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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 34

Started by JosephSHaas, September 29, 2009, 11:43 AM NHFT

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RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091001/FRONTPAGE/910010361&template=single

entitled: "The ass, the liar and the lazy."

of: "Bass is an ass;  Hodes is a Satanic bastard! And Horn is namby-pamby.

How many times did Bass ever file a Bill of Impeachment?  Answer: None!

Charlie would hold his "Town Meeting" forums in the basement of The Concord Library, and he'd take your thoughts, be they verbal +/or in writing, but that before he left the building they'd be crunched up and in the waste-paper basket.  He was there to protect the brother-hood of the Bar Association that gave him the $money to run for to protect their buddies on the bench.

The same crap goes for Attorney Hodes: his office worker there on the 4th floor calls over to the federal court for an answer by Deputy Clerk Dan Lynch that some Rule 72.5 allows a deviation from 18USC3232 so that inmate/defendants do NOT have to waive their rights to have ALL proceedings occur withIN the "district" of where the crime occurred.

Unfortunately that Rule # given by Lynch to Jane Pauley deals with CIVIL cases, but NOT for CRIMINAL cases!  Even the Assistant U.S. Attorney Arnold Hiftalen tried to get Cirino Gonzalez to waive his right in writing, but the he refused!  And so what happened next? All the court-appointed attorneys drove over to Portland, Maine anyway and got fat checks from First Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey R. Howard (our former N.H. A.G.) on the 4th floor of the Rudman Building that still has not complied with N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 for their operating papers!

This I've reported to both Hodes and Shea-Porter to impeach these thieves of the public funds, but that the Democrats do nothing! But don't get me wrong; Iike SOME Democrats, like former State Rep. Roland Hemon of Dover R.I.P. who had the guts to impeach that crooked judge over there in Strafford County Probate Court who turned his mother from a part-time seasonal resident with license plates from Maine, into a permanent resident, and allowed John MacIntosh, the N.H. Bar lobbyist to suck the estate dry with billings of: 1st and "final" accounting of $10,000 and then a 2nd and "final" accounting of another $10,000 etc. to a 10th and "final" accounting!  "THEM" using the George Orwell dictionary of "1984" of final doesn't mean what it is defined at in the regular dictionary.

I told this federal corruption to Jennifer Horn too, after I met her with her card table over at the Warner Fall Festival, and did she even get back to me?  No, her campaign worker called to, in effect, say: that he wanted her to remain milk-toast http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/milktoast namby-pamby, wishy-washy, as in the biblical of a "lukewarm" fence sitter.

So there you have it folks: an ass, a liar who takes the lie to his office worker hook-line-and-sinker, and the wishy-washy of wanna-be Congresswoman but without the convictions of to do what the job description is of to obey the U.S. Constitution, including that "Consent" clause in 1-8-17 in that an offer of consent by NH RSA Ch. 123:1 is of the type of a conditional consent, because if not accepted by 40USC255 it does not exist: NO jurisdiction! So to Art. 7-N.H. bill them now for their buildings, as only the RSA 123:2 land is exempt!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTu9HaHDI0A&feature=related "


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 30, 2009, 12:23 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 30, 2009, 12:18 PM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 30, 2009, 12:15 AM NHFT
Here's a copy and paste of my e-mail:

"To enforce the N.H. law against the Feds!

Here's a reply from one of the City Councilors, being the Deputy Mayor, and of my reply back to him and the others: ....

Plus here's another one to them: ....

Signed copies of these e-mail print-outs were delivered by me yesterday afternoon to which I did mark as "Certificate of Service" and sent to E&E:

1. a A.G.
    b. Gov. (Brittany)
    c. City Solicitor
    d. City C.O.P.
_______________ at about 3:30 p.m.

2. a County Sheriff  (at exactly 3:41 p.m.)
   b. County Attorney
   c. County Commissioners [ getting info of: $____ policy from PRIMEX (Melinda)]

3. Dept. of Safety/ Commissioner 4:10 p.m. Nancy Cassidy

                                             signed:              - - Joe Haas - -


Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 30, 2009, 12:15 AM NHFT
Here's a copy and paste of my e-mail:

"To enforce the N.H. law against the Feds! ...

"OATH   I, ____________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter and will enforce all federal and State Laws and Ordinances of the City of Concord to the best of my ability.    So Help Me God" ....

Yup, In the old days at per my drop off there of this yesterday afternoon at about 3:30 p.m. I'd of had my answer by the close of business that day of 1.5 hr. later at 5:00 p.m. that so and so wrote this up, like what? from some book and page as supplied to him or her or them from the PS&T (Police Standards & Training) over on Fort Eddy Road in Concord, and an answer of: yes or no, they do still use this "OATH", but if not, as for the latter, then like: here's an updated copy, with maybe some explanation that: because you brought this issue up to us earlier this year when you wanted to file an assault charge against a Deputy U.S. Marshal over there, we told you that we have no state/city jurisdiction for state crimes committed on federal soil, but have since learned by the details in the Dan Riley case #2007-0745 at the N.H. Supreme Court of that Pease A.F.B. case in Portsmouth, N.H. that such excuse we told you was NOT the case, as we do have jurisdiction, and...

...here's what I also told Ms. Carrie Dutell, the Chief's Assistant at from about my 11:39 a.m. call into the main # 226-3100 hearing that recording over to her until 11:46 a.m.for seven (7) minutes total is that I'd like for the police to re-read these lines #8+9 of 10 in the OATH of to enforce all federal laws, to get it right that such is NOT supposed to be the case of these federal statutes or any U.S. Code to be over my friends: the Browns of Dover, and so would they please be the law-enforcement for this Article 12 - last sentence protection by putting up a road block on City Property on the sidewalk to this federal driveway into the Cleveland Block to HALT the unlawful transport of these Art. 12 "inhabitants" under some U.S. Code since the offer we gave the Feds in RSA Ch. 123:1 was not 40USC255 accepted by them, and so them not supposed to be in a receiving mode of accepting people over there, but have first got to present that RSA 123:1 paperwork to our N.H. Secretary of State, and when finally billed by the City Assessor, to pay us the building tax since by RSA 123:2 only the land is exempt from our Art. 7 taxation.

A copy of this over to those in authority in Dover to see to it that these federal leaches do not suck out Elaine as an Art. 12 "inhabitant" today or tomorrow on her way to that 9:00 a.m. appointment on Friday, October 2nd, tomorrow, which Art. III, Sec. 1 tenant court of Congress is OUT-OF-ORDER, me having alerted all four of our Congressional Delegation of this, to likewise call again to say that they too WILL be added into any lawsuit for damages from a rogue tenant court of theirs that is the real "outlaw" to have to pay for damages that they were supposed to prevent as per their oath too to Art. 1-8-17 of the U.S. Constitution!


Quote from: JosephSHaas on October 01, 2009, 11:09 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 30, 2009, 12:15 AM NHFT
Here's a copy and paste of my e-mail:

"To enforce the N.H. law against the Feds! ...

"OATH   I, ____________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter and will enforce all federal and State Laws and Ordinances of the City of Concord to the best of my ability.    So Help Me God" ....

Yup, In the old days at per my drop off there of this yesterday afternoon at about 3:30 p.m. I'd of had my answer by the close of business that day of 1.5 hr. later at 5:00 p.m. ....

Here's another copy and paste:

"Prevent the leaches/ halt the "outlaws".?
From:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)
Sent:    Thu 10/01/09 12:29 PM
To:    a.colarusso at ci.dover.nh.us; s.myers at dover.nh.gov; c.bessette at ci.dover.nh.us; citycouncil-all at dover.nh.gov; m.joyal at dover.nh.gov; County Strafford (jmiccolo at co.strafford.nh.us); Secretary of State - N.H. (elections at sos.state.nh.us); G&C Exec. Sec. Joanne Ruell (gcweb at nh.gov); G&C#1 (rburton at nh.gov); G&C#2 (jshea at nh.gov); G&C#3 (bhollingworth at nh.gov); G&C#4 (rwieczorek at nh.gov); G&C#5 (debora.pignatelli at nh.gov); Citizens Service - N.H. (Lynch) (officeofcitizenservi at nh.gov); a.krans at ci.dover.nh.us; olga.clough at mail.house.gov
Cc:    Concord Police Dept. (police at onconcord.com); shilliard at merrimacksheriff.net; pcavanaugh at onconcord.com; katbeep at aol.com; Representative Paul Hodes (nh02ima at mail.house.gov)
Bcc:    __________________________________________________

Dear Dover-ites:

--Your prevention of allowing these federal leaches to suck Elaine Brown out of there today or tomorrow is appreciated; failure of which law-enforcement by you to this Article 12 - N.H. "inhabitant" to be controllable by these U.S. Codes OVER her WILL result in a lawsuit by all those who had the power to do so prevent, and didn't, to be made to pay for this omission of duty by topsy-turvey maneuverings of subordinating our Article 12 right to UNDER these federal statutes that may be called statutes-at-large, but that large part NOT applied to us here in New Hampshire UNTIL the feds do file their RSA Ch. 123:1 paperwork with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State, to where maybe you could call the governor on this to have him Art. 51 send an invitation to the Feds for which he is Art. 41 "responsible for" to meet him on the 2nd floor of the State House.  Thank you in advance for doing what's right, or may you succumb with "The Golden Emerods" up your ass as spelled out for what ought to be your private misery for not doing your public duty!

cc: The Concord-ites "

re: JoephSHaas * Revolutionary * Posts: 2294

Re: Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS
« Reply #9155 on: Today at 10:09 AM »
Quote from: JosephSHaas on September 29, 2009, 11:15 PM NHFT



1. I did just call Olga in Dover for Shea-Porter who transferred my call over to Naomi Andrews' voice mail http://www.shea-porter.house.gov/ where I did leave a message that they shut down "their" court from sucking in any more Art. 12-N.H. "inhabitants" into there against the law, as their U.S. Codes are not enforceable here per their refusal to 40USC255 accept our RSA Ch. 123:1 conditional offer (and I would have also left a message, but got cut off, in to expect a $2.2 million property tax bill from the City of Concord, since we Art. 7-N.H. exempted their land by RSA Ch. 123:2 but not their buildings, at the $20.00 per $10000 of valuation.)  12:37 p.m.  603: 743-4813 over to 202: 225-5456.

2. It 12:47 p.m. right now to 12:57 = 10 minutes, and so another call to another Dover-ite there of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, see:  http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=Jeanne+Shaheen+Dover+NH&aq=f&aqi=&aq=&aqi=&aq=&aqi=&aq=&aqi=&aq=&aqi=&aq=f&aqi=&oq=Jeanne+Shaheen+Dover+NH&fp=cfa5904f5913bf03  for her at: 1589 Elm St # 3, Manchester, NH 03101-1261; (603) 647-7500, because that is WHERE the not "Chief of Staff", but "State Director" Mr. __________ is (but currently in a meeting), so said Maggie_Leuzarder at shaheen dot senate dot gov getting an e-mail of these five points I told her about of: (1) 1-8-17 U.S. "Consent", (2) NH RSA Ch. 123:1 offer of June 14, 1883, (3) the fed refusal as no 40USC255 consent probably based on that they want the building Art. 7 tax exempt there too, like the land in RSA 123:2, (4) the 1943 Adams U.S. Supreme Court case that says an offer not accepted confers no jurisdiction, and (5) to prevent the sucking out of Elaine, an Art. 12-N.H,  "inhabitant"  by these federal leaches in Dover, or to have the Concord Police put up a roadblock on the sidewalk there to their Art. III, Sec. 1 inferior Court of Congress.  Me telling her to shut down her court from sucking in our inhabitants!  (1:03 p.m. end of my typing this. Adding that she checked the computer of having received a telephone call from me back in July, but that they never got my letter!? by U.S. Postal Service!)

3. It now 1:07 p.m. and so my next call to Hodes' office: http://hodes.house.gov/singlepage.aspx?NewsID=1501 in Concord at 223-9814 now 1:17 p.m. = another 10 minutes speaking with Trevor, as Jane Pauley, the "District Director" is out today, me going over all of the above with him, who should have recorded it, as I doubt that he takes dictation, but who knows? maybe he does, as he said that he will get my message over to his boss, but really?  Of 51% of the message, round up to the nearest whole number?  I told him that this is not something new to him, and that he can get the latest updates right here on the N.H. Underground website and to shut down his court from accepting any more Art. 12 "inhabitant"s who REFUSE to have the U.S. Codes rule over them! And if this is not done by them (of these 4 Congressional Delegates in the N.H. Delegation) on their side of the fence, then to combine with the Dover and Concord public non-servants (plus State Police*) to all be sued for $x in a trial by jury (* State Police to call now before Gregg, as to see what's going on there, or to sue that Commissioner in the RSA Ch. 541-B:1-23 State Board of Claims). 1:21 p.m. I feel like Larry Glick of the WBZ-radio of running into this on-going "Moving Wall" like them playing "Musical Chairs".  You'd think that the veterans who fought for these rights would protest this NEW "Moving Wall"!

4. Gregg (skip over to*)

5. The N.H. Dept. of Safety (* State Police), http://www.nh.gov/safety/commissioner/contactus.html 271-2791 (Nancy Cassidy) I did just send them a forward of my 12:29 e-mail at exactly 1:28 p.m. of almost an hour later. 1:30: Nancy not in, so I spoke with Ms. _______ who I told that I had just sent an update to my papers dropped off yesterday, to the isb at dos dot nh dot gov and to wait to hear back from them.

* Gregg, 1:34 p.m. http://gregg.senate.gov/public/ 225-7115 in Concord, 1:37 p.m. a quick 3-minutes talking with Kathy that if Gregg does not do something of to shut down his Art. III, Sec. 1 inferior court of Congress from trampling upon the rights of us Art. 12-N.H. "inhabitants" from being controlled by NO other laws like the U.S. Codes that we as individuals NEVER consented to, nor our legislative body by our offer of consent by RSA Ch. 123:1 as having never been 40USC255 accepted by the Feds that he (and Hodes, plus: Shaheen and Shea-Porter) will be sued for a jury verdict to award $damages to the victims!


Here's the latest on that "federal" laws stuff in the "current" Concord "OATH"s for the police:

"RSA 91-A Request?
From:    Cavanaugh, Paul (PCavanaugh at onconcord.com)
Sent:    Thu 10/01/09 3:17 PM
To:    josephshaas at hotmail.com
Mr. Haas

In answer to your RSA 91-A request please be informed that you currently have a copy of the current police oath and that is all the information that I have been able to discover.  I do not know who originally drafted this oath or when. 


Paul F. Cavanaugh"

keith in RI

from david elaines son

Sorry to be brief, just leaving NH. Mom got 35 years. The court made it obvious that they wanted to make an example out of her.

I'll be in touch later.

Kat Kanning

Pat K

Quote from: keith in RI on October 02, 2009, 10:55 AM NHFT
from david elaines son

Sorry to be brief, just leaving NH. Mom got 35 years. The court made it obvious that they wanted to make an example out of her.

I'll be in touch later.

Well they have made an example and they have sent a message
but I don't think it is the one they intended.

Kat Kanning

Message sent:  be too afraid to resist.

Message received:  they must be fought with every single peaceful means possible.


Quote from: grolled on October 02, 2009, 03:43 PM NHFT
News stories - http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=35+years+for+Elaine+Brown&articleId=d8e1ed41-d388-47c5-b8c5-db52b9fcc113

Thanks grolled; especially that Boston dot com A.P. report citing Singal to say: "Judge George Singal REJECTED Brown's civil disobedience ARGUMENT, saying she was NOT engaged in principled DISSENT to laws she BELIEVED to be UNJUST of: "LET'S not be fooled," he said. "The conduct engaged in by Mrs. Brown was PURELY criminal conduct. It was a THREAT TO KILL WITHOUT A TRIAL, without a hearing." (emphasis ADDed)

Singal, you bastard and thief! if you're reading this, you can and did reject her argument of civil disobedience, but don't say for us in the let us KNOW that this is purely "criminal conduct", because it was NOT! Here in N.H. we have the right AND duty to revolt, by Article 10, and you to dis-allow that Art. 49 Petition into evidence in the co-conspirator case are a smother-er of the truth, a liar!

This "threat to kill without a trial" say what? HOW do you think this country was formed? We petitioned King George numerous times, but that it fell on deaf ears.  What was our solution?  That his soldier's not only get deaf ears but a stopped heart. So yes: deaf ears (or in this case your federal "Removal" by U.S. Code over-ride of our Art. 12-N.H. of the original case Ed did file against the Feds in Grafton County Superior Court) leads to a stopped heart and the entire body goes from the vertical aggressions to the peaceful laying down horizontal in the grave quiet, given the "shaft" in those countries with not enough room, of to bury their dead in the vertical.

A man's home is "his" castle, NOT that of the government.  WHERE did this "threat to kill" take place?  On PRIVATE property! Property never properly liened or seized as by The Writ of Elegit process for a tax is NOT a debt!  Your Court is OUT-OF-ORDER! The end does NOT justify the means.  You are THE sociopath in extreme denial of HOW the game is to be played. Your illegal hearings in Maine (in violation of 18USC3232) are being looked into now by your own Federal Rep. there of Shelly Pingri, your boss of this Art. III, Sec. 1 "inferior Court" of Congress.  She is your superior to you the inferior who has got to play by the rules, lest there be a violation of procedural due process of law, as is supposed to be a guarantee by the 5th + 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution that you have supposedly taken an oath of office to honor, but are in dis-honor, a disgrace to your native country of Italy, and who needs to be impeached! Shame on you and all those withIN the government as the bad apples who paid MY tax money for these illegal travels from N.H. to, at and from Portland, Maine back to this "Live Free of Die" state, that if you do not like our slogan then KEEP OUT!


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.info/comment/reply/99948/82168 (N.H. Judge Susan Carbon to Obama team)

entitled: "She's an unrepentant witch! lazy, but still gets paid."

of: "Tommy: you want the facts eh? Well, here they are: from a winning victim of her non Article 14 completeness from the bench in the Concord District Court where she sat back in the Fall of 2004 to say that my free speech copy of a computer printout to then Attorney General Kelly Ayotte was RSA Ch. 640:3 "Improper Influence" http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/640/640-3.htm when she knew or should have known that such statute was declared unconstitutional for ten (10) years prior to that, of back to 1994 in the last century, but never taken off the books, but finally amended in 2006 for the effective date of Jan. 1, 2007.  Her violation of her RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office to Art. 84 was dealt with by my appeal of her decision that I be locked up with $25,000 bail to the Merrimack County Superior Court, and with the help of my court-contracted attorney, Ted Barnes of Concord, the case was dismissed. 

This Kelly Ayotte notorious for keeping political prisoners locked up for MORE than what the N.H. Speedy Trial Rule says in this state of to be heard in your day-in-court withIN four (4) months, or set free, and so when I merely quoted Moses saying to Pharaoh of to "let me people go", or maybe to suffer the same consequences to your first-born-child too, she got it in her head that her daughter was possibly to suffer the same fate by a mysterious cloud conjurned up or down by my Art. 5 religious power and so had the Concord C.O.P.s arrest me at work before midnight that night. What a jerk! And now she's running for Congress, and this "lazy" judge to work for Obama!? WHEN, if ever, will I get an apology from her? I think that is deserving from both these witches! Let their lies take then not to the "political graveyard" as it's called for where they eventually go, but be halted and non-confirmed, for Ayotte and Carbon respectfully.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTu9HaHDI0A&feature=related "


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091002/FRONTPAGE/910020342

entitled: "Do NOT mock* God's law! (* Contempt of God Almighty!)"

of: "What has this country become?!

re: paragraph #8: "Once Elaine Brown is sentenced, the couple are likely to be separated for good." And:

"Origin - The injunction is taken from the Bible, Matthew 19:6 (King James Version):

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

The British knew this and so sent their criminals to Australia.  Now America, by the Quaker "quality" of no punishment, but prison time, behind bars in the dark like a mushroom, or Navy officer on submarine duty for decades, is somehow "better" in our country!?

I think that there is a religious element to this case of this phrase AND what is THE truth!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTu9HaHDI0A&feature=related "


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091003/FRONTPAGE/910030371&template=single

entitled: "To halt these Wheels of In-Justice!"

of: "Re: paragraph # 17: ""She was his coach," he* said. "She was his supporter. And she may have been his mentor.**"  * = Assistant U.S. Attorney Arnold Huftalen, THE A.H. who KNOWS about no travel to OUTside the "district" of where the crime occurred, as forbidden by 18USC3232 but who did so anyway!

And this judge citing another "mandatory""!? What a hypocrite!

SHAZAM! (;-)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWfDh7FoxYY for "Billy Batson and his Mentor"** 1:00 minutes, with  13,315 views.

I see that Arny's Army has taken over what Attorney David Bownes of Laconia said to me after the Cirino Gonzalez sentencing of: " Huftalen described Brown as someone who had RUINED other people's lives." (emphasis ADDed for this paragraph #18).  What a crock!  It is these bad apples in the government barrel that have ruined or have turned rotten, and those of us who allow this to happen?: well to you I say: SHAME on you!  We do NOT live in a dictatorship or supposed to have this dulocracy where the servants dominate over their masters! It time for "Dominion" action, with the capital letter "D"! This I do pray and petition in writing this morning that these wheels of injustice come to a halt! and in "God's speed" of His timing. Me just putting in the written request of WHEN left up to Him of WHERE and HOW, like maybe to re-activate the old curse of "The Golden Emerods" to those in their privates for their public mis-and mal-doings! Take that "Hunter Dan"! (;-)

Yours truly, Joe Haas, a "friend" of the Browns since the 1980s when Martin J. "Red" Beckman came to this State running for President of the United States with his books about this I.R.S. Mafia, that Sheriff Richard Mack describes as the U.S. "Gestapo". Re: paragraph #24 of  33: "Few friends attended their trial this summer. " And so Margo, WHY was that?  For me it was that I did REFUSE to set foot on federal turf UNLESS they had first complied with the law: 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution for "Consent" by our offer of N.H. RSA Ch. 123:1 on June 14, 1883 that "they" declined***, and so with no 40USC255 acceptance, per the Adams case-law of 1943 from the U.S. Supreme Court, there be NO jurisdiction OVER the Browns but was and is, that I (and Obama, by Executive Pardon?)  find revolting to our Art. 12-N.H..  Hey! Maybe the Court in Boston will "see the truth" WHEN certain things are done by that Federal Rep. in Portland to take back these illegal 18USC3232 expenditures! and I win my case #2009-13 against the governor for his dereliction of Art. 51 duty for which he SHALL be Art. 41 "responsible for"!

*** The Feds declined because they wanted more than just the land exempt from our Art. 7 power to tax, by RSA Ch. 123:2, but also wanted their buildings exempt too; assessed at over $111 million that at $20 per $1000 of valuation, ought to bring in an addition $2.2 million per year to the City of Concord and Merrimack County."