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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 32

Started by DonnaVanMeter, May 15, 2009, 08:25 AM NHFT

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From page #3 at GOOGLE for these same words, as in the above,


gets to the A.P. story at: http://www.thestate.com/166/story/847702.html?RSS=untracked

of: paragraph #7= "They are charged with preventing federal officers from discharging their * duties,"

* Notice that a KEY word is missing here: of LAWFUL duties.

The Gov't has to prove that the forum has jurisdiction, that it does NOT, and so now they want to steer clear of this word too.

Scumbags! Government scumbags!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on June 30, 2009, 11:50 PM NHFT

... the A.P. story ...

...with the Matt Sell sketch of Monier and Singal, over at:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mod: The sketch is also over at here:


with more info that: "he wanted another attorney."



I'll be testifying for Ed on Thursday July 2.  Tuesday July 7
9 AM  8:30 AM
Fed court house
33 Pleasant St

Jim Johnson

Quote from: Jim Johnson on June 29, 2009, 10:22 PM NHFT
Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 29, 2009, 07:29 PM NHFT
i'm planning to be there to cover one day of the trial, it may be part of tomorrow or I might be there on wed.   I hope a decent number of others can attend too....whatever ed's faults I don't think elaine should be blamed for them and ignored to this extent.

Thursday... we will be there Thursday.  9:00am

Tuesday... we will be there Tuesday.  8:30am  (Unless the court royalty change their mind again.)


Here's the latest from Margo and my Comment:

1.) http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090701/FRONTPAGE/907010377#comment-63593


""Inspector Gadget"* is missing a LEGAL arm and LAWFUL leg.
New By JosephSHaas on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 12:09

Right on Crafty_Dus, of exposing these hypocrites for who they really are.

Another is the "what they saw as an UNFAIR judicial system" written by Margot in her paragraph #9.

Not only unfair, but un-lawful!

Come on Margot, please report the FULL truth, not your slant of things. I bet you call a fair sky one with lightning bolts but without the rain?

If you're going to use this un-fair word, you ought to at least say WHY they figure it unfair, AND whether they are right or not, with proof of the in-consistent-cy of not only NOT following the rules, but NOT following the law! as there has been no Art. 12 consent from us giving the Feds permission. Absolutely NONE.

Did either of these attorneys ask Monier for a copy of his oath of office? that reads of him to execute only "lawful precepts"! If yes, then WHY did you NOT report this, and of Ed's attempt(?) to enter the evidence of federal non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution into the record for an Exhibit # for the jury to weigh the testimony of this "outlaw"!

C.D.: I like your use of the word: "Perspective" for your "Point of view" to which I add this other point too, for #__ total points AGAINST these crooks-in-government to have the hammer come down from the jury as: NOT guilty, AND even request that the GRAND Jury investigate these government thieves! 18USC242 The "perspective" is "The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole". Or in other words: this was a joint operation of the local-county-state-feds but WHERE is their authority? It does NOT exist!

Like the "Inspector Gadget"* of McDonald's with all his parts, this federal court is missing a few screws. It's operating both illegally and unlawfully!!"


More info with comments over at The "Union" News:


My latest comment there, yet to be posted, being:

"Jake and Josh of Manchester: "our fine police" are supposed to operate by an RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office to Article 12 "protect" us (including the Browns who DID pay their property taxes) from Feds who are "outlaws" to the U.S. Constitutional "Consent" in 1-8-17 in that "they"/ the federalies  have YET to file their 40USC255 papers with the N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall"* word in RSA 123:1. So it's not "pin the tail on the redneck", but file the papers by the law!"

with receipt of:

"Thank you for your comments. Your participation helps us bring you the most comprehensive coverage of the Granite State from Coos to the Seacoast."


Quote from: JosephSHaas on July 01, 2009, 11:14 AM NHFT

My comment** #2 for today here for this article after this tribrats reply*:

* "I know I said I wouldn't
New By tribrats on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 12:21

I know I said I wouldn't respond to you again but obviously you haven't considered this option so someone needs to point it out to you.

If you don't like our laws and Constitution, by all means, you are welcome to find a country that you do prefer instead of continue to perpetuate these Conspiracy Theories. Someone else may actually buy into your stories and next time people could get killed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
** "What statute or article in the law am I supposed not to like?
New By JosephSHaas on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 13:14

"Sister" tribats: Thank you for your reply, and especially your paragraph #2 of:

"If you don't like our laws and Constitution, by all means, you are welcome to find a country that you do prefer instead...."

But: that I DO "like our laws* and Constitution." *= actually our statutes, as there is no such thing as an unlawful law, but an unlawful statute as the law IS the Constitution, as in that phrase of: "ignorance of the law is no excuse".

It's the bad apples in the barrel of NOT the gun, but the barrel of government apples that needs to be dealt with. When they go berserk. As Martin J. "Red" Beckman said of when the beast escapes beyond the bars of its constitutional cage of LIMITed government.

Would you please read these U.S. Codes or Statutes at Large and the Constitutional Articles I do mention for BOTH the state and Feds, and HOW they have been stolen by these thieves, and THEN do TRY to tell me by pinpointing which statute or part of the Constitution(s) I do NOT like.

When that happens, if it does, then, these replies here will be to me, worth their weight in gold. All replies from everybody.

Best wishes to you for your enlightenment, as there is no "Conspiracy Theor"y that the locals-county-state-feds are in cahoots. It's a proven fact. The Plainfield Selectmen were given the RSA Ch. 123:1 proof of federal non-filing that shall* take place to 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, and told that Ed & Elaine had PAID for this Art. 12 protection, but that the Board decided to accept the $6,500 check from Gregg's office to fund their Town Police cooperative with the federalies. An 18USC242 violation for which the NEW U.S. Attorney will be prosecuting the current "outlaw" who even KNOWS he's doing wrong by his Own U.S. Attorney Manual #664.

Now WHO is the one who "doesn't like our laws"? but the crooks already withIN the government. And that you and I and others pay for this!? And we're supposed to put up, and shut up!? I say no! I've had enough and so my claim against Gov. John H. Lynch for NOT enforcing all legislative mandates* by his Art. 41+ 51 job description. He ought to be Art. 40 impeached!

Summary: What we have is a "dulocracy" (that word WAS in The Henry Campbell "Black's Law Dictionary" but has someHOW been erased.) Where the public servants have "dominion" OVER the master. Now look that word up too in your dictionary, of also an Order of Angels when spelled with a capital letter D, and compare to the dis, v.s. Dis too, in the Encyclopedia. We're supposed to have a government of pre-scribed "Rule of Law", but instead have this Arbitrary in-justice by government goons. It's time to stop $feeding$ the goons, until they wise up."


In the same tactic as Tom Colantuono and his:



"2/19/09     EDWARD AND ELAINE BROWN INDICTED - CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE: United States Attorney Tom Colantuono * * * * * announced the unsealing * * * * * of an eleven-count Indictment charging Edward Brown and Elaine Brown with violations of federal law..."

Get a load of this:

July __, 2009 NEW HAMPSHIRE GOVERNOR JOHN H. LYNCH CHARGED - CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE: Sovereign Citizen Joseph S. Haas * * * * * announced the unfiling * * * * * of a an RSA Ch. 123:1 mandate charging John H. Lynch with violations of state law."

The Press: Governor Lynch, what say ye?  WHY did you not do your Article 41 + 51 duty to have the Feds file their 40USC255 papers as required by the law? 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution.

Lynch: No comment.

The Press: stay tune folks, as David Hacket Souter retires to N.H. he says he's bringing that 1943 Supreme Court case with him, and might "take the case" against the governor, case #2009-013 at the N.H. RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims, set for a hearing on: September __, 2009.

The 1943 case as cited by Bob Schulz over at: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm of: ""In view of 40 USCS 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized government to take jurisdiction is immaterial." Adams v. United States (1943) 319 US 312, 87 L Ed. 1421, 63 S. Ct. 1122. (Quoted from U.S. statute 40 USCS 255, Interpretive Note #14, citing the US Supreme Court).  "

[ Tom Colantuon, recently having been fired and by the appointment or hiring of: _______________ to have taken his place on the Democratic Obama Team walks by...]

The Press: Mr. Colantuono: Can we have a word with you? Is it true that the new U.S. Attorney has asked The Federal Grand Jury to investigate you and former United States Marshal Stephen Robert Monier of Goffstown for possible violations contrary to 18 USC 242 of the U.S. Criminal Code?

Coluntono: No comment.

The Press: Isn't it true that you KNEW of the court's non-jurisdiction by your own U.S. Attorney Manual #664?

Coluntono: No comment.

[Judge Stephen McAuliffee opens the limo door for Judge George Z. Singal, for his ride back to Maine, at the gas station where Judge Jeffrey R. Howard just paid for the gas].

The Press: Judges: Aren't you all three under investigation too?

McAuliffe jumps behind the wheel, as Howard just barely jumps into the trunk, as they speed out of the gas station away from the angry mob of tax protestors wanting answers.



It's already July 2 over: ______________  where?


A friend of J.J.'s:

"Adventures In Frickintardistan"

"Ed and Elaine Brown on Trial | Bombs, Taxes, and Red Crayons

July 2, 2009 by ElfNinosMom

Ed and Elaine Brown on Trial | Bombs, Taxes, and Red Crayons.

My friend JJ MacNab has a great blog she calls Bombs, Taxes, and Red Crayons, in which she covers various tax protester trials.

If you want to know more about tax protesters, what they believe, and why they believe it, and especially if you like to point and laugh at weird people, I recommend the tax forums on Quatloos." 


Bill:  Wasn't this one of Gary D.'s buddies at "The Barley House" tonight?  8)


at 7:30 minutes into this D.R. video of 9:16 minutes.   - - Joe


To: The Movie Moguls
at: _______________
re: copyright law

Isn't it against the law for the Feds to videotape IN a person's home when the Feds have no jurisdictional authority IN that state?

Reference: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529791,00.html

"Video Shows New Hampshire Tax Evaders Filled Home With Weapons on Day of Arrest

Wednesday, July 01, 2009"

cc: Fox 25 News at 10:00

to: http://www.myfoxboston.com/subindex/about_us/contact_us
for: "Main Phone Number:

Mailing Address:
25 Fox Drive
Dedham, MA 02027-2563"

See also: FOX News Channel Comment Line: 1-888-369-4762

FOX Network Viewer Comment Line: 310-369-3066

Network Mailing Address:
Fox Broadcasting Co.
PO Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213
E-mail Address: AskFox@fox.com
Web site: www.fox.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mod: "Thank you for contacting us. We value your opinions and suggestions.
Our team will respond accordingly to your submission."


To: The Office of Bar Counsel
Board on Professional Responsibility
District of Columbia Court of Appeals
515 5th Street NW
Building A, Suite 117
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 638-1501
to: http://www.dcbar.org/for_the_public/working_with_lawyers/when_problems_arise/index.cfm
to: http://www.dcbar.org/for_the_public/working_with_lawyers/when_problems_arise/filing.cfm

Dear _____________________ :

Enclosed please find a photocopy of the computer print-out of the re-type of my OPEN LETTER To: The Office of Professional Responsibility that was posted Nov. 19, 2007 @ 9:48 AM on The "New Hampshire Underground" website, with photocopies of the eight [ 8 ] other documents as indexed below.

The update (#1) is that the Deputy Clerk REFUSED to tell me on Dec. 7th, 2007 from WHERE this Assistant U.S. Attorney William E. Morse was licensed from what state [later found out not to be from any state, but the D.C. Bar (#8)]. My complaint given the #F08-0009 (#2) and then Appeal #08-1124 (#3+7). In between the case and appeal to the JUN 23, 2008 letter, I did take this re-action to the U.S. District Court in Concord, N.H. (#4-a+b on April 23, 2008) but that even with the reference # to the case for details, the Judge McAuliffe (#5 withOUT a hearing for to present THE evidence) still got it WRONG, as it is NOT Rule 36, but a violation of Federal Rule 16(c) [see also Rule 3.8(d) of the State, as I did also take Morse's Superior to the State P.C.C. on Thu., Feb. 8, 2007 for that Respondeat Superior, for him to have to answer for his subordinate, but that Jim DeHart's Professional Conduct Committee said that they do not do indirect cases like that against the U.S. Attorney Thomas P. Colantuono (R)] and so I tried another avenue of redress of grievance against this corruption by trying to file an Art. 32 Petition for Contempt of Court (#6) of The N.H. General Court (to re-contact State Senator Sgambati, and my State Rep. David Russell to House Rule 36 endorse too for House Rule 4 action by the House Speaker to send it onto the appropriate committee that I think ought to be the House State-Federal Relations Committee) and her assistant Greg told me on the phone and in person last month to see her AFTER the State Budget HB1+2 are finalized as signed into Chapter Law by the governor). ____

So as parallel with that Contempt charge to file in-state, I do likewise file this complaint with you, and as indicated on your 2-page form do provide you with the address of: William E. Morse, Assistant U.S. Attorney, The James C. Cleveland Building, 55 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. 03301, Tel. 603: 225-1552 e-mail: william.morse at usdoj dot gov [for this case # 06-cr-71-SM of USA v. EDWARD L. Brown, et al]

The details are as indicated on the enclosed photocopies, and the bottom line is:

That a copy of the gold-sealed certificate of Federal non-filing to N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm from Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution for "Consent" was delivered by me with two witnesses (State Rep. Henry McElroy of Nashua, and Newspaper Reporter Margot Sanger-Katz for the http://www.concordmonitor.com/ ) to the Receptionist for Wm. Morse at their office DURING the January 2007 trial, and that she said that he would get it later that day, but that I have no record of him having presented this exculpatory evidence to the judge, who continues to assert jurisdictional authority there unlawfully and illegally!! since there has been no 40USC255 http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citeid=393575 filing with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State, and "they" the U.S. Attorney KNOWS this by his U.S. Attorney Manual #664   http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm See also: The 1943 case as cited by Bob Schulz over at: http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm of: ""In view of 40 USCS 255, no jurisdiction exists in United States to enforce federal criminal laws, unless and until consent to accept jurisdiction over lands acquired by United States has been filed in behalf of United States as provided in said section, and fact that state has authorized government to take jurisdiction is immaterial." Adams v. United States (1943) 319 US 312, 87 L Ed. 1421, 63 S. Ct. 1122. (Quoted from U.S. statute 40 USCS 255, Interpretive Note #14, citing the US Supreme Court)." In other words this conditional consent of June 14, 1884 not as a gift, but for an exchange.

Thus UNTIL the GSA/ General Services Administration officer as the landlord to this Art. III, Section 1 "inferior court" of Congress files this, then any and all enforcement of the U.S. Code there is both: unlawful and illegal. This attorney must be punished for NOT doing his job for which I paid him by my taxes taken out at work and sent to the Feds by my employer, to which I've notified verbally of both Art. 12, and 95, Parts 1 + 2 of the N.H. Constitution, http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html and http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html to put it into writing soon to withdraw my W-4 form for Independence. For either my employer or me to deposit same $amounts into an escrow bank account and dare that state officer who is supposed to collect both state and federal taxes as a check and balance against a fit "Uncle Sam" from getting fatter in the wallet than what he is LIMITed to do to put their request for such $money in writing because the way I read this un-uniform tax from Art. 1, Section 8, Clause 1 by the 16th Amendment is that of to "lay and collect" alright, with the word lay, NOT meaning of to impose = to levy or collect as redundant, BUT of to apply as in a request, and knowing that there is no Section 2 enforcement clause as in the surrounding Amendments. So to please punished this omitter and deviant BEFORE any more travesty of justice occurs over there! Pronto! Now!

Please process onto a finding of guilty as charged against this attorney. Thank you, - - - - - - - - - -  Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, New Hampshire 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com

Quote from: JosephSHaas on November 19, 2007, 09:48 AM NHFT

To: The United States of America
U.S. Department of Justice ....
And see:

1.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg212684;quote=212684;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

2.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg219342;quote=219342;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

3.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg229818;quote=229818;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

4.) (a) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;quote=236908;topic=3868.7305;num_replies=8703;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]
(b) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg237015;quote=237015;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

5.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg238510;quote=238510;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

6.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg238369;quote=238369;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

7.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg249442;quote=249442;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]

8.) http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=3868.msg295750;quote=295750;sesc=bfde793c7f62a5dd4afaf13f2eafd7b0 [ Press Preview ]


Another "Margot" at:


"Sick of you blowhards spouting your self-centered* means.

"MD - get your facts straight, will you!? The Browns did not "fail" to pay, as in the definition of the word deficient = lacking an essential (or indispensable, or absolutely necessary) element, as there is for YOU that you choose the word "lay" in the 16th Amendment to mean impose as in to levy or collect, but that to force everyone else into your line of thinking* is against freedom of choice when even the government describes our system of taxation as based upon a voluntary compliance!  I choose the word lay to mean apply as in a request. And as of today I do hereby give my Independence notice to my employer that I hereby take back my W-4 form.  No more federal contributions to what I see as a bloated "Uncle Sam" so fat that he's a slob! slobbering all over my friends Ed & Elaine Brown! Disgustingly slobberish! You can claim your Independence too, as what I've summarized over in my Reply #8703 on page 581 at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.8700 or will you be one of these hypocrites that waves the flag at a Fourth of July Parade with one hand, while your other hand is on the key to your brother's jail cell! Shame on you! and all your ilk! You disgust me to no end! Wise up! - - - - - Plus don't you do your homework here?  When did you come on-board? A Newbie? It's not anti-government, but anti-these goons in government who have gone berserk! They are not law-enforcement officers, but policy enforcers only, as THE law is the constitution that they have violated.  These government goons are the outlaw militants, because to militate is to use force as evidence.  Ed has the proof of federal non-filing to the U.S. Code but TRY to get that evidence to be marked into an exhibit # for the jury to weigh in making their verdict.  This crooked judge from Maine, never lawfully naturalized from Italy, ought to be impeached, but that his buddy of the Bar Association is that satanic bastard Fed. Rep. Paul Hodes. WithOUT a check and balance of the Federal Legislative over the Federal Judiciary, that leaves the Federal Executive to commute any unlawful sentence that MAY result.  In the meantime these Feds in "contempt of Court" re: the N.H. General Court, and on Monday, my three State Senators who I did just call after my e-mails to them, are going to be filing that Article 32 Petition with Legislative Services. Mark my word: the days of travesty of injustice by these federal thieves is coming to an end: NEXT WEEK! No need for any Article 10 Revolution.  The state system as creator over this creature to work."


A 2nd post, at the same location as above:


"Who is the landlord of the BATF&E in Manchester, N.H. ?"

"Thank you Margot for your paragraph #2 about: "Kenneth Erickson, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives" but where is he out of? __________________


I did call the Manchester, NH     603-471-1283 telephone # and had a nice chat with a Mr. _____________ whose ex-wife used to be a State Rep. 18 years ago.

He said that the GSA landlord for where he rents there will call be back to see about this RSA Ch. 123:1 filing since neither John Reddig at the Federal "compound" over at Pleasant Street in Concord, nor Mrs. Tarlton at the General Services Administration in Boston wants to file, saying: to pass the buck.

And so hopefully Ms./Mr. _______ the GSA Landlord in Manchester, N.H. to have on their desk the sign that reads: "The Buck Stops Here." (;-)

So long, and MAKE it a good day!   - - JSH

P.S. I forgot to mention to him that I did also attend a swearing-in ceremony there at the Rudman Building last year and did ask the person-in-charge: Aren't you concerned that these immigrants will continue to be illegal citizens UNTIL the NH RSA 123:1 filing?"