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Main thread for Ed and Elaine Brown vs the evil IRS, Part 34

Started by JosephSHaas, September 29, 2009, 11:43 AM NHFT

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Quote from: JosephSHaas on January 03, 2010, 06:36 PM NHFT...
"RE: [Progress Report requested] 18USC3232 waste, fraud and abuse.
From:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)
Sent:    Sun 1/03/10 8:51 PM
To:    oig.hotline at usdoj.gov
Cc:    olga.clough at mail.house.gov; mike.brown at mail.house.gov; naomi.andrews at mail.house.gov; rob.moller at mail.house.gov; County Strafford (jmiccolo at co.strafford.nh.us); Barbara Laskey (Foster's) (blaskey at fosters.com); Foster's Daily Democrat (letters qat fosters.com); Rep. David Russell (russells qat metrocast.net); Representative Paul Hodes (nh02ima at mail.house.gov)

Yup, After watching CBS-TV's "60 Minutes" tonight from the late start after the football game at about 7:15 p.m. of segment #1 of 3 including the Veteran's Administration, and the Elephants in Africa, I thought about this other whistle-blower case here, and so do write to you for a follow-up please for a Progress Report. -- Joe Haas"
Typical government response:

1.) The e-mail doesn't work;
"Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
From:    postmaster at WASHDC.OIG.com
Sent:    Sun 1/03/10 8:51 PM
To:    josephshaas at hotmail.com
Attachments:    2 attachments | Download all attachments (23.1 KB)
   ATT00001 (0.3 KB), RE [Progr...mht (22.9 KB)

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.     OIGHOTLINE at WASHDC dot OIG.com"

2.) neither does their on-line form at http://www.usdoj.gov/oig  ***

re: the 800 # to nine (9) options, [ (800) 869-4499 ]
press 1 for FBI, Drug Enforcement, ATF&E
press 2 for USA Patriot Act/ Civil Rights
press 3 for waste + fraud **
press 4 for the BOP, U.S. Marshal, U.S. Attorney
press 5 for other
press 6 for a State or local jail
press 7 for Homeland Security
press 8 for Federal judges
press 9 for other
press * to repeat again

after you fill out the 3-page form and press submit, it reads that you must put in a valid e-mail address.  I guess my e-mail is on a do-not accept complaint list.

** they don't open for business until 10:00 a.m. EST to 4 o'clock p.m.

*** this only works when you type it from your home computer, so they can track you.





10:00 a.m.        HB 1441, * relative to claimant eligibility for victim's compensation.

10:45 a.m.        ...

11:00 a.m.        HB 1372, ** establishing a commission to study the provisions of RSA 570-A, the wiretapping and eavesdropping statute, and to study permitting a person to record a law enforcement officer in the course of such officer's official duties...."


* http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2010/HB1441.html

SPONSORS: Rep. Cushing, Rock 15  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/member.aspx?member=376111 Representative Robert Cushing (d)
Rockingham- District 15 Seat #:3119 Former
Home Address: 395 Winnacunnet Rd., Hampton, NH  03842-2732 Phone: (603)926-2737 Email: renny.cushing at leg.state.nh.us     CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY, Position:    Member    Telephone:    271-3565

"... Amend RSA 21-M:8-h, I(a) [  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/I/21-M/21-M-8-h.htm ] to read as follows:

I.(a) Victims eligible for compensation are:

(1) Any person who sustains personal injury as a result of a felony or misdemeanor, regardless of whether the offender was convicted*** or the conviction was vacated or reversed for any reason; or"

*** or even an attempt at prosecution, as in when a judge does an RSA Ch. 643:1 "Official Oppression"  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/643/643-1.htm to http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXII/640/640-2.htm  to dismiss a case based upon the dissenting opinion in a N.H. Supreme Court case, reference: Judge Edwin W. Kelly of Plymouth and of the Concord District Court http://www.courts.state.nh.us/courtlocations/merrdistdir.htm#Concord   misusing the Premo case of 2002  http://www.courts.state.nh.us/supreme/opinions/2002/0209/marti098.htm  , re: his office at the Johnson Building on Pleasant Street, in his refusal to allow a check-and-balance criminal case of simple assault against a Deputy U.S. Marshal, Mr. Jamie Barry to proceed when he KNOWS that the crime was withIN the state jurisdiction and NOT federal since the Feds have FAILed to file their 40USC255 to 40USC3112 papers [ See: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/40/usc_sec_40_00003112----000-.html see also: http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/eousa/foia_reading_room/usam/title9/crm00664.htm (dot htm) and http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPLawsuit/Misc/PressStatementSchulz9-16-03.htm (dot htm)  plus the original http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/deliverdocument.asp?citeid=393575 for 40USC255. ]  with Bill Gardner's Office of Secretary of State http://www.sos.nh.gov/   as required by the "shall" word in N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1  from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, because our conditional consent of June 14, 1883 has never been accepted according the the Adams case of the U.S. Supreme Court ion 1943.

** HB 1372 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/legislation/2010/HB1372.html
SPONSORS: Rep. Winters, Hills 17; Rep. R. Holden, Hills 7

(1) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/member.aspx?member=376709
Representative Joel Winters (d) Hillsborough- District 17 Seat #:2073
Incumbent, Home Address: PO Box 135, Nashua, NH  03061-0135
Phone: (603)624-5635, Email: joel at joelwinters.org     COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS Position:    Member    Telephone:    271-3369
Personal Website: http://www.joelwinters.com/

(2) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/member.aspx?member=376351
Representative Rip Holden (r) Hillsborough- District 07 Seat #:5012 Incumbent
Home Address: 35 East Union, Goffstown, NH  03045
Phone: (603)384-1922 Email: ripholden at msn.com
COMMERCE AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS Position: Member    Telephone:    271-3369

To add in a part I (e) one member from V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System], appointed by such organization.


Here's a copy and paste:

"HB 1441 (victims) + HB 1372 (to record crooked COPs)?
From:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail.com)
Sent:    Mon 1/04/10 11:08 AM
To:    renny.cushing at leg.state.nh.us; ...
Cc:    joel at joelwinters.org; ripholden at msn.com
Bcc: _________________________________

Rep. Cushing:

Please put this into the file in case I don't make it there for verbal testimony this Thursday morning 1-7-10 @ 10:00 a.m.

I like your extra words of "regardless of whether the offender was convicted or the conviction was vacated or reversed for any reason" and would like to hear about examples of victim(s) who got screwed by like decisions from the A.G.'s Office that because the statute reads thus they are not eligible as a "victim".  Myself a victim of BOTH the perpetrator of the crime AND the judge who does an "Official Oppression", as a victim of THAT crime too!!

Best wishes, - - - - - - - - - - Joe  /   Joseph S. Haas, P.O. Box 3842, Concord, N.H. 03302, Tel. 603: 848-6059 (cell phone), e-mail: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com

Founding Member with 19 others (including 3 State Reps of: Roland Hemon, Paul Taylor and Bill McCann) of: V.O.C.A.L.S., Inc. [Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System] that needs to re-file with the Corporation Division of The Office of Secretary of State this Year 2010 and every other decade of the year number ending in a zero, and invite you* to join the group.

* + cc: to both Reps. on that wiretapping House Bill # 1372 also, to likewise mark me down as in support of this commission to study RSA 570-A of to be able to record "law enforcement officer"s and especially when they do operate ABOVE the law, as outlaws!

A copy and paste from http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.9390 to follow as Reply #9403 (my actual Reply #2474) on page 627 with the hyperlink:

http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.9390  ...."



See: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100104/FRONTPAGE/1040303&template=single

and in detail: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100104/FRONTPAGE/1040303#comment-99673

Mod: For an excellent TV show about "Jury Nullification", see: "The Bold Ones: The Lawyers" The Verdict (27 September 1970; Season 2, Episode 1) at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0528593/ that was on RTV http://myretrotv.com yesterday afternoon, Sun., Jan. 3rd from 4-5:00 p.m. with the actor James Farentino as Neil Darrell getting two contempt citations of $1,000 + $2,000 each from the Judge Walter Nicholls, played by the actor Burl Ives.

On youtube (?) over at: __________________________________________



Quote from: JosephSHaas on January 04, 2010, 08:06 AM NHFT
Quote from: JosephSHaas on January 03, 2010, 06:36 PM NHFT...
"RE: [Progress Report requested] 18USC3232 waste, fraud and abuse.

Typical government response:

1.) The e-mail doesn't work; ...

2.) neither does their on-line form ...

...but that their telephone works, but gets to a busy signal.


Update: I did just call P.C. (-8505) and he told me that the City of Concord is working on the oath (re: to rip up the old, or amend such), and will get back to me.  I asked: when? and hopefully BEFORE Ed goes for sentencing next Monday morning.  He said: probably not.

Thus what? The old oath over-ride of what is supposed to be Art. 12 protection for ALL inhabitants against non-consented to federal statutes, still in place at the time of wanting it done!?  Sounds like a lawsuit against the City by Ed for sure! Where is the Art. 14 "prompt"ness here? There is none!

In the discussions, of not merely RSA 42:1 and 92:2 to Art. 84, N.H. Const., but RSA Ch. 105 for the police too, and P.C. says to see Attorney Peter Laughlin's book from Portsmouth N.H. of the Civil Practice & Procedure in New Hampshire, and Section 347 in particular that refers to this Article 84. "They" use this as their "bible" on what to do, as their interpretation of the constitution and statutes of what  exact words to use on their subscribed oaths of "officials" as the elected ones who appoint the employees, who might not need the oaths? under that Respondeat Superior phrase?

...now to DO it of what it says to do, otherwise, not some overt act of doing something in what they think is right, as immune from suit, but purposely REFUSING to do their job description that they are $paid to do, or to file a lawsuit claiming: gross negligence for NOT doing it! In the meantime Ed spends MORE time in lock-up!

And so to my possible permit application of to set up a road-block of a gate to check to see WHO is within any and every car attempting to get onto federal soil, and if and when found to be in non-compliance with RSA 123:1, then to NOT allow them to enter! otherwise to let the car go past Check-Point Charlie*. So WANTED: an old heap of a vehicle ready for the goons to spit on in verbal protest: one in front of the other so that only THAT car gets it, with no tailgating.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkpoint_Charlie


The "Patriot Guard" to the rescue?


copy and paste:

"The N.H. Captain of The "Patriot Guard" is:
New By JosephSHaas on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 15:27

Thanks "New By truthsetufree on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 13:36"

According to The Captain Contact Page
http://www.patriotguard.org/LeadershipContacts/StateCaptainsContactsPage... for New Hampshire, the man in charge is:

"New Hampshire

Bobby "IMTVET" Broneske
BBronesk at SYSTEMS.TEXTRON dot com "

A copy of this posting and a request for to do some state check and balance against the out-of-control feds here in the Granite State going to him to please see to it that they be here for next Monday morning.

Thank you "very" much!
JosephSHaas's picture
Your content "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mod: http://www.patriotguard.org/LeadershipContacts/StateCaptainsContactsPage/tabid/57/Default.aspx

that's the relay from the dots after the word Page with a:  /tabid/57/Default.aspx


Here's another copy and paste:

"FW: (N.H.) Patriot Guard Riders New User Registration?
From:    Joseph S. Haas (josephshaas at hotmail dot com)
Sent:    Mon 1/04/10 3:47 PM
To:    bbronesk at systems.textron.com

Bobby "IMTVET" Broneske:

Hi and Keep up the good work:

Hoping that you might like to expand your horizons to help a fellow Article 12 "inhabitant" of here in New Hampshire? Re: The N.H. Constitution, Part First & Bill of Rights.  If so the details are here and in the surround replies, and that I can summarize of a who, what, when, where, why and how request?

Of to prevent Art. 12 Ed from being further "controllable" by other than "Consent"ed to legislation that we did offer to the Feds back on June 14, 1883 in R.S.A. Ch. 123:1, from 1-8-17 U.S. Constitution, but that they have yet to accept by 40USC255 to 40USC3112 since a conditional consent or offer never accepted gives them no jurisdiction over us! Re: that 1943 U.S. Supreme Court case.

A Check-Point-Charlie needed to verify that all transportees are being dealt with according to the law. If interested, please reply.

Thank you, - - Joe Haas

> From: info at patriotguard dot org
> To: JosephSHaas at hotmail dot com
> Subject: Patriot Guard Riders New User Registration
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 13:19:50 -0700
> Dear Joe Haas,
> We are pleased to advise that you have been added as a Registered User to Patriot Guard Riders. Please read the following information carefully and be sure to save this message in a safe location for future reference.
> Portal Website Address: www.patriotguard.org
> Username: ___________
> Password: ____________
> Please take the opportunity to visit the website to review its content and take advantage of its many features.
> Thank you, we appreciate your support...
> Patriot Guard Riders "


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100105/FRONTPAGE/1050303&template=single

entitled: "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly."

of: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

1.) The Good: she was the judge who finally struck down the "Improper Influence" statute as unconstitutional, AFTER it was KNOWN to the government for an entire decade in another case, and I would have had to have sat in jail for OVER 4 months* awaiting trial, if not for  the $25,000 bail, -- talk about having money to battle these state corruptions!

* The N.H. Speedy Trial Rule is 4 months, but the State is a notorious cheat of this rule!

2.) The Bad: she allows the Feds to "Remove" cases against them when she KNOWS that the N.H. Art. 12 "inhabitant" is NOT supposed to be "controllable" by any other laws (such as the U.S. Code or Statutes at Large) than that of which we 1-8-17 "Consent" to by the U.S. Constitution, and on June 14, 1883 we did grant a Conditional Consent or offer to the Feds by N.H. R.S.A. Chapter 123:1 but that has never been 40USC255 to 40USC3112 accepted! http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm

3.) The Ugly: that we will have to pay her N.H. Art. 36** retirement checks for this #2 above FAILure to have honored her RSA Ch. 92:2 oath of office. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/92/92-2.htm to Art. 84 http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html See also RSA Ch. 311:6 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXX/311/311-6.htm

** When was the last "annual" check-up on this?
http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html "


Government is like "The Night of The Living Dead".

1.) "Klavan on the Culture: Night of the Living Government"

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

of: 4:10 minutes 49,624 views.

2.) http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/NEWS01/1060354#comment-100239

Mod: http : //  www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=aUwTyycRoCQ


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/OPINION/1060324

entitled: "And over at City Hall too."

of: "Way to go Concord City Officials at City Hall: of not to take "opinions" from those on the sidewalk to change or over-ride what has already been put into Chapter Law of New Hampshire by the statute of: where was this group when they had Public Hearings on it? in the House & The Senate before it went to the governor for his signature

Too bad that the City Officials do not stand behind EVERY law! but pick and choose which ones to back.  Case in point of their RSA Ch. 42:1 and 92:2 oaths to support ALL Article 12 "inhabitants". http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/III/42/42-1.htm and http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/92/92-2.htm plus http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html and http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html

The RSA Ch. 105:1 to 105:2 oath http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-VII-105.htm at Concord has been amended AGAINST the wording in the statute to read that they will support all "federal" laws when they KNOW that no OTHER such laws shall be "controllable" over us, as by the Feds, until AFTER "they" the Feds comply with the law! of N.H. R.S.A. Ch. 123:1 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm Instead these "crooked" cops deviate from the law!  They are currently "outlaws"! since the N.H. Office of Secretary of State has YET to receive the 40USC255 to 40USC3112 paperwork down from 1-8-17 of the U.S. Constitution.  We gave the Feds a conditional consent or offer but that has YET to be accepted by them.

Thus the Concord C.O.P. Robert Barry and "Code" Enforcement Officer allow the demonstrators to walk the sidewalk, but when one of our inhabitants is kidnapped by the Feds operating ABOVE and OUTside the law, where is the executive check-and-balance against a corrupt federal judiciary AND executive branch!? 

Former N.H. State Trooper David Cargil is now the U.S. Marshal who took an oath to execute ONLY "lawful precepts".  So withOUT the federal filing, he has NO jurisdictional authority "controllable" over ANY of us N.H. "inhabitants". What will he do?

So what good is this peaceful singing over at the High School praising the COPs for keeping the peace over there going to do for the corruption they do elsewhere!?  These students go to school to learn about the three branches of government.  Too bad that they just deal with it in a microcosm instead of the macro. To become dumbed-down taxpayers afraid of the lightning: the spark of government between the branches."

Mod: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/OPINION/1060324#comment-100272


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100105/NEWS01/1050352/0/FRONTPAGE

entitled: "Wake up and smell the corruption."

of: "Re: Paragraph #3: "the recently elected raised their right hands and took an oath of office. "

And their left hand was where?  On the Bible? I doubt it.

So what is a "took"?  A verbal promise of an I "will" do so and so in the future?

When, and how far into the future?

Did they subscribe by RSA Ch. 42:1 and 92:2 to Article 84? http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/III/42/42-1.htm and http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/92/92-2.htm plus http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html

And was and is that word "federal" in there? As it is in the current oaths being investigated by both the City Solicitor Paul Cavanaugh and City Manager Thomas Aspell, Jr. as "illegal"! The statute reads of to support both constitutions of the United States and of the state of New Hampshire.  It says nothing about supporting the federal statutes at large a/k/a the U.S. Code.  In fact N.H. Article 12 prohibits such for ONLY when 1-8-17 "Consent"ed to.,as we, by N.H. R.S.A.Chapter 123:1  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-1.htm  gave the Feds consent alright, but what kind?  A CONDITIONAL Consent or offer that has YET to be accepted as there are none of their required papers by 40USC255 to Title 40 U.S. Code Section 3112 on file with Bill Gardner's N.H. Office of Secretary of State that "shall" be there, and that the governor is charged by his Art. 51 duty to see to it as he "shall" be held "responsible for"  by Article 41. See: http://www.nh.gov/constitution/governor.html

So much for you getting what you paid for: defacto officials who REFUSE to be de-jure!"


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.info/comment/reply/113797/100859 and


entitled: "...from somebody OTHER THAN this Ayoob character!"

of: "AV72: "Massad Ayoob...(of the) Lethal Force Institute... incorporated in 1981 ...was the first "threat management school" emphasizing responsible, advanced training in the use of defensive deadly force by private citizens AS WELL AS* law enforcement and military personnel." (emphasis ADDed). As against a common enemy.  But what about when there are bad apples in the bunch? 

* Too bad this "boob", dolt, or blockhead has it in his mind that when a COP goes bad that the ONLY way to have them dis-charged is by the RSA 92:2 "dismissed forthwith" way, letting the judges re-define our Article 14 prompt word to be months and months!! According to him I "think" his position is: The victim is to use NO force upon a COP, in ANY situation, like I did legally to re-take my property* by my right as secured by RSA Ch. 627:8 even against the crooked COP (which case I won in the Grafton County Superior Court), but that I "know" his position is: to do nothing to "prevent" the crooked COP from taking whatever, [you've got to let the COP get a taste of it, of whatever you have and THEN and ONLY then can you re-take it from him].  This is a bunch of garbage! He and his ilk on "the force" from which he came can write all the books they want, because a page of history is worth a volume of logic. I'd take his illogical writings and throw them into the basket: the circular file.

* When the C.O.P. (Chief of Police) took down my political poster during a town election from off of my building because the head woman Selectman** told him so, I was charged with: disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, simple assault, and interference with government administration.  "They"/ the system wanted me in jail for 1 x 4 charges = 4 years to serve on the County Farm.  I served no time.  The jury trial took 1 hr. x 3 (3x as much to deliberate, including lunch time) = 1 + 3 = 4 hours.  I won the case: jury verdict: not guilty.

** I called her a Plank #1 Communist*** for "Application of all rents to public purposes" after a Tax Sale, that I LATER had my day in court and won a quitclaim deed from the town. Moral of the story of these gov't agents: act first and ask questions later.

*** "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx withIN this supposed to be an Art. IV, Sec. 4 U.S. Constitutional Republican form of government.  And he displays the flag of the United States and took an oath to honor, but dis-honors it!? How disgusting! "


RE: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2009/01/learn_your_rights_sidewalk_hoo.html

"Family, Outdoors, Southeast Portland, Weekly News ยป
Learn your rights, sidewalk hoofers
By Fran Genovese
January 08, 2009, 2:00AM

Had a close encounter with a car or truck while trying to cross the street*? Learn more about your rights as a pedestrian and how to take action that's more effective than cursing.

Willamette Pedestrian Coalition and lawyer Ray Thomas are putting on a series of nine-minute Pedestrians Legal Clinics that will explain the laws that protect pedestrians and describe how to use the courts** to prosecute dangerous*** drivers.

"Pedestrians are second-class citizens. We'd like to raise our profile," says Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder, director of the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition. "Cyclists have really banded together and made a difference, and we need to do the same."

She adds that a past clinic participant commented that she is now much more attentive as a driver and as a pedestrian.

The first clinic will be at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 22 at Southeast Uplift, 3534 Southeast Main St. Register in advance (walk-ins OK): 503-223-1597, wpcwalks.org

--Rebecca Koffman"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* or driveway on the city sidewalk

** state courts

*** illegal and unlawful federal trespassers on state turf   >:D


RE: http://www.concordmonitor.info//comment/reply/113797/100989

entitled: "A visit to his office is not a nothing. "

of: "Bob: How did "I "know" his position is: to do nothing to "prevent" the crooked COP from taking whatever"? is because after another incident involving a police officer on orders from this same crooked C.O.P. I did some prevention and went to Ayoob at his then (and still now?) residence at #___ Broadway in Concord, west side of road just south of the bank, and he said that I had a perfect right to do so, BUT when I THEN told him "it" or he was an officer of the so-called "law enforcement" of to serve and PROtect property rights, he went into a rage as for my having gone against "one of their own" in the law-enforcement "commun"ity.

At a gun show just after that I did visit his booth and was educating the kid there behind the booth, but then when the older woman behind the booth turned around to see it was me, she told the kid to do something else as in a make-work re-action to seeing me again as having met her in his "office" on the first encounter.

My guess is that Ayoob didn't watch "Columbo" and so was not prepared for these "trick question"s. You know, of when Peter Faulk would ask a question, and get an answer, and then return with the same question but plugging in a different who, into the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.

This is not a slander as it is the truth, and hopefully a past truth, since corrected by maybe Mr. Ayoob having encountered some crooked COPs in the last two decades from this and that he now agrees with the way this law ought to be applied as in a stepping stone to an Article 10 Revolution if need be. I look forward to an "informant" here telling him about this and maybe a case story from his files, or future files:

Check out: "Busted: Reverse Sting on 4 Crooked Cops- Odessa, Tx" at: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. for Mr. Cooper, another former C.O.P. of 2:22 minutes with 815 views.  Maybe Mr. Ayoob would like to join the team? Yeah! That would be great! A former N.H. COP finally busting the crooked COPs within the "Granite State" starting with against Concord Police Chief Robert Barry who refuses to serve and "protect" one of our Article 12 - N.H. "inhabitants" here as I've already spelled out of there being no RSA Ch. 123:1 federal papers on file! Barry has the proof and does nothing to remedy the situation, or will he on Monday morning?"

Mod: http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100108/OPINION/1080315#comment-101089