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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Quote from: lastlady on September 19, 2008, 10:40 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 19, 2008, 08:09 PM NHFT
In case you only read this thread:  the feds took Lauren today.  The Browns were mentioned at her hearing.

JEEZ! Do you know why she was taken?

Find the thread about it in General.


Update:  Right after I gave Donna the letter to Sherry for a copy of the RSA 311:6 oath, (see Reply above) I presented her a "courtesy" copy of my Notice of Intent to Impeach!  ;D

A copy going into the file, and per the policy, no "distribution" unless I give them a 2nd copy, me not THAT concerned that they know, just that I thought that if ANYbody reads the file, INcluding one or more of the judges, they might "wise up"!  8)

Yours truly, -- Joe

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 19, 2008, 01:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on March 05, 2008, 10:52 AM NHFT

Hey kids! What time is it?  __________________   8) It's Impeachment time!

Yes, the five (5) N.H. Supreme Court judges, by the act of a single judge, Hicks, has made it official: their over-rule of R.S.A. Ch. 21:2 for the "Common Usage" of words http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/I/21/21-2.htm by their George Orwellian "Nineteen Eighty Four" with the doublespeak ....


L.L.: Like Coconut says.  What you do is click on Kat's name, and go to her "last posts" and you'll find it there.  I've already replied with a joke, as I DO have Gary's phone #, but I think it would be improper to contact him UNLESS he is the one prosecuting? What are the details?  My presumption is that somebody will be posting there by late tomorrow morning, so that we can get organized for a demonstration maybe at 12:00 o'clock high noon, on Wed., Sept. 24th 1.5 hour before her 1:30 hearing before Judge ________? - Joe

P.S. From the south and west, the easiest way to get to the court (Concord District Court) is off of I-89 at Exit 2, Clinton Street, head east into the City past the first set of traffic lights at The Salvation Army and the court is on the left/north, and just south of the State Hospital grounds behind it, with its #__ parking lots, and BTW has a nice cafeteria for lunch.

Modification: Here's the direct path:



Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on September 19, 2008, 07:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on September 18, 2008, 10:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on September 18, 2008, 08:06 PM NHFT
...Although I wonder if anyone besides Kat, Joe, Keith, Donna and me read this thread???

I read it.

(1)I read it, too, mostly.
(2) Joe's posts I tend to skim over because lawyer jargon is even worse than the tech jargon I'm used to. ;D

(3)I browse the forum via the "show unread posts" link so I actually see every new thread;
(4)there are none I skip over.

(1) Ditto
(2) Ditto
(3) Ditto
(4) Well... mostly. There are a few threads that I only read occasionally, instead of reading every new post every time. This thread isn't one of them. I read it all, with the proviso that I skim Joe's posts because I don't understand them. Hey, I started the thread, so I might as well keep up with it.


Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on September 19, 2008, 07:06 PM NHFT
Quote from: jaqeboy on September 18, 2008, 10:10 PM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on September 18, 2008, 08:06 PM NHFT
...Although I wonder if anyone besides Kat, Joe, Keith, Donna and me read this thread???

I read it.

I read it, too, mostly. Joe's posts I tend to skim over because lawyer jargon is even worse than the tech jargon I'm used to. ;D

I browse the forum via the "show unread posts" link so I actually see every new thread; there are none I skip over.

That's O.K. J. even though I'm NOT an attorney, I deflect their crap and it ends up on the windshield here!  8)

To the others too, you might want to skim also, so as not to cause eye strain, be sure to wear a visor or hat to any above-the-computer lights.

- - Joe

P.S. K.B.: Sometimes I don't even understand WHERE these posts will take me next either, like what happens with WHOever is the Warden's supervisor out in Kansas for Ed.  This is like one big giant fungus like that 1000s of acres one out west, and needing James Burke here to make the connections: like what spores of the mold to seep up under the Warden's house at night and she wakes up with Excedrin Headache #666!  >:D


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on September 18, 2008, 08:09 PM NHFT
those over at Quatloos do.

I never heard of this website before and after checking it out I didn't get it. Then I read this and now it makes much more sense.

Source: http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/FalseRhetoric/JayAdkissonQuatloos.htm

The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD

Beware, tax honesty advocates!  There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at http://www.quatloos.com.  This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson.

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up.  It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned.  From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS).  We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows.  His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine.  We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices.  If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news".  He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.


Thanks for those letting me know you read this thread. It's very nice to know.  :D

Kat Kanning

Re:  Gary DiMartino - it appears he was the one who set her up for arrest.

Re:  appealing Ed's denied correspondence - thanks Joe (I assume that was about the NH Free Press)


Quote from: lastlady on September 20, 2008, 02:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on September 18, 2008, 08:09 PM NHFT
those over at Quatloos do.

I never heard of this website before and after checking it out I didn't get it. Then I read this and now it makes much more sense.

The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD

Beware, tax honesty advocates!  There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at http://www.quatloos.com.  This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson.

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up.  It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned.  From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS).  We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows.  His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine.  We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices.  If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news".  He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

Thanks L.L.

His profile is over at http://www.jayadkisson.com/ And he's from Oklahoma, and now at JayAksisson at gmail dot com, P.O. Box 7088, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Although he set up the website, how much has he participated there? __% of the time. Can anybody give me THE biggest piece of crap from him ever posted there? From my indirect contact with over there when somebody like Bill from here visits and tells me the latest "gossip", yes: that's what it is is opinion over facts, I've found that his "water hole" has drawn in many-a sapsucker from the dry desert of them starved for information (the truth) and will drink from a most polluted source, getting fairy tales.  Oh, how the Senate Finance Committee loves fairy tails, and the Chairman of such I think is none other than our own N.H. Senator Judd Gregg! 

Yes, there are abusive tax shelters out there, and a friend of mine now 91 years old, was taken-in by one called S.A.P.: Save a Patriot that took $x from he and his wife as some kind of insurance policy against the I.R.S. but when it came time to deal with the outfit head-on, the SAP people tucked tail and skidaddled. My friend had bought that Bill Benson book of: "The Law That Never Was", thinking that that would be the shield against them, but no: although endorsed by SAP I think as a tool, they were nowhere to be found when the IRS invited my friend and his wife into their office to "deal".  This was withOUT my knowledge until AFTER the fact, or during, but not keeping me posted, and the bottom line was that the IRS got a piece of their house by some equity line of credit/ tap into mortgage for an extension to pay these blood-suckers.  And this/ these attorneys over there love it! The word attorney is to attorn, as in to turn over from one to another, BUT all attorneys in every state take an oath of ethics to the law, right? So they purposely read the truth but put it aside for their own financial well being.  One of our founding fathers called it kiss-ass but in another way by saying: if you love wealth more than you do liberty, then get down on your knees and lick the hand that feeds you. Thus Jayadkisson as ass-licker to the Senate Finance and I.R.S.!? Disgusting Jay: stop being that one-eyed pirate  :icon_pirat: with a patch thief, and start being the cyclops with a club like in one of those Ray Harryhousen sci-fi movies, not to talk Quatloos as in that monetary system of some fictional Star Trek episode, but with the club of truth, like Teddy Roosevelt said I think it was: walk softly, but carry a big stick!

Plus BTW I remember the slogan that: saying is slander, and writing is libel. So when he knows the truth and does otherwise, he is a liar.  Plus what religion is he? If he's like Hodes who SAYS he's a Jew, but does lie, then I put him in the same boat of Satan, yeah: The Boat of Satan,  >:D sailing the high seas, and this Kiss-Asser can be it's captain of the west shores over there in CAlifornia.  To that I say KEEP OUT of New England you thief unless you wise up!  A thief by cover-up of the truth and dishing out lies by deception to his members.  They can all go in a boat over "the edge of the world", as maybe he's a Flat Earther too.  ;D

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Update: I called the jail again a few minutes ago @ 1:35 p.m. pressed 1 for to move forward, then 2 for inmate status got me over to Officer Mueller.  He answered the phone right away and he asked me if I would please wait a "second", I said: sure, but that the second went into minutes that lasted ten (10) minutes, getting a ring about half-way through indicating I was still on the line, as there was no music playing in the background.  The up-front message the same of either being monitored or recorded.  Then he got back on the line and we talked for about 10 minutes more from 1:45 - :55 p.m. about another "kidnapping" to maybe occur today, tomorrow, Monday or Tuesday toward Reno's next hearing in Portland, Maine this Tue., Sept. 23rd @ 11:00 o'clock a.m. [Thanks Keith for the relay by e-mail of the docket sheet pages for items #513 - 520+, this NOTICE of 9/18,Thu. between #519 + 520 that I told Officer Mueller was like #518b, and that I'd like to avoid a citizen's arrest of the car either in Boscawen or Portland when this happens, as I hoped Corp. Wyman did investigate these illegal transfers against 18USC3232 and that she will be able to do an executive check-and-balance, like to ASK the Feds when they arrive within maybe the next few hours or days WHERE they are taking him, and IF to across state lines do they have his Rule 18 motion signed giving them authority?  If not then to DENY the release and have her boss maybe file criminal charges in Franklin District Court against the officers involved in the attempt or assault upon the premises toward an INvasion so that they can plead Respondeat Superior that their master Monier answer to the charges as he is charged with his signed oath of office to execute ONLY the LAWFUL precepts, and this being clearly UN-lawful and illegal, and per the former there being NO R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 filing in Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.!

Officer Mueller now has the exact website address to this page, and so when Corp. Wyman returns on Monday she can be further educated adding WHAT learning had she done as promised since Fri., June 13th '08 of over 3 months ago now!!! Ofc. Mueller asking me if I'd like to talk with his Supervisor, and I said O.K. I don't mind repeating myself, but that when he got back on the phone after an about 3-minute wait @ 1:58 p.m. for whatever reason the Supervisor did not talk with me, and so I said that he or she can merely re-play this recording as it is all the truth, me a member with three State Reps of V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. who went after the crooked Supreme Court judges back in the mid 1990s for to offset their attempt at dismantling Art. 20 for jury trials in real estate matters is what got me involved, reference: the RSA Ch. 498:5-d for Decrees Amendment of 1995 by Rep. Roland Hemon of Dover, R.I.P. plus I did relay to him of my meeting with candidate Tim Brown there too for Sheriff who I met at the Rochester Fair who said that all the Deputies in Strafford County are Deputy U.S. Marshals, and when I asked him if he was too, he clammed up!  ;)

Yours truly, -- Joe

P.S. Maybe the Corp. Wyman had also contacted the Boscawen P.D., and Merrimack County Attorney Dan Hilliard about this? (Hilliard BTW aiming to be our next Executive Councilor) Surely that inside info from the A.G.'s office to Gov. Lynch about his Art. 41 duty to enforce all legislative mandates, outlines that he really screwed up by signing that Mutual Aid paper back in June 2007 with MAss. + Maine, and now he's got to continue the "cover-up." A friend of mine telling me on my return call to him of this past Tuesday that he met with the head of State Police Frederick Booth and talked about me and this case, and him/Booth respecting my writings and meetings but WHEN will this ever get down to brass tacks or the bottom line!? when Reno files that PCC civil complaint with Jim DeHart's office? and then I can take that evidence of AFTER-the-fact of the June transport and now this future transport to Maine to all these courts? Surely somebody will remember the slogan from their class in the course over at the PS&T of: "To serve and PROTECT" (emphasis ADDed for to prevent the crime from the start.)

Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 16, 2008, 12:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: lastlady on June 15, 2008, 12:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 15, 2008, 05:31 AM NHFT
Feh, I went to the courthouse on Friday and was told Reno wasn't having a hearing at all.

Reno's hearing was in Maine where the judge for the case is located. Apparently the judge has tried all along to have the trial in Maine as well.

So in other words: he traveled from Boscawen (in the Franklin District Court jurisdiction) through Concord onto 393 over through Northwood (Auburn District Court), into Barrington (Rochester District Court), Durham, to Portsmouth, then over the bridge through York to Portland? Thus through 6 + 2 = 8 state district court areas. 

Hey! On Friday afternoon, at about 4:45 p.m. I called the the Merrimack County Jail in Boscawen @ 796-3600 and got a recording that this phone call was being either monitored or recorded, and by pressing certain numbers I reached the lobby and Officer Foster.  He then transferred my call over to his supervisor, Corporal Wyman, and she said that this was a learning experience for her.  Reference my telling her NOT to allow inmate Gonzalez out to the Marshals for transport because they're going to be in violation of Title 18 U.S. 3232 and so RSA Ch. ______* for Kidnapping here in N.H.

She said that she'd look into it, what? after-the-fact? That's O.K. now that he has not 8, but x 2 = 16 complaints he can file for the return trip too.  >:D

cc: to Reno with a copy of my e-mail of: __________ describing in detail this statute* and how Danny can file charges too, as per that stun gun incident with pepper spray when he REFUSED to leave the law library and be taken over to Maine in leg irons and handcuffs too!! since all proceedings, meaning 100% of the time, including these pre-trial hearings "shall" be held in the jurisdictional territory of where the alleged crime occurred. Maybe when my Federal Rep. Hodes and Sen. Gregg get copies of these complaints, they will have kicked themselves in the ass that they should have acted sooner on my complaint.



Quote from: lastlady on September 20, 2008, 02:44 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on September 18, 2008, 08:09 PM NHFT
those over at Quatloos do.
Source: http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/FalseRhetoric/JayAdkissonQuatloos.htm

Thanks, re: this 1:31 p.m. edit by additional website posted here, finding #16 + 17 of interest of him being a deleting coward and Communist spy turning over I.P. addresses of protesters to the D.O.J. and I.R.S. to do what? send microwaves through the lines and make us cook? http://rawlivingfoods.typepad.com/1/microwave_ovens_and_irradiation/index.html  - - Joe


Quote from: Kat Kanning on September 20, 2008, 03:12 AM NHFT
Re:  Gary DiMartino - it appears he was the one who set her up for arrest.

Re:  appealing Ed's denied correspondence - thanks Joe (I assume that was about the NH Free Press)*

* Indirectly maybe, as I did copy your interview with Reno from the _________ issue at page #___ and mailed it to Ed, so this is not like a relay of a letter "to" Ed, from "Reno" with me as the 3rd party, but merely of like what he said/she said as they say of: hear-say.  If they won't allow this in, then they've got to get rid of all the newspapers in the country plus The READER'S DIGEST** that makes a $small fortune on the #______ subscriptions to the #___ million inmates in all 50 states. I doubt that would happen, and if ever did would result in some gigantic First Amendment lawsuit.  - - Joe

** http://www.rd.com/


As John Paul Jones said when asked if he was ready to surrender: I've yet begun to fight!

Well, as you can see from the latest crap against Lauren, plus Reno to court twice in one week next week: Tuesday and Friday, with Lauren on Wednesday, that's 3 out of 5 work days these Federal "goons" are against "us", and we're here checking in on our computers, be careful not to get "Computer Eye Strain".

So over to http://www.google.com/ I went IN SEARCH OF...these exact words of: computer eye strain, and found http://www.allaboutvision.com/cvs/irritated.htm for 10 steps, as summarized here:

1. get an eye exam once a year*;
2. "position your monitor so that the windows are to the side of it, instead of in the front or back" [cc: Ron at the Concord P.O. who uses a hat with visor to reduce the glare from the fluorescent tubes, so Ron: to have the furniture re-arranged so that the front windows are to your left or right.]
3. "If you wear glasses*, have an anti-reflective (AR) coating applied to your lenses", see http://www.allaboutvision.com/lenses/coatings.htm
4. a. get rid of that cathode ray tube or CRT if you have it and replace with a flat-panel liquid crystal display (LCD), like those on laptop computers;
b. Get a flat panel display with the highest resolution possible: chose with a dot pitch .28 mm or smaller.
5. the brightness of the screen should be about the same as your work environment.
6. Blink more often.
7. look away from your computer every 20 minutes.
8. take frequent breaks: stand up!
9. a. your computer screen should be 20 to 24 inches from your eyes.
b. the center of your screen should be about 10 to 15 degrees below your eyes.
10. * you may need a customized prescription. [this website from CVS of course].

Plus BTW I must have had ESP on Lauren's fiasco with the Feds, because at exactly 5:45 p.m. yesterday before I learned of Gary's shenanigans, I did call my friend Andy Tempelman who had a run-in with DiMartino, our common denominator enemy federal "goon" squad leader #2 who I've sued in Rhode Island, to see how he's doing, having not heard from him in months since the beginning of the Summer.


Modification: plus three letters to me in one day: (1) Warden, (2) Supremes, + (3) Concord District Court.


Quote from: lastlady on September 17, 2008, 03:10 PM NHFT
I hear that!!! I am getting pretty tired these days. I feel like this is becoming a full time job....
Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 17, 2008, 03:03 PM NHFT

Today is Sunday, what are you doing here? It's supposed to be a day of rest!  Rest for your eyes too as "more of us stare at a computer's monitor screen all day, straining our eyes."  See http://www.cyberparent.com/fitness/eyes-need-rest.htm Best wishes to you, for to talk tomorrow. - Joe


P.S. Like the MAss.achusetts "Blue Laws" of only Pharmacies open for business on Sundays, I thought that if Capt. Quatloos shows up like a spy  8) trying to get the latest news  ;D of the truth, I'd give him some good news.  See http://www.cyberparent.com/fitness/eyes-need-rest.htm and especially the last paragraph of a "Meir Schneider, PhD, the eye expert who has cured himself of congenital blindness...." If what he used can be somehow apply for your case, then so be it as to be less cranky!  ;) Hope is on the way.  :D  Or in other words: your pirate days  :icon_pirat: are over. Yours truly, -- Joe