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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 32

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 15, 2009, 08:25 AM NHFT

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A 2nd park of the day:

Header: "But why? What Rule or "any" reason(s) did I upset the applecart?"

"I see that you, the Moderator, have still not posted my former reply that was merely a header to guessing and that I would have liked to have replied under than but resulting to this here:

I did go over to your Guidelines page at  http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=STATICPAGES0512 and found "2. You may not impersonate others."

Is that what is the problem here? of putting the Monier: _______________ and Haas: _______________ in that format?

I was not impersonating or pretending to be Monier, and I did not provide any quotes, but merely indicated what he might have said or would say.

Thus not #2, or is that your reason?  Again, I'm just guessing here.  Why do you remain silent?

Or is it #3 of "...Likewise, you may not post content that is...  abusive...." Say what? What # of the dictionary definition are you referring to here? "To use wrongly or improperly"? "To maltreat"? "To berate; insult" as in the verb, see also for the noun of: "1. Misuse. 2. A CORRUPT practice or custom. (emphasis ADDed) 3. MALtreatment. (emphasis ADDed again, and) 4. Insulting language." 

So I guess my days here are over. If I cannot insult my public servants who insult me and us, then that's like being in Contempt of Court when the Court is in contempt of the constitution or law AND/or the statutes.  When you are in such contempt it is justifiably so. I thought "public servants" were exempt from such abuse?

A copy going over to another website to "park" this (to maybe erase, if and when you do print this), as I think that others can benefit by being reminded of not to get us what? Into a "mob" mentality, like in storm-trooping our public servants there at the Capitol and physically put their heads into some stocks for to throw some tomatoes at? (;-) That BTW they deserve, but then again, that would be "simple assault" UNLESS they volunteered, like the Town Attorney did once to the "dunking booth" as I did write about in my Archives here. Or maybe another Art. 10 right, eh? (;-)

Closing with Rule #5 in that: "the Concord Monitor may monitor any usergenerated content as it chooses and reserves the right to REMOVE content that it deems inappropriate for ANY reason whatever without consent. We further reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove a user's privilege to post content on our site." (emphasis ADDED for "any" reason, so even if not included in these numbers here, but that it would be nice to know WHY).

Would you PLEASE put me back on automatic posting, as you've effectively calmed me down. In other words turned me into another milk-toaster of the masses, not to rise up in revolt against the "Massa". I promise to be a "good" boy from now on.  Your lobotomy having been perfected.

Plus: would you please explain Rule #7: "The discussion forums, blogs, and comments are for text only. Use of graphics and audio is not appropriate." So does this mean that we canNOT post any youtube in text format?  Or is it otherwise?  I do try to limit those youtube postings to a minute or less, so that you can view them to make sure that they are not subversive. I do not want to waste your time either.

Thank you in advance. 793 characters left. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reference: the Bill Miller case, set for trial in Dover on the SAME day of next Monday, June 29th as for Ed & Elaine too.


Enough already for today, I'm hanging it up:


of: Jobs, Council and the Library
New By hoss on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 09:10 ..."HAPPY 150 BIRTHDAY CPL!! GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BOOK SALE STARTS FRIDAY!!"

"Reason for reporting cannot be longer than 128 characters but is currently 464 characters long."

"Is this GOING OUT OF BUSINESS for real? of course not! Anybody in their right mind would read that of what the writer meant.  So the same per my Monier/Haas this and that! Come on. Although in technical violation of Rule 2 for impersonating a sign, this is in good humor.  I do NOT actually report this as a violation, but just bring this to your attention. It insults and so also a violation of Rule #3, but like I wrote: these public servants are supposed to be."

The reduced version actually sent: "In violation of Rule 2 for sign?  It insults and so also a violation of Rule #3, but these public servants are supposed to be."


"H-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!" In honor of Ed McMahon, who just died, earlier this morning, R.I.P., and as a "Laugh-In" fan from the 1960s: "Here comes the Judge" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hIcKkKID8k ( 0:13 seconds, 52,873 views) in "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" http://timstvshowcase.com/laughin.html . . . . . . . . Here comes Johnny alright, Governor John H. Lynch of Hopkinton, so: Here comes the governor:

The State of New Hampshire (by Gov. John H. Lynch) v.s. Federal Judge George Z. Singal, from Portland, Maine, et als of The United States District Court, Concord, N.H.

Case #2009-E-______

NOW COMES the Complainant, Governor John H. Lynch in his official capacity as the Executive Magistrate of The State of New Hampshire and by Article 41, Part 2 of the New Hampshire Constitution does hereby file this case for "court action" please for a second opinion of my opinion being that the judicial proceedings against Ed & Elaine Brown are out-of-order and shall halt immediately as whoever that federal officer is supposed to be, has NOT filed their RSA Ch. 123:1 papers http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State as required from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution, since our offer of consent on June 14, 1883 was not a gift but conditional upon the exchange taking place that has not yet been done, see the case of:                                       

Adams v. United States (1943) 319 US 312, 87 L Ed. 1421, 63 S. Ct. 1122. (Quoted from U.S. statute 40 USCS 255, Interpretive Note #14, citing the US Supreme Court).

thanks to: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm  wherein it is written that:

"In view of 40 USCS 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized government to take jurisdiction is immaterial."

A letter on June _____ was sent by me to the Clerk of Court there, James R. Starr, who used to be our Clerk of Court here for Merrimack County Superior Court that he please instruct whoever to please comply with the laws: both our law or statute, and the federal law or statute being Title 40 U.S. Code Section 255, see: http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citeid=393575 and U.S. Attorney Manual #664 at: http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm with a copy of this Complaint having also been delivered to him/ Thomas P. Colantuono, U.S. Attorney (former Executive Councilor to the Governor)  on June _____ @ __:__ o'clock a.m./p.m. by one of my assistants,  ______________________ with certificate of delivery attached hereto for both individuals and the G.S.A. Officer over there.

From what I have gathered, the G.S.A. / General Services Administration in Boston has the blueprints for this Warren B. Rudman Building at 53 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. but that a Mrs. Tarlton refuses to file them with our Secretary of State citing some post-911 secrecy excuse that she thinks somehow this un-written policy over-rides THE Constitution!  That claim is ridiculous in that we can guarantee that upon filing they can be vaulted by us from terrorists too. As in to exempt from the RSA Ch. 91-A Right to know statute http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-VI-91-A.htm

Thus this be a dual complaint to please call in the federal judge, clerk +/or GSA Officer over there, Mr. Reddig in Room #___ 1st floor of the James C. Cleveland Building in their "complex" at 53-55 Pleasant Street, to show cause why their proceedings against Ed & Elaine Brown of Plainfield in Sullivan County shall not be restrained by this action or an action for or by them like in a Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, since it is my duty that I "shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws" and "may, by appropriate court action or (Executive) proceeding brought in the name of the state, enforce compliance with any constitutional or legislative mandate, or restrain violation of any constitutional or LEGISLATIVE power" (emphasis ADDed because by Article 51 also I am charged to execute "the laws of...the United States" but such laws, as currently being imposed upon the Browns have yet to be approved by our N.H. General Court, see Article 12, Part First, N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights, http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html in that: "Nor are the inhabitants of this state controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent.")

A copy of this Complaint likewise going over to my Commissioner Kevin, of the State Bureau of Revenue Administration now at the #___ Pleasant Street location, to please re-set up those titles of "collectors of state and federal taxes" as separate and distinct from officers "under the United States" that, from my search over at State Archives was the case back BEFORE 1913 and the enactment of the 16th Amendment for un-uniform taxes when dealing with the uniform federal taxes in Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution.

A "prompt"* action by Article 14 is requested please for the court's second opinion after a hearing on the matter, since I'm being pressed by citizen, Joseph S. Haas of P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03301 in an RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims case #2009-013 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LV-541-B.htm set for a Sept. __, 2009 hearing in a claim for personal damages against me to the tune of $5000 for violation of his rights of association with his friends the Browns, as were supposed to be a guarantee by the 1st Amendment that I am the CAUSE of, as from this definition of the word responsible, ever since he alerted me of this on June 21st, 2007 in his Art. 49 Petition, Exhibit #___ of which a copy thereof, has already been entered into the case, and involves my PERSONAL ability to act, that I did not then, but do so now take this to the next step for your:

PROPOSED ORDER: That it is hereby ordered, that a copy of this Complaint along with a subpoena duces tecum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subpoena_duces_tecum  be served upon the Executive Officer Mr. Reddig over there at 53 Pleasant Street, to appear before this court on ______day, June ___ 2009 @ ___:____ o'clock a.m./p.m. to "Show Cause" why he is NOT in violation of the laws of this state and of the United States, for leasing AND giving them an operating permit for the first, second, third and part* of the 4th floors of the Rudman building to this "inferior Court" of Congress by Art. III, Sec. 1 U.S. Constitution withOUT the proper documentation having been first filed with our Office of Secretary of State.  A copy of this Complaint and Order, hereby directed to the City of Concord CODE Enforcement Agency too, to please file an Appearance form and appear in person this day and time too, as I will listen and read to any Amicus Curiae / "Friend of the Court" Brief, as to why they can't get involved as an Art. 28 Political sub-division of the State, to extend their Code enforcement powers to include some emergency City Council Meeting to add to the CODE, that of to enforce the U.S. Code as well, and especially when requested to do so by the governor.  Signed Judge _____________________.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - -  Gov. John. H. Lynch, 107 North Main Street, 2nd floor, NW corner office, Concord, N.H. 03302, 603: 271-______ direct dial to my inner office.


(1) Chief Judge Stephen A. McAuliffe who assigned this judge from Maine, and First Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jeffrey R. Howard (our former N.H. Attorney General), on part* of the fourth floor there, who has disbursed checks to various N.H. and MAss.achusetts attorneys in the Ed Brown co-conspirators case, in what looks to be a violation of 18USC3232 for illegal transports over to Maine, and so a copy of this too also to our Congressional Delegation here in Concord being: Federal Rep. Paul Hodes, and U.S. Senator Judd Gregg, to please look into these illegal payments and illegal transport orders, such as to provide evidence to the new Democrat U.S. Attorney to initiate any and all 18USC242 criminal actions.  +

(2) The House State-Federal Relations Committee, who was given an Article 32 Petition for such House Rule 4 action by the House Speaker, but who refused to House Rule 36 endorse, providing no alternative suggestion but to keep their mouths shut!

* prompt = without delay; delay = postpone; post = after; pone = meal.  An urgent hearing is requested also because Mr. Haas is insisting upon his right as a citizen to attend this "public trial" as guaranteed to him as a member of the public by the 6th Amendment, but that he refuses to venture into a building under control of what he terms a maniac. The analogy he uses is that: Would you step inside the car through the door knowing that the man behind the wheel or driver has FAILed to comply with the law!? The same goes here for this judge!  The Browns have asked by Motion(s) for Discovery of: WHERE are your operating papers?  Mr. Haas does NOT want to possibly be found in contempt of court from a judge who is in contempt of the constitution. The time for a "petty" offense in the federal jurisdiction being up to 6 months withOUT a jury trial! The Feds have NO jurisdictional authority in their claimed jurisdictional territory of the ENTIRE state, when even that is absurd, as per the bounds in 1-8-17 of ONLY withIN those "Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State". The Feds having had to rely on the N.H. State Police to somehow deputize the U.S. Marshals, of to bring the Browns over the threshold onto federal soil, but that soil tainted with illegality! Shame on them all! Both the Feds, as in Marshal Stephen R. Monier of Goffstown, by his Oath of Office to execute only "lawful precepts", and the state officers in cahoots for having violated their RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths of office too!! http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/92/92-2.htm

** Mr. Haas is instructing me, by his Art. 8 right to do so, that if I do not present this complaint to you, etc., that for every half-a-day by lunchtime and dinner, for the morning and afternoon court proceedings against his friends that he WILL be filing a separate RSA 541-B State Board of Claims complaint against me for $5,000 each time, x 2 = $10,000 per day x #___ days that he so asserts his rights, UNTIL the time of this RSA 123:1 filing is accomplished, or the end of the Ed & Elaine Brown trial(s), whichever occurs first. Me hoping that nobody else reads about this and likewise duplicates his complaints, as although I am a $millionaire, I am not a multi-millionaire (half a $billionaire) like former Republican governor Craig R. Benson of Rye, wondering what he would have done in this situation, sending him a copy too, as two heads of a Republican and Democrat governor, retired and active respectfully, are better than one Libertarian governor, or is it?


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on June 23, 2009, 12:53 PM NHFT

Sorry Ed, I didn't know that Jim was a Fed, as on the list for when he was assigned to Kat's case. Aren't attorney-client conversations confidential? Even from potential clients?

That's about the same time I loaned my cell phone to Jim Dennehy, as per O. 1/22/08 jail call, right?

Don't I have rights to BLOCK!?  Like Reagan said: "I paid for this" cell-phone!

What did Ed say that the government is going to "twist" around?

Mod: Sorry - on Defendant's Exhibit List.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 23, 2009, 10:35 AM NHFT
"H-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!" ....

Copies delivered by me in person to:

1.) The Office of Secretary of State (to Paula)
2.) The Governor's Office (Brittany)
3.) The Press Room 116 State House
----(to Kevin Landrigan, of The "Nashua Telegraph"); +
4.) The Attorney General's Office

at about 4:45 to 5 :00 p.m. this afternoon.


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on June 24, 2009, 09:04 AM NHFT

Thanks Donna.  Here's my copy and paste:

"Reference paragraph #4 of: "When they were ultimately arrested *  during an undercover operation in October 2007,...."

* WHO arrested them? HOW did they get to federal soil in Concord?

In the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 "Legislation" of the U.S. Code, otherwise known as the Statutes AT LARGE (emphasis ADDed), can be "exercise"d ONLY in D.C. and "over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be" and includes courthouses by The Attorney General Manual #664 http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm citing the Dravo case: "James v. Dravo Contracting Co., 302 U.S. 134, 141 (1937), citing, Surplus Trading Co. v. Cook, 281 U.S. 647, 652 (1930)." in that: "See James v. Dravo Contracting Co., 302 U.S. at 142-43. It therefore properly embraces courthouses, ...."

Was and is 401 Center of Town Road in Plainfield, N.H. owned by the Federal government?  No! But it was federal agents who arrested Ed & Elaine on some kind of "Citizens Arrest" is what we would call it if it were either you or me, but for them it's some kind of "Mutual Aid" **Compact signed by whoever, but that is in violation of the laws! Both state and federal!! N.H. R.S.A. Ch 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-IX-123.htm and 40USC255 http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citeid=393575 since by: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm :

""In view of 40 USCS 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized government to take jurisdiction is immaterial." Adams v. United States (1943) 319 US 312, 87 L Ed. 1421, 63 S. Ct. 1122. (Quoted from U.S. statute 40 USCS 255, Interpretive Note #14, citing the US Supreme Court).  "

** The Mutual Aid came from when the Feds took Ed & Elaine to the Lebanon Police Department to get their Aid that was not supposed to be given out, as I did tell the City Council there on June 6, 2007 the DAY before the Feds raided Elaine's dental office building that by Article 12 of the N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights: "Nor are the inhabitants of this state controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent." http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html

Instead I was arrested on June 20th in TRYing to go to The Plainfield Town Hall to show and tell same to The Selectmen there, having the gold-sealed certificate of non-federal filing to RSA 123:1 that goes back to the first certificate signed by Bill Gardner, the Secretary of State to me on September 10th, 2001 referring to our offer to the Feds on June 14, 1883 that was NOT a gift BUT for an exchange and so a conditional consent that has NEVER happened, as there is no receipt at Federal Archives either, for what might have gotten lost at the state.

Thus this entire trial is a farce! An "empty show" of NO jurisdictional authority there, with "Wild Improbabilities" highly unlikely that they can surface such a receipt, but even so, that proving that there was no criminal intent, but to assert the right and duty to revolt by Article 10, especially when there are at present no "collectors of state and federal taxes" as state officers, separate and distinct from officers "under the United States".

Thus my claim to attend this 6th Amendment "public trial" as a member of the public-at- large was delivered to the governor yesterday afternoon, that if he does not assert his Art. 41 + 51 authority http://www.nh.gov/constitution/governor.html I will sue him for $5000 per each half-a-day in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LV-541-B.htm be-CAUSE he is "responsible for" this PERSONAL service to me, failing which this personal injury of my rights damages to be paid from him to me as determined by this Board. That anyone else can assert these rights too, making up to $10,000 per day ($50,000 if you want to pay the filing fee, cc: Claire Ebel of the N.H. Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union), re: Andru Volinsky, the attorney for the Veronica Silva case of the 1980s that made the headlines of The UNION LEADER, him getting his 10% commission."


Here's more:

"Danny's testimony will 'rock the boat' and sink the Feds!

Amendment and "witness" info.

Sorry, I tried to plug in the Art. 95 link to the N.H. Constitution, Part Second  in "** The Mutual Aid" paragraph but that I was over the word limit.  Here it is now: http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html

And to explain my next claim to the State Board of Claims, it's like getting into a car KNOWing that the driver or chauffeur behind the wheel is drunk or on drugs.  Would you put your life at risk in such a case? Of course not!

The same goes for the judge of this case, on "the bench" they call it.  Would you enter his courtroom KNOWing that he knows he has no jurisdictional authority as against the law? but does not care! and chance not being found in "contempt of court" / his court? that is actually in contempt of the constitution.!  He can put you in prison for up to six (6) months is a "petty" offense they call it by case-law, withOUT a trial by jury!

And so I REFUSE to enter his courtHOUSE, while he is there dishing out in-justice!  My right to attend a "public trial" is enhanced by the Ninth Amendment of the right to attend a LAWful public trial, not some "Kangaroo Court"!

Because the governor has FAILed to assure me that they are indeed operating over there legally and by the law, I will NOT set foot on their federal turf UNLESS they, the creature of our creator state of 13 at the time, has complied with the contract: 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution of to get our "Consent" BEFORE they start operating.  Call it not medical mal-practice, but legal MAL-practice!

You too should assert these rights* and make $money! A "Reward" for doing so to take time off from work to do what's right.  As even that time donated is a factor for measuring damages according to the new Chairman Mark Howard, Esquire appointed by the N.H. Supreme Court in an ORDER he sent me on my way to their next quarterly meeting on Sept. __, 2009.  On Monday at 12:01 p.m. I'll be filing my first of #__ claims with the N.H. Secretary of State, because legal remedies to be free, complete and prompt, as in withOUT delay, delay = postpone, post = after, and pone = meal, and so by the noontime and dinner time respectfully for the theft of my rights to attend what are supposed to be these LAWful morning and afternoon sessions of this public trial! To check in with the Secretary of State twice a day for to see if the Feds have taken their medicine. (;-) If not, then to stay away from them about to go berserk!

* Rights, as in what Danny was asserting as an "inhabitant" too is what he ought to title himself when he speaks the truth from the witness stand, as he asserted this claim for such in Strafford County Superior Court in Dover, but that Judge Steven Houran, former Assistant Attorney General did NOT give him his "complete" legal remedy as by to hear with his ears what he did write in his Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, and so withOUT a hearing for a re-hearing to occur, the N.H. Supreme Court took the case anyway so that the Feds could PULL it to them, when by the law, the case MUST as in "shall" only be PUSHed to there by the Defendant Superintendent, not some Federal Intervenor, but allowed by these Supremes who ought to be impeached too!

Danny disgusted with the so-called Sunshine "Patriots".  Where were they to visit him in jail? Or complain to their State Reps to Art. 17 impeach these Supreme Court thieves? for an Article 38 trial in the Senate. See http://www.nh.gov/constitution/house.html and http://www.nh.gov/constitution/senate.html

Even though as a witness FOR the Feds, the Defense has the right to cross-examine, and so yeah! to enter into the federal court his COMPLETE case IN-cluding his Appeals BOTH to the State Supreme Court and still pending to the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston."


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 24, 2009, 10:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on June 24, 2009, 09:04 AM NHFT
Thanks Donna.  Here's my copy and paste: ...

cc: Claire Ebel of the N.H. Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union), re: Andru Volinsky, the attorney for the Veronica Silva case of the 1980s that made the headlines of The UNION LEADER, him getting his 10% commission."

Open Letter to: Claire Ebel, Executive Director of:

The New Hampshire Chapter of
The American Civil Liberties Union
18 Low Ave # 12
Concord, NH 03301-4999
(603) 225-3080

Thank you for your mission statement of that you: "defends civil liberties in the courtroom and in the legislature" as in the Legislature's RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims;  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-LV-541-B.htm

My question to you is: How much is your liberty worth to attend what is supposed to be a Sixth Amendment "public trial" in the federal court?

The reason I ask is that I'd like to attend my friend's trial there starting on Monday, June 29th of next week, U.S.A. v. Ed & Elaine Brown (of Plainfield) but that I've found that their proceedings there are illegal, and that I want to assert my rights of NOT to set foot in illegal quagmire! as by my right so for me to outline by the Ninth Amendment, there being no 40USC255 filing of their N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 papers as required by the shall word from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, and that the governor is "responsible for" by his RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office to assert his Art. 41+51 powers that he refuses to do, and that I do NOT want to step foot into a place run by a lunatic! / a power-hungry judge who is out-of-control and might go berserk with contempt orders when he, himself is in contempt of the constitution and ought to be impeached!

Thus using the formula as prescribed in the Vernica Silva case in the State Board of Claims in the mid 1980s of liberty worth now $50,000 per day, and since my liberty is not being taken away for the 8 x 2 = 16 of 24 hours of my work and sleep, but of my free time that I'd like to have attended this trial, set to go for ten (10) days, that's 8 hrs. per day (from 8 to 12:00 noon lunchtime= 4 hrs. in the morning; and 1-5 p.m. = 4 hrs. in the afternoon), and so by my calculations, the theft of my time amounting to 1/3rd of this $50,000 = $16,666 per day.

Furthermore see: http://www.simplyhired.com/a/salary/search/q-college+graduate

Average College Graduate Salaries
In USD as of Jun 25, 2009       
college graduate $46,000

and so me being a B.S. graduate of UNH/ Durham 1976, my 8-hr work day x 5 days a week, should equal this average of $46,000, rounded up to $52,000 divided by 52 weeks a year = about $1,000/work-week divided by 5 = $200/day, and so when stolen to multiply by seven (x 7 = $1,400 per day at least!, reference: Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211 of Oct. 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond, and Proverbs 6:30-31 to charge the thief sevenfold the $amount stolen.)

Thus for me to compromise between the going rate and this salary rate to sue the governor for $5000 each half a day for not being "prompt", x 2 = $10,000 per day, but that if you'd like to help me sue for more, I'd be willing to give one of your attorneys for your Union more than the standard 10%, with a bonus, and so say: $15,000 per day against the governor, since I do have some freedom beyond the walls of a jail cell, thus $1,500/day x 10 days = $15,000 or three times what Andru Volinsky did get as his commission in the Veronia Silva case.

If you'd like to help me with filing some or all of these claims starting this Monday, June 29th @ 12:01 o'clock p.m. please let me know.

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joe / Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com

P.S. Several others have expressed an interest in this too, wanting me to blaze the way with my first filing that they too can duplicate, and so like if there be say twelve of us = a dozen, or say just 10, and under the same commission, that's about $15,000 x 10 = $150,000 to the Union from this multi-millionaire governor who should have known better than to be so "lazy" on the job!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 25, 2009, 01:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 24, 2009, 10:52 AM NHFT
Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on June 24, 2009, 09:04 AM NHFT
Thanks Donna.  Here's my copy and paste: ...

cc: Claire Ebel of the N.H. Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union), re: Andru Volinsky, the attorney for the Veronica Silva case of the 1980s that made the headlines of The UNION LEADER, him getting his 10% commission."

Open Letter to: Claire Ebel, Executive Director of:

The New Hampshire Chapter of
The American Civil Liberties Union

Update: Her copy delivered to her office worker yesterday afternoon, at just before 5:00 p.m. Her phone line is currently with a busy signal. She must be making a call to Andru?  8)


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 23, 2009, 10:35 AM NHFT
"H-e-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!" In honor of Ed McMahon, ...

A copy of this Complaint likewise going over to my Commissioner Kevin, of the State Bureau of Revenue Administration ....


1. a.) Revenue Commissioner:

His copy was delivered by me to his receptionist over there yesterday afternoon at exactly 4:15 o'clock p.m. as I did sign-in there in the log book.

1. b.) http://www.revenue.nh.gov/contact/index.htm for: REVENUE COUNSEL: John F. Hayes, Esq. (603) 271-2318
ASSISTANT REVENUE COUNSEL: Michael R Williams, Esq. (603) 271-2318 . Haynes not in today, and so I did leave a voice-mail for Attorney Williams to please get back to me in writing that he is researching over at State Archives of WHO this Art. 92 state officer was of state AND federal taxes back before 1913, and why the law is not being complied with today.

2.) City Code Enforcement Officer.

This was right before I did also visit the Building Code Enforcement Officer for the City on Green Street by The Library at City Hall Annex to the south by the Police Station who said that they have jurisdiction over only those leased private buildings to the Feds like the Post Office on Loudon Road, but not the Rudman Building over on Pleasant Street as owned by the Feds.

So that got me thinking. Since the Feds claim that they "own" Ed's house in Plainfield, but are really liars with their sign of ownership, in that they merely have "seized" toward forfeiture, WHY no forfeiture proceedings?  Because Ed will win his case, get back to his property, and start writing his book! When the Feds demolished a part of Ed's house to find the $xx,xxx.xx in gold and silver bars and coins, did they have a demolition permit?  8) http://www.plainfieldnh.org/ 469-3201 state permit needed only, call DES, http://des.nh.gov/index.htm at 271-3503 to 271-6876 direct dial for Jeff in Environmental I don't see any Demolition Permits under the "Quick Links" to Permit page: http://des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/pip/categories/permits.htm and if/when found, what percentage __% of the structure to be destroyed triggers the requirement to obtain a permit, and/or if on somebody else's property then no matter what the percentage, the one doing the demolishing must obtain one anyway? So the wetlands division so as to remove the scrap withIN #__ amount of time? or be charged with littering?

3.) Federal Members of Congress:

I did also give a copy of this also to the receptionists for both: Fed. Rep. Paul Hodes and U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg. To re-visit their offices in Concord again this afternoon for a Progress Report, like for a written apology of: "We are sorry for the aggravation cased by the federal non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1." signed: ________________ http://hodes.house.gov/ at 223-9814 in Concord http://hodes.house.gov/singlepage.aspx?NewsID=1501 and http://gregg.senate.gov/public/ at 225-7115 Both #s called, with Trevor for Hodes asking WHAT the aggravation is, and me telling him of that federal octopus over there on Pleasant Street with its tentacles stretching beyond the land so purchased withOUT the FULL "Consent" of the Legislature, since there be no 40USC255 acceptance of the offer that is a conditional offer. The trespasses they have committed on state AND private soil. And to have this paper, signed in writing by his officer manager there Jane Pauly by this afternoon! Not today pointing the finger at Mrs. Tarlton in Boston for the G.G.A. to do her job, is my guess as to WHO this federal agent is supposed to be, just that of getting this general apology!


Free Reno and Other Prisoners of Conscience!  WorldNews.com   2009-06-26 


Article by WorldNews.com Correspondent Dallas Darling.

Just like Lloyd Garrison who publicly burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution because it legalized slavery, and just like Henry David Thoreau who went to jail for refusing to pay poll taxes that funded the Mexican American War, and just like Martin Luther King, Jr. who was killed for denouncing the Pentagon and its war in Vietnam (1); Reno Gonzales might too someday grace America's history books as a catalyst for change and a reformer.

A veteran of the U.S.-Serbia and Gulf Wars, Reno was just imprisoned for eight years. His crime: participating in America's Tax Awareness Movement and calling attention to hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on foreign wars. After supporting Ed and Elaine Brown, who were sentenced to five years for tax evasion, Reno started crisscrossing the nation and lecturing about the abusive and oppressive nature of the income tax system.

The federal government, in conjunction with state and local authorities, eventually arrested Reno after wrestling him to the floor and after kicking and beating him. He was extradited to New Hampshire to stand trial for conspiracy charges and for aiding and abetting the Browns in their standoff with federal agents. Reno called for a jury "nullification" in the courtroom and accused the prosecution and informant of perjury. Although the charges were dropped, the judge accused Reno of eight counts of perjury. For each count, Reno was sentenced one year to prison. Reno's sentence by far exceeded federal guidelines.

(Jason Gerhard, another supporter of the Browns, was sentenced to twenty years in prison which also exceeded federal guidelines. Robert Wolffe, who aided the Browns too, received less than three years in prison. He testified against Reno, Jason, and the Browns.)

At his sentencing, Reno criticized the federal marshals and prosecutors claiming they had not sought the truth. He also questioned the judicial system, since he believed his trial was unfair and his sentence excessive. At the end of his comments, Reno held up a copy of the Bill of Rights that he had been reading from and ripped it in half. "The Bill of Rights no longer has meaning, since the federal government ignores and dishonors it!" said Reno.

Meanwhile, Prison Policy Initiative has noticed how federal prisons undermine democracy. The Census Bureau counts people in prison where they are incarcerated as if they were residents of a community. This data is used for redistricting, increasing federal monies, and reapportionment. Other Studies show Hispanics and Blacks are imprisoned at a greater rate and receive longer sentences. Financial experts too have now admitted the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan helped trigger America's economic crises.

For now, Reno is imprisoned at El Reno Federal Corrections Institute in El Reno, Oklahoma. In keeping with the Patriot Act, Bureau of Prisons, Federal Prison System, and Special Investigative Support (SIS), he has been flagged as a terrorist. His mail is heavily censored. They believe any correspondence, information, and communication perceived (real or imagined) as disruptive to the prison or that could cause a prison riot, must be suppressed. Reno receives many opened envelopes with no letter inside.

His father, Jose Gonzales, tried contacting members of the Tax Awareness Movement in hope of planning "lock-in" vigils at several Catholic Churches across the nation. He wanted to raise support for his son's plight believing authorities would respect Sanctuary and the Peace of God. While driving to his granddaughters birthday party, federal agents arrested him. He spent three days in jail and was accused of assaulting an FBI informant who had infiltrated the Tax Awareness Movement. The charges were dropped.

A recent investigation found human rights were deteriorating around the world, including in the U.S. As the U.S. condemns Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, and North Korea, it might want to rethink its own human rights record. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "Not only will we seek to live up to our ideals on American soil, we will pursue greater respect for human rights as we engage other nations and people around the world." The first step in living up to our ideals on American soil would be to free (or a presidential pardon) Reno and thousands of other prisoners of conscience.

Dallas Darling - darling@wn.com

(Note: You can write to Reno Gonzales at: El Reno, Oklahoma...El Reno Fed Corrections Institute...Reno Gonzales, P.O. Box 1000, El Reno, OK 73036)

(Dallas Darling is the author of The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for www.worldnews.com and writes a weekly column for Iran's Javan Newspaper. You can read more of his articles at www.beverlydarling.com and wn.com/dallasdarling.)

(1) Pepper, William F. An Act Of State, The Execution of Martin Luther King. New York, New York: Verso Press, 2003.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on June 27, 2009, 05:33 AM NHFT
Great article  :D

I know, right! Maybe Margot can learn a thing or two about journalism from Mr. Darling.  >:D