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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Kat Kanning


Thank you Joe that is great. Stupid computer is having trouble opening PDFs but I will find a way to get this to Reno. I can't thank you enough, it's like you are an angel or something.



Continued from Reply #7804 above:

1.) The Staff Attorneys of the Innocence Project are:

a.) Unknowns: Neil Raphael, Brenda Hanquist, and Timothy Hirsch (not profiled); +

b.) Joseph Savage*, and Jennifer Chunias**.

From: http://www.newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/staff.php with address and telephone #: New England Innocence Project Coordinator, c/o Goodwin Procter LLP, Exchange Place, 53 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, 617-305-6505; the e-mail address= coordinator at newenglandinnocence dot org from http://www.newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/contact.php

The details for * + ** over at

2.) The NEIP Board of Trustees http://www.newenglandinnocence.org/site/content/board.php

a.) *= Joseph F. Savage, Jr., is THE Chairman of the NEIP Board of Directors and also a member of the Board of Directors of the Innocence Network. As a partner in the Litigation Dept. at Goodwin Procter LLP he concentrates on "criminal defense" involving tax and "public corruption"! wow!

b.) ** Jennifer L. Chunias, also a member of the Board of Directors of the Innocence Network, IS an associate at Goodwin Procter LLP, and DOES run a clinical workshop at Harvard Law School, where she WAS a Lecturer there and faculty supervisor of the Harvard Project on Wrongful Convictions, and WAS also an Adjunct Professor at Northeastern*** University School of Law.

c.) *** Another N.E.I.P. Board of Trustees member, but not on the NEIP Staff is Daniel Givelbar, who IS a Professor of Law at Northeastern University School of Law where he previously served as dean for ten years. He teaches a course there labeled: ___________? and might like to include in one of his classes, the MAss. info from over at Attorney Lowell "Larry" Becraft's website http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm and so may be interested in the Federal Archives paperwork from Trapello Road in Waltham, MAss. I did receive and distribute copies to Reno, Danny, Jason + Bob of there being NO federal filing in the Commonwealth to the Office of Secretary of State, maybe as project #2 after this #1 of to get Reno out first. This I think, would be of special interest also to:

d.) **** Wayne A Budd, another NEIP Board of Trustees member, who was the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts from 1989 to 1992, then a partner of the Goodwin Procter, LLP 1993 to 1996 before branching out to work for John Hancock and Bell Atlantic, then back to Goodwin Procter LLP in 2004 where he specializes in business and commercial litigation, and so might be of help to Elaine.

e.) the letter "e" is from the word "mental", and so to David M. Siegel IS yet another NEIP Board of Trustees member and Professor of Law at the New England School of Law. He teaches there and HAS written articles on the history of mental health defenses, and maybe might like to branch out to go after these "sociopaths" of the federal gov't in EXTREME denial to the non-filing, the evidence by way of the gold-sealed certificate from Bill Gardner, Sec. of State indicating this failure to file as required by N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 to over-ride their "militant" actions of force as THEIR evidence, and when the case is won, THEN...

f.) the letter "f" is for Feldman= Robert N. Feldman, another NEIP Board of Trustees member and a partner at the Boston law firm, Birnbaum & Godkin, LLP who "represents wrongly convicted individuals who are seeking compensation for their false conviction and imprisonment." [reference the $2,500 per day in the Veronica Silva case in the N.H. State Board of Claims in the mid 1980s that made the front pages of the http://www.unionleader.com thanks to her attorney Andru Volinski, and so needing an update now almost a quarter century later.]

g.) the letter "g" is for the Governor of Illinois, to where yet another NEIP Board of Trustees member is Stanley Z. Fisher, Prof. of Law at B.U. Schiool of Law where he teaches in criminal "procedure", and so like in his research that the governor there in April 2002 used for police reform, maybe to teach the N.H. cadets here this "procedural" due process of law, that the end does NOT justify the means!

So this looks like a great bunch of litigators that when put together on this case will really makes waves! First regional waves, and then the nation, somebody sometime and somewhere (like Robert Stack used to say on his NBC-TV show of: "Unsolved Mysteries") to put together that index of single and double filing states from Larry's website, and then reference the latter of which ones therefrom are in non-compliance with the law and their own state statute.

Best wishes, -- Joe Haas


Joe are you 100% sure that this is all the motions listed on Reno's docket? He is concerned because there is so much missing. for instance no record of the plea agreement hearing in Maine. No record of him firing his attorney (not surprising) before he moves forward he wanted me to double check with you that this is in fact everything.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 10, 2008, 09:53 AM NHFT
Here are the Motions in Reno's case #1-07-cr-00189-GZS-3

01. 11/02/07 045 Motion to Continue Trial                              # pages:    2
02. 11/19/07 057 Motion to Reschedule                                                  2
03. 12/12/07 073 Motion to inspect property                              3 + 3 =   6
04. 01/15/08 143 Motion to Compel Disclosure                                         3
05. 01/16/08 157 Motion in Limine, re: Evidence by U.S.A.                         5
06. 01/16/08 159 Motion in Limine                                                         2
07. 01/18/08 175 Motion to Dismiss                                                       3
08. 01/18/08 176 Motion for Bill of Particulars                                          3
09. 01/21/08 182 Assented to Mtn.for leave to file obj.to gov't mtn. in limin. 2
10. 01/22/08 187 Motion for Additional subpoenas: since the amount is greater than five (5) there needs to be a motion by Rule [LCrR 17.1(a)(c)].                  3
11. 01/24/08 199 Motion for Bail Pending Trial                                        4
12. 01/30/08 221 Assented to Motion for leave to file Memo of Law             2
13. 02/04/08 235 Assented to Motion to extend time                              2
14. 02/06/08 240 Assented to Motion for Reconsideration on 232 order       2
15. 02/13/08 260 Assented to Motion to extend time                            2
16. 02/29/08 281 Partially Assented to Motion to excuse Counsel            2
17. 03/13/08 312 Partial Assented to Mtn. for leave to file Mtn.in limine    2
18. 03/11/08 313 Assented to Motion to Extend Time                           2
19. 03/18/08 322 Motion in Limine, re: firearms                                    3
20. 03/19/08 329 Motion in Limine, witness Anthony Dorothy                  2
21. 03/19/08 330 Assented to Mtn. to Extend Time for filing objections    1
22. 03/19/08 331 Motion in Limine, re: Anthony Dorothy, by Riley            1
23. 03/30/08 352 Mtn.in Limine, statement to Gerhard by Wolffe/ by J.G   2
24. 04/02/08 358 Partially Assented to Mtn.schedule closing argue/byJ.G. 1
25. 04/04/08 362 Mtn. in Limine, strike statement for evid.by J.G./ toD.R. 2
26. 04/04/08 364 Motion to Dismiss by Jason Gerhard as to Dan Riley       1
27. 04/16/08 398 Motion to arrest judgment under Rule 34                     7
28. 04/17/08 402 Assented to Motion to correct a Memo                       1
29. 04/21/08 403 Assented to Mtn. to continue Trial for 45-60 days, 2+1=3
30. 04/23/08 405 Motion to Clarify 403                                               2
31. 04/21/08 406 Motion to Dismiss Count one by C.G.                          5
32. 05/02/08 415 Assented to Motion for Reconsideration, re: 403           2
33. 05/02/08 416 Mtn. to Authorize Payment of Transcript                     2
34. 05/05/08 418 Assented to Motion for Transfer at Gov't expense         2
35. 05/06/08 420 Motion to arrest the judgment                                  4
36. 05/20/08 433 Assented to Mtn to Reschedule date of Jury Selection   2
37. 06/13/08 446 Motion for subpoenas for witnesses                           6
38. 06/16/08 447 Assented to Motion to Dismiss Counts #1 + 5              4
39. 07/29/08 485 Motion to Suppress Evidence, by Jason Gerhard           2
40. 07/29/08 486 Motion to Redact 404 Transcript [note: this is a sealed document and so access is denied.]                                                             ___

Note: that my numbers 10 + 37 refer to the # of subpoenas. On Feb. 1st, 2008 the judge issued an Order of denial without prejudice to refile 187 since the defendant must show "the necessity of the witness's presence for an adequate defense."

Yours truly, JSH


The attempted PLEA AGREEMENT was dated June 12, 2008, and so might have a document no. __ somewhere between  433 of 5/20 (my #36) and 446 of 6/13 (my #37) since these 40 numbers of mine are ONLY for the motions.  Of course there are #s 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, + 445.  The 40 I've listed is but less than ten (10%) percent of the total docket of 486+ entries.  You asked for the motions, and so YES- I'm 99.9% *sure that I found every one.  If you'd like to double-check, then maybe when you or Keith check PACER, or re-visit the courthouse, you might find another motion that I've missed, but I don't think so.  A few months ago I did copy the entire docket sheet for Danny and sent it to Keith.  The same could be done for Reno, and if he wants it, I suggest that he ask David to get it for him since the judge has not yet fired him, and he either already has a copy or can get it at gov't expense. BTW I totaled up all the pages for motions and it's 104 pages, so at 10-cents per page, that's $10.40, but my presumption is that Reno only needs certain ones, and so which ones is he missing and wants that again: David should have given him a copy of ALL of them! Plus PACER charges 8-cents per page I've been told for copies.

Here's an example of other document numbers from my notes that I started to detail the motions, but the clock was ticking for them to shut the door at 4:30 p.m. that day and so I did not continue this: 12/27/07 #92 Order on Mtn. in Limine, #120 Order on Mtn. to Suppress by 1/15/08; and 1/29/08 #220 order denying Mtn. #176, + #__ un-numbered same day 1/29, Order denying Motion #199.

* Sorry, I did find another Motion 1-15-08, and so #04b I'll call it = #144 Motion to Dismiss Superceding Indictment of 2 pages. It was hidden among these beginning notes of when I started out with the Orders on these motions.

Quote from: lastlady on September 15, 2008, 08:00 PM NHFT
Joe are you 100% sure that this is all the motions listed on Reno's docket? He is concerned because there is so much missing. for instance no record of the plea agreement hearing in Maine. No record of him firing his attorney (not surprising) before he moves forward he wanted me to double check with you that this is in fact everything.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 10, 2008, 09:53 AM NHFT
Here are the Motions in Reno's case #1-07-cr-00189-GZS-3

01. 11/02/07 045 Motion to Continue Trial                              # pages:    2
40. 07/29/08 486 Motion to Redact 404 Transcript [note: this is a sealed document and so access is denied.]                                                             ___ ....


An Open Letter to:
Susan Margaret Collins
Campaign Office
11 Baxter Blvd.
Portland, Maine 04104

Dear Senator Collins:

--Enclosed please find a copy of my letter to Rep. Tom Allen back on Nov. 29 '07 of almost a year ago with no answer, and my recent telephone call memo to his Portland Office on July 24 '08 of almost two months ago, where because I am not one of his constituents that this "general" issue open to all will NOT be dealt with in the "specific", putting me into that category of commenting in a current bill, and so prohibited from getting the ear of the Congressman!  Reference their use of http://www.govtrack.us/congress/communicatingtips.xpd This is WRONG plus a lie, and especially since he is the one sending out these legal appropriations but that are illegally being spent. Reference numerous violations of 18USC3232 from here in N.H. to over there in Maine. Where is the oversight!? Must a constituent make an official complaint?  If so, I do hereby reference this Reply #____ on page no. ___ here (to be posted) over to The Letters Editor of The "Portland Press Herald" and "Maine Sunday Telegram" http://pressherald.mainetoday.com/readerservices/lettertotheeditor.html to PLEASE print this preamble and the documentation as soon as possible for some concerned citizen over there (or even an inmate not a citizen or "free man" but still entitled to lawful representation) to please make it so that this be talked about on the campaign trail, like for you Susan to get my two Senators to finally endorse my complaint to the sub-committee of the House Judiciary Committee that my Senator Judd Gregg refuses to do, for whatever unknown reason other than spite for arguing with his father Hugh Gregg (our former N.H. governor) one day on the State Ballot Law Committee when I called for him to disqualify himself as a major stockholder on The Indian Head Bank, and that Sen. John E. Sununu has been alerted of to please visit Fed. Rep. Paul Hodes who has a signed copy of the original and present that one as a replacement to the one conveniently "lost" that they said they never received, but that I did mail it "and" delivered both copies to Gregg and Hodes in Concord on my way to work there in the Capitol City one day, Hodes not doing this I found out afterward because his buddy Rothman failed to oversight this, and who was just mailed today a letter of complaint from me to him to: wise up!  If/when you do this to get their endorsement or even your own to start the process by a constituent complaint from over there (as in a "Common Cause" - yeah! where are they when you need them? Their N.H. office gone defunct from 4 Park Street, Concord, needing re-activation? of which outfit I was a member of back in the 1970s when I lived in Blue Hill, Maine) then this will prove that you ARE a "keeper" deserving an extra term and for the people to vote for you in November at the General Election telling Tom Allen he's fired! He is un-worthy of being promoted but he needs a swift kick in the butt to be demoted! This is serious business because people's liberties and properties are at stake, and Tom Allen can take his "monkey business" and go join the circus.  I'll be the first one to throw a tomato at him in the dunking booth! where he belongs, if not the public stocks or even in prison for this theft of public funds!

Thank you, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone) e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com

Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 24, 2008, 10:42 AM NHFT
Ann, Case Working Manager for
Fed. Rep. Tom Allen
57 Exchange Street, Suite 302
Portland, Maine 04101
207:774-5019 said just a few minutes ago: [after my call to their D.C. office at 202:225-6116]

that "we" don't care whether the money Tom votes for out of the Budget Committee in Washington, our nation's capitol to the judicial branch is mis-spent by First Circuit Judge Jeffrey Howard of Boston, MAss. and Concord, N.H. or the judges, clerks and attorneys involved or not, you are NOT his constituent and he will NOT investigate toward an impeachment either as this single violation of 18 USC 3232 is NOT a "high crimes and Misdemeanors" in the plural needed for such by Art. II, Sec. 4 of the U.S. Const., and she said she knows, since being on the job for 12 years there, and to see also Art. I, sec. 3, cl. 6+7 of 7 for trial in the Senate. BUT that there have been numerous illegal trips, in the plural from N.H. to Maine, and my Fed. Rep. Paul Hodes KNOWS it, but protects his buddy of the bar, so what next? to re-contact Fed. Rep. Shea-Porter? and Sen. John E. Sununu to endorse my complaint to the sub-committee of the House Judiciary, since Sen. Judd Gregg said to get lost too.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 29, 2007, 04:29 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 29, 2007, 03:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: richardr on November 29, 2007, 02:54 PM NHFT....

Quote11/26/2007 ....

... him saying that he will not investigate to prove that N.H. is in non-compliance to advise his Maine judge Singal that he ought not to travel into non-jurisdictional waters, and that it is up to a Congressional Investigation since these are Legislative courts....

Here's a re-type of my e-mail letter of exactly 5:00 p.m. today;

"To: Federal Representative Tom Allen
1127 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202: 225-5590
Fax: 202: 225-5590
[e-mail: rep.tomallen at mail.house.gov ]


Dear Rep. Allen:

--This is to follow-up my call to your office this afternoon a few minutes ago where your secretary was nice enough to tell me that you're in Maine now, and back to work in Washington, D.C. next week, and as a member on the: (1) Budget, and (2) Energy & Commerce Committees.

--That's 'very' appropriate since what I'd like to see is more efficiency in the federal government for my tax dollars as extracted by my boss at work.  I too own some land in Maine and used to live in Blue Hill.

--Now here's what I'd like for you to investigate, as like to start a Congressional Investigation of ALL fifty (50) states maybe, but to start somewhere, and that is for this Maine-New Hampshire connection, of WHY is it that Portland Maine Judge George Singal is coming to the New Hampshire court when he should realize that N.H. is in non-compliance with Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution.  He was given the ball as they say for the Ed Brown anti-I.R.S. co-conspirator cases to deal with pre-trial motions, and so in a way: GREAT that he from an in-compliance state might travel over here to a non-filing state to tell us to get our act together, in that there are none of the required filings by N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by the state statute.

--Attorney Larry Becraft from Alabama has a website of these single, and double filing states, with N.H. and MAss. in non-compliance (Florida too, to the governor's office), but Vermont + Maine in compliance by the mere filing of their deeds with the Registrar of Deeds in these single-filing states.

--Is there a special fund that these monies come out of?  And if so, can that person accept some audit of these funds to like send the bill against the judge's salary in N.H. who should have done internal correction in the first place?

--Your comments and suggestions are most welcome, and for details on this, see my Reply #6719 over at page 448 at http://newhampshireunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.6705 reference the Portland, Maine F.B.I. agent telling me to contact you, as the only one of four listed without having to jump over the website hurdle to get your e-mail address.

Thank you, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone)."


P.S. The website was (past tense) working, but not now, for all four; so see http://tomallen.house.gov/


Here's a re-type of my "letter":

"Would you please read the preamble to my memo to Tom Allen's office manager of this past July, and see the 'run-around' that I did get to my letter to him of last November 2007, and the need for a constituent there in Maine to take the baton and go with exposing these illegal payments against the code: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232 that Tom Allen says in effect: 'I don't give a sh*t'.  This type of attitude is un-deserving of being promoted from Federal Rep. to U.S. Senator, and deserving just the opposite of being demoted as in kicked out of office, and especially with being given the boot by Senator Susan Collins when she proves herself worthy of remaining there for being THE check-and-balance in the system.  This newspaper's help in this by this letter with printing of the documentation from over at Reply #7810 on page 521 would be most appreciated and a savings in your wallet too.  And/or maybe a front-page story about this corruption, as in your not getting your money's worth from this Tom Allen, and even worse as him a thief in the 2nd degree deserving prison time! http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.7800 Thank you, Joseph S. Haas"


P.S. After I did press the "Submit your letter" at exactly 12:37 o'clock p.m. this afternoon, I got the pop-up message page reading: "Thank you for taking the time to send your views to the Portland Press Herald/ Maine Sunday Telegram". My reply now being: You're Welcome, and hope to see some front-page story about this, this Sunday, September 21st as just five (5) days before Reno's sentencing day still scheduled for that Friday, Sept. 26th, or maybe postponed after the judge/ Judge Geo. Z. Singal reads about this while relaxing at home this Sunday.  >:D And/or maybe that or a follow-up, like some WBZ radio 1030 AM Larry Glick style phone calls to the parties involved, or door step reporting* to the Senators' and Reps' office in Maine and New Hampshire of WHAT, if anything, they intend to do about this?  Are you going to endorse Mr. Haas' complaint to the Subcommittee of the House Judiciary, or not? And if not, then WHY not!?

note: Hannaford Supermarkets sell "The Maine Sunday Telegram" at a discount in their stores in Maine with a bright orange sticker saving #___-cents off the now $______ cover price, and I'd like to see, and will pay extra for an advertisement to be presented, if they will deliver extra copies to over here in New Hampshire beyond just the border towns in New Hampshire to include the home town/actually "cities" of Nashua and Concord for Gregg and Hodes respectfully being the liars and thieves they are to wake-up to this front-page story!  ;D Would somebody, like an artist here, Dees? like to draw up a cartoon of Susan Collins kicking Tom Allen OUT of office, like in boots labeled official check-and-balance shoes or something similar? A few years ago I drew up my own cartoon exposing the corruption of RSA Ch. ______ of that "Improper Influence" statute on the books for 10 years, the state of N.H. "knowing" that it was unlawful and  illegal, but using as a tool against their political enemies, and approached the http://www.concordmonitor.com who REFUSED to print it, but that after legal counsel advised against it at the "Union Leader", so said Warren Hastings to me from his Concord office of the UNION LEADER, the Publisher Joe McQuade told the attorneys to: "go pound sand" and did run the ad. On Nov. __, 2004. THANK YOU "very" much Joe: you're in the true spirit of William Loeb in tackling these "scumbags". And I hope that WHEN this Maine newspaper does this, that you will run with more follow-up investigative reporting here* for maybe a mid-week report for Tuesday or Wednesday, September 23rd or 24th. in the http://www.unionleader.com/ Thank you!


A US Marshall has contacted Reno's brother and requested a meeting. His brother agreed to meet with him and it is set for tomorrow Wednesday. His brother is a police officer and will be having his boss there, the Chief of Police.

Not sure what this is about, but I assume this has to do with Reno's case. If we remember back in February Reno's father was arrested under false charges, they were later dropped by the DA. Keep in mind that it was discovered that the woman who filed these false charges was either an undercover informant for the feds or an actual fed herself and she originally filed false charges against both Reno's father and brother. But the Chief of Police stepped in and told them it was impossible for him to have committed the crime, I believe the charge was assault, because he was working at the time.

Anyway the feds continue to intimidate and fabricate lies. I have to wonder do any of them actually believe in the truth and justice they claim to be working for? They seem to lie so easily, how do they sleep at night?

Reno's ex-attorney still seems to be operating as Reno's attorney not recognizing or honoring the fact that he has been fired, twice now. Reno is going to get someone in there to talk to him one way or another. He is moving forward with pressing charges and will not back down. This attorney David Bownes even called Reno's dad and tried to get sympathy and said that Reno was probably going to get out soon and to not continue with these charges.

Makes no sense since even the PSI reports are recommending 10 years now. How this attorney thinks he will get time served just shows he is lying again. It just makes no sense at all. I had to ask Reno's father to consider the source and to look at his motives. But I fear Reno's father is believing this crap.

Thanks everyone. Reno feels he is more protected if everything is kept public. I have much to post, on behalf of Reno, regarding his outburst on Jury Nullification and what they are trying to do and the attempted Plea Agreement, but computer scanning issues has held be back.

I am praying for you Reno!!!  :'(


Quote from: lastlady on September 16, 2008, 10:30 PM NHFT
A US Marshall has contacted Reno's brother and requested a meeting. His brother agreed to meet with him and it is set for tomorrow Wednesday. His brother is a police officer and will be having his boss there, the Chief of Police.

Not sure what this is about, but I assume this has to do with Reno's case...

Anyway the feds continue to intimidate and fabricate lies. I have to wonder do any of them actually believe in the truth and justice they claim to be working for? They seem to lie so easily, how do they sleep at night?

From: "The Twilight Zone" episode entitled: "To Serve Man"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIufLRpJYnI&feature=related    >:D

WARNING: Do NOT watch this video IF you have NOT yet seen this 30-minute show.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 17, 2008, 04:46 AM NHFT
10 years!  >:(

It sounds like his attorney is trying to get him what? time served with the other nine (9) years put in abeyance that if he remains out of trouble during that time that he won't serve it with Uncle Sam?  re: for "any" violation like a traffic ticket or parking ticket too?  In that case I'd move to South America! Even if the prosecutor agrees, the judge can change his mind, and who in their right mind would gamble on a judge who is a "sociopath" with extreme denial to procedural due process of law!?  That judge deserves to be impeached! and this attorney sued after a win against him in the PCC.

Plus BTW at The Rochester Fair last night @ about 7:15 p.m. http://rochesterfair.com/ before The Hell Drivers show, I met with Tim Brown by his booth in Bldg. #__ him running for Strafford County Sheriff against Estes.  See http://www.timbrownforsheriff.com who I told about my taking the illegal transports by U.S. Deputy Sheriffs over to Maine case against 18USC3232 to "The Main Sunday Telegram" against Tom Allen thus for Susan Collins to continue to be the Maine Federal Senator.  He said that not only did Estes and his boys allow this/these illegal* transports (none AFTER I noticed him and Dowaliby in writing - but ignorance of the law is no excuse! - re: 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1) but that they all are deputized United States Marshals BELIEVE IT OR NOT! and so no real check and balance until my notice to them of "correct"ing them, and they still want to send Danny and Reno to the F.C.I. to be "corrected"!?  Like the money changers in the temple of old in the Bible, it's time for these tables to be turned on "them".  Maybe if Tim Brown can contact Jeb Bradley and really do a number on Shea-Porter THEN he will be really deserving to kick this Estes OUT of office! especially since he never signed his oath to the N.H. Const., but only to the U.S. and even at that a violator of 1-8-17!

Yours truly, -- Joe

cc: tbrown at timbrownforsheriff dot com [later].

Modification: the word "illegal" used both times by me above, are my words. However done, the common denominator is that they were Deputized U.S. Marshals.  I say they were done illegally, and  stand by my statement, sorry for the mix-up. Reno's complaint to the P.C.C. will prove this, and "when" Tom becomes Sheriff, yes- I ought to say: "if", but you get my drift by the quotes, then I bet these illegal transports will never happen again, because whoever teaches the Transportation Class in the Course 101 of whatever the number is at the Police Academy in Concord (PS&D), there ought to be this basic checklist, and especially for when the inmate refuses and is tazered to go or get some more electricity to withIN the body. - - - - Also Tom writes of respect for Jeb, but also a credit to Shea-Porter for help in a matter too. Yeah: like she said she would look into a matter for me and did, but that's like finding a nail, that if not hammered into the wall, the picture frame sits on the floor! In this case the proof of no receipt of federal filing in N.H. to RSA 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. just sitting there! We can do better than 2 more years of Shea-Porter!


Reno said that David Bownes went to visit him today to ask if he had been serious about being fired. Reno is serious about this, but we know how the judge will react on this. He told David he is upset and has broken his trust. For one, David was asked by Reno to produce all his emails, especially one sent to him shortly after he had left Ed and Elaines, sent by Lisa M. asking Reno to go back up to the Browns. In which he tells her no, i was asked to leave, and gave her his other reasons. If these emails were produced that there should had proven there was no great conspiricy on his part. Reno has felt let down by David for a number of reasons.

Joe, Reno would like for those 12 pages that 3 or 4 of them were posted here to be sent to me,( i may have them and they are lost within all my mess, at least pages 1, 2, 3, and 12 so they may be posted to his myspace blog.

if i have forgotten anything, im sure Last Lady can fill in the other details, been having a lot of seizures the past few days so I may be forgetting somethings.

thank you


Per Reno's request the original plea agreement has been sent to me, it should have left New Hampshire on Monday and get to me this week. I am going to make a page full copy of the whole thing for Reno and send to anyone else who would like them, (including you?). he does want them posted on Myspace, defiantforyou.com, scribd.com and any and all forums. He also wants the Concord Monitor report from June where they report on the attempted plea agreement posted with the attempted plea agreement.

You can grab pages off of this forum in the meantime.

Donna, Hope you are feeling better.  :)


Joe do know know how / where I can acesss ALL of the items in Reno's docket?

He just wants the list not the actual paperwork itself. He is looking for what is missing so I am in search of a complete list of all motions, documents, anything processed in his case.

Thanks again for all your help.



I do not do PACER.  I thought that you were going to set up an account.  They require a tie-in to some credit card, but won't charge the 8-cents per page until the bill is over ten dollars.  Keith has an account with them and can maybe print this out to mail to Reno tomorrow? Give him a call.  If not, then let me know and I can re-visit the courthouse on Friday afternoon before 4:00 p.m. (they close at 4:30 p.m.) to copy the #__-page index.  Good luck, - Joe

P.S. What really irritates me are these lousy/ good-for-nothing but billing the federal gov't on my tax money attorneys! Why the hell should we be doing what his attorney should be doing!? David Bownes - if you're reading this: get back to work! Do your job! I'm serious.  I've had enough of your bull-shit!