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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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I hear that!!! I am getting pretty tired these days. I feel like this is becoming a full time job. Reno wanted me to hold off from getting Pacer because of the cost involved but it is relatively inexpensive so I should just go ahead. I have contacted Keith. Thanks again!

Are you going to be at Reno's sentencing next Friday?

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 17, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT
I do not do PACER.  I thought that you were going to set up an account.  They require a tie-in to some credit card, but won't charge the 8-cents per page until the bill is over ten dollars.  Keith has an account with them and can maybe print this out to mail to Reno tomorrow? Give him a call.  If not, then let me know and I can re-visit the courthouse on Friday afternoon before 4:00 p.m. (they close at 4:30 p.m.) to copy the #__-page index.  Good luck, - Joe

P.S. What really irritates me are these lousy/ good-for-nothing but billing the federal gov't on my tax money attorneys! Why the hell should we be doing what his attorney should be doing!? David Bownes - if you're reading this: get back to work! Do your job! I'm serious.  I've had enough of your bull-shit!



Quote from: lastlady on September 17, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
Are you going to be at Reno's sentencing next Friday?

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 17, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT

Come hell or high water!, as they say.  >:D

Modification: http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-com1.htm

keith in RI

jason has been moved again. he is now at fairton so i would guess nothing sent to him got there in time....

   Name     Register
Number    Age    Race    Sex    Release Date
Actual  /  Projected    Location
1.    JASON GERHARD    20229-045    22    White    M         UNKNOWN    FAIRTON FCI

P.O. BOX 420
FAIRTON, NJ  08320

looks like jason is off on the same trip ed was sent on. yet bob still sits at brooklyn while jason is dieseled everywhere on earth.

Kat Kanning

Quote from: keith in RI on September 17, 2008, 05:46 PM NHFT
jason has been moved again. he is now at fairton so i would guess nothing sent to him got there in time....

   Name     Register
Number    Age    Race    Sex    Release Date
Actual  /  Projected    Location
1.    JASON GERHARD    20229-045    22    White    M         UNKNOWN    FAIRTON FCI

P.O. BOX 420
FAIRTON, NJ  08320

looks like jason is off on the same trip ed was sent on. yet bob still sits at brooklyn while jason is dieseled everywhere on earth.

Dang, I just sent him a whole bunch of stuff  >:(

Kat Kanning

Wait, I just looked Jason up and their database still says Brooklyn.



marshals threatened Reno's brother today, asking him to cooperate or deal with the possibility of the loss of job. Then served him a subpoena to be in NH on sept 26th, which is when Reno's sentencing is, the subpoena was to be served to his mothers or fathers property was served at his job instead, he told these marshals that he had nothing to say and he has a court appointed lawyer. these marshals were the same marshals that threw him to the ground the day reno was arrested and beaten reno while he was in handcuffs.

thank you



Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on September 17, 2008, 10:24 PM NHFT
marshals threatened Reno's brother today, asking him to cooperate or deal with the possibility of the loss of job. Then served him a subpoena to be in NH on sept 26th, which is when Reno's sentencing is, the subpoena was to be served to his mothers or fathers property was served at his job instead, he told these marshals that he had nothing to say and he has a court appointed lawyer. these marshals were the same marshals that threw him to the ground the day reno was arrested and beaten reno while he was in handcuffs.

thank you


Court-appointed from where? New Hampshire?  In a way this is good to get that paperwork.  It gives us another avenue of attack against these liars and thieves! Get that attorney to research the illegality of the subpoena as issued from a state in non-compliance with the U.S. Const. "and" the N.H. stature (re: Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 U.S. Const. to N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1) and agree to mark it: VOID! What I'd do is return the subpoena marked "illegal" and dare them to arrest him for contempt of court. He lives in Texas and would have to get the governor to extradite him, so a power-play from the governor's A.G. too ahead of time saying: no! to the subpoena also, like in a letter from the Attorney General of Texas to the U.S. Court in Concord, N.H. that he will not allow one of its state citizens to be harassed by a state in dis-honor! If his brother really loves him he will fight for his and Reno's rights! even though the maximum time for contempt of court is up to six (6) months!  Hey! I'll even sign something willing to do half the time of 3 months, because if his brother ever gets into that situation, I will be knocking on my Federal Reps doors here morning, noon and night at BOTH their offices and home addresses! I'm serious.  Once a member of VOCALS and I blanketed the neighborhood of one of these crooked judges in Manchester with flyers exposing his evil deeds and found out that a State Trooper lives right next door, him getting the education of this wrong-doing judge, and although not impeached he did straighten up!  >:D

Yours truly, -- Joe


Reno asked me to post this here. I know I am preaching to the choir but here is proof positive that he is being punished for informing the jury of it's rights.

The primary function of the independent juror is not, as many think, to dispense punishment to fellow citizens accused of breaking various laws, but rather to protect fellow citizens from tyrannical abuses of power by government. However Reno is being penalized for obstruction of justice for informing the jury of their right and duty. read the 3rd page section 42 closely. Thank you

OK having trouble uploading these jpg files. How can I present them so they are readable? What kind of code should I use?


Please read how Reno is being penalized for say "Jury Nullification is your right." Oh and look at who the victims are for his case. The US Marshals!! HA! The same US Marshals that beat the shit out of him while being handcuffed! Yes they are the victims, poor things. AH! Bastards!

Thank God there will be true justice someday. It may be the day they meet their maker but it will come.

Looks like the sentencing in still on for the 26th. Will keep you posted. Although I wonder if anyone besides Kat, Joe, Keith, Donna and me read this thread???


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