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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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keith in RI

not sure if i posted this or not, its one possible idea for t-shirts. what do you think?

Kat Kanning

Nice design.  I like the free the browns part.  Not a big believer in fair trails being possible.



Yeah: like in the Biblical example of when Pharaoh ordered all the male slaves be thrown into the river, and God's judgment not upon the entire generation, but only the plague upon the first-born children, the same could be said here of: not all of the conspirators, i.e. Psalm 37:12 "The wicked plotteth against the just", but only the chief co-conspirator since a plot is a systematic plan or design; as in the Feds did de-sign Ed's sign or at least its message of NO TRESPASSING onto PRIVATE property by PUBLIC servants withOUT written permission. And designs in the plural of: A sinister scheme.  Separate the sin-inster, and so who is the sinner, and what is the penalty? My guess is Monier to get sevenfold the #amount of time already unlawfully and illegally spent by the victims of this 1-8-17 U.S. Const. to N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 in-justice, and so with almost a year to Sept. 12th x 4 victims = a 4-year sentence upon him to serve in a F.C.I.*, or will he admit his being corrected* by application to the U.S. Attorney for a nol-pros? Or is this a two-headed design by that other part of the Executive branch, and so his sentence diluted by Colantuono? So each to share the 4 yrs., so 2 years each?


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 24, 2008, 09:13 AM NHFT
2. To find out from the Transport Order illegally issued out of the N.H. District of the U.S. District Court, signed by (Deputy) Clerk ______________ / or Judge _____________ on ... ___, 2008 WHO received it to use the excuse of:  Respondeat Superior for WHEN I find out the name(s) of the assaulter(s) ___________ + _____________ and kidnapper(s) ___________ + ______________ as they operate as a tag-team ....


Here's a typing of my hand-printed MOTION:

"- - - - - - - - - - - - -  STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Merrimack County ..................................................  Superior Court
_________________________________________________ No. 08-C-175

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Joseph S. Haas vs. Stephen R. Monier, U.S. Marshal at al

The Plaintiff Haas moves as follows:

1.) In his letter of April 30 '08 Seth R. Aframe did write and request a certified copy of ALL RECORDS and proceedings; but

2.) my filing of May 1st '08 @ 3:55 PM was NOT included in the Z certificate; +

3.) Whereas this court must operate in a 'frugal' manner by Art. 38, N.H. Const. & Bill of Rights; but

4.) Whereas no payment by the Rule #___ was paid by the U.S. Attny Ast, +

5.) Whereas jurisdiction must be proven when challenged; +

6.) Whereas there has been no federal hearing nor opinion in this case; +

7.) Whereas it is way past the May __ APPEARANCE DAY + June ___ ANSWER DAY;

NOW THEREFORE by my NINTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS to include Roberts Rules of Order, with the Marshal + his Deputy 'Out of Order' would the judge please grant this Motion within ten (10) days.

I hereby certify that a duplicate of this motion is being delivered to: Seth R. Aframe, Assistant U.S. Attny., 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. 03301, 225-1552 on Friday, August 22nd, 2008 @ 3:57 PM

Thank you, Signed Joe Haas  /  Joseph S. Haas, Address: P. O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Telephone: 603: 848-6059"

Form #AOC-607-245

Attached are two documents:

1.) the 2-page copy @ 64% of 4-pages from: http://freethebrowns.com/?page_id=27

2.) The first two pages @ the 70% print-=out of Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, with the "frugality" highlighted in the sentence: "He was also forced to read his uncle's and other relatives' numerous exhortations to frugality and good conduct" (footnote #6 = Jagerskiold, Stig: 'Nuori Mannerheim' (1965) pp. 93-94. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannerheim


les nessman

  If you haven't watched this before, I highly recommend watching this documentary about a guy named Gordon Kahl.  He wound up fighting in World War 2, but when he returned home something didnt feel quite right.  Turns out the communists took over while he was gone, with programs like SOCIALIST "SECURITY". 

  "Death and Taxes" Part 1

  "Death and Taxes" Part 2

Kat Kanning

Quote from: les nessman on August 23, 2008, 12:29 AM NHFT

  If you haven't watched this before, I highly recommend watching this documentary about a guy named Gordon Kahl.  He wound up fighting in World War 2, but when he returned home something didnt feel quite right.  Turns out the communists took over while he was gone, with programs like SOCIALIST "SECURITY". 

  "Death and Taxes" Part 1

  "Death and Taxes" Part 2

Watching it now :)  It's really cool that when they tried to auction off his farm, no one would bid on it.


Reno thinks his mail is not getting to him. If anyone has sent him letters and you have not heard back he has not received it. He responds to all letters within about a week if not the same day.

Kat he seems to think your mail is especially not getting to him.


Quote from: lastlady on August 23, 2008, 02:13 PM NHFT
Reno thinks his mail is not getting to him. If anyone has sent him letters and you have not heard back he has not received it. He responds to all* letters within about a week if not the same day....

* To see if he got my 9x12-inch envelope of papers** (at $1.34 postage: 75-cent stamp + 59-cent meter) sent to him (and Bob there, plus to Danny and Jason in MAss. + Ed & Elaine in Illinois & Texas respectfully) this past Thursday, and about 3 papers*** with a note (to each) sent just yesterday: Fri., Aug. 22 postmarked from Concord @ about 5:15 p.m. so on the 5:30 p.m. truck to Manchester for processing to get there "next day" to Boscawen, so he should have both of these by now.

*** included a 75% reduction to 80% copy onto an 8.5x11" paper of Margot's story with James Petterson photo of "Son of Man's" trespass trial in the Wed., Aug. 13th http://www.concordmonitor.com @ pages B1+3, a copy of my hand-printed MOTION (as above), plus that "frugality" wikipedia info.

** including: the Shea-Porter runaround info here of not the the GSA then who!?, and the N.H. Electric Co-op meeting set for 9:25 a.m. this Tue., Aug. 26th for whoever is interested in attending the Board of Director's Meeting about this RSA Ch. 634:2 Criminal Mischief against the Feds for what I've been told now is not a "cut" off as in the June 14 '07 "Prison Planet" report of the power to Ed's, but a twisting of the connecting wires that Danny re-connected and then what? an eventual "cut"? Meeting at 287 Highland St., in Plymouth, N.H. call 746-6300 to Attorney Mark Dean in Hopkinton for an RSVP to attend.

Also in the ** pack: the Frogs info sheets, the GSA e-mail about who rents the space at 55 Pleasant St. etc, the penalty for trespass by Feds onto PRIVATE property being the "Emerods" in THEIR "private" parts up their ass! as proof! >:D The Stone of Abel website info.  The Naturalization info from NE Archives in MAss. that Singal did NOT take the oath in a federal bldg. in either MAss. nor Maine back then, so where?  Danny to file a Motion. ____ Some more Mercury: god of commerce info about some comic book  villain too called: ZHA-VAM

Plus: Olga's 1-page letter of Aug. 7th for maybe Jeb Bradley to help find this RSA Ch. 123:1 federal agent from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. after he wins the Primary next month against her in the General Election in November. The Free The Browns website id=27.  The "history" of 1-8-17 from Shea-Porter. Yeah! Like that's what I asked for eh!? Past tense!? No you good-for-nothing Shea-Porter: the current!  Wise up! A copy of my flyer to the candidates at last week's Timberland cookout. BTW Bob Clegg for Congress with a free BBQ tomorrow in Lancaster, see his website for RSVP tel. #. And lastly page 32 of 32: a copy of my MOTION TO RECONSIDER in my Small Claim Case #525 against Gov. Lynch in Concord District Court.

Yours truly, - Joe

les nessman

QuoteAlso in the ** pack: the Frogs info sheets, the GSA e-mail about who rents the space at 55 Pleasant St. etc, the penalty for trespass by Feds onto PRIVATE property being the "Emerods" in THEIR "private" parts up their ass! as proof!

    Dont forget that the Cleveland bldg next door (53 Pleasant St) is under a separate address, maybe a 53 1/2 or suite # even exists for all I know in some subterrainian area between buildings or specifically assigned to some office, maybe explaining why Ed and Elaine's mail was forwarded to 10 Causeway St in Boston instead of Concord itself, which I found strange.  If they handcarried from 53 or 55 to such an office if a process server showed up the people there might  redirect them to the right place for paper service unwittingly, or in case of search warrant so they could argue that the specific place was not correct as listed on such warrant, and throwing out any evidence found.


Kat Kanning

Just finished watching part 2 of that Gordon Kahl video.  His son Yori is still imprisoned over all this.  I think I'll send him the newspaper.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 24, 2008, 06:00 AM NHFT
Just finished watching part 2 of that Gordon Kahl video.
Just finished it myself. Very well done.

In his tenure as state medical examiner of Arkansas (with Gov. Bill Clinton as his protector), Fahmy Malik was an utter joke. He actually ruled a beheading was a suicide. The term "Arkancide" came into vogue. When they were investigative journalists, before they became Democrat apologists, the Arkansas Times was all over the crazy stuff that went on there, including Gordon Kahl's death.


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 24, 2008, 04:48 PM NHFT

Yeah! Mutual companies.  That's the way to go.

See http://www.nhexecutivecouncil.com/ for the Gov. & Council meeting in Portsmouth (annually at The Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion there by the ocean, http://www.wentworthcoolidge.org ), Part 1 of 3 for Wed., Aug. 13th @ __:___ minutes into the video tape of my comment in this "Public Hearing" on Agenda item #2 (I stood up for #1 to make sure that #2 was still on the agenda), and told them that as an owner of the bank: Laconia Savings Bank: a mutual bank, with passbook in hand as proof, and withOUT any of the bank executives there, I was claiming/ demanding my [Ninth Amendment] rights to Roberts Rules of Order in that first in - first out, and in this case not the certificates as I talked about last time of the governor to deal with the RSA Ch. 123:1 certificate of non-filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. before these bank certificates tio the B.F.A. [Business Finance Authority] but the guarantee or responsibility, in that the governor is responsible for the faithful execution of the laws! by his Art. 41 job description, and so BEFORE they should act on this Agenda item #2 they ought to see about the federal non-filing with our N.H. Secretary of State's Office, me putting them on Official Notice of my potential lawsuit against the governor in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims, [ http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LV-541-B.htm ] with petition to file at Bill Gardner's office whenever my Small Claims Court case #525 (in Concord District Court) is denied after my Motion to Reconsider proves that the judge did look at my Objection to the Motion to Dismiss, or MAYBE the judge with the proper RSA Ch. 92:2 oath as "made" by him in accordance with art. 84 will grant me a hearing to trial to win this lawful requirement, that by case-law, the governor cannot claim Sovereign Immunity! otherwise the Board to where I take this to, can substitute the State as a party to relieve the governor of this lawful responsibility placing it on the back of The People of the state of New Hampshire, or is it the corporate State with a capital letter S to pay me this not $5,000 but elevated to up to $50,000 by RSA Ch. 541-B:9 out of the General Fund, proving that the Feds have and still do NOT have any jurisdictional authority here as technically RSA Ch. 635:2 trespassers, [ http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/635/635-2.htm ] four of whom did on Oct. 4, 2007 go ONE STEP BEYOND that to RSA Ch. 633:1,I(c) kidnapping of Ed & Elaine, [see the terrorism definition as in my other complaint to the Grand Jury in Strafford County @ Dover in Reply #__ above, http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/633/633-1.htm ] so to file a complaint in Lebanon District Court for eventual Docket #__________ and serve the perpetrators with the RSA Ch. 594:14 Summons' [ http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LIX/594/594-14.htm ] as concluded with the words: "against the peace and dignity of the state" as spelled out in Article 88 for the form of informations.  This to do next month so as to be withIN the RSA Ch. 625:8,I,(c) "one year" statute of limitations for a misdemeanor, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/625/625-8.htm 

So Ed + Elaine: who were these four goons? 1. ____________ 2. _____________ 3. __________ + 4. ____________ and the other #_____ trespassers after-the-fact there to secure their "militant" seizure with force as evidence v.s. your certificate of non-filing as THE evidence of their un-lawfully and illegally being on posted* PRIVATE property! * with your NO TRESPASSING sign "and" words to that effect! that they "knew" about so as not to escape their culpable mental state of doing this with a purpose and/or unprivileged physical contact and so: a double charge of: RSA Ch. 631:2-a,I(a) Simple Assault, see http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/631/631-2-a.htm

As soon as I can get these names I'll file my complaints there to: The Claremont District Court, Tremont Square, P.O. Box 313, Claremont, NH 03743-0313, Tel. 603: 524-6064 M-F 8-4 Denise MacLeod, Clerk, Judge John J. Yazinski (who found me guilty of going through a "yellow" light! calling it a "red" light violation! in Concord District Court a few years ago, plus who issued the Arrest Warrant against me for my Free Speech Rights!! and so needing a "Special Justice" but the current office being vacant, see http://www.courts.state.nh.us/courtlocations/sulldistdir.htm#Claremont for directions to there too. )

The complaints being summarized of: ignorance of the law is no excuse. The "law" being THE const. and in particular: Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 U.S. for "Consent" needed by the State, and so every Deputy Marshal being briefed by Monier of this, but acting on his orders anyway, and so the full/ plain truth being of them unprivileged to even touch Ed & Elaine since a privilege is a "right or benefit enjoyed by an individual or class" and so with NO rights bestowed to public servants, but only so many privileges to them by us, their supposed masters, there being NO such "benefit" or "advantage" in this case! The word advantage defined as: "A favorable position", and favorable: "Manifesting approval" but WHAT kind of approval was given on June 14, 1883 by our State Legislature & General Court to the Feds?  Answer: it was a conditional approval!  Was the condition met?  No! There was no federal filing under oath by the officer per RSA 123:1 see http://www.generalcourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-IX-123.htm over to http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm This is the substance to these charges to be formerly presented to the court.

So Ed & Elaine: If you can't supply the names, or only some of them, I'll file charges against Unknown Agent(s) #1 + 2, etc. and let all of them be allowed to plead: Respondeat Superior in to have their superior: Stephen R. Monier of Goffstown as the U.S. Marshal answer to all 4 x 2 = 8 of these charges for a potential RSA Ch. 651:2,II(c) jail term of up to one year on each charge + IV(a) $2000 fine IF Gordon Gillens, the Plainfield Police Chief files the charges, so cc: to him too, but more likely my private prosecution by 651:IV(a) for an up to  $1,200 fine for each of these Class B misdemeanors.

But then maybe Monier will plead Respondeat Superior to let the corporate United States answer to the charges, in which case the possible 651:2,IV(b) fines be up to $20,000 for each misdemeanor and so x 8 (or more) = $160,000 divided by 2 = $80,000 to me as the qui-tam complainant they say, so willing to share with any law student/paralegal -turned attorney recently barred to maybe want to make a name for himself or herself WELCOME to tackle this case.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com.

pc: Gordon A. Gillens, Chief of Police, The Plainfield Police Department, 110 Main Street, Meriden, N.H. 03770, 603: 469-3344 http://www.plainfieldnh.org/police.html to give him the opportunity here to talk with his appointers: The Board of Selectmen at their next meeting scheduled for Wed., Sept. 3rd '08 @ 6:00 o'clock p.m. that if they advise him, and he decides NOT to sue, then I will! so pc: to The Selectmen too, as an Agenda item #____ please that I'd like to "hear" +/or "read" what you have to say/write on this opportunity. [Rbt. W. Taylor, Judy A. Belyea, + Thos. P. Williams. Jr.]

P.S. Ed & Elaine: In order for the trespass charges to stick, for them to be guilty of an 635:2,I trespass all that is needed is for them to have known of this un-privilge, as in them supposed to know the Const. 1-8-17 U.S. and furthermore Monier briefing them on this RSA 123:1 but that they do enter anyway, but would be better if you can back it up with section III.(2) of your verbal "order" to leave, as in did you say to them when they tackled you some words like: get out of here!? "personally communicated to" them.