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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 33

Started by JosephSHaas, July 21, 2009, 12:18 PM NHFT

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RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090805/OPINION/908050305

entitled: "My compliments to: David and Cherrie, plus hopefully more."


"Thank you for the info about our neighbor Congresswoman Cherrie Pingree in Maine. 

Is she related to the Pingree's who used to own Mount Washington and built the Cog Railway there?


I called her office last month to please look into having this Portland, Maine Judge George Z. Singal impeached for allowing the expenditure of public money (both state and federal) when there is no 40USC255 paragraph #1 documentation from the United States Attorney General, nor the paragraph #6 documents on file that "shall" be by N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. and that an offer of such is NOT an acceptance, and by the Adams case of 1943 in the U.S. Supreme Court NO jurisdiction exists here by Art. 12-NH,  Part 1st UNTIL this is done!

Way to go Cherrie, keep up the good work; our N.H. Delegation ought to learn from you! "


Very "con"venient: two days before Ed goes for sentencing:

Out of Office AutoReply: Oaths & Investigation.
From:    Brown, Mike (mike.brown at mail.house.gov)
Sent:    Wed 8/05/09 9:53 AM
To:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)

I will be out of the office until September 1st.  During this period, I will have sporadic access to e-mail.  For immediate assistance, please contact Naomi Andrews at naomi.andrews at mail.house.gov or Rob Moller at rob.moller at mail.house.gov. "


Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 05, 2009, 10:40 AM NHFT
Very "con"venient: two days before Ed goes for sentencing:

Out of Office AutoReply: Oaths & Investigation.
From:    Brown, Mike (mike.brown at mail.house.gov)
Sent:    Wed 8/05/09 9:53 AM
To:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)

I will be out of the office until September 1st.  During this period, I will have sporadic access to e-mail.  For immediate assistance, please contact Naomi Andrews at naomi.andrews at mail.house.gov or Rob Moller at rob.moller at mail.house.gov. "

I thought Ed's sentencing was in September, not in two days. Has there been a change?


Two days AFTER Mike Brown gets back from vacation on Sept. 1 + 2 = September 3rd for Ed's sentence. 


To: The State of New Hampshire
The Dept. of Safety
Office of The Commissioner
#____    Hazen Drive
Concord, N.H. 03301
603: 271-_______

RE: Claim for $24.51

Enclosed please find five (5) pages of gasoline receipts, of four (4) per page of just some of the payments I have made, mostly to SHELL Oil Co. (the last one to HESS), others to follow as to amend) from January to July of this Year 2009, so far and counting, with the sub-total here that I present for payment from you for your FAILURE to law-enforce my Article 12 rights, last sentence in the N.H. Bill of Rights, Part First N.H. Constitution to NOT be controllable by any other laws than that or those of which neither the Legislature or General Court NOR I did/do consent to.

In regards to the former of this "legislative body", yes we did offer a conditional consent to the Feds on June 14, 1883, but that they have yet to accept such per 40USC255 by their FAILure to file.  Yes- a Failure to file the proper documentation per our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 to the Office of Secretary of State.

Thus as spelled out in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Adams v. United States (1943) Vol. 319 U.S. Reports 312 (photocopy of except attached hereto from the Bob Schulz website, along with the 40USC255 printout too, see paragraph #6), therefore neither ANY of the civil NOR any of the criminal statutes-at-large applies to me in the microcosm and so the $24.511560* taken from me was theft for which I expect a "prompt" payment within 24 hours by the old "Fast Day" and Article 14, or maybe an equivalent to RSA Ch. 91-A for five (5) days for you to get your act together:

(1) to repay me this EXACT amount, and in the Section 20 lawful money of account per the Coinage Act of 1792 from your government coffers, (see also Art. 97-NH as annotated with the Jackson case, plus Chapter 28 Laws of N.H., Vol. 6 of 1794 @ page 155) or else I'll be taking the Commissioner to the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims for sevenfold this $24.51 amount as theft, per the Restitution statute 651:63 that cites the State v. Flemming case in 1984 to another therein to another case citing "Blackstone's Commentaries" to Proverbs 6:30-31 in the Bible; see also: Public Law 97-2890 (96 Statute 1211) of Oct. 4, 1982 = The Year of the Bible for 1983 & Beyond; and that amounts to $24.511560 x 7 = $171.580920; and;

(2) to put a lien on all current and future receipts paid into the "system" UNTIL the Feds do comply with the law in 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution. That is because I, as one person, in this Art. IV, Section 4 U.S. Republican form of government can refuse my individual consent, and set it up for that if anybody else would like to contribute then they do so on an individual basis, because we need this tax money now for the roads AND the General Fund, and can THEN send whatever we feel Uncle Sam needs, as now-a-days he's a glutton! needing to go on a diet! (;-)

* the 18.3 + .1 = 18.4 federal gas tax (+ 19.6 State) = 38-cents for both.

** 133.215 gallon x .184 = $24.511560

Yours truly, - - - - - - - - - - Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059; e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com

P.S. See also Art. 95- N.H. for what are supposed to be state collectors of both state AND federal taxes.

pc: Frank Mevers, State Archivist, and the N.H. Dept. of Revenue Administration.


Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 03, 2009, 10:16 AM NHFT
To: United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
    ....         David Lyle Cargill, Jr., ...  paperwork sent by Nancy ....

Nancy: If you're reading this, as you said yesterday (when I did deliver my Claim for $24.51 to your office to the Commissioner at about 4:10 p.m., 5 minutes before the 4:15 p.m. closing time, in regards to the federal gas tax) that you saw your name on the internet mentioned by me, that I presume is THIS posting, please be advised that I have NOT yet sent this paperwork into the Feds YET, thus allowing David to explain himself as to WHY he did NOT investigate what I did inquire of what I think then was my question or comment that the State Police please HALT these illegal travels to Maine by 18USC3232 over the New Hampshire highways to the Judge George Z. Singal's courtroom #__ in the Federal Building in Portland, Maine by inmates Ed & Elaine Brown too who did NOT waive their rights to have ALL proceedings held for the benefit of the witnesses too, that IN-cludes ME as an uncalled witness, in the 6th Amendment U.S. "district" of where the crime occurred, and that IS and always has been the District of New Hampshire as compared to the District of Maine, BOTH withIN the First Circuit.  Thus the law reads of NOT within the same Circuit, BUT within the same District, and so as they say that the end does NOT justify the means in what is supposed to be both 5th + 14th Amendment rights to procedural due process of law, would you please copy this for David to investigate and charge these Federal agents with illegal transportation of our Art. 12 inhabitants* across State lines also because of the fact that there has been no 40USC255** filing by the Feds from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution to our RSA Ch. 123:1*** as required.  A call to tell me that David is working on this by noontime today would be appreciated with a follow-up letter by the end of the week to PREvent me from sending this too to the U.S. Senate, or even if no call, and I do send this, then for a follow-up of giving you a copy of this either today or tomorrow, so that David has the opportunity to explain himself before the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate when they do ask WHY he did NOT practice "The Rule of Law" in this case, and if not, WHY should they put their confidence in him for any and all future cases should they confirm him as our next U.S. Marshal for New Hampshire.

Thank you, in advance, - - - - - - - - - - - Joe

Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603L 848-6059, e-mail: JosephSHaas@hotmail.com

P.S. to give you a call at 271-2791; at 8:16 a.m. = one minute after your office opens for the day in about two (2) minutes; http://www.nh.gov/safety/commissioner/contactus.html

--* http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html of: "...Nor are the inhabitants of this state controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent."

-** https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=393575

*** http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm


Evy said that Nancy has the day off, but will relay my telephone call to David that he read this latest posting here at "The New Hampshire Underground" website, of the Free-State'rs.


To: Gary DiMartino, Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal

Re: A point*, line**, or circle***?

Gary,  If you're reading this too, here AGAIN is this "road issue" above of NOT what you might "think" (as a George Orwellian "Thought Police"man of the "Nineteen Eighty Four" variety) of me dedicating a "strip"** of it to some EUD, IUD point(s)* or whatever they're called (Exploding or Incendiary Underground Destructive?) devices on the Route 4 road from the jail to the court, that Strafford County Sheriff Wayne Estes said they had to vary the travel so as to avoid not what I would NEVER do, but that somebody reading this might take that Art. 10 N.H. revolution to the next step for Ed's lawful "escape", but of my dedication to offset this "Purple Heart" Route 4 trail dedicated NOT only do those dead soldiers of freedom of the past, but that they should NOT have died in vain! I WAS at the official ceremony in Boscawen that sunny and few clouds day a couple of years ago that the old trail now a road was dedicated and have pictures of the event.  My dedication yet to occur for WHERE an exact spot be for some TRUTH line** if and when crossed on their way TO court as now for sentencing IS maybe NOT on ANY road, but for to put a circle*** of truth RING around the courthouse for 360 degrees, OR maybe the jail, as I did walk around it twice this past Sunday morning into noontime and just afterward, of counter then clockwise of NOT for one to eliminate the other but to like tie or bind all therein with this truth circle*** extended upward and over to cover any helicopter travel too.!  8) Yeah, I do hereby dedicate right here and now with this written Petition to God Almighty that ANYbody that does go OUT from that "correctional" facility un-corrected, as having the truth but KNOWINGly doing otherwise, have the deterioration they want to occur happen to them either from the external to the internal or internal out for their own destruction, as we do not need these type of people on the face of this earth! Let their own wickedness rot them to hell! to be replaced by those who will honor the truth, and extend to all those withOUT that circle, but who control the comings and goings to and from there being the three County Commissioners who KNOW and did sign their RSA Ch. 92:2 oaths to abide by the law, and KNOWing that there be no 40USC255 filing to our N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 but still allowing their contract with that federal woman in Washington to have that policy OVER-ride Article 12 -last sentence of our N.H. Constitution & Bill of Rights.  I find this disgusting and so be it that whatever and however the angel of death or destruction does deal with these type people, please be advised that any prayers for protection by them to whatever Art. 5 N.H. Deity of their choice that their deviant ways and prayers, plus any and all of THEIR petitions be met by this circle of truth!

Let the power of the circle begin! Amen, Joe Haas, the "Point of Order" man being REFUSED by this Judge George Z. Singal from Maine, even though I was supposed to have this "nadir" right in what was supposed to be a 5th Amendment "public" trial, now going: circle.  ;D

P.S. This IS what you're looking for to resolve any doubts as to what I meant when I wrote that I would "dedicate" a portion of the road? Your Sunday August 2nd cell-phone invitation to me to call you on Monday did occur by me talking with your secretary and to communicate with you later is THIS communication here, as I did offer to "parley" with you: the enemy on neutral turf like at Reme's Restaurant, across the "Pleasant" Street, but like I've told the governor (John H. Lynch, of Hopkinton) who REFuses to assert his Art. 41 duty that he SHALL be "responsible for" by Art. 51 at the Sept. ___, 2009 RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims, I will NOT set foot on federal soil UNTIL WHOever that federal agent is in RSA 123:1 finally files the papers thus providing THE evidence of it as having NEVER been filed before, and so giving Ed & Elaine the NEW evidence for a mis-trial of BOTH cases, since the court there is withOUT jurisdictional authority over either of them AND all four Freedom Fighters: Danny, Jason, Bob, and Reno. Thus would you please have your secretary FAX the O.K. to the Superintendent Warren Dowaliby either today or tomorrow during the work-week, so that I can see both Ed & Elaine this weekend. Thank you in advance for doing what's right.


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090806/NEWS01/908060393

entitled: "Obama here to file so as to protect his federal gas tax money."


"Behind the scenes I think he's meeting with the N.H. Dept. of Safety Commissioner because he just found out that the Feds do NOT have their 40USC255 paperwork on file with our N.H. Office of Secretary of State as required by the "shall" word in R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, and so us inhabitants here by Article 12-N.H. do NOT have to pay for this 18.4-cents per gallon on the federal gas tax (of 18.3 + .1) that the governor has in his Plan B to lien UNTIL the Feds comply with the law, as it is Lynch's Art. 51 duty for which he is Art. 41 "responsible for".  (;-) Another "Blue Moon" Beer moment? or maybe a trip to Redhook? "


I have just been informed by a reliable source that my efforts, to cause U.S., and State officials from Texas, Oklahoma, and New Hampshire to honor their oaths of office & act on the unlawful incarceration of my son, Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, are being investigated by Department of Prison officials as means by which to have me arrested.
They see it as my having attempted to intimidate State officials with fraudulent liens.
However, the liens that I am establishing are very much genuine and I have given these officials more than sufficient time to correct their lawless behavior.

More as details arrive.

keep the faith

:{ jmg


Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 06, 2009, 11:29 AM NHFT

I have just been informed by a reliable source that my efforts, to cause U.S., and State officials from Texas, Oklahoma, and New Hampshire to honor their oaths of office & act on the unlawful incarceration of my son, Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, are being investigated by Department of Prison officials as means by which to have me arrested.
They see it as my having attempted to intimidate State officials with fraudulent liens.
However, the liens that I am establishing are very much genuine and I have given these officials more than sufficient time to correct their lawless behavior.

More as details arrive.

keep the faith

:{ jmg

Common Law Court liens?  Here in N.H. they passed a statute after the Andy Tempelman courts as indexed in the State Archives for this bill making it a misdemeanor now for such "liens" outside THEIR system.  YET to be tested here or elsewhere.  The 9th Amendment forbids THEM from having a monopoly.  All this is is Vigilante Justice by Art. 10 of all places in N.H. as LAWful. Just that of WHO to enforce any judgments? The Sheriffs only serve papers by RSA, and if you're not IN the system, they ignore you.  The way to go is a mechanics lien for having spent so much time IS money combating their crap! A UCC filing right? A lien affects their real estate (land +/or buildings), like if they want to sell, the buyer cannot get clear title until it's paid, or wiped away with the flick of some judge's pen in the OTHER system. To make it a crime is ridiculous!  An attachment is a taking, and if the equity or borrowing power is stolen, then they have a right to sue, and in N.H. of over $1500 for a jury trial, NOT to arrest the person, and put to bail of OVER what the $filing fee would have been by statute over-ride of the FREE word in Art. 14. One former Rep. here, a retired N.H. State Trooper spells it out in an Affidavit of $damages against the person (not the real estate), and files same in the Registry of Deeds, as in the dirty deeds that so-and-so did, to have to remedy to clear their name, not their title to the house, but houses don't borrow money, people do, and so to be dealt with anyway, either while they are still alive or by Probate Court after they are dead. And speaking of which, to maybe have the N.H. State Auditor here appear in the Probate cases of the widows of both judges Peter W. Smith and Wm. R. Johnson of Littleton (Superior) and Hanover (Supreme) respectfully when they croak, to get back the unlawful retirements given to them as for services un-rendered by Art. 36, N.H. in Grafton County, North Haverhill, N.H. I presume this is involving Jose, right? And Texas still has the dueling statute?  8)



Kat Kanning

Quote from: DonnaVanMeter on August 06, 2009, 11:29 AM NHFT

I have just been informed by a reliable source that my efforts, to cause U.S., and State officials from Texas, Oklahoma, and New Hampshire to honor their oaths of office & act on the unlawful incarceration of my son, Cirino "Reno" Gonzalez, are being investigated by Department of Prison officials as means by which to have me arrested.
They see it as my having attempted to intimidate State officials with fraudulent liens.
However, the liens that I am establishing are very much genuine and I have given these officials more than sufficient time to correct their lawless behavior.

More as details arrive.

keep the faith

:{ jmg


Kat Kanning

Quote from: JosephSHaas on August 06, 2009, 11:45 PM NHFT

I translated this and it means 'looking for a male suitor' in Russian.

Lloyd Danforth

Oh!  I thought someone was looking for a Ukranian Tailor :blush: