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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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My visit with Danny yesterday afternoon (Sunday, Oct. 5th) at from about 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. for an hour at the Strafford County Jail in Dover [HP-1]

1.) gave me the idea of to sue the Co-Op now as an incentive for Danny to file some Motion for Discovery of this June 7, 2007 incident of: (1) the power being turned off, and (2) the use of Maine and MAss.achusetts vehicles "borrowed" or "loaned" for the event, as told to me by a N.H. State Trooper, but that it was a "Federal" not "State" operation, the local, county and State Police merely there to preserve the peace, as peace officers, to observe how "Big Brother" operates, but that I add: as "outlaws"! to the Const. (1-8-17 U.S. Const. to N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1)

This was the same day that Danny was shot at by the U.S. Deputy Marshal: attempted murder! for Danny to file a felony criminal report with the Sullivan County Attorney [ http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/ over to http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/attorney.htm Name/Address: Marc Hathaway, County Attorney, Sullivan County Attorney's Office, 14 Main Street, Newport, N.H. 03773, Telephone 603: 863-7950 / 9365 (Assistant Attorneys: David Park, Jack Bell).]

2.) gave me to incentive to call Jean Miccio, the receptionist to the County Commissioners, http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/ over to http://www.co.strafford.nh.us/commisioners_home.aspx at 11:40 a.m. a few minutes ago who will talk with Ray Bower, Administrator to please call the 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift leader, ______________ over Officer Irving who told me last Wednesday afternoon on my visit then to see Danny too, that Danny did fill out a form of WHO and WHERE to send his "personals" to IF he did not return from the psycho-val in Ayer, MAss. and Danny said yesterday to me that that person was his brother Billy in New York, but who did not get it, because after I called like on the 29th day to see if I could pick it up like before, the officer said that they needed something in writing from the inmate, and THEN later told that they already had that something in writing, but somehow they knew that he was going to return to their jail, and so to keep the stuff there, but on his return on the 55th day, some low-level officers are using their pokey antics to like take away a toy from a child by saying that after 30 days his stuff is chucked! But Danny telling me that Bob Somebody went to the hospital and they knew he was going to return within ninety (90) days, and so he got his stuff returned.

Plus: also each grievance slip is supposed to be put into his "jacket"/ file folder, but that they were somehow put into his "personals" and now "conveniently" "lost". This a violation of their own written Rule #__ in their "Correctional" Manual. Jean telling me that she will have Ray look into a "simple" solution to this problem by calling the Shift Commander over Irving (who BTW ought to get fired! for his antics! -- we do not need somebody like him playing "games" or allowing one of his officers to play like "musical chairs" with "personals" that includes all his disks and paperwork for his appeal, plus headset to listen to the T.V. (including batteries) [that BTW he has a borrowed headset, but battery used up, so had to get a new battery], and his reading eye-glasses, him having to squint to read causing eye damage, and BTW the eye examine after the pepper-spray incident last October '07 was only the nurse looking into his eyes with some instrument, not that press your eye against the machine to snap a picture of look to see the red circle, then look up/down/left and right for a full eye-exam, both eyes cost: $50.00 minus co-pay (insurance of $30) = only $20.00 and that takes only about 5 to 10 minutes for a complete set of photos and examination. Should be done on an annual basis the doctors say.

3.) Upon leaving I had a nice chat with both the Reception Woman there and the Officer in charge, some old-timer from Maine, me telling him about The Rule of Law, and that nobody is above the law, in-cluding: judges, (re: Singal, that outlaw to 18USC3232 for the Maine U.S. Attorney/ Paula D. Silby to maybe have him arrested before her Fri., Oct. 17th forum of "The Rule of Law" at the Portland Public Library @ from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.), and him telling me that he used to be a COP over in Sanford, Maine and even arrested a Maine State Trooper driving drunk in his own police cruiser, the Trooper calling his buddies for back-up of them saying to the old-timer: but this is "one of our own", but the old-timer saying: I don't give a shit, he's under arrest, as #__ of "his"/ the old-timer's buddies came fom the local P.D. to make sure the RULE OF LAW is enforced!  Too bad we don't have any N.H. law enforcement officers here with the balls to do similar, they're all a bunch of wimps to "Big Brother" Fed, who ought to be saying: the bigger they are: the harder they fall! Thus my civil complaint against the N.H. Electric Co-Op as one line of attack to the spoke of this crooked wheel of gov't! To pierce the hub so hard the brakes operate to halt this corruption once and for all!

Yours truly, Joe Haas


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 06, 2008, 11:15 AM NHFT
This was the same day that Danny was shot at by the U.S. Deputy Marshal: attempted murder! for Danny to file a felony criminal report with the Sullivan County Attorney [ http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/ over to http://www.sullivancountynh.gov/attorney.htm Name/Address: Marc Hathaway, County Attorney, Sullivan County Attorney's Office, 14 Main Street, Newport, N.H. 03773, Telephone 603: 863-7950 / 9365 (Assistant Attorneys: David Park, Jack Bell).] ....

There is NO opposition against Marc Hathaway.  The voters of Sullivan County have spoken:

1.) http://www.sos.nh.gov/stateprimary2008/rsullivan08.htm = 1,502 votes

2.) http://www.sos.nh.gov/stateprimary2008/dsullivan08.htm =    51 votes

From: http://www.sos.nh.gov/stateprimary2008/index2008.htm

I'll bet that Deb Bazell, of Claremont, N.H. voted: other, if indeed she even voted.


A.) http://www.topix.com/forum/city/acworth-nh/TTEGJR66R0JTNAAP9 for: "Acworth, NH police corruption plagues sullivan county and continued unchecked" March 11, 2008 over to:

B.) http://www.topix.com/member/profile/debbazell

C.) http://takeoncorruptcops.spaces.live.com/ about a flood to her horse farm, the animals died by water contamination from the Rugar metals runoff - but oh boy! they must not be found at fault because they supply #__ jobs for the area: guns for everything BUT an Art. 10 Revolution! that's a no-no, that the locals will not tolerate as feeding off the federal pig, sucking up to federal funds.



Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 06, 2008, 11:56 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 06, 2008, 11:15 AM NHFT

A.) http://www.topix.com/forum/city/ ...

Just add the city name to the above link; such as for Lebanon, N.H.=

http://www.topix.com/forum/city/lebanon-nh/ and you'll find:

The Oct. '07 one about Elaine's Dental Office taken over, plus:

this one just found for Sept. 19th '08 about some Regional SWAT Team using "excessive force", the SWAT Team being sued in U.S. District court case #__________ in Concord, N.H. to read the file and maybe apply the case law therein thanks to Matt Lahey of Laconia, the Attorney for the Plaintiff/victims to the "excessive force" in Ed's case in Plainfield, excessive as in "militant" action with force as evidence when there is NO "law" to back them up! Re: my comment about 116 U.S. 616, 627 (1886) from the Boyd v. United States case for the "Son"ne June 18, 2008 report over at http://www.topix.com/forum/city/plainfield-nh/T16LDFEP5UPG7BH9C

The "Towns may be liable for raid" by Peter Jamison, of "The Valley News" http://www.vnews.com over at http://www.cmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080919/NEWS01/809190312 with eleven (11) comments, from 9/19 to 10/03 to read that Brief; __. http://www.cato.org/pubs/briefs/bp50.pdf



Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 06, 2008, 11:15 AM NHFT

My visit with Danny yesterday afternoon ....

P.S. He also told me that he filed a grievance with the P.C.C. against Sven Wiberg of Portsmouth, his court-appointed attorney.

The bottom line:

See http://www.courts.state.nh.us/rules/pcon/pcon-8_4.htm

from: http://www.courts.state.nh.us/rules/pcon/index.htm

N.H. Rules of Professional Conduct
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
Rule 8.4 Misconduct

"It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (f) knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or OTHER LAW." (emphasis ADDed for Title 18 U.S. Code Section 3232).

Thus when he gets this finding of fault, to enter it into a Motion for Mistrial, to get to either: (1) double-jeopardy, or (2) a re-trial.



L.L.:  Has Reno filed his grievance to the N.H. PCC yet?  re: this Rule 8.4 violation too, not that he needs to now, because when Danny gets this finding of fault, then O.K. for the others to rely on a new trial!  >:D


Keith: When you next write to Jason, you might remind him to file that similar complaint to the MAss. Bar Counsel for those violations of the Rules that I've already outlined to him. (against his two attorneys)

Then the Feds can get this one-two punch!!  ;D

Best wishes, -- Joe


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 06, 2008, 01:07 PM NHFT
L.L.:  Has Reno filed his grievance to the N.H. PCC yet?  re: this Rule 8.4 violation too, not that he needs to now, because when Danny gets this finding of fault, then O.K. for the others to rely on a new trial!  >:D

I am not sure but I know he was in the process of doing it last time we spoke about it. Next time he calls I will ask and get you an answer. he just called 30 minutes ago, I missed his calls  :(  but it does mean he is still at Merrimack.


anyone else having trouble viewing freethebrowns site?


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on October 06, 2008, 07:58 PM NHFT
anyone else having trouble viewing freethebrowns site?

Yes. http://freethebrowns.com Cannot gain access.

The spinning wheel doesn't stop. - - Joe


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 02, 2008, 12:00 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 25, 2008, 08:45 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 24, 2008, 04:48 PM NHFT....

Update: Dutch/Dan aka BATFE (pronounced BOTFAY) and his 4 friends = 5 original trespassers on the assault upon Ed & Elaine.  Who is this "Dutch"? who kept on saying: "I love you guys". http://edbrownextendedentries.blogspot.com/ of Wed., Dec. 12 '07 bottom of the page = "Elaine's Affidavit on Event of their Kidnapping" of: Oct. 4, 2007.

Are he and/or any of the other four reading this?  Will you write up "a written release"* of your name and address for service of process upon you for this fine-only conviction possibility?  You said you were doing this undercover operation because: "I love you guys". Was that a lie, or for real? In other words will you allow the process: The Rule of Law, to be used to get to the bottom of this mess? The mess being foisted upon you by me as the whistle blower to that federal agent who is not doing his/her job as pre-scribed in N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const.

You are a mere pawn in the scheme of things.  The puppet masters are the ones I really want to see go down! As in booted out of office by the next President, and that includes to get rid of Monier and Colantuno-crap, as I've called him before and still do say that he is one big giant "piece of shit"! The entire N.H. structure so full of it that an enema is needed, but to leave the shell for the hermit crab to enter. Yeah: the hermit crab with the seal of approval from our N.H. Secretary of State Bill Gardner.

* pc: William E. Bordley, Associate General Counsel/ FOIPA Officer, Office of General Counsel, who wrote me a 1-page letter Oct. 3rd, just received in today's mail: Mon., Oct. 6th '08 as re-typed in the Reply #____ to follow sometime tomorrow...

Yours truly, - - Joe Haas


Here's my typing of the Bordley letter:

"U.S. Department of Justice
United States Marshals Service
Office of General Counsel
Washington, DC 20530-1000

October 3, 2008

Joseph S. Haas, PO Box 3842, Concord, NH 03302

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request No. 2009USMS12466
Subject: Names of Deputy U.S. Marshals

Dear Requester:

--The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is responding to your request for the names of four Deputy U.S. Marshals involved with the Ed and Elaine Brown case.

--Absent a written release from the subject(s) of your request, your request is denied pursuant to exemption 7(C) of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 552(b).  Exemption 7(C) allows an agency to withhold records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes to the extent that their production could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.  A discretionary release of such records or information, if they exist, would be in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. Sec. 552a.  See also United States Department of Justice v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, 489 U.S. 749 (1989).

--If you are dissatisfied with my action on this request, you may appeal from this (partial) denial by writing to the Director, Office of Information and Privacy, Office of Information and Privacy, Suite 11050, 1425 New York Avenue, N.W., Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001, within 60 days of the date of this letter.  Both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked 'Freedom of Information Act Appeal.'  In the event you are dissatisfied with the results of any such appeal, judicial review will thereafter be available to you in the United States District Court for the judicial district in which you reside or have your principal place of business, or in the District of Columbia.

Sincerely, (signed) Nancy S. Robinson, for: William E. Bordley, Associate General Counsel / FOIPA Officer, Office of General Counsel".



Here's a re-type of my e-mail:

"Theft by Extortion. (Maine)
From: Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent: Wed 10/08/08 11:42 AM
To: vwm at portlandmaine dot gov

To: The City of Portland, Maine; The Portland Police Department, 109 Middle Street, Portland, Maine 04101, 207: 874-8479 http://www.portland-police.com/

Dear Investigator(s)/Prosecutor(s):

1. -- This is to follow-up my telephone call to your office a few minutes ago @ about 10:05 o'clock a.m. when the woman who answered the phone said that it was O.K. to e-mail you here of my complaint of crime.

2. -- The complaint is for Title 17-A MAINE CRIMINAL CODE, Chapter 15, Section 335,1.+2.B+3 of 'Theft by extortion' http://law.justia.com/maine/codes/title17-ach0sec0/title17-asec355.html in that 'A person is guilty of theft if the person obtains or exercises control over the property* of another as a result of extortion and with intent to deprive the other person of (the use or the benefit of) the property.'

3. - In this case the property* is both my typewritten paperwork and the coin money respectfully.

4. -- On Tuesday, September 23rd '08 @ exactly 9:51 a.m. I gave the Window Clerk there at the Cumberland County Superior Court (maybe her name is Lisa, as not Pam who I was referred to today by Martha) my handwritten PETITION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, [a re-type of it in Reply #7873 on page 525 posted: Tue., Sept. 23 '08 @ 11:07 pm over at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.7860 , see also my Post #1512 as Reply #7875 on page 526 of Wed., Sept. 24th '08 @ 12:56 AM (last Edit: 9:39 AM) entitled 'Behind the scenes' paragraphs #1 + 2 about this incident over at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.7875 , the Civil Clerk: Gail, the Criminal Clerk: Penny Whitney] then marked with the Art. I, Sec. 10 reference to the Maine Constit. as my amendment with * + ** footnotes at exactly 10:37 a.m. after my visit to the Law Library there, plus @ exactly 1:57 p.m. my typed version, but that according to Martha, the Records Clerk, using my name and that of Gonzalez, she found it/both NOT indexed or within their 'system' she said at my call back @ 10:24 a.m. today for Cirino Gonzalez, the Clerk in a meeting right now, and so to call back later.

5. -- In the meantime withOUT a case number # ____________ assigned for a hearing, I consider this theft of the paperwork, and the attempt at collecting a $_____ Civil Filing Fee by citing M.R.Civ.P.91 a violation of the law, meaning the const., and extortion, that ought to result in maybe no jail time or 'Sentences of Imprisonment' by Title 17-A, Part 3, Ch. 52, Sec. 1252, 2.C. of 'not to exceed 5 years', http://janus.state.me.us/legis/statutes/17-a/title17-Ach0sec0.html but my recommendation that there be the MAXimum fine of: $5,000 imposed by Ch. 53, Sec. 1301,1-A.C [1991, c.355,Sec.1 (AMD).' upon those responsible by trial by jury in the Superior Court there, presided over by ANY other judge than the one, ____________ the Clerk approached that day, see http://www.courts.state.me.us/maine_courts/superior/index.shtml for their photo, and http://www.courts.state.me.us/maine_courts/superior/justices.shtml for their names, of either Delahanty, Cole, Warren or Broderick, according to Tina in Judge's Chambers @ 10:40 a.m. today for the Tue., Sept. 23rd sitting, the EXACT name she said should be in the file in the Clerk's Office, but which file? a hidden file?  This AFTER their arraignment and sub-trial to appeal from The Portland District Court, 205 Newbury Street, P. O. Box 412, Portland, Maine 04112, 207: 822-4200; see http://www.courts.state.me.us/maine_courts/district/index.shtml for the list of seven (7) judges in Portland.

6. -- This crime is spelled out in Sec. 355, 2.B as 'that would harm substantially any other person with respect to that person's...financial condition....' the over $100.00 as I remember it to have been the extortion attempt of intent to collect from me this unlawful $amount very 'considerable in amount' or extent than in a comparison to just asking for spare change to feed a parking meter or cost of a photocopy/ies, etc.

7. -- To call the Clerk Sally Bourget, [Cumberland County Superior Court, 142 Federal Street, P.O. Box 287, Portland, Maine 04112, 207: 822-4113 http://www.courts.state.me.us/maine_courts/superior/directory.shtml ] this afternoon to get the name of this judge who verbally told her to DENY my petition to have him disqualified in any future proceedings.  There being four courtrooms there, with only three judges I was told operating from the bench that day of ___, ___ + ___ and so ____ being the one in his office as the most likely one approached for this verbal DENIAL! Or maybe one of your officers to extract this information, please.

8. - The District Attorney, Stephanie Anderson http://www.cumberlandcounty.org/DA/anderson.htm most likely the one to defend these clerks by one of her seven (7) Associates listed over at http://www.cumberlandcounty.org/DA/contact.htm for their office at: District Attorney's Office, 142 Federal Street, Portland, Maine 04101, 207: 871-8384 N-F 8-4.  Or does she prosecute by way of any of her six (6) Prosecutors, because here in N.H. when a judge like Brock was impeached a few years ago at the Supreme Court, by statute he had the chance to have an Assistant Attorney General represent him, but chose George Mitchell of Maine.

9. - So to please acknowledge receipt of this by an e-mail back to me with a case #___________ there, and for me to await maybe a week to 10 days to please get back to me for a Progress Report.  Thank you.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), founding member with 19 others (including three N.H. State Reps) of: V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System], hopefully to change the wording to Victors of a Crooked American Legal System."


Dave Ridley

what is the latest mailing info for reno and jason and elaine ?


Reno is still at Merrimack County Dept of Corrections.

Cirino Gonzalez
314 Daniel Webster Hwy.
Boscawen, NH 03303

We don't really know when they will move him but we think it will be soon.

According to BOP website the following address info for Jason & Elaine

Elaine Brown 03924-049
P.O. BOX 27137

Jason Gerhard 20229-045
P.O. BOX 420
FAIRTON, NJ  08320

Kat Kanning

I tried to send Reno prisoner -> prisoner mail in Merrimack, but it came back saying he wasn't there.  Not sure if that was true or not...sounds like it wasn't.

Fed Marshals told me that Reno had 3 extra years tacked on just for tearing up constitution and bill of rights  :o  Apparently he would have got 5 years if he'd not done that.  THAT'S balls, I tell you!


Quote from: Kat Kanning on October 08, 2008, 03:06 PM NHFT
I tried to send Reno prisoner -> prisoner mail in Merrimack, but it came back saying he wasn't there.  Not sure if that was true or not...sounds like it wasn't.

Fed Marshals told me that Reno had 3 extra years tacked on just for tearing up constitution and bill of rights  :o  Apparently he would have got 5 years if he'd not done that.  THAT'S balls, I tell you!

Kat: Welcome Back! How was the joint? I heard you were up there too for 15 days minus #__ days "good time" credit = released today? I took a tour of the new facility when they had the Open House to the public a few years ago. That's when they were giving out free Frisbees with their logo on them to all visitors.

The Deputy Fed Marshals told me he got the extra time because he handed in the proof of there being no jurisdiction.  They thanked me for adding on #x years! As if that's their job! What a bunch of scumbags!

- - Joe

P.S. What's next?  They next to say he got more than the minimum because there were two victims?: the government and the U.S. Marshals*.  ["One and the same" as his Attorney from Laconia, David Bownes said.] This is the REAL reason for the extra time to plug in the 2 from the Probation formula.  Talk about "New Math"!  So as in George Orwell "Nineteen Eighty Four" (1984) "Doublespeak", what about it when they mess with the numbers? What to call that? ______ Two victims? Yes: but not as above but the REAL victim of the N.H. Electric Co-op in being told a lie that the Feds had jurisdiction and would they please unbolt the electricity to the Brown residence.  The Feds were the "militants" using force as evidence, and so the reason for the Art. 49 Petition 'cover-up" by the judge not allowing this evidence to be marked for an Exhibit to the jury to weigh in on their verdict. This proven to the Board Members on Tue., Aug. 26th of this non-jurisdiction by the gold-sealed certificate of non-filing with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State as required by the shall word in RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., http://www.state.nh.us but that they voted NOT to put in a victim impact statement, calling themselves NOT being victimized!?  That is a lie, as I've proven otherwise, and if they continue the lie, then I WILL sue them as per my first draft here in Reply #___ above.  A copy of which by e-mail was sent to their Attorney to get back to me of a time for the next Board of Director's Meeting on Thu., Oct. 28th, or the lawsuit will be filed that afternoon in Grafton County!

* The U.S. Marshals meaning who? All of them or a majority**? HOW does it actually read in the paperwork?  L.L.: can Reno relay to you the EXACT words? Or does it read: the U.S. Marshals Service.  And if only a majority** then why not THE Marshal himself? Stephen R. Monier of Goffstown.  Because he is the one that caused every single one of his #___ Deputies and related federal, state(s) [of Maine + MAss. too], county and local "law enforcement" (also for Missouri, Texas, and New York, plus Vermont] to expend $____________ what is the $total of this fiasco?  His oath reads of to execute only "lawful" precepts!  But when I try to get this into the Cumberland County Superior Court for a hearing his buddy Maine Marshal gets Reno out of his county as fast as he can!  Me having asked one of his Deputies to please pass it onto him of my message to hold the trip back to N.H. until a county court hearing on the matter. See a re-type of my e-mail letter to the House Speaker and seven (7) Maine Reps of Portland, to follow later, and with any and all replies, like maybe tomorrow.