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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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Here's a re-type:

"To: The Professional Conduct Committee
#___ Chanel Drive
Concord, N.H. 03301-_____
603: __________

Re: Haas v. Bownes

Dear Tom:

Thank you for your letter of: Sept. 2 '08.

Although the ten (10) days is past to file a Motion to Reconsider by your Rule #____ would you please incorporate all of those papers on #4 pages into this new complaint.

My new complaint is for the same charges, but on a different date: yesterday, Tue., Sept. 23rd '08 and in the same place.

These additional papers will complete this filing.

1.) The relay by e-mail of that portion of the docket sheet showing this will take place. (future tense); +

2.) a + b of it having already taken place, (past tense) as by the photocopies attached hereto of both: my PETITION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, and my 'Bill for: $598.20'.

3.) See also a,b+c here also of: my 'summar'y, 'Behind the scenes' and 'You're welcome' posting about the details of this event over at the New Hampshire Underground website, being Reply #7871 on page 525 of The 'Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS' and Replies #7875 + 7877 on page 526 = http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.7875

This NEW complaint to be given a Case #________ please to proceed onto a hearing for finding of fault, so that the fault can be dealt with in two ways: (1) for an appeal attorney to assist Bownes in Reno's case to the First Circuit, to have the fault corrected by a mistrial leading onto either a double jeopardy finding or re-trial, and (2) so that if the U.S. Court in Maine does NOT pay my Bill then to either file with: (a) The U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C. and/or the (b) N.H. Public Protection Fund.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - -  Joseph S. Haas, P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

P.S. See also my Reply #7865 on page 525 of my 'update' on how I arrived at this $105/hr. charge.

pc: David H. Bownes, Attorney, 486 Union Ave., Laconia, N.H. 03246, Tel. 603: 524-4330."



09/24/2008 531 Letter to Please take noticed from Romeo Lee Gonzalez re: subpoena (jar) (Entered: 09/24/2008)


09/25/2008 532 SENTENCING MEMORANDUM Supplemental by Cirino Gonzalez. (Bownes, David) (Entered: 09/25/2008)


keith in RI

danny has been returned to strafford county today. he called his brother and told him he was there. any mail should now go to strafford again. no updates yet as to his next hearing date. can someone please post info on tommorows sentencing asap as i wont be able to make it there tommorow.


I just heard from Reno he sounded good. He is ready for sentencing tomorrow.

I won't be there either but I am there in spirit.

Free Reno Now!!!


The General Services Administration (G.S.A.) is the gov't's landlord who writes that they take their job "seriously". 

Would somebody, more computer savy than me, PLEASE highlight my Comment over there, to over here, because I canNOT seem to get a print-out of what I did just write there. Thank you "very" much, to return later today, after Reno's sentencing @ 10:00 a.m. to the internet at the State Library, to copy and deliver to John Rettig, the GSA landlord over there at Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. to get him to get his boss in Boston to hold such a public hearing on this subject of their illegal lease with the courts. Thank you,  -- Joe


keith in RI

 JosephSHaas wrote:
Thank you G.S.A. for taking your job "seriously" as from the word serious, in to be critical = pertaining to criticism = the act of making judgments or evaluations, so would you please evaluate or fix the value or worth* of your lease here in New Hampshire to the fact that there was an Article I, Section, 8, Clause 17 "Consent" from the Legislature or General Court back on June 14, 1883 to the Feds but that it was a "Conditional" Consent, un-fulfilled, as evidenced in the certificate of non-filing to Bill Gardner's N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word in N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1. * worth = deserving of, and meriting, as from the word merit = the intrinsic right or wrong of any matter. So the proceeding please: to have your G.S.A. Boston office(?) please hold a public hearing on whether your lease with the courts here (1st Circuit and District of N.H.) are either right or wrong. Thank you, Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), reference the case #07-cr-189-GZS of U.S.A. (I.R.S.) v. Dan Riley, et al from the "Ed Brown" case, my friend from the days in the 1980s when Martin J. "Red" Beckman was running for President of the United States, and selling his books here from WMUR-TV Channel 9 out of Manchester with his 1/2-hour info-mercials during the "game show" hour, and this now being a VERY "serious" matter indeed!
9/26/2008 8:05 AM CDT


keith in RI

reno received a sentence of 96 months total, or 8 years. two counts with one giving him 50 something months and the other 40 something months totalling 96... they are to be served consecutively not concurrently. he has served approximately one year so far and with 10-15 percent off for good behavior that leaves him approximately a little over 6 years left. he was able to get the gold seal certificate from the secretary of states office into the record though so hopefully that helps his appeals chances....wish the news was better...


Quote from: keith in RI on September 26, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT
reno received a sentence of 96 months total, or 8 years. two counts with one giving him 50 something months and the other 40 something months totalling 96... they are to be served consecutively not concurrently. he has served approximately one year so far and with 10-15 percent off for good behavior that leaves him approximately a little over 6 years left. he was able to get the gold seal certificate from the secretary of states office into the record though so hopefully that helps his appeals chances....wish the news was better...

This totally sucks!   >:(

Thanks Keith for posting.  :)


Thanks Keith, I was about to explode!

Not what we had wanted but better than 20 years. 6 years with good behavior means he still has a life he can live. He is 31 years old.

I don't think he will do all that time anyway, as we are in the process of birthing a new age where real freedom and peace exists. Yes i am an optimist.

For reasons I can't go into here, Reno feels safer in jail / prison right now anyway. He is doing his work and making the best of it. He did 7 years in the Navy and will look at this time as similar but even more beneficial to his brothers and sisters in Liberty!

les nessman

   Thats a great mental attitude, and I agree with his premise.  I dont think any of them will be in prison for more than another year or so,
given the current political climate.  Right now we have people in North Carolina and Tennesee who cannot purchase gasoline without
driving to a nearby town, and the mainstream media wont touch it with a ten foot pole because it would incite a run on fuel.
Its like the book "Atlas Shrugged" when Dagny is walking down the track in the dark looking for a working telephone.  Its only a matter
of time before we get to that point.


Quote from: keith in RI on September 26, 2008, 01:21 PM NHFT
reno received a sentence of 96 months total, or 8 years. two counts ... they are to be served consecutively not concurrently. he has served approximately one year so far and with 10-15 percent off for good behavior that leaves him approximately a little over 6 years left. he was able to get the gold seal certificate from the secretary of states office into the record though so hopefully that helps his appeals chances....wish the news was better...

Thanks Keith for the relay here, plus the G.S.A. there.

The details, as will, no doubt, be in tomorrow's http://www.concordmonitor.com/ since Margot was there with J.J. McNab too over at her what? http://redcrayons.net ? are that it was 60 months on Count 2, and 36 months on Count 3 = 96 months.  The maximum was supposed to be five (5) years, but because the Probation Dept. with their P.S.I. Report indicated two victims of: (1) the federal government, "and" (2) the United States Marshal service, that allowed the judge to increase it up to ten (10) years, but "Captain Singal" as Danny would say, pretends to be a nice guy to some degree by only giving him three more years. 

The sentencing hearing started at 10:00 a.m. in courtroom #1 on the 3rd floor and was attended by me 100% of the time until the end at 12:55 p.m. with an about 10-minute recess for David Bownes to relieve his back.  The prosecuor Huftalen was at his table (Kinsela in the back in a street shirt among the Deputies, and on Reno's side were J.J., Margot Sanger-Katz, and me plus a few others too, like some man who was Ed's attorney back in the 1990s in some bankruptcy case.

I did take notes but will summarize here from memory that David did a good job of highlighting this no double-victim crap, as THE gov't is one big victim, and then Reno went into how his case compares with each of the 10 Amendments to the U.S. Const. (like the "Twenty Questions" or 10 comments in this case) plus two more being the presentation* of the photocopies in black + white of the gold sealed certificate to federal non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. and the numerous letters he read, that the judge got tired of, and asked to merely quote from any highlights therein.  David presenting both the copy of certificate and letters to the judge, but instead of reading them like under advisement, he went into a rage proceeding directly to the sentence by making reference to certain page numbers in the transript and saying that Reno did purjure himself at each instance, saying this about a dozen times.

David asked about bail, and the judge said: put it in writing.  Judge: file notice of Appeal within ten (10) days. The judge then got up and walked out BEFORE he asked if there were any other victims.  My V.I.S. (Victim Impact Statement) was given a document # in the docket this time, but I was NOT given my opportunity to address the fact that the real culprits of violence were the Marshals using force as evidence, as from the word "militate" or militant, so really there should have AT LEAST been a downward deviation of sentence LESS than the five years, like NONE at all for Reno, but for trespass charges for ALL U.S. gov't workers in this case!

To ask for a transcript exerpt on Monday from Susan N. Bateman, Official Court Reporter @ 225-1453 e-mail: susan_bateman at nhd.uscourts.gov for two sections please: (1) at 10:22 a.m. where Huftalen said that they were only carrying out their "lawful duties", and (2) @ 12:47 p.m. where the judge agreed by adding of there to enforce a VALID order of this court, but that is both unlawful and in-valid, PLUS illegal! How dare he say invalid withOUT studying the evidence! Yes- the Art. 49 Petition he had seen before but NOT the gold-sealed certificate copy.  Maybe Danny can impress upon him the seriousness of this with an actual gold-sealed one...

...Plus after the judge left I did ask: WHERE is my chance to input as a victim.  She said she is not officially recording, but would make a note of my protest, and then when I went for a statement of I want to see the landlord for a "capture the flag" of the N.H. two bailiffs (Gary and Ken) decided to turn me around with an about-face and escorted me down to John Rettig's office at the GSA who said that the U.S. (with POW) flags on one flagpole and the N.H. both outside are GSA owned, while the ones in the court are owned by them/ the court. He said he bought them downtown, and Clerk James R. Starr told me later he bought his on-line, with the two of the U.S. and N.H. for the library donated by Warren B. Rudman as flown over the Capitol in Washington and from Jeanne Shaheen when she was governor respectfully. To look into this "Law of the Flag" like when a ship is at a foreign port but has their flag flying that all contracts are UNDER the jurisdiction of the flag.  BUT where is the jurisdiction from N.H.? The "Consent"? There is none, and so NO jurisdiction even though improperly advertised as a lie! Them buch of liars and thieves!! But HOW to enforce this? WHO to turn to? The 1st Circuit judges? on appeal to hold a hearing in Maine or Vermont, since N.H. and MAss. are BOTH double-filing states in NON-compliance!

Yours truly, -- Joe


Just got off the phone with Reno. He is okay. He mentioned that he tore up the Constitution and said that it is no longer valid since with all their codes and statutes, they can just ignore the supreme law of the land. My words not specifically his, but worth noting. He said he proved that the marshals were liars and showed how they had done so. They tampered with evidence and made false statements and contridiced their own statements.

But we all know that the Courts, the Judge, the prosecutors and the Department of (IN)Justice ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THE TRUTH!

This is about keeping people who question their authority in their place. Be a good little slave and keep quiet, or you will pay the price. Reno is strong and although he mentioned that he is lonely, he misses certain things, he will survive this and come out a better man.

He wants me to get a transcript of his statements only from the sentencing. I'll start working on that Monday.

I want to also mention that many people were praying for Reno even all the way in Iraq at a very holy place. I forgot exactly where but I am pleased there are good people in this world who recognize injustice and believe We The People Shall Overcome!

Oh I also told Reno that Kat is in Merrimack. Maybe he will manage to get a message to her.  :D


Quote from: lastlady on September 26, 2008, 03:39 PM NHFT
... He mentioned that he tore* up the Constitution and said that it is no longer valid since with all their codes and statutes, they can just ignore the supreme law of the land. My words not specifically his, but worth noting... They tampered** with evidence and made false statements...

He wants me to get a transcript of his statements only from the sentencing. I'll start working on that Monday....

Yes, he tore* it up not once, nor twice, but three times putting it into little scraps, holding them above his head.

Reno started talking @ about 11:00 a.m. and with the 10-minute recess lasted to 12:35 p.m. It was @ 12:20 p.m. when he did mention this tampering** of the resolution of Danny's video, re: when Danny was shot at by the U.S. Marshal, Danny an unarmed man with a cup of coffee walking the dog.

From my notes, the judge did ask Reno if he had been on any drugs within the last 24 hrs. Answer: no. The judge overruled the gov't on something, then David's 10 objections overruled too, then David got into this "grouping" issue of there NOT being two victims (U.S.Gov't + Marshals] but merely they are "one and the same". Judge: Gov't witnesses? Answer: No. Bownes read the names of those nine people who had written in letters (note: Reno read 20 later, then the judge stopped him from reading any more, and chastised Bownes for not getting them to him BEFORE sentencing).

Plus onto the Prosecutor and so here's what Huftalen had to say: Reno NOT a peaceful man, expelled from school at age: 15, with a family less than perfect, with numerous jobs, a failure to hold one for over six months, Reno's gun (50 cal. with armor-piercing rounds) was stationed on the 2st floor looking front, while Danny's was on the 3rd floor facing back, that lawful duty statement, something to do with some Pinkerton liability whatever that is,  and who did ask for 120 months (10 years), ending his talk @ 10:30 a.m. when David said he'd start at the tail end talking about how the jury did NOT indict on the other counts because there was NO use of force by Reno, the judge saying something about speculation, and David's reply of that you can draw that as a reasonable conclusion saying counts 2 (really count A) +3 (really count B) but not count 5 blah blah blah with numbers over to 10:59 a.m. as Mr. Wolffe's own testimony of Reno there not to assert and resistance, 10:55 a.m. talk of Jason serving hamburgers to the Marshals and so NOT a "bunker mentality", ending with @ 10:59 of his being gone from there by June 23 '07 after a dispute with Ed, and so David said no need to punish further, he's been through enough, and that "time-served" would be an appropriate sentence.

Reno's first talk was of a letter from his best friend since age 13 or 14, who advised him to shut up, but you won't. Name later given as Nabile Abati (spelling) who sent greetings in this month of Romadon, some info about Cain & Abel, and of discussions needed, we're all one red blood, info about Abraham and majority rule with rights of the minority, Thomas Paine, and a "Democracy", a Police State and God Save America. Actually before that of Reno asking the judge if he took an official government oath. Judge: no Q&A, so Reno said something about Jamie Barry on Sun., July 15 '07 recording Reno's current mood as peaceful, and NOT "Head of Security" as some thought, Reno saying "F___ that" in a very load voice! onto Cindy Shaheen and her anti-war stance, the above for Nabile already written, and so onto the 10 Amendments:

1. Ed & Elaine taking the first steps with their civil lawsuit, and the gov't reply with the criminal lawsuit (reminds me of the Decl. of Indep. when King Geo.III met our many petitions with more injuries).
2. I'm O.K. with not owning a weapon anymore Reno said, and if he gets time served there will be no appeal (11:16 a.m.)
3. No quartering of soldiers, but phone cut off and internet disconnected.
4. The 7/15 again for '07 of talk with undercover agent known to be, and peaceful
5. ( no notes)
6. the Amend. for compulsory process, but limited to 5 subpoenas. (37-5=32 @ 11:40 a.m. under #8 below) )
7. jury nullification is their right they ought to know.
8. Excessive bail? No, no bail. The Marshal lied at the bail hearing. "Jesus Christ"!
9. other rights
10. Reserved to the states.
- - - - -  end of the 10 Amendments.
11. 1st Amend. again, re: RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., Reno told to slow down by the Court Reporter and then the judge, from reading the statute, at 11:54 a.m. the judge saying he can put that into evidence. (that David did at the end here).
12. The letters read (see above).
13. The resolution in the video (see above).
14 Reno then talking about his RE-1 desirable re-enlistment rating from being a Navy Seal at Pearl Harbor; him getting over 475 pieces of mail the last year and all positive. The bottom line: "I've learned my lesson: you don't fuck with the gov't." Some talk of NO quality control with sending defective weapons back to the boys and girls, and when he complained (like a whistle blower, is my term used here), the multi-million-dollar company didn't combat but merely denied he ever worked there (!?) 12:35 p.m. end for Reno, the judge skipping over my V.I.S. right to talk and so him into the numbers this and that in an aggressive manner, me seriously thinking now that this judge is really a deep-end sociopath in extreme denial to the jurisdictional issue, (the judge placing that set of papers up there without even reading them, flipping through the letters) David having turned around and muttering something to me when Reno presented the 123:1+ papers that I won't repeat here as yet another F -this and that according to one of the Marshals, an official lip-reader. So this evidence to the 1st Circuit to bounce back on them like that big ball in that 1960s "The Prisoner" T.V. show.  They will be smothered with the truth!

- - Joe