion to inspect property                              3 + 3 =   6
04. 01/15/08 143 Motion to Compel Disclosure                                         3
05. 01/16/08 157 Motion in Limine, re: Evidence by U.S.A.                         5
06. 01/16/08 159 Motion in Limine                                                         2
07. 01/18/08 175 Motion to Dismiss                                                       3
08. 01/18/08 176 Motion for Bill of Particulars                                          3
09. 01/21/08 182 Assented to Mtn.for leave to file obj.to gov't mtn. in limin. 2
10. 01/22/08 187 Motion for Additional subpoenas: since the amount is greater than five (5) there needs to be a motion by Rule [LCrR 17.1(a)(c)].                  3
11. 01/24/08 199 Motion for Bail Pending Trial                                        4
12. 01/30/08 221 Assented to Motion for leave to file Memo of Law             2
13. 02/04/08 235 Assented to Motion to extend time                              2
14. 02/06/08 240 Assented to Motion for Reconsideration on 232 order       2
15. 02/13/08 260 Assented to Motion to extend time                            2
16. 02/29/08 281 Partially Assented to Motion to excuse Counsel            2
17. 03/13/08 312 Partial Assented to Mtn. for leave to file Mtn.in limine    2
18. 03/11/08 313 Assented to Motion to Extend Time                           2
19. 03/18/08 322 Motion in Limine, re: firearms                                    3
20. 03/19/08 329 Motion in Limine, witness Anthony Dorothy                  2
21. 03/19/08 330 Assented to Mtn. to Extend Time for filing objections    1
22. 03/19/08 331 Motion in Limine, re: Anthony Dorothy, by Riley            1
23. 03/30/08 352 Mtn.in Limine, statement to Gerhard by Wolffe/ by J.G   2
24. 04/02/08 358 Partially Assented to Mtn.schedule closing argue/byJ.G. 1
25. 04/04/08 362 Mtn. in Limine, strike statement for evid.by J.G./ toD.R. 2
26. 04/04/08 364 Motion to Dismiss by Jason Gerhard as to Dan Riley       1
27. 04/16/08 398 Motion to arrest judgment under Rule 34                     7
28. 04/17/08 402 Assented to Motion to correct a Memo                       1
29. 04/21/08 403 Assented to Mtn. to continue Trial for 45-60 days, 2+1=3
30. 04/23/08 405 Motion to Clarify 403                                               2
31. 04/21/08 406 Motion to Dismiss Count one by C.G.                          5
32. 05/02/08 415 Assented to Motion for Reconsideration, re: 403           2
33. 05/02/08 416 Mtn. to Authorize Payment of Transcript                     2
34. 05/05/08 418 Assented to Motion for Transfer at Gov't expense         2
35. 05/06/08 420 Motion to arrest the judgment                                  4
36. 05/20/08 433 Assented to Mtn to Reschedule date of Jury Selection   2
37. 06/13/08 446 Motion for subpoenas for witnesses                           6
38. 06/16/08 447 Assented to Motion to Dismiss Counts #1 + 5              4
39. 07/29/08 485 Motion to Suppress Evidence, by Jason Gerhard           2
40. 07/29/08 486 Motion to Redact 404 Transcript [note: this is a sealed document and so access is denied.]                                                             ___

Note: that my numbers 10 + 37 refer to the # of subpoenas. On Feb. 1st, 2008 the judge issued an Order of denial without prejudice to refile 187 since the defendant must show "the necessity of the witness's presence for an adequate defense."

Yours truly, JSH


Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter of:

"The Jason Gerhard case
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Wed 9/10/08 12:37 PM
To: leon.cq at conus.army dot mil

To: The Commanding General of: The U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center and Fort Leonard Wood @ Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri ______ Telephone (___) ____________

Dear General ____________:

--This is to follow-up my reading about this Fort over at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Leonard_Wood with its Waynesville Regional Airport at Forney Field that is withIN the Fort. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waynesville_Regional_Airport_at_Forney_Field

--And so when Jason Gerhard was arrested there last year on Sept. 12th, 2007 and what? flown to his hometown in Brookhaven, New York there must have been some inquiry as to the paperwork for his arrest generated out of here in New Hampshire, and I'd like the name and address plus telephone # please of the officer involved in your "The Show Me State" because I think he/she did a lousy job at checking to see if the paperwork was in proper order.

--As you have taken an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America, I highlight Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 for you and bring your attention to Attorney Lowell 'Larry' Becraft's excellent website from Huntsville, Alabama over at http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm without an index of the states listed as either a single or double-filing state, nor whether they are in compliance with the law, and so tell you that New Hampshire is a double-filing state that is NOT in compliance with N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 as evidenced by the certificate of non-filing that I did receive from our N.H. Office of Secretary of State back on Sept. 10, 2001 = exactly seven years ago, but which the judge in the Ed Brown case REFUSED to put into evidence, and the judge in this case REFUSED to mark as an Exhibit # for the trial jury the reference thereto by my Art. 41 + 49 Petition.  The fact being that our State Legislature granted 'Consent' on June 14, 1883 when the Federal Court was operating in Exeter and Portsmouth, N.H. on minor crimes of violations, but that the TYPE of Consent was a Conditional Consent that the Feds have never met, but now being looked into at the N.E. Archives for any receipt in Waltham, MAss. since the Feds are now conducting felony trials here, and so every t must be crossed and i dotted for procedural due process of law by the 5th Amendment so as to avoid the label of being a sociopath.

--I've already alerted the Cohoes, N.Y. Police of the assault and kidnapping of co-defendant Dan Riley in this case #07-cr-189 in Concord, N.H. and so was likewise going to report this to your town there before any 1-year statute of limitations is up, like here in N.H. but find it technically a CDP (census-designated place) and so would you please investigate and report back to me.

Thank you 'very' much, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. Jason has been found guilty, and is in-transit to a B.O.P. facility to be F.C.I./ 'corrected', but that he IS already correct and with his notice of Appeal filed in Boston for the First Circuit, and of a Bar Counsel complaint partially filed against his attorneys for violation of 18USC3232 in transporting him over to Maine illegally."


Modification: sorry for the typo of not cq but cg in the e-mail address to the Commanding General (cg).  A forward to him was made at exactly 1:30 p.m. I must have had Jodie Foster's "Contact" movie on my mind of "cq". Plus BTW a copy likewise sent to William Heslin, Sr., Chief of Police, [e-mail: police-chief at ci.cohoes.ny dot us ]97 Mohawk Street, Cohoes, New York 12047, 518: 237-5333 at exactly 1:23 p.m.


So was Danny arrested (assaulted and kidnapped in the town/city of Cohoes or Albany, N.Y.?)

A.) Yesterday I did send an e-mail letter marked:

"FW: [The Dan Riley case]
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Wed 9/10/08 1:23 PM
To: police-chief at ci.cohoes.ny dot us

Attn: William Heslin, Sr., Chief of Police, 97 Mohawk Street, Cohoes, New York 12047, 518: 237-5333

Dear Chief Heslin:

--This is to follow-up my written letter to your department that was mailed to you this morning as postmarked from Concord, N.H.

--So as to arrive BEFORE any 1-tr. statute of limitations for assault, would you please acknowledge this e-mail as having been received, as likewise me to make a copy to send to my friend Dan Riley, currently down at Fort Devens in MAss.achusetts later this afternoon.

--Hopefully you will receive my letter in tomorrow's mail, but maybe not until early Friday morning, Sept. 12th @ _:_ o'clock a.m. and so also BEFORE any one-year statue of limitations to report this crime of assault upon Mr. Riley that was done both unlawfully and illegally as explained below in my letter to the General of Fort Leonard Wood out in Missouri.

Thank you, - - Joe Haas"


B. Now here's what was just sent to The City of Albany, N.Y. by me through their internet contact page at exactly 12:22 p.m. earlier this afternoon:

"Please file this complaint with your Police Dept. for the 1-yr. ago as of tomorrow, Sept. 12, 2007 unlawful and illegal arrest of Daniel J. Riley (of Cohoes, N.Y. too?). Your COPs with paperwork from the N.H. Feds was OUT OF ORDER as not in compliance with Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 U.S. Const. since they did not comply with the CONDITIONAL 'Consent' we gave them back on June 14, 1883 by N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 which proof for evidence to the First Circuit WILL be presented. Thank you very much, Joe Haas"


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 11, 2008, 12:50 PM NHFT
Later...for the details:

1.) Albany, N.Y. http://www.albany.org/Contact.aspx

2.) Alice, Texas http://www.ci.alice.tx.us/police/C.I.D..htm

3.) Randolph, Vermont

a. The Police Dept. http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={39C8EEC7-11BE-4B56-B45A-3B14DE28087B}&DE=

b. The Police Advisory Committee (PAC) http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={5E218192-BD31-4ECA-9B27-7F8E39527F7C}

c. Contact Info http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={A307103A-97CA-415F-A05F-E4C986EABB35}&DE={45CB5D5C-134A-4BD7-85F9-757A0802BF3F}


Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter:

"FW: Report of Crime (C. Gonzalez case)
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Thu 9/11/08 12:47 PM
To: cid.lt at cityofalice dot org

To: The City of Alice, Police Department, Criminal Investigations Division, #___ ____________ (Street), Alice, Texas _______ Attn: Lt. Luis D. Barrera, Directror, 316-664-0186 ext 1414

Dear Director Barrera:

--This is to report the crime of assault and kidnapping to you from me about Cirino Gonzalez who was unlawfully and illegally arrested almost one year ago, as of tomorrow, and so as to anchor a civil claim for damages against you and/or the Feds would you please assign this 'follow-up investigation' to one of your seven (7) Sergeants to look into the truth of what I write about since the operations down there on Sept. 12, 2007 were OUT OF ORDER in that the paperwork from New Hampshire was  NOT in compliance with the law!  And in particular because of the fact that the Feds have FAILed to file the necessary paperwork by the 'shall' word in N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 (see http://www.state.nh.us/ ) with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State, wherein then and only thereAFTER that requirement is met by this CONDITIONAL 'Consent' from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Const. can they have jurisdictional authority in which to operate.  The U.S. Marshal Stephen R. Monier of Goffstown, N.H. knows this and even signed an oath to serve ONLY the LAWFUL precepts but that his mental stability is in question to the point of me calling him a 'sociopath' in extreme denial of the truth, or what Al Gore would call: 'An inconvenient Truth' that he chooses to ignore.  Such that it is hoped that he gets fired by the next President and replaced by someone of honor.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

bcc: Jose Gonzalez, = Reno's father (who can sign anything, like should your department require a signature to complete this complaint, since he has the P.O.A. for his son.)

P.S. For the story of this in our local newspaper back then of Sept. 13th '07, entitled: 'Supporters of Browns arrested' by Margo Sanger-Katz, see http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070913/FRONTPAGE/709130379 "


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 11, 2008, 12:50 PM NHFT
Later...for the details: ...

2.) Alice, Texas http://www.ci.alice.tx.us/police/C.I.D..htm



Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter:

"FW: Report of Crime (Robert Wolffe case)
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Thu 9/11/08 1:34 PM
To: larrytowns at yahoo dot com

To: James Krakowiecki, Police Chief, Drawer B, Randolph, Vermont 05060, Telephone: (802) 728-3737, Fax: 728-2512, via: Lawrence** 'Larry'*** Townsend, Chairman, Police Advisory Committee, T: 802-728-9646

Dear Chief Krakowiecki:

--Good afternoon to you and your 'professional's there of who you write about at your website* claiming to operate with 'integrity' meaning a 'Rigid adherence to a code of values' and in particular the code being 'A systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of laws or rules and regulations' [reference my The 'American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language' (c)1973 @ page 139] of which is hoped by me that you include the law of THE United States Constitution in your oath to that and of your state const. too, as both the federal and state are outlined in our N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 92:2 over here in your neighboring state, but there being a difference in that you're in a single-filing state in-compliance as outlined below, and so can have direct contact with the feds, but when such federal paperwork arrives in your office indirectly by way of through New Hampshire, please be advised by this 'educating our partners' you refer to, that this citizen/ me of the 'people' to your East, that what you encountered last Sept. 12th '07 of almost a year ago was one really big bad apple in our 'union' of which you failed to notice back then, but please to notice now, by the filing of this complaint withIN the possible 1-yr. statute of limitations to begin any check-and-balance offset in the criminal realm against these officers who did assault and kidnap Robert Wolffe with thier dis-honesty in their LOW standard of performance deserving to be demoted because as they say: 'ignorance of the law is NO excuse'.

--Thank you for your 'loyalty' in this matter of a steadfast (fixed or unchanging, and firmly loyal or constant) in allegiance to one's homeland 'or' government [ibid. @ p. 418 that also means faithful to a person, ideal, etc.]. Notice the 'or' word of if NOT government, then the homeland, as in 'The land of one's allegiance'.  So do these 'Homeland Security' agents of the Feds pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America?  I'd hope so, and to the Republic for which it stands, that word mentioned in Art. IV, Sec. 4 of the U.S. Const. and does NOT mean a 'Democracy'.  BUT when what they say and do are two separate events. that's hipocracy that I will NOT tolerate! and I hope that you will NOT tolerate too.

Thank you very much, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)."


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 11, 2008, 12:50 PM NHFT
Later...for the details:
3.) Randolph, Vermont

a. The Police Dept. http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={39C8EEC7-11BE-4B56-B45A-3B14DE28087B}&DE=

b. The Police Advisory Committee (PAC) http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={5E218192-BD31-4ECA-9B27-7F8E39527F7C}

c. Contact Info http://randolphvt.govoffice2.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={A307103A-97CA-415F-A05F-E4C986EABB35}&DE={45CB5D5C-134A-4BD7-85F9-757A0802BF3F}


My signed copies of this were mailed out yesterday (Wed., Sept. 10 '08) to both: 1.) Prisoner Ops-for Annual Reports (N.H. + N.Y.); and; 2. Police Dept., Cohoes, New York.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 09, 2008, 12:12 PM NHFT
At exactly 1:00 p.m. today I called there to Mr. Roctor, the receptionist at 315:473-7601 (the other # disconnected) who transferred me over to Deputy Gloo whose voice recorded said that he will get back to me, of to leave my phone # that I did plus reminded him of to see IF there was any checklist, [in the Annual Report?] and if not then ignorance of the law (1-8-17 U.S. Const.) to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 statute is no excuse and that ought to result in an apology letter from him for assault and kidnapping, and if not received immediately, then to report this crime to where? The Cohoes, N.Y. Police Dept.? http://www.cohoes.com/

Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 03, 2008, 11:21 PM NHFT
An Open Letter to:

The United States Marshals Service
Northern District of New York ....

Modification: to copy this page 21 from Ed's packet and sent to: The U.S. Marshals Service Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20530-1000 Attn: Prisoner Operations Division -- for a copy of this Annual Report (from N.Y., and also the N.H. one too please), so said Ms. Condra Symonds, Assistant Director @ 202: 307-5100 to me a few minutes ago @ about 1:35 p.m. from over at http://www.usdoj.gov/marshals/business/contacts.htm me saying: sorry to bother you for what the N.Y. office was requested of such in writing by me back on August 4th = over a month ago.

Also: the address for where to send a complaint of this crime of assault within #___ amount of time per the New York statute of limitations is to: The Police Dept., 97 Mohawk St., Cohoes, N.Y. 12047, Tel. 518: 237-5333 to send this out to them by my #10 envelope either later this afternoon or tomorrow.


COMPLAINT to the: Professional Conduct Committee

The template here, as filled in by me yesterday (Wed., Sept. 10 '08 @ 4:55 p.m.) and presented to the PCC for File #________ is my latest complaint against: Public servants: Huftalen, Kinsella, Jeffrey R. Howard, Dan Lynch, and Paul Hodes. They did get their copies delivered by me to their receptionists, and included the following attachments: my Reply #7770 on p. 519 of 9/8 @ 10:08 re: the websites to Rules 18 + 21; a copy of the AOC letter to me of Aug. 27 listing the members of the Public Protection Fund; Reply #7736 on p. 516 of 8/30 @ 12:18 PM with my comment thereto the AOC letter + mention of 142NH588 (1998); Reply #7660 on p. 511 of 8/7 @ 10:27 AM listing the illegal hearing dates in Portland, Maine for Jan., March, March + June; Reply #7661 on p. 511 telling of the Lynch lie of (Civil) Rule 77.5, that Hodes re-lied!!; and of the website to the father of all lies, Hodes SAYing he's a Jew, but in reality a member of the Synagogue of Satan!; and a copy of one of the Vouchers signed by our former N.H. A.G. - now mal-administrator for the 1st Circuit: Jeffrey R. Howard, a thief in the 1st or 2nd degree!

The complaint was signed by me "to the best of my knowledge" + belief so help me God through Jesus Christ. that the receptionist questioned, and I replied of adding to the "so help me God" of HOW but through His son: Jesus as from a T.V. ministry broadcast recently giving me this idea to combat these liars! since the only thing that God canNOT do is lie, because He is THE Truth with a capital letter: T!

The CERTIFICATE OF COPIES having been forwarded as by actual delivery by me to the receptionists to forward.

The other attachments being: a copy of pages 1, 2 + 12 of the attempted PLEA AGREEMENT* signed by Huftalen on June 12, 2008, with me highlighting that "Third" part @ pages 1+2; plus my Reply #7752 on p. 517 of 9/4 @ 11:048 PM with the Strafford County Grand Jury section highlighted for to send them this PROOF* later. 

Yours truly, - - Joseph, spelled out like Joel Osteen said, meaning to add, so adding these thieves to be raked over the legal coals!  >:D

Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 07, 2008, 09:15 AM NHFT
"... Complaint";

To: The Professional Conduct Committee (P.C.C.)
      Attorney Discipline Division
      4 Chanell Drive, Suite 102
      Concord, N.H. 03301
      603: 224-5828

RE: Complaint against: Attorney ___________________ + Attorney ____________________
      for theft of federal funds. Violation of Rule # _______.

Attention: James DeHart, Chief Administrator ...

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - -  Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

* Modification. (typo)


Update: A copy of this Reply #7760 on page 518 of Sat. 9/6 posted at 10:45 AM was addressed "To: N.H. Personnel Dept." and titled: "COMPLAINT against Paul Broder" was delivered by me, as I did underline my name and address after the "Yours truly" words in the quoted part, and signed by me, to the woman in the basement office of Personnel yesterday afternoon (Wed., Sept. 10th) at about 4:25 p.m. when she took it and clocked it in and said that she will get back to me for a hearing day and time to set up after he gets a copy from them with a chance to reply. - - Joe

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 06, 2008, 10:30 AM NHFT
Thanks Keith for reminding me of this Paul Broder character at the A.G.'s office who said that we're in the First Judicial "District", when it is really the Districts (in the plural) of Maine and New Hampshire withIN the First "Circuit"....


Here's a re-type of my e-mail about:

"Paul Hodes v.s. 'The Rule of Law'
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Fri 9/12/08 11:10 AM
To: hjuli at wjcfoundation dot org
Cc: Representative Paul Hodes (nh02ima at mail.house dot gov); getactive at jenniferhorn dot org

To: Mr. Herbert Juli, Executive Director, World Jewish Congress Foundation, 2125 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33137, Tel: 305-573-3500, fax: 305-573-1111 http://www.icjp.net/contact.htm

Dear Director Juli:

--Good day Sir, as the manager who regulates or controls or directs according to a rule.

--THE rule(s) I write of are: (1) your internal bylaws and: (2) "the rule of law" that your members must accept by willing it to be so, as in to act gladly, beyond mere compliance of yielding to this wish in your Mission Statement, but to actually embrace it, or do you take the tact of yielding and allowing your members to deviate away from this, and if so, how far away? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_of_Jewish_Parliamentarians_(JCJP)

--First of all: Is N.H. Federal Representative to Congress Paul Hodes of Concord, N.H. 'New Hampshire's first Jewish Congressman' a member of your outfit? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_American_politicians

--And if so, my COMPLAINT to you is that he either 'wise up' or be booted out as a bad apple so as not to tarnish your lofty goals that I admire your aim for this 'Rule of Law'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_law or in other words: 'rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised** only in accordance with written*, publicly disclosed laws adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process.'

-* Emphasis added of pre-scribed law, as in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution that reads that BEFORE any 'governmental authority is legitimately exercised'** 'Consent' by the state must be given.

--Here in New Hampshire that consent was given to the Feds by our state Legislature and General Court on June 14, 1883 ***, but what TYPE of Consent was it?  It was a 'conditional' consent that certain papers be filed with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State.

--The certificate signed by then and current Secretary of State Bill Gardner to me on Sept. 10, 2001 is gold-embossed, and has been duplicated with updates in time only, as Frank Mevers, the State Archivist has found NO such filing, NOR is there any receipt down at the New England Federal Archives on Trapello Road in MAss.achusetts. ****

--I've reported this to Hodes, and furthermore the violations by the Feds to illegal transport orders of inmates over to Maine in violation of 18USC3232, as there have been no motions for such by the defendants under Rules 18 + 21.  Instead what does Attorney Hodes (a buddy of David Hacket Souter) do for this 'obedience to positive law and formal checks and balances on rulers and magistrates'?  He informally, by verbal communication only, calls the Deputy Clerk, Dan Lynch of the U.S. District Court, at 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. and asks him to explain himself to my charges.  Lynch verbally answers with Local Rule 77.5 that allows this, but when I alert Hodes that this is a CIVIL Rule only, thus NOT applicable to this CRIMINAL case, he shuts his eyes and ears to the truth and re-lies what was lied to him, refusing to put such endorsement in writing as his excuse for NOT seeking an impeachment of this judge!

--This has gotten to the point of me writing that he is in fact NOT a Jew, but a dis-honor to the religion, and in fact, as spelled out in the New Testament of the Bible he is technically of the Synagogue of Satan: the father of all lies to whom he owes his allegiance ABOVE THE LAW!

--This crap has got to stop!  A copy going over to his Republican opponent in the General Election in November to see if she wants to do anything with this.

--Your outfit is thus put on notice, my request being that you please investigate this and get back to me.

Thank you 'very' much, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 [cell phone].

pc: 1. Federal Rep. Paul Hodes; 2. Jennifer Horn for Congress http://www.jenniferhorn.org/ 23 Elm Street, Suite A, Nashua, NH 03060, Phone: 603-212-9888".

-*** in R.S.A. Ch. 123:1
**** Waltham



Today is the one year anniversary of the abduction by the federal government of Cirino Gonzalez, Daniel Riley, Jason Gerhard and Robert Wollfe.

My heart feels heavy today as I think of these four brave men who have done nothing but stand up for truth, justice and the American way of life.

It's hard for me to believe that Jason will spend 20 years in prison and that Danny will spend at minimum 35 years in prison possibly sentenced to 50 years. INSANITY!!!

Reno's sentencing is still scheduled for 9/26/08.

Reno, Jason, Danny - I Will Never Forget what you have sacrificed.

keith in RI

jason is still being listed as in transit on the b.o.p. inmate tracker, but i took the liberty to call the brooklyn metropolitan center just now to inquire if he was there or not, jason told me he thought that was where he would be sent initially after leaving strafford, and that is where bob was sent. they tell me that jason just arrived there today. which is odd because where the hell has he been until now? over a week to go from new hampshire to brooklyn??? sounds to me like jason is getting some shitty treatment...... but at least we know where he is now and can write again, hopefully.........

JASON GERHARD     20229-045
P.O. BOX 329002