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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 29

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 03, 2008, 05:45 PM NHFT

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les nessman


     I saw some pages back that you needed a Youtube video made.  If you post the specific audio, any pertinent photos (Or links to photos), or want custom titles I could make a novice level video and upload as time allows.


Quote from: les nessman on August 29, 2008, 12:54 PM NHFT

     I saw some pages back that you needed a Youtube video made.  If you post the specific audio, any pertinent photos (Or links to photos), or want custom titles I could make a novice level video and upload as time allows.

Les,  It's the one at http://www.nhexecutivecouncil.com for the Wed., Aug. 13th meeting of the G&C over in Portsmouth where I said that I was going to hold his feet to the fire, meaning to take the governor to the State Board of Claims if the Concord Small Claims Court dismisses his "responsibility" or in other words the judge there saying to hell with Art. 41 in the N.H. Const., thus him deserving of being impeached, because the Board can REMOVE the responsibility of the governor in the individual to dilute him to the plural in having the entire state answer to the charge.  Sort of like throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz, but in this case Gov. Lynch living!  Unfortunately the tape of my talking about this is at the very end of this almost one hour tape #1 of 3, and they left off the RSA 123:1 stuff at the front of tape 2 on a partial repeat of where they left off.  What would be perfect is some commentary of you like John Chancellor to the facts with mention of the Freedom Four in the equal stance of putting a gun to ones head as the analogy used at the definition website to say: yes, they had a perfect right to do so on PRIVATE property against federal invaders when they are technically trespassers without the filing from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. Both a right AND "duty" as spelled out in Article 10, N.H. Const., Part First & Bill of Rights.  The Right of Revolution that is NOT a crime of dis-honor, but who we should honor!

Thank you, -- Joe


It's been EXACTly one month from 7/29 to 8/29 today, and: nothing!

Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 29, 2008, 11:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 15, 2008, 12:37 PM NHFT
Hey Mr. Wilson!  ;D

New info:

I just called the USP Marion in Illinois @ 1-618-964-1441 http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/mar/index.jsp and spoke with the officer in charge who tried to connect me to Mr. Wilson's voice mail for HOW to get on Ed's visiting list, ....

He might also be THE officer to get Channel 9 W.M.U.R.-T.V. a phone connection. Reference: Sean McDonald @ 603: 641-9028, 4 rings gets you to his voice mail.  I just left him Mr. Wilson's # to call for that interview (in person in the prison yard?).

-- Joe

Modification: I just had a nice chat with Mr. Wilson about a half hour ago.  As soon as Ed signs the Visitation Form to get it processed, my guess was that it takes about a month, and that he confirmed, so maybe to see Ed in September?

les nessman

  Joe, Here is the initial draft.  I wasn't able to add narration because my mic input for my soundcard is damaged, but I figured I'd put it out there because 123:1 is obscure for most people in NH.



Quote from: les nessman on August 30, 2008, 12:21 AM NHFT
  Joe, Here is the initial draft.  I wasn't able to add narration because my mic input for my soundcard is damaged, but I figured I'd put it out there because 123:1 is obscure for most people in NH.


Thanks Les!  This is visual and verbal proof that they've been alerted of this RSA Ch. 123:1 requirement from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. and choose to do NOTHING about it! Or in other words: for the governor to violate his RSA Ch. 92:2 oath to Art. 41 http://www.state.nh.us and let the victims of illegal federal aggression here in New Hampshire rot in jail cells in other parts of the country.  The "no see-ems" of: out of sight/ out of mind.  Too bad it's not marked in detail in the Minutes, where they only record whether this Item #2 on the Agenda for Aug. 13 '08 was passed or not, (the vote details of WHO when there's a negative in the file but not the Minutes, just the roll call) me being the ONLY individual at these Public Meetings, them thinking that since nobody else is there to 2nd my motion that it automatically fails based on procedural over the substantive.  But aren't we supposed to be living in an Art. IV, Section 4 U.S. Constitutional Republican form of government? Maybe somebody seeing this might be the one to second the complaint in round #___ of this verbal boxing match.

Notice that there is no meeting advertised today (Sat. Aug. 30) http://www.sos.nh.gov/g&c%20minutes-New.htm from http://www.nh.gov/council/meeting.html for what will be their next meeting on Wed., Sept. 3rd @ 10:00 a.m. over at The Manchester Community College, http://admin.state.nh.us/comm/index2.asp IF the B.F.A. (Business Finance Authority) is on the Agenda again, I might also attend there to to try to wake up some people to this issue in that part of the state, and then to Peterborough on Sept. 17th, then to the Veteran's Home in Tilton* on Oct. 8th then back to the State House. * Having missed the July 16th Meeting in the Franklin City Hall, but Tilton in October, now my plan being to educate some Veterans there to the fact that they fought for this country and its laws, and to find out that the law is not being honored is a disgrace.

Reference: what I said of the certificates and guarantees in that first-in/ first-out by Roberts Rules of Order, and so to put this B.F.A. request for $___________ in abeyance until AFTER the certificate of non-filing of the Fed's to Bill Gardner's Office is dealt with, and maybe for the Secretary of State recorder there to get off her chair on the Council and take the floor to put in an objection too.  So to educate these Veterans and find out who the recorder will be, looks like Karen Ladd for when at the State House, and Kailee for when they take their Show on the road.

Thanks again, - Joe

P.S. This being an Election year, you'd think that "their" oppositions would be there, and maybe they will when I so notify them with an Invitation to attend too.  That is for all five Executive Council seats, plus the Republican opponent to Lynch being: Joe Kenney, see http://www.draftkenney.com


Re: The New Hampshire A.O.C.: Administrative Office of the Court / Public Protection Fund.

Background: On Friday, August 8th '08 @ about 4:15 p.m. I did deliver in person the signed print-out of my e-mail to them of Thu. 8/07/08 @ 4:07 PM requesting certain information, in three paragraphs being first of for to find out if the Judge had complied with Rule 45, second as follows, [and the third of some RSA Ch. 594:14 Summons form].

Here's what I did write (and of their reply below): "Dear Ms. Kim France: --This is to follow-up my visit to your office at exactly 1:15 o'clock p.m. earlier this afternoon (almost 3 hours ago), me doing the run-around downtown here, thank you, because for Rule 45 of the Continuing Judicial Education requested as to see if this judge is in compliance with section (d) @ page 209, I found the Historical footnote of interest too for the Public Protection Fund, as Chaired by David Wm. Jordan* @ 4 Park St., Concord of interest asking you also for the list of the nine members too please, and their titles as there being 'two public members' managing the up to $150,000 per claim for wrongs by attorneys to the clients, me looking to help the victims of 18USC3232 abuse by two N.H. attorneys.  Neither the N.H. Bar nor the Supreme Court with this info of its members.  The Reference Librarian at the State Library helpful to find out of it with $2,224,222.97 as of May 31 '07 with next report due in Sept. '08."

Now here's the reply from: The State of New Hampshire, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS, Donald D. Goodnow, Esq., Director, Two Charles Doe Drive, Concord, NH 03301, (603) 271-2521, Fax: (603) 271-3977 eMail: aoc at courts.state.nh.us  August 27, 2008:

"--Your second question appears to ask for a listing of the members of the Public Protection Fund.  Shown below are the nine members:

David William Jordan*                          Sandra Keans**
Kevin G. Collimore                               Roland E. Morneau, Jr.
Keith F. Diaz                                      Thomas B.S. Quarles, Jr.
Charles William Grau                            M. Kristin Spath
Francis J. Haines

--The Public Protection Fund is administered by the New Hampshire Bar Association under the general oversight of the New Hampshire Supreme Court.  That being the case, I suggest any communications with the committee should be through the New Hampshire Bar Association.***

...Sincerely, Jeffrey D. Smith, Manager of Operations".



-* http://www.granitelaw.com/ [re: their message in-box from website not working]

** She is/was a State Rep. from Rochester, and a good one on the House Judiciary Committee when Bob Lockwood was the Chairman from Canterbury about a decade ago now, and when my friend Roland Hemon was the Dover Rep. with his one and only House bill #_____ passed for a true check-and-balance against the Supremes who said that THEY "will"/shall determine title to real estate that I found arrogant and insulting, and so as a founding member of V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System] had the word shall changed to "may" for when IF the party in court wants to have the judge rather than the jury decide their Art. 20 action then they "may" grant this authority away from the jury to the judge. See the 1996 Amendment to this in the footnotes to R.S.A. Chapter 498:5-d Decrees http://gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LI/498/498-5-d.htm

*** The N.H. Bar Association http://www.nhbar.org/ 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300, Concord, N.H. 03301, (603) 224-6942, FAX 224-2910 e-mail: NHBAinfo at nhbar dot org.

keith in RI

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Reno would like for you to make copies of the paperwork, send copy  to Reno, to me, one to lastlady and another to Jose and you keep the original. he asks if you can reframe from writing on the paper so he can do what he needs to do with it. he really needs this for fears of them moving the date on his sentencing up to a sooner date.

thank you
Free Reno NOW!


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 30, 2008, 07:35 PM NHFT

Reno would like for you to make copies of the paperwork, send copy  to Reno, to me, one to lastlady and another to Jose and you keep the original. he asks if you can reframe from writing on the paper so he can do what he needs to do with it. he really needs this for fears of them moving the date on his sentencing up to a sooner date.

thank you
Free Reno NOW!

What "paperwork" are you writing about?  The color copy of the Art. 49 Petition? that I gave the copy of to Sven who tried to have it I.D.'d for an attempt at getting it marked as exhibit #___ for evidence over to the jury? Yes, I have the original signed by Ed, Elaine, Randy, Reno and me plus others. That extra printing above the carrot mark was put in by me and photocopied BEFORE they all signed it. Re: where it reads "to require the federal government to either file or get out of this state" realizing after I did write this that this does NOT include like the Post Office who "rents" space, but only where they purchased property and beyond the mere proprietor interests of ownership but when they seek to extend their supposed authority beyond the boundaries of such like the arms of an octopus, these U.S. Marshal suction cups to be cut off like in "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", us needing a Captain Nemo to combat these "militants" using force* as evidence, when we have THE evidence of non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. Thus I added in, after the word government: "at Pleasant Street, Concord".

Yours truly, - - Joe

* P.S. Writing of: force, see what I just read over at http://www.crenshawchristiancenter.net/ecomm/ for Dr. Frederick Price http://www.faithdome.org/ who I saw on T.V. yesterday morning 7-8:00 a.m. Lifetime Channel 33 here right before Dr. Rbt. Schuller and his "Hour of Power" at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CAlif.  He wrote at page 3 of his 7/18/08 magazine, that I tried to copy: "In Matthew 11:12 Jesus said '...the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.'  What did He mean?  You do not have to try to take anything from God because God is not withholding anything from you.  It is the devil who is standing in the middle of the road, trying to block you and keep you from getting access to the kingdom - the promises of God. - - Satan will try to stop you in every way he can.  You cannot walk up and say, 'Mr. Devil, would you please allow me to pass across?' No, you have to be violent about it because violence is all he understands.  You have to be bold** in your faith walk."

** The word bold defined as: "1. Fearless; courageous" from: "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973 @ page 80-1, see also: "2. Unduly forward; brazen (as in the expression of having: brass balls of "courage", see: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=brass%20balls of also: "1. To drive a hard bargain." and "3. NO FEAR! Scared of nothing." plus "4. audacity, courage"); impudent***." and: "3. Clear and distinct to the eye: a bold handwriting." is what I told Reno back then on June 20, 2007 when he asked me WHERE to sign, and I suggested down at the bottom like John Hancock (to King George); *** back to impudent = "Impertinent; rude; disrespectful", and impertinent as insolent: "1. Insulting in manner or speech; arrogant. 2. Audaciously impudent." and so yes: Ed arrogant, as I've said before, but so what? "Overbearingly proud; haughty." He is proud or "honored" as in his Honor Ed Brown "over"-bearing above the so-called Honorable ones in the House who would NOT take my Article 32 Petition in their State-Federal Relations Committee, and so why NOT to be "Domineering"!? from the word dominion, meaning the "1. Control or the exercise of control; sovereignty. 2. A sphere of influence or control; realm; domain." And when capitalized Dominion= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy a/k/a The Hashmallim "the angels...wielding orbs of light" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashmallim from Ezekiel 1:4. "A Man's Home is his Castle"! was my slogan when I ran for Grafton County Sheriff three times back in the 1990s getting 1/5, then 1/4 then 1/3 of the votes, next aim: 1/2+1 to win, but moved to another county.

The word bold: also defined as "3. Steep, as a cliff." And the phrase "make bold" of "To take the liberty; dare." as in Ed certainly did dare them to: "Show me the law!" he took the liberty, defined as including among 4 meanings, the one I like best of: "3. Permission to do something; authorization or privilege." as in the justification and grant of power to not only Article 10 Revolt as of right, but duty too!! And so what does he get in return?: them TAKing his liberty away by "confinement" and "servitude"!!

You've heard of the expression that "Two wrongs make a right".  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_wrongs_make_a_right Well, I say: both the state and Feds are wrong when like the governor refuses to exercise his Art. 41 muscles against the Feds for their non-filing and so are still wrong! and away from this quoted phrase since this "is a logical fallacy that occurs when it assumed that if one wrong is committed, another wrong will cancel it out." It is a "hidden major premise in an enthymeme" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthymeme because "In an enthymeme, part of the argument is missing because it is assumed."  Or in this case: jurisdiction canNOT be assumed, it must be proven!  And when the judge dis-allows the evidence of such proof of non-filing to be marked as an Exhibit #__ over to the jury, then he is an Enthymemist! = no such word: I just made it up, with emphasis on the last part of mist, as in blowing smoke, or like a magician with smoke and mirrors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke_and_mirrors of him with an "insubstantial explanation" as in withOUT the substance of the document to the jury, in effect, making it "disappear" to have deceived the audience/ jury! such practice deserving impeachment if not corrected! in like a Motion for Double Jeopardy or New Trial, when this 18USC3232 stuff is dealt with as a tilt in the pin-ball game: game over/ case closed! or this information herein presented as THE argument against such a cover-up!

Modification: typo= dot org for Enthymeme.


yes, and the ones on kidnapping accross state lines.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 01, 2008, 11:33 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 30, 2008, 07:35 PM NHFT

Reno would like for you to make copies of the paperwork, send copy  to Reno, to me, one to lastlady and another to Jose and you keep the original. he asks if you can reframe from writing on the paper so he can do what he needs to do with it. he really needs this for fears of them moving the date on his sentencing up to a sooner date.

thank you
Free Reno NOW!

What "paperwork" are you writing about?  The color copy of the Art. 49 Petition? that I gave the copy of to Sven who tried to have it I.D.'d for an attempt at getting it marked as exhibit #___ for evidence over to the jury? Yes, I have the original signed by Ed, Elaine, Randy, Reno and me plus others. That extra printing above the carrot mark was put in by me and photocopied BEFORE they all signed it. Re: where it reads "to require the federal government to either file or get out of this state" realizing after I did write this that this does NOT include like the Post Office who "rents" space, but only where they purchased property and beyond the mere proprietor interests of ownership but when they seek to extend their supposed authority beyond the boundaries of such like the arms of an octopus, these U.S. Marshal suction cups to be cut off like in "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", us needing a Captain Nemo to combat these "militants" using force* as evidence, when we have THE evidence of non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Const. Thus I added in, after the word government: "at Pleasant Street, Concord".

Yours truly, - - Joe

* P.S. Writing of: force, see what I just read over at http://www.crenshawchristiancenter.net/ecomm/ for Dr. Frederick Price http://www.faithdome.org/ who I saw on T.V. yesterday morning 7-8:00 a.m. Lifetime Channel 33 here right before Dr. Rbt. Schuller and his "Hour of Power" at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CAlif.  He wrote at page 3 of his 7/18/08 magazine, that I tried to copy: "In Matthew 11:12 Jesus said '...the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.'  What did He mean?  You do not have to try to take anything from God because God is not withholding anything from you.  It is the devil who is standing in the middle of the road, trying to block you and keep you from getting access to the kingdom - the promises of God. - - Satan will try to stop you in every way he can.  You cannot walk up and say, 'Mr. Devil, would you please allow me to pass across?' No, you have to be violent about it because violence is all he understands.  You have to be bold** in your faith walk."

** The word bold defined as: "1. Fearless; courageous" from: "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" (c)1973 @ page 80-1, see also: "2. Unduly forward; brazen (as in the expression of having: brass balls of "courage", see: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=brass%20balls of also: "1. To drive a hard bargain." and "3. NO FEAR! Scared of nothing." plus "4. audacity, courage"); impudent***." and: "3. Clear and distinct to the eye: a bold handwriting." is what I told Reno back then on June 20, 2007 when he asked me WHERE to sign, and I suggested down at the bottom like John Hancock (to King George); *** back to impudent = "Impertinent; rude; disrespectful", and impertinent as insolent: "1. Insulting in manner or speech; arrogant. 2. Audaciously impudent." and so yes: Ed arrogant, as I've said before, but so what? "Overbearingly proud; haughty." He is proud or "honored" as in his Honor Ed Brown "over"-bearing above the so-called Honorable ones in the House who would NOT take my Article 32 Petition in their State-Federal Relations Committee, and so why NOT to be "Domineering"!? from the word dominion, meaning the "1. Control or the exercise of control; sovereignty. 2. A sphere of influence or control; realm; domain." And when capitalized Dominion= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_angelic_hierarchy a/k/a The Hashmallim "the angels...wielding orbs of light" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashmallim from Ezekiel 1:4. "A Man's Home is his Castle"! was my slogan when I ran for Grafton County Sheriff three times back in the 1990s getting 1/5, then 1/4 then 1/3 of the votes, next aim: 1/2+1 to win, but moved to another county.

The word bold: also defined as "3. Steep, as a cliff." And the phrase "make bold" of "To take the liberty; dare." as in Ed certainly did dare them to: "Show me the law!" he took the liberty, defined as including among 4 meanings, the one I like best of: "3. Permission to do something; authorization or privilege." as in the justification and grant of power to not only Article 10 Revolt as of right, but duty too!! And so what does he get in return?: them TAKing his liberty away by "confinement" and "servitude"!!

You've heard of the expression that "Two wrongs make a right".  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_wrongs_make_a_right Well, I say: both the state and Feds are wrong when like the governor refuses to exercise his Art. 41 muscles against the Feds for their non-filing and so are still wrong! and away from this quoted phrase since this "is a logical fallacy that occurs when it assumed that if one wrong is committed, another wrong will cancel it out." It is a "hidden major premise in an enthymeme" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthymeme because "In an enthymeme, part of the argument is missing because it is assumed."  Or in this case: jurisdiction canNOT be assumed, it must be proven!  And when the judge dis-allows the evidence of such proof of non-filing to be marked as an Exhibit #__ over to the jury, then he is an Enthymemist! = no such word: I just made it up, with emphasis on the last part of mist, as in blowing smoke, or like a magician with smoke and mirrors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoke_and_mirrors of him with an "insubstantial explanation" as in withOUT the substance of the document to the jury, in effect, making it "disappear" to have deceived the audience/ jury! such practice deserving impeachment if not corrected! in like a Motion for Double Jeopardy or New Trial, when this 18USC3232 stuff is dealt with as a tilt in the pin-ball game: game over/ case closed! or this information herein presented as THE argument against such a cover-up!

Modification: typo= dot org for Enthymeme.


In regards to the latter, the federal file #07-cr-189 doesn't even have a document entry of the return of the transport order or order itself to copy as proof of evidence to use in the Strafford County Superior Court criminal case that I filed with the Clerk to process to the Grand Jury for an RSA Ch. 600:3 investigation, two meetings having occurred in July + August withOUT a single word of them either accepting my papers for them to "diligently inquire" or return an "ignoramus" bill as a refusal to either issue an indictment by County Attorney, or a "Presentment". Somebody in the Clerk's office has put the dust to this and ought to be charged with RSA Ch. 643:1 Official Oppression and RSA Ch. 642:2 Hindering Prosecution if something isn't done this month, as in the three strikes and you're out! http://www.state.nh.us   Maybe they're waiting for the evidence to arrive?  I've been told verbally that Danny has asked the Marshal's for this evidence, but that they, in effect, told him to: go pound sand!  Thus what needs to be done is not me shuffling more papers, but an Affidavit from Reno +/or Danny to the fact that of what both have told me, and as evidenced in the file, of their being NO such Federal Rule 18 motion to waive this 18USC3232 right.  To try to get it/both Notarized and THEN to see to it that that plus the papers already presented be further presented to the Grand Jury when next they meet in Dover on Friday, September 19th = exactly one week before Reno's sentencing as pre-scheduled.

- - Joe

Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on September 01, 2008, 02:14 PM NHFT
yes, and the ones on kidnapping accross state lines.

Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 01, 2008, 11:33 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 30, 2008, 07:35 PM NHFT


Update: #10 envelopes with letters from: Ed, Jason + Danny received in yesterday's mail Tue., Sept. 2nd. Details to follow, but to summarize now:

1. Ed got two notices from the Warden that he sent me that read the she things Ed can use what Kat and I have sent him for criminal purposes and so she confiscated them! that we can appeal. ____

2. Jason heard back from the MAss. Bar Overseers and they want him to detail out his complaint of 18USC3232 violations _____ by his attorneys before they have a meeting on the subject;

3. Danny's through with his psycho-val and he thinks he's being bussed back to Dover today, and so to give the jail a call for a Saturday or Sunday visit, or maybe sometime during the week. ______

Yours truly, - Joe


* The word: "processed" as in NOT to sign the form and hand it to one of the "officers" as Mr. Wilson told me he did, BUT that it was returned to him to mail it out to me, and if/when I get it that I have to sign and mail it back to the address on the form.  What I did was pre-sign the GENERAL one off the internet, mailed it to Ed, and then Ed signed it, and to save postage tried to in-house have it delivered, and so leading to this delay. So Ed: a copy of this printout to you; please mail this SPECIFIC one from there is what they gave you back** to me. Thanks, - - Joe

Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 29, 2008, 10:40 PM NHFT
It's been EXACTly one month from 7/29 to 8/29 today, and: nothing!

Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 29, 2008, 11:28 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 15, 2008, 12:37 PM NHFT
Hey Mr. Wilson!  ;D

New info:

I just called the USP Marion in Illinois @ 1-618-964-1441 http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/mar/index.jsp and spoke with the officer in charge who tried to connect me to Mr. Wilson's voice mail for HOW to get on Ed's visiting list, ....

He might also be THE officer to get Channel 9 W.M.U.R.-T.V. a phone connection. Reference: Sean McDonald @ 603: 641-9028, 4 rings gets you to his voice mail.  I just left him Mr. Wilson's # to call for that interview (in person in the prison yard?).

-- Joe

Modification: I just had a nice chat with Mr. Wilson about a half hour ago.  As soon as Ed signs the Visitation Form to get it processed*, my guess was that it takes about a month, and that he confirmed, so maybe to see Ed in September?

** Modification: "over" to me. [9:15 a.m. (actually: + 45 min.= 10:00 a.m.)]

Modification #2:  Thanks Sean, I'll relay a copy of this to Ed in the mail today about my phone call to you of a few minutes ago @ about 12:30 p.m. that you'd still like to interview him "and" the Warden, etc. in that like you said: of "Freedom of Speech" in that the B.O.P. can NOT "edit the newscast" as Ed wrote in his 8-25 letter to me, but that you will allow the officer there (or in R.I., etc. re: the gassing) "rebut" what Ed has to say. - - Joe


Open & Partial Appeal to:

Attention: Lisa J. W. Hollingworth, Warden
P. O. Box 2000
MARION, IL 62959

Thank you for being NOT a total jerk, (or maybe even of highest honor*) at least you did indirectly through the inmate send me the CDFRM Form BP-S327.058 MAY 94 and 28 C.F.R. Part 540.13 "notice of the rejection" rather than "there is no need to return the correspondence** OR give notice of the rejection" when the "officer...(who was and still is) the one who originally disapproved the correspondence" since he or she made a judgment call that "the correspondence includes plans for a discussion of commission of a crime or evidence of a crime" in which case "the correspondence should be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities." [not that it has to be by a "shall" word of that it must, but "should" or ought to be so referred, meaning to turn over, assign or submit to some authority for help, information, a decision or examination.  The technical definition of the word refer from the Latin word referre of to "carry back" and so what better than to the law itself! YES - as explained below.] http://law.justia.com/us/cfr/title28/28-

But which is it?  My presumption is the latter of "evidence of a crime" which is good, because that is exactly what has happened here in that the entire trial of the Browns by Case #06-CR-071-02-SM was conducted unlawfully and illegally in there being no jurisdictional authority from 1-8-17 U.S. Const., since the proper federal officer WHOever that is (currently trying to find out by former U.S. Rep. Jeb Bradley, N.H. Republican semi-retired and running again in the state Primary this month who, if he gets over that hurdle takes on current Federal Representative Carol She-Porter, Democrat in the General Election in November who REFUSES to look into this subject matter of facts don't lie, but liars figure, her a liar by omission as they say, and Fed. Rep Hodes a liar too to that 18USC3232 complaint I have filed 8-8-8 with the N.H. P.C.C. - him deserving to be fired this next election too!) has YET to file the N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 papers. See Attorney Lowell "Larry" Becraft's excellent website of http://www.constitution.org/juris/fjur/1fj-ba.htm from Huntsville, Alabama for all fifty (50) states in our Union.

*If this is the reason, then O.K., to await them to contact me, or would you please tell me to WHERE you sent this?  so that I can give them more details, all they have to do is read the thread here on this N.H. website, as the N.H. "goons" do, and so in a culpable mental state for a criminal mind, my next filings in court to be over in Claremont by the end of this month for Class B - fine only convictions sought for misdemeanor assault charges before the 1-year statute of limitations expires since: ignorance of the law is NO excuse! The incident of October 4, 2007 at Plainfield to be exact.

But the way your SUBJECT paragraph reads of that: "The correspondence MIGHT FACILITATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES and is detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the institution" (emphasis ADDed) it can also be looked at as that "officer" thinks what!? my correspondence makes it easier for criminal activities to happen? As in to aid and assist? WHAT exact criminal activities does he or she think might happen? _________ Thus this is THE "appeal" for IF this is THE reason, then to please go to this appeal from this lousy excuse of his/her opinion of being "detrimental" to, that they have it mis-arranged of : "the security, good order, or discipline" from that in Part 540.12 for actually: "the security, discipline, and good order of the institution."  Now which is it: of these three factors*** leading to something detrimental, from the word detriment, defined as a harm or disadvantage, from the Latin word deterere of "to wear away".  To wear away the close-mindedness of that the judges can never be wrong?! In that case, you ought to watch or re-watch and listen to what the great character actor Pat Hingle, as the judge (Judge Adam Fenton) in Clint Eastwood's "Hang 'em High" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061747/ said of, of course he's made mistakes, because there are no angels (like sitting on his shoulder as that parrot on Blackbeard the Pirate) to tell him what to do, and until that time in the future [of like when the Urim and Thummim (Light and Truth, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urim_and_Thummim ) return to some "Breastplate of Judgment" like what Moses had would light up the stones of yes or no for guilty or not among the 12 stones of the Twelve Tribes, picked up from the Parting of the Red Sea, where are they now? and of the golden emerods still in the original Ark of the Covenant?] then mistakes will be made, but at least here in this country, thank God Almighty and our founding fathers for putting in this system of checks and balances that ought to work!

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone).

pc: Edward-Lewis:Brown(c) [03923-049] USP [P.O. Box 2000], Marion, Illinois [62959]

** Correspondence of what postmark date? with #___ pages, and which in particular is like the straw that broke the camel's back?

*** notice the "and" word in the quoted Part 540.12 vs the "or" word from the "officer", thus the question to the officer of which one he/she meant to put the emphasis on, and second and third. Surely it canNOT be a "security" issue for "Safety" defined as "Freedom from danger or injury", and so might be to discipline as in the "Punishment intended to correct", but this goes along with "good order" not bad order, and so when the one being punished corrects the punisher(s) with the truth, then one of two things happens as just did for hopefully this honor bestowed upon you for reporting this travesty of justice, thank you "very" much!


Here's a re-type of what I got from Ed in yesterday's mail:

"U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
United States Penitentiary
Office of the Warden
4500 Prison Road
P.O. Box 2000
Marion, IL 62959

August 22, 2008

New Hampshire Free Press
88 Sparrow Street
Keene, NH 03431

Re: The New Hampshire Free Press

Inmate: BROWN, Edward Lewis
Register Number: 03923-049

To whom it may concern:

--The above-referenced publication which you recently mailed as been determined unacceptable for the reason(s) indicated below:

The publication might facilitate criminal activities. (Entire Publication)

--You may appeal this decision within twenty days of receipt of this notification by writing to:

U.S. Bureau of Prisons - North Central Regional Office
Gateway Tower 2, 8th Floor
400 State Street
Kansas City, KS 66101

--By copy of this letter, the inmate is advised he may appeal this decision through the Administrative Remedy process within 20 days of receipt.

Sincerely, Lisa J.W. Hollingsworth, Warden"